From 5649e47d187f7b92eca63991a657ec4d0b8a1568 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: awstools You don't need to specify the PCOIP
protocol for Linux bundles
- * because DCV
(formerly WSP) is the default protocol for those bundles.WSP
is the default protocol for those bundles.
User-decoupled WorkSpaces are only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces diff --git a/clients/client-workspaces/src/commands/DescribeWorkspaceImagesCommand.ts b/clients/client-workspaces/src/commands/DescribeWorkspaceImagesCommand.ts index 49634f44e54d..42b5f6503e47 100644 --- a/clients/client-workspaces/src/commands/DescribeWorkspaceImagesCommand.ts +++ b/clients/client-workspaces/src/commands/DescribeWorkspaceImagesCommand.ts @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export interface DescribeWorkspaceImagesCommandOutput extends DescribeWorkspaceI * // }, * // ErrorDetails: [ // ErrorDetailsList * // { // ErrorDetails - * // ErrorCode: "OutdatedPowershellVersion" || "OfficeInstalled" || "PCoIPAgentInstalled" || "WindowsUpdatesEnabled" || "AutoMountDisabled" || "WorkspacesBYOLAccountNotFound" || "WorkspacesBYOLAccountDisabled" || "DHCPDisabled" || "DiskFreeSpace" || "AdditionalDrivesAttached" || "OSNotSupported" || "DomainJoined" || "AzureDomainJoined" || "FirewallEnabled" || "VMWareToolsInstalled" || "DiskSizeExceeded" || "IncompatiblePartitioning" || "PendingReboot" || "AutoLogonEnabled" || "RealTimeUniversalDisabled" || "MultipleBootPartition" || "Requires64BitOS" || "ZeroRearmCount" || "InPlaceUpgrade" || "AntiVirusInstalled" || "UEFINotSupported" || "UnknownError" || "AppXPackagesInstalled" || "ReservedStorageInUse", + * // ErrorCode: "OutdatedPowershellVersion" || "OfficeInstalled" || "PCoIPAgentInstalled" || "WindowsUpdatesEnabled" || "AutoMountDisabled" || "WorkspacesBYOLAccountNotFound" || "WorkspacesBYOLAccountDisabled" || "DHCPDisabled" || "DiskFreeSpace" || "AdditionalDrivesAttached" || "OSNotSupported" || "DomainJoined" || "AzureDomainJoined" || "FirewallEnabled" || "VMWareToolsInstalled" || "DiskSizeExceeded" || "IncompatiblePartitioning" || "PendingReboot" || "AutoLogonEnabled" || "RealTimeUniversalDisabled" || "MultipleBootPartition" || "Requires64BitOS" || "ZeroRearmCount" || "InPlaceUpgrade" || "AntiVirusInstalled" || "UEFINotSupported" || "UnknownError" || "AppXPackagesInstalled" || "ReservedStorageInUse" || "AdditionalDrivesPresent" || "WindowsUpdatesRequired" || "SysPrepFileMissing" || "UserProfileMissing" || "InsufficientDiskSpace" || "EnvironmentVariablesPathMissingEntries" || "DomainAccountServicesFound" || "InvalidIp" || "RemoteDesktopServicesDisabled" || "WindowsModulesInstallerDisabled" || "AmazonSsmAgentEnabled" || "UnsupportedSecurityProtocol" || "MultipleUserProfiles" || "StagedAppxPackage" || "UnsupportedOsUpgrade" || "InsufficientRearmCount", * // ErrorMessage: "STRING_VALUE", * // }, * // ], diff --git a/clients/client-workspaces/src/models/models_0.ts b/clients/client-workspaces/src/models/models_0.ts index 5bd1c7526f90..d54fdc2da846 100644 --- a/clients/client-workspaces/src/models/models_0.ts +++ b/clients/client-workspaces/src/models/models_0.ts @@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ export interface WorkspaceProperties { *
Only available for WorkSpaces created with PCoIP bundles.
*The Protocols
property is case sensitive. Ensure you use PCOIP
or DCV
(formerly WSP).
The Protocols
property is case sensitive. Ensure you use PCOIP
or WSP
Unavailable for Windows 7 WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces using GPU-based bundles @@ -5166,6 +5166,8 @@ export interface DescribeWorkspaceImagesRequest { */ export const WorkspaceImageErrorDetailCode = { ADDITIONAL_DRIVES_ATTACHED: "AdditionalDrivesAttached", + ADDITIONAL_DRIVES_PRESENT: "AdditionalDrivesPresent", + AMAZON_SSM_AGENT_ENABLED: "AmazonSsmAgentEnabled", ANTI_VIRUS_INSTALLED: "AntiVirusInstalled", APPX_PACKAGES_INSTALLED: "AppXPackagesInstalled", AUTO_LOGON_ENABLED: "AutoLogonEnabled", @@ -5174,23 +5176,37 @@ export const WorkspaceImageErrorDetailCode = { DHCP_DISABLED: "DHCPDisabled", DISK_FREE_SPACE: "DiskFreeSpace", DISK_SIZE_EXCEEDED: "DiskSizeExceeded", + DOMAIN_ACCOUNT_SERVICES_FOUND: "DomainAccountServicesFound", DOMAIN_JOINED: "DomainJoined", + ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_PATH_MISSING_ENTRIES: "EnvironmentVariablesPathMissingEntries", FIREWALL_ENABLED: "FirewallEnabled", INCOMPATIBLE_PARTITIONING: "IncompatiblePartitioning", + INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE: "InsufficientDiskSpace", + INSUFFICIENT_REARM_COUNT: "InsufficientRearmCount", + INVALID_IP: "InvalidIp", IN_PLACE_UPGRADE: "InPlaceUpgrade", MULTIPLE_BOOT_PARTITION: "MultipleBootPartition", + MULTIPLE_USER_PROFILES: "MultipleUserProfiles", OFFICE_INSTALLED: "OfficeInstalled", OS_NOT_SUPPORTED: "OSNotSupported", OUTDATED_POWERSHELL_VERSION: "OutdatedPowershellVersion", PCOIP_AGENT_INSTALLED: "PCoIPAgentInstalled", PENDING_REBOOT: "PendingReboot", REALTIME_UNIVERSAL_DISABLED: "RealTimeUniversalDisabled", + REMOTE_DESKTOP_SERVICES_DISABLED: "RemoteDesktopServicesDisabled", RESERVED_STORAGE_IN_USE: "ReservedStorageInUse", SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_OS: "Requires64BitOS", + STAGED_APPX_PACKAGE: "StagedAppxPackage", + SYSPREP_FILE_MISSING: "SysPrepFileMissing", UEFI_NOT_SUPPORTED: "UEFINotSupported", UNKNOWN_ERROR: "UnknownError", + UNSUPPORTED_OS_UPGRADE: "UnsupportedOsUpgrade", + UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY_PROTOCOL: "UnsupportedSecurityProtocol", + USER_PROFILE_MISSING: "UserProfileMissing", VMWARE_TOOLS_INSTALLED: "VMWareToolsInstalled", + WINDOWS_MODULES_INSTALLER_DISABLED: "WindowsModulesInstallerDisabled", WINDOWS_UPDATES_ENABLED: "WindowsUpdatesEnabled", + WINDOWS_UPDATES_REQUIRED: "WindowsUpdatesRequired", WORKSPACES_BYOL_ACCOUNT_DISABLED: "WorkspacesBYOLAccountDisabled", WORKSPACES_BYOL_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND: "WorkspacesBYOLAccountNotFound", ZERO_REARM_COUNT: "ZeroRearmCount", @@ -6114,12 +6130,12 @@ export interface ImportWorkspaceImageRequest { /** *
The ingestion process to be used when importing the image, depending on which protocol
- * you want to use for your BYOL Workspace image, either PCoIP, DCV, or
- * bring your own protocol (BYOP). To use WSP, specify a value that ends in
- * _DCV
. To use PCoIP, specify a value that does not end in _DCV
+ * you want to use for your BYOL Workspace image, either PCoIP, WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol
+ * (WSP), or bring your own protocol (BYOP). To use WSP, specify a value that ends in
+ * _WSP
. To use PCoIP, specify a value that does not end in _WSP
* To use BYOP, specify a value that ends in _BYOP
For non-GPU-enabled bundles (bundles other than Graphics or GraphicsPro), specify
* depending on the protocol.
@@ -6159,8 +6175,8 @@ export interface ImportWorkspaceImageRequest {
* time.
During the image import process, non-GPU DCV (formerly WSP) WorkSpaces with Windows 11 support
- * only Microsoft_Office_2019
. GPU DCV (formerly WSP) WorkSpaces with Windows 11 do not
+ *
During the image import process, non-GPU WSP WorkSpaces with Windows 11 support
+ * only Microsoft_Office_2019
. GPU WSP WorkSpaces with Windows 11 do not
* support Office installation.
Creates one or more WorkSpaces.
\nThis operation is asynchronous and returns before the WorkSpaces are created.
running mode value is only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces\n Core. Contact your account team to be allow-listed to use this value. For more\n information, see Amazon WorkSpaces\n Core.
You don't need to specify the PCOIP
protocol for Linux bundles\n because DCV
(formerly WSP) is the default protocol for those bundles.
User-decoupled WorkSpaces are only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces\n Core.
\nReview your running mode to ensure you are using one that is optimal for your needs and budget.\n For more information on switching running modes, see \n \n Can I switch between hourly and monthly billing?\n
\nCreates one or more WorkSpaces.
\nThis operation is asynchronous and returns before the WorkSpaces are created.
running mode value is only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces\n Core. Contact your account team to be allow-listed to use this value. For more\n information, see Amazon WorkSpaces\n Core.
You don't need to specify the PCOIP
protocol for Linux bundles\n because WSP
is the default protocol for those bundles.
User-decoupled WorkSpaces are only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces\n Core.
\nReview your running mode to ensure you are using one that is optimal for your needs and budget.\n For more information on switching running modes, see \n \n Can I switch between hourly and monthly billing?\n
\nThe ingestion process to be used when importing the image, depending on which protocol\n you want to use for your BYOL Workspace image, either PCoIP, DCV, or \n bring your own protocol (BYOP). To use WSP, specify a value that ends in \n _DCV
. To use PCoIP, specify a value that does not end in _DCV
. \n To use BYOP, specify a value that ends in _BYOP
For non-GPU-enabled bundles (bundles other than Graphics or GraphicsPro), specify \n BYOL_REGULAR
, \n depending on the protocol.
values\n are only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces Core. Contact your account team to be\n allow-listed to use these values. For more information, see Amazon WorkSpaces Core.
The ingestion process to be used when importing the image, depending on which protocol\n you want to use for your BYOL Workspace image, either PCoIP, WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol \n (WSP), or bring your own protocol (BYOP). To use WSP, specify a value that ends in \n _WSP
. To use PCoIP, specify a value that does not end in _WSP
. \n To use BYOP, specify a value that ends in _BYOP
For non-GPU-enabled bundles (bundles other than Graphics or GraphicsPro), specify \n BYOL_REGULAR
, \n depending on the protocol.
values\n are only supported by Amazon WorkSpaces Core. Contact your account team to be\n allow-listed to use these values. For more information, see Amazon WorkSpaces Core.
If specified, the version of Microsoft Office to subscribe to. Valid only for Windows 10 and 11\n BYOL images. For more information about subscribing to Office for BYOL images, see Bring\n Your Own Windows Desktop Licenses.
\nAlthough this parameter is an array, only one item is allowed at this\n time.
\nDuring the image import process, non-GPU DCV (formerly WSP) WorkSpaces with Windows 11 support\n only Microsoft_Office_2019
. GPU DCV (formerly WSP) WorkSpaces with Windows 11 do not\n support Office installation.
If specified, the version of Microsoft Office to subscribe to. Valid only for Windows 10 and 11\n BYOL images. For more information about subscribing to Office for BYOL images, see Bring\n Your Own Windows Desktop Licenses.
\nAlthough this parameter is an array, only one item is allowed at this\n time.
\nDuring the image import process, non-GPU WSP WorkSpaces with Windows 11 support\n only Microsoft_Office_2019
. GPU WSP WorkSpaces with Windows 11 do not\n support Office installation.
The protocol. For more information, see \n \n Protocols for Amazon WorkSpaces.
\nOnly available for WorkSpaces created with PCoIP bundles.
\nThe Protocols
property is case sensitive. Ensure you use PCOIP
or DCV
(formerly WSP).
Unavailable for Windows 7 WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces using GPU-based bundles \n (Graphics, GraphicsPro, Graphics.g4dn, and GraphicsPro.g4dn).
\nThe protocol. For more information, see \n \n Protocols for Amazon WorkSpaces.
\nOnly available for WorkSpaces created with PCoIP bundles.
\nThe Protocols
property is case sensitive. Ensure you use PCOIP
or WSP
Unavailable for Windows 7 WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces using GPU-based bundles \n (Graphics, GraphicsPro, Graphics.g4dn, and GraphicsPro.g4dn).