Release Notes.
Apollo 2.0.0
- Fix issue that the $ symbol is not used when reading shell variables
- Bump xstream from 1.4.17 to 1.4.18
- switch apollo.config-service log from warning to info level
- Make Access Key Timestamp check configurable
- remove ctrip profile
- Remove spring dependencies from internal code
- Fix issue: ingress syntax
- refactor: let open api more easier to use and development
- feat(scripts): use bash to call openapi
- Support search by item
- Implement password policies to avoid weak passwords
- Extend the gray release capability to support dimensions other than IP
- public namespace basic function
- Bump version to 2.0.0 and drop java 1.7 support
- Optimize home page style
- Support Java 17
- Optimize top navbar style
- Support export/import configs by apollo env
- Catch LinkageError for ClassLoaderUtil.isClassPresent in case class is present but is failed to load
- Split helm chart into another repo
- fix gray publish refresh item status
- Support only show difference keys when compare namespace
- Fix the issue that property placeholder doesn't work for dubbo reference beans
- Fix the NPE occurred when using EnableApolloConfig with Spring 3.1.1
- Bump guava from 29.0 to 31.0.1
- fix the json number display issue when it's longer than 16
- Bump client springboot version
- The release history of namespaces that are not properties will also show comments and release times
- Add unit tests for Utils
- Change Copy Right year to 2022
- Optimize create namespace page
- Allow disable apollo client cache
- Make password check not hardcoded
- Fix update user's password failure
- Fix bug: associated namespace display incorrect in text view
- Add Ordered interface to ProviderManager SPI
- Using commons-lang3 to replace commons-lang
- optimize import/export config
- Configure publish and rollback modal boxes to add scrollbars
- fix import config bug
All issues and pull requests are here