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Authenticity iovation

Casey Kulm edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Autenticity Support using iovation device fingerprinting

Bazaarvoice has partenered with iovation, and industry leader in device reputation technology, to ensure authenticity of user generated content. The Bazaarvoice native mobile SDKs for Android and iOS support the ability to include the iovation fingerprint along with Conversations API requests using the BazaarRequest request object.

Please contact your Bazaarvoice support representative to request an evaluation of the iovation integration. Further technical information can be found on the (Bazaarvoice developer portal)[].

Android Integration

Once you have the iovation aar integrated into your project, the integration is very simple. For any SubmissionParams object passed to the BazaarRequest#postSubmission(final RequestType type, BazaarParams params, final OnBazaarResponse listener), simply add these lines:


BazaarRequest request = new BazaarRequest();
SubmissionParams params = new SubmissionParams();
String blackbox = getBlackbox(getContext().getApplicationContext());
request.postSubmission(RequestType.REVIEWS, params, listener);

Sample Application

The demo app ConversationsFragment contains the necessary integration code commented out, and can be enabled after adding the iovation aar to the project. If want to demo it follow these steps:

  1. Open the demo project
  2. Create a directory named libs in the bv-android-sdk/app/ directory
  3. Drag and drop the deviceprint-release-2.3.0.aar into the libs directory
  4. Uncomment the compile(name:'deviceprint-release-2.3.0', ext:'aar') line in the bv-android-sdk/app/build.gradle file
  5. Uncomment the sample lines in ConversationsFragment#handleReviewSub()
  6. Configure the project with your Client ID and Conversations API Key in the UserConfigurationImpl class

That's it! Just run the app and view the BazaarRequest requests when tapping the "Review" button in the "Content Submission" part of the Conversations demo page.