- Prefer light plugin with 80% feature other than heavy plugin with 100% feature
- Plugins that have more than 1 dependencies are unacceptable
- Get rid of low priority plugins if possible
Definition of Importance
- Essential: Unable to have experience without it
- High: Significantly decrease of experience
- Medium: Sensible decrease of experience
- Low: Totally nice to have
Plugin | Value | Importance | Alternatives |
ag.vim | Search text patterns in directories | Essential | CtrlSF (not utilizing the vim Quickfix List) |
Copilot | GitHub Copilot provides autocomplete-style suggestions from an AI pair programmer as you code. | High | |
CtrlP | Quickly navigate to any files given a fuzzy matching pattern | Essential | Unite (sometimes hung for big projects) |
elm.vim | Elm lang support: syntax highlighting and indent | Medium | N/A |
NerdTree | Tree view of project files and handy create/delete/update file operations | Essential | netrw (shipped with VIM but missing features) |
rust.vim | Rust lang support: syntax highlighting and indent | Medium | N/A |
SuperTab | Autocomplete by hitting tabs which help increasing productivity | High | YouCompleteMe (better experience but too heavy) |
typescript-vim | Typescript support: syntax highlighting and indent | Medium | N/A |
VIM Afterglow | Vim adaptation of the famous Afterglow theme from Sublime Text 2/3 | High | N/A |
VIM Airline | Beautiful status line | Medium | Powerline (too heavy) |
VIM better whitespace | Showing trailing white space and auto strip when quit | Medium | VIM trailing whitespace (older) |
VIM Commentary | Toggle comment/uncomment for selected lines | Medium | NerdCommenter |
VIM Easy Align | Align code lines in a manner that ':' or '=' symbol in the same column | Medium | N/A |
VIM EasyMotion | Move to anywhere in screen in a few key strokes | High | N/A |
VIM GraphQL | GraphQL syntax highlight | Medium | N/A |
VIM Javascript | JavaScript bundle for vim, this bundle provides syntax highlighting and improved indentation | Medium | N/A |
VIM Fugitive | Git integration | Low | N/A |
VIM Gitgutter | Show file changes (diff to git HEAD) on the right | Low | VIM Signify (support multiple VCS but we have only git install in container so it's not that useful) |
VIM Go | This plugin adds Go language support for Vim | Medium | N/A |
VIM Multiple Cursor | Select the same keyword in different lines, then change them together | High | N/A |
VIM Prettier | A vim plugin wrapper for prettier, pre-configured with custom default prettier settings. | Essential | N/A |
VIM Repeat | Wrap plugin operations as a "Change" so it can be repeated or undoed | Medium | N/A |
VIM Solidity | Solidity syntax highlighting | Medium | N/A |
VIM Surround | Surround parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more | Medium | N/A |
VIM Terraform | Terraform syntax highlighting | Medium | N/A |