- how to access the running application from test code
- how to spy on or stub an application method
- how to drive application by dispatching actions
- keep
app running - open
- test that Vuex data store is working correctly
it('logs a todo add message to the console', () => {
// get the window object from the app's iframe
// using https://on.cypress.io/window
// get its console object and spy on the "log" method
// using https://on.cypress.io/spy
// add a new todo item
// get the spy and check that it was called
// with the expected arguments
Read https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks and https://glebbahmutov.com/cypress-examples/commands/spies-stubs-clocks.html
// todomvc/app.js
// if you want to expose "app" globally only
// during end-to-end tests you can guard it using "window.Cypress" flag
// if (window.Cypress) {
window.app = app
// }
// cypress/e2e/06-app-data-store/spec.js
it('has window.app property', () => {
// get its "app" property
// and confirm it is an object
// see https://on.cypress.io/its
// cypress/e2e/06-app-data-store/spec.js
it('has window.app property', () => {
// get the app.$store property
// and confirm it has expected Vuex properties
// see https://on.cypress.io/its
it('starts with an empty store', () => {
// the list of todos in the Vuex store should be empty
Let's add two items via the page, then confirm the Vuex store has them
// cypress/e2e/06-app-data-store/spec.js
const addItem = (text) => {
it('adds items to store', () => {
addItem('something else')
// get application's window
// then get app, $store, state, todos
// it should have 2 items
Why can't we confirm both items using should('deep.equal', [...])
.should('deep.equal', [
{ title: 'something', completed: false, id: '1' },
{ title: 'else', completed: false, id: '2' }
- random data in tests makes it very hard
- UUIDs, dates, etc
- Cypress includes network and method stubbing using https://sinonjs.org/
- https://on.cypress.io/network-requests
- https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks
- how does a new item get its id?
- can you override random id generator from DevTools?
- ⌨️ test "creates an item with id 1" in
- get the application's context using
- get application's
object - can you stub application's random generator?
- hint use
- hint use
- ⌨️ test "creates an item with id using a stub"
- write a test that adds 1 item
- name spy with an alias
- get the spy using the alias and confirm it was called once
The tests can repeat common actions (like creating items) by always going through the DOM, called page objects
The tests can access the app and call method bypassing the DOM, called "app actions"
The tests can be a combination of DOM and App actions.
Read https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/realworld-app-action/
Write a test that:
- dispatches actions to the store to add items
- confirms new items are added to the DOM
(see next slide) +++
it('adds todos via app', () => {
// bypass the UI and call app's actions directly from the test
// using https://on.cypress.io/invoke
// app.$store.dispatch('setNewTodo', <desired text>)
// app.$store.dispatch('addTodo')
// and then check the UI
it('handles todos with blank title', () => {
// add todo that the user cannot add via UI
cy.window().its('app.$store').invoke('dispatch', 'setNewTodo', ' ')
// app.$store.dispatch('addTodo')
// confirm the UI
Note that the web application might NOT have updated the data right away. For example:
getStore().then((store) => {
store.dispatch('setNewTodo', 'a new todo')
// not necessarily has the new item right away
In a flaky test cypress-io/cypress-example-recipes#246 the above code was calling getStore().its('state').snapshot()
sometimes before and sometimes after updating the list of todos.
Solution: confirm the data is ready before using it.
// add new todo using dispatch
// retry until new item is in the list
getStore().its('state.todos').should('have.length', 1)
// do other checks
- when needed, you can access the application directly from the test
Read also:
- https://www.cypress.io/blog/2018/11/14/testing-redux-store/,
- https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/stub-navigator-api/
- https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/realworld-app-action/
➡️ Pick the next section or jump to the 07-ci chapter