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Setting up buildifier with emacs

Paul Bethe edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

To automatically run buildifier when emacs saves a BUILD file, add the following to your ~/.emacs file: (Improved version from @jart)

(defcustom buildifier-bin "buildifier"
  "Location of the buildifier binary."
  :type 'string
  :group 'buildifier)

(defcustom buildifier-path-regex
  "Regular expression describing base paths that need buildifier."
  :type 'string
  :group 'buildifier)

(defun buildifier ()
  "Run buildifier on current buffer."
  (when (and (string-match buildifier-path-regex
             (executable-find buildifier-bin))
    (let ((p (point))
          (tmp (make-temp-file "buildifier")))
      (write-region nil nil tmp)
      (let ((result (with-temp-buffer
                      (cons (call-process buildifier-bin tmp t nil)
        (if (= (car result) 0)
              (insert (cdr result)))
          (warn "%s failed: %s" buildifier-bin (cdr result)))
        (goto-char p)
        (delete-file path nil)))))

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'buildifier)

Reload your .emacs file to pick up the change with M-x load-file RET RET (this reloads the default file: ~/.emacs).

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