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Releases: banyansecurity/terraform-provider-banyan


29 Jul 08:32
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.2.4


14 Jul 20:29
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3


30 Mar 17:12
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2


28 Mar 01:19
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1


22 Mar 20:24
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  • Adding Domain name in Tunnel policy.
  • tunnel_enable_dns to true by default for access tier creation.


25 Jan 20:06
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  • all resources (except API keys) can now be imported using Terraform. Please see the Terraform import documentation
  • policy is no longer a required attribute of any service type.
  • all services containing banyan_service_infra_ in the name were depreciated in v1.0.0. They have been removed from the provider in this release and were replaces by the current service resources.
  • banyan_policy_attachment was deprecated in v1.0.0 and has been removed from the provider in this release. The new service resources support inline policy attachment.
  • banyan_service_k8s now has http_connect always enabled and this parameter is no longer configurable, matching the UI.
  • various bug fixes and improvements
  • updated documentation and examples


29 Nov 20:04
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For the 1.0.0 release, some resources add attributes have been simplified and abstracted away. This refactor includes new resources as well as resource schemas which resemble the 1.0.0 release as much as possible.

After feedback and usage of the provider it was determined to consolidate and simplify naming and parameters for some resources.

Most notable are the service and policy resources.

  • The banyan_service resources now have a policy attribute which replaces the banyan_policy_attachment resource
  • The banyan_service resources no longer require a cluster attribute. This value will be determined automatically by the access_tier or connector attribute
  • The cluster parameter is no longer needed for any resources and should only be set for backwards compatibility (i.e. upgrading pre 0.9.0 terraform code)
  • The banyan_service resources no longer requires a cluster attribute. This value will be determined by the access_tier or connector attribut
  • banyan_policy_attachment has been depreciated. This now exists as the policy attribute for the service resourcee
  • The banyan_service_infra resources have been depreciated and renamed. It is safe to modify existing terraform code to utilize the new shorted name, and to add the id of the policy to attach to the policy attribute. see the upgraded resources examples. This would effectively recreate the services with the new format and remove the services and policy attachments created in the old format.
  • banyan_policy_attachment has been depreciated. This now exists as the policy attribute for the service resource

The corresponding command center release brings with it new changes to the access tier which are reflected in this release of the terraform provider

Be sure to check out the new accesstier2 modules for your cloud provider on the Terraform Registry

View this release in the Terraform Registry

What's Changed

  • Major refactor of the provider and client providing much cleaner and simpler code
  • Added support for service tunnel
  • Accesstier2 support
  • Connector improvements
  • Documentation and examples improvements
  • Better resource lifecycle management
  • Acceptance testing against the Banyan API
  • Various additional resources and attributes to align with the latest Banyan features
  • New resource bayan_policy_tunnel for use with banyan_service_tunnel
  • Hotfixes and docs updates for 0.9.X versions


10 Nov 20:38
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As the provider approaches a 1.0 release, some resources add attributes have been simplified and abstracted away. This refactor includes new resources as well as resource schemas which resemble the 1.0 release as much as possible.

After feedback and usage of the provider it was determined to consolidate and simplify naming and parameters for some resources.

Most notable are the service and policy resources.

  • The banyan_service resources now have a policy attribute which replaces the banyan_policy_attachment resource
  • The banyan_service resources no longer require a cluster attribute. This value will be determined automatically by the access_tier or connector attribute
  • The cluster parameter is not longer needed for any resources and should only be set for backwards compatibility (i.e. upgrading pre 0.9.0 terraform code)
  • The banyan_service resources no longer requires a cluster attribute. This value will be determined by the access_tier or connector attribute
  • The banyan_service_infra resources have been depreciated and renamed. It is safe to modify existing terraform code to utilize the new shorted name, and to add the id of the policy to attach to the policy attribute. see the upgraded resources examples.
  • banyan_policy_attachment has been depreciated. This now exists as the policy attribute for the service resource

The corresponding command center release brings with it new changes to the access tier which are reflected in this release of the terraform provider

Be sure to check out the new accesstier2 modules for your cloud provider on the Terraform Registry

View this release in the Terraform Registry

What's Changed

  • major refactor of the provider and client providing much cleaner and simpler code
  • added support for service tunnel
  • accesstier2 support
  • connector improvements
  • documentation and examples improvements
  • better resource lifecycle management
  • acceptance testing against the Banyan API
  • various additional resources and attributes to align with the latest Banyan features
  • Addresses Github Issues #48 #47, #46
  • Hotfixes and docs updates for 0.9.0


10 Nov 07:12
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As the provider approaches a 1.0 release, some resources add attributes have been simplified and abstracted away. This refactor includes new resources as well as resource schemas which resemble the 1.0 release as much as possible.

After feedback and usage of the provider it was determined to consolidate and simplify naming and parameters for some resources.

Most notable are the service and policy resources.

  • The banyan_service resources now have a policy attribute which replaces the banyan_policy_attachment resource
  • The banyan_service resources no longer require a cluster attribute. This value will be determined automatically by the access_tier or connector attribute
  • The cluster parameter is not longer needed for any resources and should only be set for backwards compatibility (i.e. upgrading pre 0.9.0 terraform code)
  • The banyan_service resources no longer requires a cluster attribute. This value will be determined by the access_tier or connector attribute
  • The banyan_service_infra resources have been depreciated and renamed. It is safe to modify existing terraform code to utilize the new shorted name, and to add the id of the policy to attach to the policy attribute. see the upgraded resources examples.
  • banyan_policy_attachment has been depreciated. This now exists as the policy attribute for the service resource

The corresponding command center release brings with it new changes to the access tier which are reflected in this release of the terraform provider

Be sure to check out the new accesstier2 modules for your cloud provider on the Terraform Registry

View this release in the Terraform Registry

What's Changed

  • major refactor of the provider and client providing much cleaner and simpler code
  • added support for service tunnel
  • accesstier2 support
  • connector improvements
  • documentation and examples improvements
  • better resource lifecycle management
  • acceptance testing against the Banyan API
  • various additional resources and attributes to align with the latest Banyan features
  • Addresses Github Issues #48 #47, #46


26 Apr 16:08
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What's Changed