Releases: bcgov/namerequest
Releases · bcgov/namerequest
Name Request 5.3.8
What's Changed
- 18115 get keycload token from rootState by @eve-git in #742
- 18068 - Namerequest UI: Editing the Resubmit NR has the first name choice as empty. by @Rajandeep98 in #740
- 17914 added popup for socieites by @jamespaologarcia in #741
- Updated version by @jamespaologarcia in #744 for ticket #17914
- 18178 previous val not clearing by @jamespaologarcia in #745
- PR Updated href target by @jamespaologarcia in #746 for ticket #17916
Full Changelog: v5.3.3...v5.3.8
What's Changed
- 17945 update error message when edit unavailable by @eve-git in #734
- 17144: Duplicate name request issue. by @Rajandeep98 in #716
- 18286 correct entity_type_cd for the request type BECR by @eve-git in #739
- 18202 show both named and numbered option for LTD company by @tshyun24 in #735
Full Changelog: 5.1.12...test.202310261953.d8d9a10
Release 5.1.12 (hotfixes)
What's Changed
- 18205 Fixed incorrect entity types by @severinbeauvais in #730
- 18216 Updated default name length check by @severinbeauvais in #731
Full Changelog: 5.1.10...5.1.12
Release 5.1.10 (Way of Navigating)
What's Changed
- 15817 Base URL replaced by @Madhavkapoor28 in #603
- 14821 validate corp number from entities by @eve-git in #607
- 14821 corpnum validation by @eve-git in #608
- 15817 Base Url Replaced (2) by @Madhavkapoor28 in #605
- 15677-NR exact/similar match wording. by @mengdong19 in #610
- 14821 corpnum validation by @eve-git in #611
- Remove OCP deployment by @pwei1018 in #612
- add missing article by @bolyachevets in #613
- 16634 Base changes for "way of navigating" story (new branch "release-5.0.0") by @severinbeauvais in #614
- 16634 added COLIN env key by @severinbeauvais in #615
- 16634 Implemented new actions menu + cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #616
- merge branch "release-5.0.0" to branch "way-of-navigating" by @severinbeauvais in #619
- 16310 add two new alteration request types by @eve-git in #621
- 16634 mapped EntityType to CorpTypeCd + cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #622
- More Corp Type Code updates by @severinbeauvais in #623
- 16634 Fixed clickable and hover areas + fixed items with same value + fixed blurbs by @severinbeauvais in #624
- 16633 Add breadcrumb + update title/subtitle + change tab title widths by @leodube-aot in #618
- 16638 & 16639 Created new BulletsColinLink component + implemented new registration wireframes by @JazzarKarim in #620
- Incorporate now for named companies after NR is approved by @JazzarKarim in #627
- Fixed in response to Yui's comment by @JazzarKarim in #628
- Imported latest codes + added ULCB and ULBE by @severinbeauvais in #630
- 17137 misc cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #631
- 17152 Conditionally hide Jurisdiction (and Entity Type) menus by @severinbeauvais in #633
- remove currentAccount from session storage if token has expired by @bolyachevets in #637
- 17153-Add CP entity type case by @ketaki-deodhar in #636
- 17152 Menu UI improvements by @severinbeauvais in #635
- Added "type" to external interface imports - added some comments for future code changes by @severinbeauvais in #640
- 16918 add BusinessLookupComponent by @kzdev420 in #638
- 16918 Set business lookup visible by @kzdev420 in #642
- 16637 Don't show numbered flow for CP + variable Incorporate Now button label by @ketaki-deodhar in #639
- 17045 Fix back button on Breadcrumb shared component by @leodube-aot in #641
- 17045 - Fix content width issue by @leodube-aot in #644
- 17088-update wording. by @mengdong19 in #634
- 17322-alter logic to show numbered options by @ketaki-deodhar in #646
- 16636 Display text as tooltip for request action item if text is too long by @severinbeauvais in #647
- Populate business lookup search API Key by @JazzarKarim in #648
- 17322-fix issue with "Check this Name" button not displayed by @ketaki-deodhar in #652
- 16642 Implement Amalgamation NR by @kzdev420 in #653
- 17206 implement society NR flows by @eve-git in #651
- Remove EP and jurisdiction by @kzdev420 in #654
- 16636 New nested-select menu + misc cleanup/refactoring by @severinbeauvais in #649
- 16636 Update Extrapro NR flow (continued) by @severinbeauvais in #655
- 16636 Refactored name-input and misc state/actions/getters by @severinbeauvais in #656
- hide name check result container when name is too short by @bolyachevets in #657
- Rebasing feature branch with main by @JazzarKarim in #659
- 16636 Show designation for amalgamation NRs by @severinbeauvais in #660
- 17489 Partial Business Fetch component + clear button by @severinbeauvais in #661
- 17489 Incremental business fetch + bit of cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #663
- 17489 Cleaned up use of Colin / Xpro Request Types + Legal API V2 by @severinbeauvais in #664
- 14789 Removed corp num from last page + cleaned up misc actions/getters by @severinbeauvais in #665
- Implemented the Restoration/Reinstatement flow by @JazzarKarim in #666
- 17442 New Society NR - wrong designation error message by @eve-git in #670
- 16641 Update Alteration NR flow by @chenhongjing in #667
- 16943 Updated edit NR page + misc cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #668
- Merge Way of Navigating Feature Branch with main by @JazzarKarim in #679
- Fixed corp num not being populated in CHG, REH, and CNV by @JazzarKarim in #676
- Don't show any buttons when Federal Reinstatement is selected by @JazzarKarim in #681
- Fixed spacing of federal reinstatement by @JazzarKarim in #682
- 17468 Misc cleanup and prep for xpro aml by @severinbeauvais in #683
- 17630 Clear name state on request action change by @leodube-aot in #680
- 17468 Refactored search.vue + implemented xpro aml flow by @severinbeauvais in #674
- 17468 disabled old button logic by @severinbeauvais in #684
- 17468 Amalgamation flow + misc cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #686
- 17727 Refactored Conversion/Alteration Flow by @leodube-aot in #688
- 17727 Refactored start a new BC based business by @JazzarKarim in #685
- 17727 - Update Change name flow by @ketaki-deodhar in #689
- 17630 Reset request action on start over by @leodube-aot in #690
- 17468 Fixed aml location bug (still a bit WIP) by @severinbeauvais in #687
- 17468 Fixed "amalgamate now" bugs by @severinbeauvais in #691
- 17727 - Update continuation In flow by @ketaki-deodhar in #692
- 17468 Add special cases for xpro aml + fixed nefarious getter reactivity bug by @severinbeauvais in #693
- 17727 Refactored restoration flow by @JazzarKarim in #694
- 17727- Fix Continuation In flow bug by @ketaki-deodhar in #695
- 17468 Fixed missing location for aml by @severinbeauvais in #698
- Merge feature branch into main by @severinbeauvais in #697
- 17468 Fixed Check button logic for aml numbered companies by @severinbeauvais in #700
- 17709 Fix bug: name request page reloads after hitting enter in search by @chenhongjing in #701
- 17727 Refactored New Expro Business Flow by @leodube-aot in #696
- 17792 Fixed invalid Home Juris Num by @severinbeauvais in #706
- 17784 include coop in BusinessLookupEntityTypes mapping by @vysakh-menon-aot in #705
- 17837- Change of name not showing Jurisdiction for XP by @ketaki-deodhar in #707
- 17553 business lookup update by @vysakh-menon-aot in #671
- 17692 Add additional corp types to entity type mapping by @leodube-aot in #704
- 17672 changed misleading error messages to include 'eligible' by @PaulGarewal in #709
- 17843 Fix Register Now button by @JazzarKarim in #708
- 17903 Upgrade to Vue-CLI v5 + upgrade ESLint, etc + updates for Node 20 by @severinbeauvais in #710
- 9392 c...
Release 4.1.9
link to release ticket
link to release report
What's Changed
- 15817 Base URL replaced by @Madhavkapoor28 in #603
- 14821 validate corp number from entities by @eve-git in #607
- 14821 corpnum validation by @eve-git in #608
- 15817 Base Url Replaced (2) by @Madhavkapoor28 in #605
- 15677-NR exact/similar match wording. by @mengdong19 in #610
- 14821 corpnum validation by @eve-git in #611
- Remove OCP deployment by @pwei1018 in #612
- add missing article by @bolyachevets in #613
- 16310 add two new alteration request types by @eve-git in #621
New Contributors
- @Madhavkapoor28 made their first contribution in #603
Full Changelog: 4.1.4...4.1.9b
What's Changed
- Switch to use reusable workflow. by @pwei1018 in #593
- Fixed OCP deployment issue. by @pwei1018 in #594
- Clean up for new domain name changes. by @pwei1018 in #595
- upgrade sentry sdk by @bolyachevets in #596
- Retrieve NR detail through account information. by @pwei1018 in #597
- 6663-Email validation by @mengdong19 in #599
- update foreign jurisdiction by @eve-git in #600
- Showing different refund status. by @pwei1018 in #598
Full Changelog: test.202303072357.abe29ab...4.1.4
3.3.7: Update package-lock.json (#580)
* Update package-lock.json * Update package.json
Name Request Release 3.1.4
See release report for content.
Release report: # SRE: Namerequest Aug 12 Release
Name Request Release 3.0.3b
See release report for content.
Release report: # SRE: Names 11.5 Release
NB: the version number in the code was not updated, but we're calling this 3.0.3b anyway
Name Request Release 3.0.3 - Mobile Release
See zenhub for tickets.