#Outline of possible topics to cover
Not in any specific order. Topics for which at least some writing is done are marked with *.
- Intro *
- Getting PHP *
- Hello World *
- Http *
- Variables *
- Arrays *
- Functions *
- Classes *
- Loading other files (require_once and / or using composer autoloader) - including namespaces *
- Databases (PDO with SQLite) *
- Testing (PHPUnit) *
- Static analysis (Psalm) *
- Templating (e.g. twig) *
- How to learn / do more with PHP after tutorial (including links to frameworks, official docs, php weekly / annotated etc) *
Full list of keywords from https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.keywords.php
Some keywords should be introduced by this tutorial (yes), some should be left out as not necessary for a beginning PHP developer, and some should be assumed known from JS/TS or other languages.
Keyword | Introduce (yes/no/assume/?) |
__halt_compiler() | No |
abstract | No |
and | No |
array() | No |
as | Yes |
break | ? |
callable (as of PHP 5.4) | ? |
case | No |
catch | Yes |
class | Yes |
clone | ? |
const | Yes |
continue | ? |
declare | Yes |
default | ? |
die() | ? |
do | No |
echo | Yes |
else | assume |
elseif | no |
empty() | ? |
enddeclare | no |
endfor | no |
endforeach | no |
endif | no |
endswitch | no |
endwhile | no |
eval() | no |
exit() | no |
extends | Yes (?) |
final | Yes |
finally (as of PHP 5.5) | no |
for | no |
foreach | yes |
function | yes |
global | no |
goto (as of PHP 5.3) | no |
if | assume |
implements | yes |
include | no |
include_once | no |
instanceof | no |
insteadof (as of PHP 5.4) | no |
interface | yes |
isset() | no |
list() | no |
namespace (as of PHP 5.3) | yes |
new | yes |
or | no |
no | |
private | yes |
protected | no |
public | yes |
require | no |
require_once | yes (at least to require vendor/autoload.php ) |
return | assume |
static | yes |
switch | no / assume |
throw | yes |
trait (as of PHP 5.4) | no |
try | yes |
unset() | no |
use | ? |
var | no |
while | no |
xor | no |
yield (as of PHP 5.5) | no |
yield from (as of PHP 7.0) | no |