A Minecraft server plugin template using Google Guice. Looking for a template with only one module? Check this branch out.
To use this template, you will need:
- Some experience with Google Guice;
- Git for Version Control;
- An IDE - preferably IntelliJ IDEA;
- JDK 21 or higher.
- You can lower this requirement to Java 17, 11 or even 8 by modifying the source files accordingly.
Clone the repository using the following command on the command line:
$ git clone https://github.com/azurejelly/paper-template
$ cd paper-template
Alternatively, download the source files as a ZIP from here. You will need to extract them to a folder using something like 7-Zip.
Import the project to IntelliJ IDEA, or open it directly from the command line:
$ idea .
To change the plugin's name, description, group ID, version and some other properties, open up the gradle.properties
file. By default, the file looks like this:
# Sets the Minecraft version to use with the 'runServer' task.
# Sets the plugin name, description and website.
# The description and website are both optional and can be commented out.
pluginDescription="It's as shrimple as that"
When changing the group ID, be sure to change the packages inside the source code as well. You can do this by right-clicking the packages on IntelliJ IDEA, then choosing Refactor > Rename
. If the server yells at you when loading the plugin because it can't find the main class, try specifying it manually in the plugin/build.gradle.kts
bukkit {
/* ... */
main = "${project.group}.${pluginName}"
/* ... */
You can run an integrated Paper server with the plugin by using the gradlew runServer
$ ./gradlew runServer
This also supports downloading plugin dependencies automatically - see the run-task wiki for more information.
To build a version ready for distribution, simply run:
$ ./gradlew build
You should now have a file that you can distribute at the plugin/build/libs/
directory (the one without the -original