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Deploy the Product Catalog Springboot App to AKS

  • In Azure Cloud Shell use ACR Build + kubectl to deploy the Springboot Fat JAR to AKS

Create Azure Container Registry (ACR) & ACR Build to push Docker Image to private ACR Repo

  • From the Azure Cloud bash Shell

    git clone
    cd ./a1day-springboot-mvc/lab/product-catalog
  • Create Azure Container Registry (ACR) using Resouce Group/Location from GBC-Container Lab

    az acr create --resource-group $RES_GROUP --name $ACR_NAME --sku Standard --location eastus 
  • Create ACR Build Task

    GIT_PAT=<Git Personal Access Token>
    az acr task create \
      --registry $ACR_NAME \
      --name buildProdCatalog \
      --image product-catalog:{{.Build.ID}} \
      --context \
      --file ./lab/azure/Dockerfile \
      --branch master \
      --git-access-token $GIT_PAT
  • Manually Trigger the ACR Build Task

    az acr task run --registry $ACR_NAME --name buildProdCatalog
  • Demo Automated Build with created Webhook

    # Git repo code will be changed/committed
    # Stream the Build Logs
    az acr task logs --registry $ACR_NAME
    # List Registry Builds
    az acr task list-runs --registry $ACR_NAME --output table

Deploy product-catalog container to AKS

  • Use kubectl CLI to create ACR Secret (Enable Admin User for your ACR from Azure Portal)

    kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-secret --docker-server=<Login Server> --docker-username=<Username> --docker-password=<Password>
  • Use the kubectl CLI to deploy app

    cd ../helper-files
    kubectl apply -f product-catalog.yaml
  • Get product-catalog pod name and check the logs

    kubectl get pods
    NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    product-web-deploy-bcdb987cd-9r9sq    1/1       Running   0          3m
    kubectl logs -f product-web-deploy-bcdb987cd-9r9sq
  • Check to see if services are deployed.

    kubectl get services
    NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
    kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>           443/TCP          34d
    web          LoadBalancer   8080:31540/TCP   25m
  • Browse to the External IP for your web application (on port 8080) and try the app

The public IP can take a few minutes to create with a new cluster. Sit back and relax. Maybe check Facebook :-)

Scratch Pad for commands being tested with for potential inclusion in Lab

Commands to run to re-build app with PostgreSQL support

mvn clean package -Ppostgresql -DskipTests
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e JAVA_OPT="" springio/produ

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