Based on the code below, the environment code builds a test environment with the mainnet forked version of the 1 validator system.
Please check the corresponding REPO for more information
If the version of the block-demon changes, the REPLAY dependency should also change.
Run and make sure to check the lastblock number of the sink and run Replay
git clone
cd Automated-testnet-builder
#sync complete Ctrl + X, lastblock check
git clone
cd replay
go install
cd ..
replay cre_validator <lastblock>
# > exported-genesis.json
rm cre_validator/config/genesis.json
cp exported-genesis.json cre_validator/config/genesis.json
mv exported-genesis.json cre_sentry/config/genesis.json
crescentd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home cre_validator
rm cre_validator/config/config.toml
mv cre_validator/config/config.toml.bak cre_validator/config/config.toml
crescentd start --home cre_validator
crescentd start --home cre_sentry
TBD items can always be changed, please check the status of the last block on the mainnet and fill it out
export BINARY=crescentd
export CHAINID=crescent-1-local-test
export TITLE=v3
#crescentd status | jq | grep latest_block_height
export KEY=validator
# submit upgrade proposal
$BINARY tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade $TITLE \
--title $TITLE \
--upgrade-height $UPGRADEHEIGHT \
--upgrade-info $TITLE \
--description $TITLE \
--deposit 500000000ucre \
--gas 400000 \
--from $KEY \
--keyring-backend test \
--chain-id $CHAINID \
--broadcast-mode block \
--output json -y
# vote
# crescentd q gov proposals | jq
crescentd tx gov vote $PROPOSALID yes \
--from $KEY \
--keyring-backend test \
--chain-id $CHAINID \
--broadcast-mode block \
--output json -y
If the upgrade proposal passes, upgrade the binary when the upgrade block number is reached. (In this example, V3 version)
Rollback process in case of bug after upgrade, Return to the very beginning of the forked network.
crescentd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home cre_validator
crescentd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home cre_sentry
Returns the binary to a previous version of the upgrade.(In this example, V2 version)
crescentd start --home cre_validator
crescentd start --home cre_sentry
Please proceed with the Upgrade Testing process again
Establish an IBC environment and integrated testing environment including backend and frontend, module testing cli, pingpub explorer