{{ site.data.paperlist.papers.size }} papers are listed.
You can click on each title to display more information, including authors, url to pdf, abstract and bibtex.
{% comment %} tags: Review Robotics Games All ––> {% endcomment %}
{% assign paperlist = site.data.paperlist.papers | group_by: 'year' | sort:"name" %} {% for yeargroup in paperlist reversed %} {% if yeargroup.name == "" %}
{% else %} {% endif %}-
{% assign sortedgroup = yeargroup.items | sort:"title" %}
{% for item in sortedgroup %}
{% if item.title %}
{{ item.title }} {% if item.tags contains "review" %}Review{% endif %} {% if item.tags contains "robotics" %}Robotics{% endif %} {% if item.tags contains "games" %}Games{% endif %}
{% if item.authors %}
{% for author in item.authors %}
- {{ author }} {% endfor %}
{% if item.abstract %} <h4>Abstract:</h4> {{ item.abstract }} {% endif %} {% if item.pdfurl or item.codeurl or item.webpageurl %} <h4>Links:</h4> <ul> {% if item.pdfurl %} <li><a href="{{ item.pdfurl }}">Paper</a></li> {% endif %} {% if item.codeurl %} <li><a href="{{ item.codeurl }}">Source-code</a></li> {% endif %} {% if item.webpageurl %} <li><a href="{{ item.webpageurl }}">Webpage</a></li> {% endif %} </ul> {% endif %} {% if item.bibtex %} <h4>Bibtex:</h4> <pre><code>{{ item.bibtex }}</code></pre> {% endif %} <hr> </blockquote> </details> </li> {% endif %} {% endfor %}