This goes over high-level steps for running the "fruit" benchmark which is a synthetic benchmark for Yokozuna. It's a useful microbenchmark to quickly verify that changes to Yokozuna have not caused any obvious regression in performance. There are different ways you could run this test but I'm going to go over the steps I usually take.
First you need to create a directory which will contain a devrel build of Riak/Yokozuna of both before and after the change.
mkdir ~/yz-bench
cd ~/yz-bench
git clone riak-current
git clone riak-my-change
cd riak-current
make stagedevrel
for d in dev/dev*; do sed -e 's/search = off/search = on/' -i.back $d/etc/riak.conf; done
cd ..
cd riak-my-change
make deps
cd deps
rm -rf yokozuna
ln -s ~/path/to/working/copy/of/yokozuna/with/my/change (or you could clone branch)
cd ..
make stagedevrel
for d in dev/dev*; do sed -e 's/search = off/search = on/' -i.back $d/etc/riak.conf; done
cd ..
You'll need a local copy of basho bench. Even if you already have basho bench cloned you may want to refresh your local copy a rebuild to get the latest. Remember, if you have issues nuke deps and start over.
cd ~/work
git clone
cd basho_bench
make deps
cd deps/riakc
git checkout master
cd ../riak_pb
git checkout develop
cd ../..
You shouldn't have to do this every time but you always want to recompile if updates have been made to the driver.
cd ~/work/yokozuna/misc/bench
../../rebar get-deps
../../rebar compile
After you've done this once you probably won't have to touch these configs much but if the driver ever changes you may have to tweak the config.
I've pasted the load and query configs inline below. You'll want to create two files in your benchmark dir.
touch ~/yz-bench/load-fruit.config
touch ~/yz-bench/query-lima.config
Here are the contents of the load-fruit.config
%% This config will load the cluster with fruit data. It is expected
%% that the bucket has an associated index so that the objects are
%% indexed. This needs to be run before running the query benchmarks.
{mode, max}.
{concurrent, 32}.
{driver, yz_driver}.
{code_paths, ["/root/work/yokozuna/misc/bench"]}.
{secure, false}.
{bucket, {<<"data">>, <<"fruit">>}}.
{index, <<"fruit">>}.
{pb_conns, [{"", 10017},
{"", 10027},
{"", 10037},
{"", 10047},
{"", 10057}]}.
{http_conns, []}.
{duration, infinity}.
{key_generator, {function, yz_driver, fruit_key_val_gen, [1000000]}}.
{operations, [{load_fruit_pb, 1}]}.
Here is the query-lima.config
{mode, max}.
{concurrent, 32}.
{driver, yz_driver}.
{code_paths, ["/root/work/yokozuna/misc/bench"]}.
{secure, false}.
{bucket, {<<"data">>, <<"fruit">>}}.
{index, <<"fruit">>}.
{pb_conns, [{"", 10017},
{"", 10027},
{"", 10037},
{"", 10047},
{"", 10057}]}.
{http_conns, []}.
%% Lima
%% Absolute best case for Riak Search. A single term query that
%% matches one document. If Yokozuna can meet or beat this then Riak
%% Search doesn't have a leg to stand on.
%% cardinalities: 1
{duration, 5}.
{operations, [{{search_pb, "korlan", <<"id">>, 1}, 1}]}.
You'll want to exit the code_paths
for both to make sure it points
to your location of yokozuna/misc/bench
You'll do this step for the before and after Riak directories.
for d in ~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev{1,2,3,4,5}; do $d/bin/riak start; done
for d in ~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev{2,3,4,5}; do $d/bin/riak-admin cluster join dev1@; done
~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev1/bin/riak-admin transfers (wait until 0 transfers left)
~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev1/bin/riak-admin bucket-type create data '{"props":{}}'
~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev1/bin/riak-admin bucket-type activate data
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:10018/search/index/fruit'
curl -i -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' 'http://localhost:10018/types/data/buckets/fruit/props' -d '{"props":{"search_index":"fruit"}}'
At this point you have a 5-node cluster which is ready to accept data
on the {<<"data">>, <<"fruit">>}
bucket and index it. Now you need
to use BB to load the data.
cd ~/work/basho_bench
./basho_bench -d my-change -n before-load-fruit /root/yz-bench/load-fruit.config
That may take 10-30 minutes to run depending on your machine. After it's finished I typically wait a minute or so to let the CPU% calm down a bit. Recent versions of Riak seem to be a bit wild with usage of CPU during idle.
Next use BB to run the query. This will take 5 minutes to run.
cd ~/work/basho_bench
./basho_bench -d my-change -n before-query-lima /root/yz-bench/query-lima.config
Stop the cluster
for d in ~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev{1,2,3,4,5}; do $d/bin/riak stop; done
Run all these steps again but this time for the version of Riak/Yokozuna that includes your change.
./basho_bench -d my-change -n after-load-fruit /root/yz-bench/load-fruit.config
./basho_bench -d my-change -n after-query-lima /root/yz-bench/query-lima.config
for d in ~/yz-bench/riak-current/dev/dev{1,2,3,4,5}; do $d/bin/riak stop; done
In the yokozuna/misc/bench/bin
dir there are some scripts to help
aggregate results.
cd ~/work/basho_bench
for d in my-change/*; do ~/work/yokozuna/yz/misc/bench/bin/ $d; done
for d in my-change/*; do ~/work/yokozuna/yz/misc/bench/bin/ $d; done
for d in my-change/*; do ~/work/yokozuna/yz/misc/bench/bin/ $d; done
Using the results above create a table like below and copy into the GitHub pull request. One table for load and another for query. The top line are results for current and bottom for change. The bottom line should include a % increase/decrease from current.
Load | Throughput (Ops/s) | Median (ms) | 99th (ms) |
Current | 2206 | 14.64 | 27.75 |
My change | 2182 (% inc/dec) | 14.80 (+/-) | 27.90 (+/-) |
Query | Throughput (Ops/s) | Median (ms) | 99th (ms) |
Current | 2206 | 14.64 | 27.75 |
My change | 2182 (% inc/dec) | 14.80 (+/-) | 27.90 (+/-) |