Django authorization add-on for multiple organizations and object-level permission settings
is a add-on to Django's builtin [1] authorization. It strives to be a minimal implementation, adding only a single concept, trust
, to enable maintainable per-object permission settings for a django project that hosts users of multiple organizations [2] with a single user namespace.
A trust
is a relationship whereby content access is permitted by the creator [settlor
] to specific user(s) [trustee
(s)] or group
(s). Content can be an instance of a Content subclass, or of an existing model via a junction table. Access to multiple content can be permitted by a single trust
for maintainable permssion settings. Django's builtin model, group, is supported and can be used to define reusuable permissions for a group
of user
also strives to be a scalable solution. Permissions checking is offloaded to the database by design, and the implementation minimizes database hits. Permissions are cached per trust
for the lifecycle of request user
. If a project's request lifecycle resolves most checked content to one or few trusts
, which should be very typically the case, this design should be a winner in term of performance. Permissions checking is done against an individual content or a QuerySet
supports Django's builtins User models has_perms()
/ has_perms()
and does not provides any in-addition.
[1] | See: Django Object Permissions. |
[2] | Even django-trusts is incepted to support multiple organizations in a single project, it does not define or restrict oraganization model design. One natural approach is to model an organization as a special user. With this arrangment, an organization can be the settlor of trusts. Alternative approach is to create another model for organization. With this arrangment, the settlor of `trust`s can simple be the creating user and one might or might not have all permissions of organization's content. |
pip install django-trusts
Use Content
# app/ from django.db import models from trusts.models import Content class Receipt(Content, models.Model): account = models.ForeignKey(Account, null=True) merchant = models.ForeignKey(Merchant, null=True) # ... other field
Use Junction
# app/ from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from trusts.models import Junction # New Junction to model that is not under your control class GroupJunction(Junction, models.Model): # field name must be named as `content` and unique=True, null=False, blank=False content = models.ForeignKey(django.contrib.auth.models.Group, unique=True, null=False, blank=False)
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group, Permission from trusts.models import Trust # Helper function def grant_user_group_permssion_to_model(user, group_name, model_name, code='change', app='app'): # Django's auth permission mechanism, nothing specific to `django-trust` # get perm by name perm = Permission.objects.get_by_natural_key('change_%s' % model_name, app, model_name) group = Group.objects.get(name=group_name) # connect them user.groups.add(group) perm.group_set.add(group) # user.has_perm('%s.change_%s' % (app, model_name)) ==> True # user.has_perm('%s.change_%s' % (app, model_name), obj) ==> False # View def create_receipt_object_for_user(request, title, details): trust = Trust.objects.get_or_create_settlor_default(settlor=request.user) content = Receipt(trust=trust, title=title, details=details) model_name = receipt.__class__.__name__.lower() perm = Permission.objects.get_by_natural_key('%_%' % ('change', model_name), 'app', model_name) tup = TrustUserPermission(trust=trust, entity=request.user, permission=perm) # request.user.has_perm('%s.change_%s' % ('app', model_name), content) ==> True # View def give_user_change_permission_on_existing_group(request, user, group_name): grant_user_permssion_to_model(request.user, group_name, code='change', app='auth') group = Group.objects.get(name=group_name) junction = GroupJunction(trust=trust, content=group) # request.user.has_perm('auth.change_group', group) ==> True
Dependent model can inherit Trust from a related model. Such class need to be registered manually
with fieldlookup
Consider ReceiptImage as a dependent model of Receipt, and ReceiptImageMeta as a dependent model of ReceiptImage. The following code makes both model available for permission checking:
Content.register_content(ReceiptImage, '%s__image' % Content.get_content_fieldlookup('app.Receipt')) Content.register_content(ReceiptImageMeta, '%s__image' % Content.get_content_fieldlookup(ReceiptImage))
can be specified in Content's Meta class. The management command
will update corresponding entries in the database.
Here is an example of how roles can be specified:
class Receipt(Content): name = models.CharField(max_length=40, null=False, blank=False) class Meta: abstract = True default_permissions = ('add', 'read', 'change', 'delete') permissions = ( ('ask_question_about_receipt', 'Ask question about a receipt'), ) roles = ( ('user', ('read_receipt', 'ask_question_about_receipt')), ('manager', ('read_receipt', 'change_receipt', 'ask_question_about_receipt')), ('accounting', ('read_receipt', 'add_receipt', 'change_receipt', 'ask_question_about_receipt')), )
Roles specified in different models with the same role name are merged. Once the database entries is created, all user in groups that links to a role will automatically inherits all permissions specified for that roles for all models.
Add a role to a group to instead of adding each permissions one-by-one:
accountants = Group.objects.get(name='accountants') accountants.roles.add(Role.objects.get(name='accounting') trust.groups.add(accountants) r = Receipt(trust=trust, ...)
To check permission, simply use Django builtin API:
def check_permission_to_a_specific_receipt(request, receipt_id): return request.user.has_perm('app.change_receipt', Receipt.objects.get(id=receipt_id)) def check_permission_to_a_specific_group(request, group_id): return request.user.has_perm('app.change_group', Group.objects.get(id=group_id))
Trusts provides a decorator that check permission on object level. (in contrast to builtin one only verify permission at model level):
from trusts.decorators import permission_required from app.models import Xyz @permission_required('app.change_xyz', fieldlookups_kwargs={'pk': 'xyz_id'}) def edit_xyz_view(request, xyz_id): # ... pass
The argument fieldlookups_kwargs specifies the mapping between permissible object's field and view's arguments list.
The mapping is used to load the permissible object for permission check.
Alternatively, fieldlookups_kwargs can be expressed with K() lookup:
from trusts.decorators import permission_required, K, G, O from app.models import Xyz @permission_required('app.change_xyz', pk=K('xyz_id')) def edit_xyz_view(request, xyz_id): # ... pass
Similar to K() lookup, G() and O() can also be used.
G() lookup maps permissible object's field and request's GET dict.
G() lookup maps permissible object's field and request's POST dict.
In additional Group
and Permission
based check, object level permission condition can be used.
For example, a user should be let to modify a Receipt
if he was the creation owner. In
this case, a condition code should be registered:
Content.register_permission_condition(Receipt, 'own', lambda u, p, o: u == o.user)
To check own
permission, a colon and the condition name should be added after the condition name:
def check_permission_to_a_specific_receipt(request, receipt_id): return request.user.has_perm('app.change_receipt:own', Receipt.objects.get(id=receipt_id))
Condition can also be used with decorator as follow:
@permission_required('app.change_receipt:own', pk=K('pk')) def edit_receipt_view(request, pk): # ... pass
Trusts' decorator supports P() expression, permitting the construction of compound permission using | (OR) and & (AND) operators; In particular, it is not otherwise possible to use OR in permission:
from trusts.decorators import permission_required, P, K, G, O from app.models import Xyz @permission_required(P('app.change_project:own', pk=K('project_id')) | P('app.move_receipt', pk=O('receipt_id'))) def move_xyz_to_project_view(request, project_id): # ... pass
The folllowing settings (django.conf) allow for customization and adaptation.
Changing the options below affects the construction of foreign keys and many-to-many relationships. If you intend to set these options, you should set it before creating any migrations or running migrate for the first time, and should not be changed afterward.
Changing this setting after you have tables created is not supported by makemigrations and will result in you having to manually fix your schema, port your data from the old user table, and possibly manually reapply some migrations.
- TRUSTS_ENTITY_MODEL -- The model name for settlors and trustees field. Must be specified in contenttypes format, ie, 'app_label.model_name'. (default: settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL.)
- TRUSTS_GROUP_MODEL -- The model name for groups field. (default: auth.Group)
- TRUSTS_PERMISSION_MODEL -- The model name for Permission. (default: auth.Permission)
- TRUSTS_CREATE_ROOT -- A boolean set to True indicates root Trust model object to be created during the initial migration. (default: True)
- TRUSTS_ROOT_PK -- The pk of the root trust model object. (default: 1)
- TRUSTS_ROOT_SETTLOR -- The pk of settlor of the root trust object. (default: None)
- TRUSTS_ALLOW_NULL_SETTLOR -- A boolean set to True indicates Trust.settlor field can be null. (default: TRUSTS_DEFAULT_SETTLOR == None)
- TRUSTS_DEFAULT_SETTLOR -- The default value for settlor field on Trust model. (default: None)
- TRUSTS_ROOT_TITLE -- The title of root rust object. (default: "In Trust We Trust")