Releases: babel/babylon
6.14.0 (2016-11-16)
π Spec Compliancy
Throw error for reserved words enum
and await
(#195) (Kai Cataldo) Future Reserved Words
Babylon will throw for more reserved words such as enum
or await
(in strict mode).
class enum {} // throws
class await {} // throws in strict mode (module)
Optional names for function types and object type indexers (#197) (Gabe Levi)
So where you used to have to write
type A = (x: string, y: boolean) => number;
type B = (z: string) => number;
type C = { [key: string]: number };
you can now write (with flow 0.34.0)
type A = (string, boolean) => number;
type B = string => number;
type C = { [string]: number };
Parse flow nested array type annotations like number[][]
(#219) (Bernhard HΓ€ussner)
Supports these form now of specifying array types:
var a: number[][][][];
var b: string[][];
π Bug Fix
Correctly eat semicolon at the end of DelcareModuleExports
(#223) (Daniel Tschinder)
declare module "foo" { declare module.exports: number }
declare module "foo" { declare module.exports: number; } // also allowed now
π Internal
v6.13.1 (2016-10-26)
π Polish
const babylon = require('babylon');
const ast = babylon.parse('var foo = "lol";');
With that test case, there was a ~95ms savings by removing the need for node to build/traverse the dependency graph.
- add clean command skip ci (Henry Zhu)
- add ForAwaitStatement (async generator already added) skip ci (Henry Zhu)
v6.13.0 (2016-10-21)
π Spec Compliancy
Property variance type annotations for Flow plugin (#161) (Sam Goldman)
See for more information
type T = { +p: T };
interface T { -p: T };
declare class T { +[k:K]: V };
class T { -[k:K]: V };
class C2 { +p: T = e };
Raise error on duplicate definition of __proto__
(#183) (Moti Zilberman)
({ __proto__: 1, __proto__: 2 }) // Throws an error now
π Bug Fix
Flow: Allow class properties to be named static
(#184) (Moti Zilberman)
declare class A {
static: T;
Allow "async" as identifier for object literal property shorthand (#187) (Andrew Levine)
var foo = { async, bar };
π Polish
Fix flowtype and add inType to state (#189) (Daniel Tschinder)
This improves the performance slightly (because of hidden classes)
π Internal
Fix .gitattributes line ending setting (#191) (Moti Zilberman)
Increase test coverage (#175) (Moti Zilberman)
Re-add missing .eslintignore for IDEs (Daniel Tschinder)
Error on missing expected.json fixture in CI (#188) (Moti Zilberman)
Add .gitattributes and .editorconfig for LF line endings (#179) (Moti Zilberman)
Fixes two tests that are failing after the merge of #172 (#177) (Moti Zilberman)
v6.12.0 (2016-10-14)
π Spec Compliancy
Implement import() syntax (#163) (Jordan Gensler)
Dynamic Import
- Proposal Repo:
- Championed by @domenic
- stage-2
- sept-28 tc39 notes
This repository contains a proposal for adding a "function-like" import() module loading syntactic form to JavaScript
.then(module => {
Add EmptyTypeAnnotation (#171) (Sam Goldman)
Just wasn't covered before.
type T = empty;
π Bug Fix
Fix crash when exporting with destructuring and sparse array (#170) (Jeroen Engels)
// was failing due to sparse array
export const { foo: [ ,, qux7 ] } = bar;
Allow keyword in Flow object declaration property names with type parameters (#146) (Dan Harper)
declare class X {
foobar<T>(): void;
static foobar<T>(): void;
Allow keyword in object/class property names with Flow type parameters (#145) (Dan Harper)
class Foo {
delete<T>(item: T): T {
return item;
Allow typeAnnotations for yield expressions (#174)) (Daniel Tschinder)
function *foo() {
const x = (yield 5: any);
π Polish
Annotate more errors with expected token (#172)) (Moti Zilberman)
// Unexpected token, expected ; (1:6)
{ set 1 }
π Internal
Remove kcheck (#173)) (Daniel Tschinder)
Also run flow, linting, babel tests on seperate instances (add back node 0.10)
v6.11.5 (2016-10-12)
π Spec Compliancy
Fix: Check for duplicate named exports in exported destructuring assignments (#144) (Kai Cataldo)
// `foo` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique. (2:20)
export function foo() {};
export const { a: [{foo}] } = bar;
Fix: Check for duplicate named exports in exported rest elements/properties (#164) (Kai Cataldo)
// `foo` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique. (2:22)
export const foo = 1;
export const [bar,] = baz;
π Bug Fix
Fix: Allow identifier async
for default param in arrow expression (#165) (Kai Cataldo)
// this is ok now
const test = ({async = true}) => {};
π Polish
Babylon will now print out the token it's expecting if there's a SyntaxError
(#150) (Daniel Tschinder)
# So in the case of a missing ending curly (`}`)
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected } (30:0)
28 | }
29 |
> 30 |
| ^
v6.11.3 (2016-10-01)
π Spec Compliancy
Add static errors for object rest (#149) (@danez)
Object rest copies the rest of properties from the right hand side obj
starting from the left to right.
let { x, y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
// x = 1
// y = 2
// z = { z: 3 }
New Syntax Errors:
SyntaxError: The rest element has to be the last element when destructuring (1:10)
> 1 | let { ...x, y, z } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
| ^
# Previous behavior:
# x = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }
# y = 2
# z = 3
Before, this was just a more verbose way of shallow copying obj
since it doesn't actually do what you think.
SyntaxError: Cannot have multiple rest elements when destructuring (1:13)
> 1 | let { x, ...y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
| ^
# Previous behavior:
# x = 1
# y = { y: 2, z: 3 }
# z = { y: 2, z: 3 }
Before y and z would just be the same value anyway so there is no reason to need to have both.
SyntaxError: A trailing comma is not permitted after the rest element (1:16)
let { x, y, ...z, } = obj;
The rationale for this is that the use case for trailing comma is that you can add something at the end without affecting the line above. Since a RestProperty always has to be the last property it doesn't make sense.
get / set are valid property names in default assignment (#142) (@jezell)
// valid
function something({ set = null, get = null }) {}
Bug Fix
// regression with duplicate export check
SyntaxError: ./typography.js: `undefined` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique. (22:13)
20 |
21 | export const { rhythm } = typography;
> 22 | export const { TypographyStyle } = typography
Bail out for now, and make a change to account for destructuring in the next release.