Identify the data contained within wigle and determine how to visualize it. Update 16:26 EST 1 Apr If you feel that you are close, make a private piazza post with what you have, and an admin will help out.
- Perhaps they've been storing data in a database. How do we access the information?
- How can we visualize this data? Maybe we just need to take a step back to get the big picture?
- Try zero in the first word of the flag, if you think it's an O.
- If you think you're super close, make a private piazza post with what you think it is.
The wigle
file is a SQLite database. Mathematica can load a SQLite database directly using JDBC.
db = OpenSQLConnection[
JDBC["SQLite", FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "wigle"}]]];
Preview the data. We will be using the lon
and lat
Grid[SQLExecute[db, "SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 15",
"ShowColumnHeadings" -> True], Dividers -> {False, {False, True}}]
Just plot the lon
and lat
columns as points.
Graphics@Point@SQLExecute[db, "SELECT lon, lat FROM location"]
The flag is easily readable. The flag is: FLAG{F0UND_M3_3C32EF91}