diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/package.json
index 162353a78423c..bb22a3e5eafee 100644
--- a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/package.json
+++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/package.json
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
     "@octokit/rest": "^18.12.0",
     "aws-sdk": "^2.1653.0",
     "axios": "^1.7.2",
+    "chalk": "^4",
     "fs-extra": "^9.1.0",
     "glob": "^7.2.3",
     "jest": "^29.7.0",
@@ -72,4 +73,4 @@
   "publishConfig": {
     "tag": "latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/tests/cli-integ-tests/cli.integtest.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/tests/cli-integ-tests/cli.integtest.ts
index 609cf50d297c6..2db469867234f 100644
--- a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/tests/cli-integ-tests/cli.integtest.ts
+++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/cli-integ/tests/cli-integ-tests/cli.integtest.ts
@@ -1,54 +1,79 @@
 import { promises as fs, existsSync } from 'fs';
 import * as os from 'os';
 import * as path from 'path';
-import { integTest, cloneDirectory, shell, withDefaultFixture, retry, sleep, randomInteger, withSamIntegrationFixture, RESOURCES_DIR, withCDKMigrateFixture, withExtendedTimeoutFixture, randomString } from '../../lib';
+import * as chalk from 'chalk';
+import {
+  integTest,
+  cloneDirectory,
+  shell,
+  withDefaultFixture,
+  retry,
+  sleep,
+  randomInteger,
+  withSamIntegrationFixture,
+  withCDKMigrateFixture,
+  withExtendedTimeoutFixture,
+  randomString,
+} from '../../lib';
 jest.setTimeout(2 * 60 * 60_000); // Includes the time to acquire locks, worst-case single-threaded runtime
 describe('ci', () => {
-  integTest('output to stderr', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-    const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', { captureStderr: true, onlyStderr: true });
-    const diffOutput = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], { captureStderr: true, onlyStderr: true });
-    const destroyOutput = await fixture.cdkDestroy('test-2', { captureStderr: true, onlyStderr: true });
-    expect(deployOutput).not.toEqual('');
-    expect(destroyOutput).not.toEqual('');
-    expect(diffOutput).not.toEqual('');
-  }));
-  describe('ci=true', () => {
-    integTest('output to stdout', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-      const execOptions = {
+  integTest(
+    'output to stderr',
+    withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+      const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', { captureStderr: true, onlyStderr: true });
+      const diffOutput = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], {
         captureStderr: true,
         onlyStderr: true,
-        modEnv: {
-          CI: 'true',
-        },
-      };
-      const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', execOptions);
-      const diffOutput = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], execOptions);
-      const destroyOutput = await fixture.cdkDestroy('test-2', execOptions);
-      expect(deployOutput).toEqual('');
-      expect(destroyOutput).toEqual('');
-      expect(diffOutput).toEqual('');
-    }));
+      });
+      const destroyOutput = await fixture.cdkDestroy('test-2', { captureStderr: true, onlyStderr: true });
+      expect(deployOutput).not.toEqual('');
+      expect(destroyOutput).not.toEqual('');
+      expect(diffOutput).not.toEqual('');
+    }),
+  );
+  describe('ci=true', () => {
+    integTest(
+      'output to stdout',
+      withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+        const execOptions = {
+          captureStderr: true,
+          onlyStderr: true,
+          modEnv: {
+            CI: 'true',
+          },
+        };
+        const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', execOptions);
+        const diffOutput = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], execOptions);
+        const destroyOutput = await fixture.cdkDestroy('test-2', execOptions);
+        expect(deployOutput).toEqual('');
+        expect(destroyOutput).toEqual('');
+        expect(diffOutput).toEqual('');
+      }),
+    );
-integTest('VPC Lookup', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  fixture.log('Making sure we are clean before starting.');
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy('define-vpc', { modEnv: { ENABLE_VPC_TESTING: 'DEFINE' } });
+  'VPC Lookup',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    fixture.log('Making sure we are clean before starting.');
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy('define-vpc', { modEnv: { ENABLE_VPC_TESTING: 'DEFINE' } });
-  fixture.log('Setting up: creating a VPC with known tags');
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('define-vpc', { modEnv: { ENABLE_VPC_TESTING: 'DEFINE' } });
-  fixture.log('Setup complete!');
+    fixture.log('Setting up: creating a VPC with known tags');
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('define-vpc', { modEnv: { ENABLE_VPC_TESTING: 'DEFINE' } });
+    fixture.log('Setup complete!');
-  fixture.log('Verifying we can now import that VPC');
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('import-vpc', { modEnv: { ENABLE_VPC_TESTING: 'IMPORT' } });
+    fixture.log('Verifying we can now import that VPC');
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('import-vpc', { modEnv: { ENABLE_VPC_TESTING: 'IMPORT' } });
+  }),
 // testing a construct with a builtin Nodejs Lambda Function.
 // In this case we are testing the s3.Bucket construct with the
@@ -57,553 +82,645 @@ integTest('VPC Lookup', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
 // is bundled as part of the CDK package, we want to make sure we don't
 // introduce changes to the compiled code that could prevent the Lambda from
 // executing. If we do, this test will timeout and fail.
-integTest('Construct with builtin Lambda function', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('builtin-lambda-function');
-  fixture.log('Setup complete!');
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy('builtin-lambda-function');
+  'Construct with builtin Lambda function',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('builtin-lambda-function');
+    fixture.log('Setup complete!');
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy('builtin-lambda-function');
+  }),
 // this is to ensure that asset bundling for apps under a stage does not break
-integTest('Stage with bundled Lambda function', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('bundling-stage/BundlingStack');
-  fixture.log('Setup complete!');
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy('bundling-stage/BundlingStack');
-integTest('Two ways of showing the version', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const version1 = await fixture.cdk(['version'], { verbose: false });
-  const version2 = await fixture.cdk(['--version'], { verbose: false });
-  expect(version1).toEqual(version2);
-integTest('Termination protection', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const stackName = 'termination-protection';
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy(stackName);
-  // Try a destroy that should fail
-  await expect(fixture.cdkDestroy(stackName)).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  // Can update termination protection even though the change set doesn't contain changes
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy(stackName, { modEnv: { TERMINATION_PROTECTION: 'FALSE' } });
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy(stackName);
-integTest('cdk synth', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fixture.cdk(['synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
-  expect(fixture.template('test-1')).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
-    Resources: {
-      topic69831491: {
-        Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic',
-        Metadata: {
-          'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-1/topic/Resource`,
+  'Stage with bundled Lambda function',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('bundling-stage/BundlingStack');
+    fixture.log('Setup complete!');
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy('bundling-stage/BundlingStack');
+  }),
+  'Two ways of showing the version',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const version1 = await fixture.cdk(['version'], { verbose: false });
+    const version2 = await fixture.cdk(['--version'], { verbose: false });
+    expect(version1).toEqual(version2);
+  }),
+  'Termination protection',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const stackName = 'termination-protection';
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy(stackName);
+    // Try a destroy that should fail
+    await expect(fixture.cdkDestroy(stackName)).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+    // Can update termination protection even though the change set doesn't contain changes
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy(stackName, { modEnv: { TERMINATION_PROTECTION: 'FALSE' } });
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy(stackName);
+  }),
+  'cdk synth',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fixture.cdk(['synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
+    expect(fixture.template('test-1')).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        Resources: {
+          topic69831491: {
+            Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic',
+            Metadata: {
+              'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-1/topic/Resource`,
+            },
+          },
-      },
-    },
-  }));
+      }),
+    );
-  expect(await fixture.cdkSynth({
-    options: [fixture.fullStackName('test-1')],
-  })).not.toEqual(expect.stringContaining(`
+    expect(
+      await fixture.cdkSynth({
+        options: [fixture.fullStackName('test-1')],
+      }),
+    ).not.toEqual(
+      expect.stringContaining(`
-  CheckBootstrapVersion:`));
+  CheckBootstrapVersion:`),
+    );
-  await fixture.cdk(['synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], { verbose: false });
-  expect(fixture.template('test-2')).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
-    Resources: {
-      topic152D84A37: {
-        Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic',
-        Metadata: {
-          'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-2/topic1/Resource`,
+    await fixture.cdk(['synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], { verbose: false });
+    expect(fixture.template('test-2')).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        Resources: {
+          topic152D84A37: {
+            Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic',
+            Metadata: {
+              'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-2/topic1/Resource`,
+            },
+          },
+          topic2A4FB547F: {
+            Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic',
+            Metadata: {
+              'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-2/topic2/Resource`,
+            },
+          },
-      },
-      topic2A4FB547F: {
-        Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic',
-        Metadata: {
-          'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-2/topic2/Resource`,
+      }),
+    );
+  }),
+  'ssm parameter provider error',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(
+        ['synth', fixture.fullStackName('missing-ssm-parameter'), '-c', 'test:ssm-parameter-name=/does/not/exist'],
+        {
+          allowErrExit: true,
-      },
-    },
-  }));
-integTest('ssm parameter provider error', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await expect(fixture.cdk(['synth',
-    fixture.fullStackName('missing-ssm-parameter'),
-    '-c', 'test:ssm-parameter-name=/does/not/exist'], {
-    allowErrExit: true,
-  })).resolves.toContain('SSM parameter not available in account');
-integTest('automatic ordering', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Deploy the consuming stack which will include the producing stack
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('order-consuming');
-  // Destroy the providing stack which will include the consuming stack
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy('order-providing');
-integTest('automatic ordering with concurrency', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Deploy the consuming stack which will include the producing stack
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('order-consuming', { options: ['--concurrency', '2'] });
-  // Destroy the providing stack which will include the consuming stack
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy('order-providing');
-integTest('--exclusively selects only selected stack', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Deploy the "depends-on-failed" stack, with --exclusively. It will NOT fail (because
-  // of --exclusively) and it WILL create an output we can check for to confirm that it did
-  // get deployed.
-  const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', 'outputs.json');
-  await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('depends-on-failed', {
-    options: [
-      '--exclusively',
-      '--outputs-file', outputsFile,
-    ],
-  });
-  // Verify the output to see that the stack deployed
-  const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
-  expect(outputs).toEqual({
-    [`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-depends-on-failed`]: {
-      TopicName: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-depends-on-failedMyTopic`,
-    },
-  });
-integTest('context setting', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fs.writeFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.context.json'), JSON.stringify({
-    contextkey: 'this is the context value',
-  }));
-  try {
-    await expect(fixture.cdk(['context'])).resolves.toContain('this is the context value');
-    // Test that deleting the contextkey works
-    await fixture.cdk(['context', '--reset', 'contextkey']);
-    await expect(fixture.cdk(['context'])).resolves.not.toContain('this is the context value');
+      ),
+    ).resolves.toContain('SSM parameter not available in account');
+  }),
+  'automatic ordering',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Deploy the consuming stack which will include the producing stack
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('order-consuming');
+    // Destroy the providing stack which will include the consuming stack
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy('order-providing');
+  }),
+  'automatic ordering with concurrency',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Deploy the consuming stack which will include the producing stack
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('order-consuming', { options: ['--concurrency', '2'] });
+    // Destroy the providing stack which will include the consuming stack
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy('order-providing');
+  }),
+  '--exclusively selects only selected stack',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Deploy the "depends-on-failed" stack, with --exclusively. It will NOT fail (because
+    // of --exclusively) and it WILL create an output we can check for to confirm that it did
+    // get deployed.
+    const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', 'outputs.json');
+    await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('depends-on-failed', {
+      options: ['--exclusively', '--outputs-file', outputsFile],
+    });
-    // Test that forced delete of the context key does not throw
-    await fixture.cdk(['context', '-f', '--reset', 'contextkey']);
+    // Verify the output to see that the stack deployed
+    const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
+    expect(outputs).toEqual({
+      [`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-depends-on-failed`]: {
+        TopicName: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-depends-on-failedMyTopic`,
+      },
+    });
+  }),
-  } finally {
-    await fs.unlink(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.context.json'));
-  }
-integTest('context in stage propagates to top', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await expect(fixture.cdkSynth({
-    // This will make it error to prove that the context bubbles up, and also that we can fail on command
-    options: ['--no-lookups'],
-    modEnv: {
-      INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-using-context',
-    },
-    allowErrExit: true,
-  })).resolves.toContain('Context lookups have been disabled');
-integTest('deploy', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', { captureStderr: false });
-  // verify the number of resources in the stack
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStackResources', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  expect(response.StackResources?.length).toEqual(2);
+  'context setting',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fs.writeFile(
+      path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.context.json'),
+      JSON.stringify({
+        contextkey: 'this is the context value',
+      }),
+    );
+    try {
+      await expect(fixture.cdk(['context'])).resolves.toContain('this is the context value');
-integTest('deploy --method=direct', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
-    options: ['--method=direct'],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+      // Test that deleting the contextkey works
+      await fixture.cdk(['context', '--reset', 'contextkey']);
+      await expect(fixture.cdk(['context'])).resolves.not.toContain('this is the context value');
-  // verify the number of resources in the stack
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStackResources', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  expect(response.StackResources?.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+      // Test that forced delete of the context key does not throw
+      await fixture.cdk(['context', '-f', '--reset', 'contextkey']);
+    } finally {
+      await fs.unlink(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.context.json'));
+    }
+  }),
+  'context in stage propagates to top',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdkSynth({
+        // This will make it error to prove that the context bubbles up, and also that we can fail on command
+        options: ['--no-lookups'],
+        modEnv: {
+          INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-using-context',
+        },
+        allowErrExit: true,
+      }),
+    ).resolves.toContain('Context lookups have been disabled');
+  }),
-integTest('deploy all', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const arns = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-*', { captureStderr: false });
+  'deploy',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', { captureStderr: false });
-  // verify that we only deployed both stacks (there are 2 ARNs in the output)
-  expect(arns.split('\n').length).toEqual(2);
+    // verify the number of resources in the stack
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStackResources', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    expect(response.StackResources?.length).toEqual(2);
+  }),
+  'deploy --method=direct',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
+      options: ['--method=direct'],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-integTest('deploy all concurrently', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const arns = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-*', {
-    captureStderr: false,
-    options: ['--concurrency', '2'],
-  });
+    // verify the number of resources in the stack
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStackResources', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    expect(response.StackResources?.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+  }),
+  'deploy all',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const arns = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-*', { captureStderr: false });
+    // verify that we only deployed both stacks (there are 2 ARNs in the output)
+    expect(arns.split('\n').length).toEqual(2);
+  }),
+  'deploy all concurrently',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const arns = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-*', {
+      captureStderr: false,
+      options: ['--concurrency', '2'],
+    });
-  // verify that we only deployed both stacks (there are 2 ARNs in the output)
-  expect(arns.split('\n').length).toEqual(2);
+    // verify that we only deployed both stacks (there are 2 ARNs in the output)
+    expect(arns.split('\n').length).toEqual(2);
+  }),
+  'nested stack with parameters',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // STACK_NAME_PREFIX is used in MyTopicParam to allow multiple instances
+    // of this test to run in parallel, othewise they will attempt to create the same SNS topic.
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack-using-parameters', {
+      options: ['--parameters', `MyTopicParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}ThereIsNoSpoon`],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-integTest('nested stack with parameters', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // STACK_NAME_PREFIX is used in MyTopicParam to allow multiple instances
-  // of this test to run in parallel, othewise they will attempt to create the same SNS topic.
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack-using-parameters', {
-    options: ['--parameters', `MyTopicParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}ThereIsNoSpoon`],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    // verify that we only deployed a single stack (there's a single ARN in the output)
+    expect(stackArn.split('\n').length).toEqual(1);
-  // verify that we only deployed a single stack (there's a single ARN in the output)
-  expect(stackArn.split('\n').length).toEqual(1);
+    // verify the number of resources in the stack
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStackResources', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    expect(response.StackResources?.length).toEqual(1);
+  }),
+  'deploy without execute a named change set',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const changeSetName = 'custom-change-set-name';
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
+      options: ['--no-execute', '--change-set-name', changeSetName],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
+    // verify that we only deployed a single stack (there's a single ARN in the output)
+    expect(stackArn.split('\n').length).toEqual(1);
-  // verify the number of resources in the stack
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStackResources', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  expect(response.StackResources?.length).toEqual(1);
-integTest('deploy without execute a named change set', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const changeSetName = 'custom-change-set-name';
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
-    options: ['--no-execute', '--change-set-name', changeSetName],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
-  // verify that we only deployed a single stack (there's a single ARN in the output)
-  expect(stackArn.split('\n').length).toEqual(1);
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS');
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS');
+    //verify a change set was created with the provided name
+    const changeSetResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('listChangeSets', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    const changeSets = changeSetResponse.Summaries || [];
+    expect(changeSets.length).toEqual(1);
+    expect(changeSets[0].ChangeSetName).toEqual(changeSetName);
+    expect(changeSets[0].Status).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
+  }),
+  'security related changes without a CLI are expected to fail',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // redirect /dev/null to stdin, which means there will not be tty attached
+    // since this stack includes security-related changes, the deployment should
+    // immediately fail because we can't confirm the changes
+    const stackName = 'iam-test';
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdkDeploy(stackName, {
+        options: ['<', '/dev/null'], // H4x, this only works because I happen to know we pass shell: true.
+        neverRequireApproval: false,
+      }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  //verify a change set was created with the provided name
-  const changeSetResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('listChangeSets', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  const changeSets = changeSetResponse.Summaries || [];
-  expect(changeSets.length).toEqual(1);
-  expect(changeSets[0].ChangeSetName).toEqual(changeSetName);
-  expect(changeSets[0].Status).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
-integTest('security related changes without a CLI are expected to fail', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // redirect /dev/null to stdin, which means there will not be tty attached
-  // since this stack includes security-related changes, the deployment should
-  // immediately fail because we can't confirm the changes
-  const stackName = 'iam-test';
-  await expect(fixture.cdkDeploy(stackName, {
-    options: ['<', '/dev/null'], // H4x, this only works because I happen to know we pass shell: true.
-    neverRequireApproval: false,
-  })).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  // Ensure stack was not deployed
-  await expect(fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: fixture.fullStackName(stackName),
-  })).rejects.toThrow('does not exist');
-integTest('deploy wildcard with outputs', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', 'outputs.json');
-  await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy(['outputs-test-*'], {
-    options: ['--outputs-file', outputsFile],
-  });
+    // Ensure stack was not deployed
+    await expect(
+      fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+        StackName: fixture.fullStackName(stackName),
+      }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('does not exist');
+  }),
+  'deploy wildcard with outputs',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', 'outputs.json');
+    await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy(['outputs-test-*'], {
+      options: ['--outputs-file', outputsFile],
+    });
-  const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
-  expect(outputs).toEqual({
-    [`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-1`]: {
-      TopicName: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-1MyTopic`,
-    },
-    [`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-2`]: {
-      TopicName: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-2MyOtherTopic`,
-    },
-  });
-integTest('deploy with parameters', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
+    expect(outputs).toEqual({
+      [`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-1`]: {
+        TopicName: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-1MyTopic`,
+      },
+      [`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-2`]: {
+        TopicName: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-outputs-test-2MyOtherTopic`,
+      },
+    });
+  }),
+  'deploy with parameters',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
+      options: ['--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual(
-    {
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual({
       ParameterKey: 'TopicNameParam',
       ParameterValue: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`,
-    },
-  );
-integTest('update to stack in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state will delete stack and create a new one', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  await expect(fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}@aww`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  })).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: fixture.fullStackName('param-test-1'),
-  });
+    });
+  }),
+  'update to stack in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state will delete stack and create a new one',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
+        options: ['--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}@aww`],
+        captureStderr: false,
+      }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  const stackArn = response.Stacks?.[0].StackId;
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('ROLLBACK_COMPLETE');
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: fixture.fullStackName('param-test-1'),
+    });
-  // WHEN
-  const newStackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}allgood`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    const stackArn = response.Stacks?.[0].StackId;
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('ROLLBACK_COMPLETE');
-  const newStackResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: newStackArn,
-  });
+    // WHEN
+    const newStackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
+      options: ['--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}allgood`],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-  // THEN
-  expect(stackArn).not.toEqual(newStackArn); // new stack was created
-  expect(newStackResponse.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
-  expect(newStackResponse.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual(
-    {
+    const newStackResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: newStackArn,
+    });
+    // THEN
+    expect(stackArn).not.toEqual(newStackArn); // new stack was created
+    expect(newStackResponse.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
+    expect(newStackResponse.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual({
       ParameterKey: 'TopicNameParam',
       ParameterValue: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}allgood`,
-    },
-  );
-integTest('stack in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state can be updated', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}nice`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    });
+  }),
+  'stack in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state can be updated',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
+      options: ['--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}nice`],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-  let response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
+    let response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
-  // bad parameter name with @ will put stack into UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE
-  await expect(fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}@aww`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  })).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');;
+    // bad parameter name with @ will put stack into UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
+        options: ['--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}@aww`],
+        captureStderr: false,
+      }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
+    response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE');
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE');
-  // WHEN
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}allgood`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    // WHEN
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-1', {
+      options: ['--parameters', `TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}allgood`],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-  response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
+    response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
-  // THEN
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('UPDATE_COMPLETE');
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual(
-    {
+    // THEN
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('UPDATE_COMPLETE');
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual({
       ParameterKey: 'TopicNameParam',
       ParameterValue: `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}allgood`,
-    },
-  );
-integTest('deploy with wildcard and parameters', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-*', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-1:TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`,
-      '--parameters', `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-2:OtherTopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}ThatsMySpot`,
-      '--parameters', `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-3:DisplayNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}HeyThere`,
-      '--parameters', `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-3:OtherDisplayNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}AnotherOne`,
-    ],
-  });
-integTest('deploy with parameters multi', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const paramVal1 = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`;
-  const paramVal2 = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}=jagshemash`;
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-3', {
-    options: [
-      '--parameters', `DisplayNameParam=${paramVal1}`,
-      '--parameters', `OtherDisplayNameParam=${paramVal2}`,
-    ],
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    });
+  }),
+  'deploy with wildcard and parameters',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-*', {
+      options: [
+        '--parameters',
+        `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-1:TopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`,
+        '--parameters',
+        `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-2:OtherTopicNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}ThatsMySpot`,
+        '--parameters',
+        `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-3:DisplayNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}HeyThere`,
+        '--parameters',
+        `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-param-test-3:OtherDisplayNameParam=${fixture.stackNamePrefix}AnotherOne`,
+      ],
+    });
+  }),
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
+  'deploy with parameters multi',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const paramVal1 = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}bazinga`;
+    const paramVal2 = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}=jagshemash`;
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('param-test-3', {
+      options: ['--parameters', `DisplayNameParam=${paramVal1}`, '--parameters', `OtherDisplayNameParam=${paramVal2}`],
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual(
-    {
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual({
       ParameterKey: 'DisplayNameParam',
       ParameterValue: paramVal1,
-    },
-  );
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual(
-    {
+    });
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].Parameters).toContainEqual({
       ParameterKey: 'OtherDisplayNameParam',
       ParameterValue: paramVal2,
-    },
-  );
+    });
+  }),
-integTest('deploy with notification ARN', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const topicName = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-topic`;
+  'deploy with notification ARN',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const topicName = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-topic`;
-  const response = await fixture.aws.sns('createTopic', { Name: topicName });
-  const topicArn = response.TopicArn!;
-  try {
-    await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
-      options: ['--notification-arns', topicArn],
-    });
+    const response = await fixture.aws.sns('createTopic', { Name: topicName });
+    const topicArn = response.TopicArn!;
+    try {
+      await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
+        options: ['--notification-arns', topicArn],
+      });
-    // verify that the stack we deployed has our notification ARN
-    const describeResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-      StackName: fixture.fullStackName('test-2'),
-    });
-    expect(describeResponse.Stacks?.[0].NotificationARNs).toEqual([topicArn]);
-  } finally {
-    await fixture.aws.sns('deleteTopic', {
-      TopicArn: topicArn,
-    });
-  }
+      // verify that the stack we deployed has our notification ARN
+      const describeResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+        StackName: fixture.fullStackName('test-2'),
+      });
+      expect(describeResponse.Stacks?.[0].NotificationARNs).toEqual([topicArn]);
+    } finally {
+      await fixture.aws.sns('deleteTopic', {
+        TopicArn: topicArn,
+      });
+    }
+  }),
 // NOTE: this doesn't currently work with modern-style synthesis, as the bootstrap
 // role by default will not have permission to iam:PassRole the created role.
-integTest('deploy with role', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  if (fixture.packages.majorVersion() !== '1') {
-    return; // Nothing to do
-  }
+  'deploy with role',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    if (fixture.packages.majorVersion() !== '1') {
+      return; // Nothing to do
+    }
-  const roleName = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-role`;
-  await deleteRole();
-  const createResponse = await fixture.aws.iam('createRole', {
-    RoleName: roleName,
-    AssumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({
-      Version: '2012-10-17',
-      Statement: [{
-        Action: 'sts:AssumeRole',
-        Principal: { Service: 'cloudformation.amazonaws.com' },
-        Effect: 'Allow',
-      }, {
-        Action: 'sts:AssumeRole',
-        Principal: { AWS: (await fixture.aws.sts('getCallerIdentity', {})).Arn },
-        Effect: 'Allow',
-      }],
-    }),
-  });
-  const roleArn = createResponse.Role.Arn;
-  try {
-    await fixture.aws.iam('putRolePolicy', {
+    const roleName = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-role`;
+    await deleteRole();
+    const createResponse = await fixture.aws.iam('createRole', {
       RoleName: roleName,
-      PolicyName: 'DefaultPolicy',
-      PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({
+      AssumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({
         Version: '2012-10-17',
-        Statement: [{
-          Action: '*',
-          Resource: '*',
-          Effect: 'Allow',
-        }],
+        Statement: [
+          {
+            Action: 'sts:AssumeRole',
+            Principal: { Service: 'cloudformation.amazonaws.com' },
+            Effect: 'Allow',
+          },
+          {
+            Action: 'sts:AssumeRole',
+            Principal: { AWS: (await fixture.aws.sts('getCallerIdentity', {})).Arn },
+            Effect: 'Allow',
+          },
+        ],
-    await retry(fixture.output, 'Trying to assume fresh role', retry.forSeconds(300), async () => {
-      await fixture.aws.sts('assumeRole', {
-        RoleArn: roleArn,
-        RoleSessionName: 'testing',
+    const roleArn = createResponse.Role.Arn;
+    try {
+      await fixture.aws.iam('putRolePolicy', {
+        RoleName: roleName,
+        PolicyName: 'DefaultPolicy',
+        PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({
+          Version: '2012-10-17',
+          Statement: [
+            {
+              Action: '*',
+              Resource: '*',
+              Effect: 'Allow',
+            },
+          ],
+        }),
-    });
-    // In principle, the role has replicated from 'us-east-1' to wherever we're testing.
-    // Give it a little more sleep to make sure CloudFormation is not hitting a box
-    // that doesn't have it yet.
-    await sleep(5000);
+      await retry(fixture.output, 'Trying to assume fresh role', retry.forSeconds(300), async () => {
+        await fixture.aws.sts('assumeRole', {
+          RoleArn: roleArn,
+          RoleSessionName: 'testing',
+        });
+      });
-    await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
-      options: ['--role-arn', roleArn],
-    });
+      // In principle, the role has replicated from 'us-east-1' to wherever we're testing.
+      // Give it a little more sleep to make sure CloudFormation is not hitting a box
+      // that doesn't have it yet.
+      await sleep(5000);
-    // Immediately delete the stack again before we delete the role.
-    //
-    // Since roles are sticky, if we delete the role before the stack, subsequent DeleteStack
-    // operations will fail when CloudFormation tries to assume the role that's already gone.
-    await fixture.cdkDestroy('test-2');
+      await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2', {
+        options: ['--role-arn', roleArn],
+      });
-  } finally {
-    await deleteRole();
-  }
+      // Immediately delete the stack again before we delete the role.
+      //
+      // Since roles are sticky, if we delete the role before the stack, subsequent DeleteStack
+      // operations will fail when CloudFormation tries to assume the role that's already gone.
+      await fixture.cdkDestroy('test-2');
+    } finally {
+      await deleteRole();
+    }
-  async function deleteRole() {
-    try {
-      for (const policyName of (await fixture.aws.iam('listRolePolicies', { RoleName: roleName })).PolicyNames) {
-        await fixture.aws.iam('deleteRolePolicy', {
-          RoleName: roleName,
-          PolicyName: policyName,
-        });
+    async function deleteRole() {
+      try {
+        for (const policyName of (await fixture.aws.iam('listRolePolicies', { RoleName: roleName })).PolicyNames) {
+          await fixture.aws.iam('deleteRolePolicy', {
+            RoleName: roleName,
+            PolicyName: policyName,
+          });
+        }
+        await fixture.aws.iam('deleteRole', { RoleName: roleName });
+      } catch (e: any) {
+        if (e.message.indexOf('cannot be found') > -1) {
+          return;
+        }
+        throw e;
-      await fixture.aws.iam('deleteRole', { RoleName: roleName });
-    } catch (e: any) {
-      if (e.message.indexOf('cannot be found') > -1) { return; }
-      throw e;
-  }
+  }),
 // TODO add more testing that ensures the symmetry of the generated constructs to the resources.
-['typescript', 'python', 'csharp', 'java'].forEach(language => {
-  integTest(`cdk migrate ${language} deploys successfully`, withCDKMigrateFixture(language, async (fixture) => {
-    if (language === 'python') {
-      await fixture.shell(['pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt']);
-    }
+['typescript', 'python', 'csharp', 'java'].forEach((language) => {
+  integTest(
+    `cdk migrate ${language} deploys successfully`,
+    withCDKMigrateFixture(language, async (fixture) => {
+      if (language === 'python') {
+        await fixture.shell(['pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt']);
+      }
-    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy(fixture.stackNamePrefix, { neverRequireApproval: true, verbose: true, captureStderr: false }, true);
-    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-      StackName: stackArn,
-    });
+      const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy(
+        fixture.stackNamePrefix,
+        { neverRequireApproval: true, verbose: true, captureStderr: false },
+        true,
+      );
+      const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+        StackName: stackArn,
+      });
-    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
-    await fixture.cdkDestroy(fixture.stackNamePrefix);
-  }));
+      expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
+      await fixture.cdkDestroy(fixture.stackNamePrefix);
+    }),
+  );
-integTest('cdk migrate generates migrate.json', withCDKMigrateFixture('typescript', async (fixture) => {
-  const migrateFile = await fs.readFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'migrate.json'), 'utf8');
-  const expectedFile = `{
+  'cdk migrate generates migrate.json',
+  withCDKMigrateFixture('typescript', async (fixture) => {
+    const migrateFile = await fs.readFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'migrate.json'), 'utf8');
+    const expectedFile = `{
     \"//\": \"This file is generated by cdk migrate. It will be automatically deleted after the first successful deployment of this app to the environment of the original resources.\",
     \"Source\": \"localfile\"
-  expect(JSON.parse(migrateFile)).toEqual(JSON.parse(expectedFile));
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy(fixture.stackNamePrefix);
+    expect(JSON.parse(migrateFile)).toEqual(JSON.parse(expectedFile));
+    await fixture.cdkDestroy(fixture.stackNamePrefix);
+  }),
 // integTest('cdk migrate --from-scan with AND/OR filters correctly filters resources', withExtendedTimeoutFixture(async (fixture) => {
 //   const stackName = `cdk-migrate-integ-${fixture.randomString}`;
@@ -676,202 +793,240 @@ integTest('cdk migrate generates migrate.json', withCDKMigrateFixture('typescrip
 //   }
 // }));
-['typescript', 'python', 'csharp', 'java'].forEach(language => {
-  integTest(`cdk migrate --from-stack creates deployable ${language} app`, withExtendedTimeoutFixture(async (fixture) => {
-    const migrateStackName = fixture.fullStackName('migrate-stack');
-    await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('createStack', {
-      StackName: migrateStackName,
-      TemplateBody: await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'resources', 'templates', 'sqs-template.json'), 'utf8'),
-    });
-    try {
-      let stackStatus = 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS';
-      while (stackStatus === 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS') {
-        stackStatus = await (await (fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: migrateStackName }))).Stacks?.[0].StackStatus!;
-        await sleep(1000);
-      }
-      await fixture.cdk(
-        ['migrate', '--stack-name', migrateStackName, '--from-stack'],
-        { modEnv: { MIGRATE_INTEG_TEST: '1' }, neverRequireApproval: true, verbose: true, captureStderr: false },
-      );
-      await fixture.shell(['cd', path.join(fixture.integTestDir, migrateStackName)]);
-      await fixture.cdk(['deploy', migrateStackName], { neverRequireApproval: true, verbose: true, captureStderr: false });
-      const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+['typescript', 'python', 'csharp', 'java'].forEach((language) => {
+  integTest(
+    `cdk migrate --from-stack creates deployable ${language} app`,
+    withExtendedTimeoutFixture(async (fixture) => {
+      const migrateStackName = fixture.fullStackName('migrate-stack');
+      await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('createStack', {
         StackName: migrateStackName,
+        TemplateBody: await fs.readFile(
+          path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'resources', 'templates', 'sqs-template.json'),
+          'utf8',
+        ),
+      try {
+        let stackStatus = 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS';
+        while (stackStatus === 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS') {
+          stackStatus = await (
+            await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: migrateStackName })
+          ).Stacks?.[0].StackStatus!;
+          await sleep(1000);
+        }
+        await fixture.cdk(['migrate', '--stack-name', migrateStackName, '--from-stack'], {
+          modEnv: { MIGRATE_INTEG_TEST: '1' },
+          neverRequireApproval: true,
+          verbose: true,
+          captureStderr: false,
+        });
+        await fixture.shell(['cd', path.join(fixture.integTestDir, migrateStackName)]);
+        await fixture.cdk(['deploy', migrateStackName], {
+          neverRequireApproval: true,
+          verbose: true,
+          captureStderr: false,
+        });
+        const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+          StackName: migrateStackName,
+        });
-      expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('UPDATE_COMPLETE');
-    } finally {
-      await fixture.cdkDestroy('migrate-stack');
-    }
-  }));
+        expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('UPDATE_COMPLETE');
+      } finally {
+        await fixture.cdkDestroy('migrate-stack');
+      }
+    }),
+  );
-integTest('cdk diff', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const diff1 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
-  expect(diff1).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
-  const diff2 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
-  expect(diff2).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
-  // We can make it fail by passing --fail
-  await expect(fixture.cdk(['diff', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]))
-    .rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('enableDiffNoFail', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await diffShouldSucceedWith({ fail: false, enableDiffNoFail: false });
-  await diffShouldSucceedWith({ fail: false, enableDiffNoFail: true });
-  await diffShouldFailWith({ fail: true, enableDiffNoFail: false });
-  await diffShouldFailWith({ fail: true, enableDiffNoFail: true });
-  await diffShouldFailWith({ fail: undefined, enableDiffNoFail: false });
-  await diffShouldSucceedWith({ fail: undefined, enableDiffNoFail: true });
-  async function diffShouldSucceedWith(props: DiffParameters) {
-    await expect(diff(props)).resolves.not.toThrowError();
-  }
-  async function diffShouldFailWith(props: DiffParameters) {
-    await expect(diff(props)).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-  }
-  async function diff(props: DiffParameters): Promise<string> {
-    await updateContext(props.enableDiffNoFail);
-    const flag = props.fail != null
-      ? (props.fail ? '--fail' : '--no-fail')
-      : '';
-    return fixture.cdk(['diff', flag, fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
-  }
-  async function updateContext(enableDiffNoFail: boolean) {
-    const cdkJson = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), 'utf8'));
-    cdkJson.context = {
-      ...cdkJson.context,
-      'aws-cdk:enableDiffNoFail': enableDiffNoFail,
-    };
-    await fs.writeFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), JSON.stringify(cdkJson));
-  }
-  type DiffParameters = { fail?: boolean; enableDiffNoFail: boolean };
-integTest('cdk diff --fail on multiple stacks exits with error if any of the stacks contains a diff', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  const diff1 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
-  expect(diff1).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2');
-  const diff2 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
-  expect(diff2).toContain('There were no differences');
+  'cdk diff',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const diff1 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
+    expect(diff1).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
+    const diff2 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
+    expect(diff2).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
+    // We can make it fail by passing --fail
+    await expect(fixture.cdk(['diff', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')])).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'enableDiffNoFail',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await diffShouldSucceedWith({ fail: false, enableDiffNoFail: false });
+    await diffShouldSucceedWith({ fail: false, enableDiffNoFail: true });
+    await diffShouldFailWith({ fail: true, enableDiffNoFail: false });
+    await diffShouldFailWith({ fail: true, enableDiffNoFail: true });
+    await diffShouldFailWith({ fail: undefined, enableDiffNoFail: false });
+    await diffShouldSucceedWith({ fail: undefined, enableDiffNoFail: true });
+    async function diffShouldSucceedWith(props: DiffParameters) {
+      await expect(diff(props)).resolves.not.toThrowError();
+    }
-  // WHEN / THEN
-  await expect(fixture.cdk(['diff', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('test-1'), fixture.fullStackName('test-2')])).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+    async function diffShouldFailWith(props: DiffParameters) {
+      await expect(diff(props)).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+    }
-integTest('cdk diff --fail with multiple stack exits with if any of the stacks contains a diff', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-1');
-  const diff1 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
-  expect(diff1).toContain('There were no differences');
+    async function diff(props: DiffParameters): Promise<string> {
+      await updateContext(props.enableDiffNoFail);
+      const flag = props.fail != null ? (props.fail ? '--fail' : '--no-fail') : '';
-  const diff2 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
-  expect(diff2).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
+      return fixture.cdk(['diff', flag, fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
+    }
-  // WHEN / THEN
-  await expect(fixture.cdk(['diff', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('test-1'), fixture.fullStackName('test-2')])).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+    async function updateContext(enableDiffNoFail: boolean) {
+      const cdkJson = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), 'utf8'));
+      cdkJson.context = {
+        ...cdkJson.context,
+        'aws-cdk:enableDiffNoFail': enableDiffNoFail,
+      };
+      await fs.writeFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), JSON.stringify(cdkJson));
+    }
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-permission-set-without-managed-policy information', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const diff = await fixture.cdk(
-    ['diff', '--security-only', fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-without-managed-policy')],
-  );
-  `┌───┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
+    type DiffParameters = { fail?: boolean; enableDiffNoFail: boolean };
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --fail on multiple stacks exits with error if any of the stacks contains a diff',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    const diff1 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
+    expect(diff1).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-2');
+    const diff2 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
+    expect(diff2).toContain('There were no differences');
+    // WHEN / THEN
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(['diff', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('test-1'), fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --fail with multiple stack exits with if any of the stacks contains a diff',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-1');
+    const diff1 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
+    expect(diff1).toContain('There were no differences');
+    const diff2 = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
+    expect(diff2).toContain('AWS::SNS::Topic');
+    // WHEN / THEN
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(['diff', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('test-1'), fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-permission-set-without-managed-policy information',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const diff = await fixture.cdk([
+      'diff',
+      '--security-only',
+      fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-without-managed-policy'),
+    ]);
+    `┌───┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
    │   │ Resource                                 │ InstanceArn                      │ PermissionSet name │ PermissionsBoundary               │ CustomerManagedPolicyReferences │
    │ + │\${permission-set-without-managed-policy} │ arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue │ testName           │ CustomerManagedPolicyReference: { │                                 │
    │   │                                          │                                  │                    │   Name: why, Path: /how/          │                                 │
    │   │                                          │                                  │                    │ }                                 │                                 │
-  expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
-  expect(diff).toContain('permission-set-without-managed-policy');
-  expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
-  expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PermissionSet name');
-  expect(diff).toContain('testName');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PermissionsBoundary');
-  expect(diff).toContain('CustomerManagedPolicyReference: {');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Name: why, Path: /how/');
-  expect(diff).toContain('}');
-  expect(diff).toContain('CustomerManagedPolicyReferences');
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-permission-set-with-managed-policy information', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const diff = await fixture.cdk(
-    ['diff', '--security-only', fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-with-managed-policy')],
-  );
-  `┌───┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
+    expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
+    expect(diff).toContain('permission-set-without-managed-policy');
+    expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
+    expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PermissionSet name');
+    expect(diff).toContain('testName');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PermissionsBoundary');
+    expect(diff).toContain('CustomerManagedPolicyReference: {');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Name: why, Path: /how/');
+    expect(diff).toContain('}');
+    expect(diff).toContain('CustomerManagedPolicyReferences');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-permission-set-with-managed-policy information',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const diff = await fixture.cdk([
+      'diff',
+      '--security-only',
+      fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-with-managed-policy'),
+    ]);
+    `┌───┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
    │   │ Resource                                 │ InstanceArn                      │ PermissionSet name │ PermissionsBoundary                                           │ CustomerManagedPolicyReferences │
    │ + │\${permission-set-with-managed-policy}    │ arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue │ niceWork           │ ManagedPolicyArn: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess │ Name: forSSO, Path:             │
-  expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
-  expect(diff).toContain('permission-set-with-managed-policy');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
+    expect(diff).toContain('permission-set-with-managed-policy');
-  expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
-  expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
+    expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
+    expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PermissionSet name');
-  expect(diff).toContain('niceWork');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PermissionSet name');
+    expect(diff).toContain('niceWork');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PermissionsBoundary');
-  expect(diff).toContain('ManagedPolicyArn: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PermissionsBoundary');
+    expect(diff).toContain('ManagedPolicyArn: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess');
-  expect(diff).toContain('CustomerManagedPolicyReferences');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Name: forSSO, Path:');
+    expect(diff).toContain('CustomerManagedPolicyReferences');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Name: forSSO, Path:');
+  }),
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-assignment information', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const diff = await fixture.cdk(
-    ['diff', '--security-only', fixture.fullStackName('sso-assignment')],
-  );
-  `┌───┬───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
+  'cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-assignment information',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const diff = await fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', fixture.fullStackName('sso-assignment')]);
+    `┌───┬───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
    │   │ Resource      │ InstanceArn                      │ PermissionSetArn        │ PrincipalId                  │ PrincipalType │ TargetId     │ TargetType  │
    │ + │\${assignment} │ arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue │ arn:aws:sso:::testvalue │ 11111111-2222-3333-4444-test │ USER          │ 111111111111 │ AWS_ACCOUNT │
-  expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
-  expect(diff).toContain('assignment');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
+    expect(diff).toContain('assignment');
-  expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
-  expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
+    expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
+    expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PermissionSetArn');
-  expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::testvalue');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PermissionSetArn');
+    expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::testvalue');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PrincipalId');
-  expect(diff).toContain('11111111-2222-3333-4444-test');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PrincipalId');
+    expect(diff).toContain('11111111-2222-3333-4444-test');
-  expect(diff).toContain('PrincipalType');
-  expect(diff).toContain('USER');
+    expect(diff).toContain('PrincipalType');
+    expect(diff).toContain('USER');
-  expect(diff).toContain('TargetId');
-  expect(diff).toContain('111111111111');
+    expect(diff).toContain('TargetId');
+    expect(diff).toContain('111111111111');
-  expect(diff).toContain('TargetType');
-  expect(diff).toContain('AWS_ACCOUNT');
+    expect(diff).toContain('TargetType');
+    expect(diff).toContain('AWS_ACCOUNT');
+  }),
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-access-control information', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const diff = await fixture.cdk(
-    ['diff', '--security-only', fixture.fullStackName('sso-access-control')],
-  );
-  `┌───┬────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
+  'cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-access-control information',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const diff = await fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', fixture.fullStackName('sso-access-control')]);
+    `┌───┬────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
    │   │ Resource                       │ InstanceArn            │ AccessControlAttributes         │
    │ + │\${instanceAccessControlConfig} │ arn:aws:test:testvalue │ Key: first, Values: [a]         │
@@ -882,125 +1037,143 @@ integTest('cdk diff --security-only successfully outputs sso-access-control info
    │   │                                │                        │ Key: sixth, Values: [f]         │
-  expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
-  expect(diff).toContain('instanceAccessControlConfig');
-  expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
-  expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
-  expect(diff).toContain('AccessControlAttributes');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Key: first, Values: [a]');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Key: second, Values: [b]');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Key: third, Values: [c]');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Key: fourth, Values: [d]');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Key: fifth, Values: [e]');
-  expect(diff).toContain('Key: sixth, Values: [f]');
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso access control config', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await expect(
-    fixture.cdk(
-      ['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-access-control')],
-    ),
-  ).rejects
-    .toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso-perm-set-without-managed-policy', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await expect(
-    fixture.cdk(
-      ['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-without-managed-policy')],
-    ),
-  ).rejects
-    .toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso-perm-set-with-managed-policy', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await expect(
-    fixture.cdk(
-      ['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-with-managed-policy')],
-    ),
-  ).rejects
-    .toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso-assignment', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await expect(
-    fixture.cdk(
-      ['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-assignment')],
-    ),
-  ).rejects
-    .toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security changes are present', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const stackName = 'iam-test';
-  await expect(fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName(stackName)])).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('cdk diff --quiet does not print \'There were no differences\' message for stacks which have no differences', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-1');
-  // WHEN
-  const diff = await fixture.cdk(['diff', '--quiet', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
-  // THEN
-  expect(diff).not.toContain('Stack test-1');
-  expect(diff).not.toContain('There were no differences');
-integTest('deploy stack with docker asset', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('docker');
-integTest('deploy and test stack with lambda asset', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda', { captureStderr: false });
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  const lambdaArn = response.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.[0].OutputValue;
-  if (lambdaArn === undefined) {
-    throw new Error('Stack did not have expected Lambda ARN output');
-  }
+    expect(diff).toContain('Resource');
+    expect(diff).toContain('instanceAccessControlConfig');
+    expect(diff).toContain('InstanceArn');
+    expect(diff).toContain('arn:aws:sso:::instance/testvalue');
+    expect(diff).toContain('AccessControlAttributes');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Key: first, Values: [a]');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Key: second, Values: [b]');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Key: third, Values: [c]');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Key: fourth, Values: [d]');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Key: fifth, Values: [e]');
+    expect(diff).toContain('Key: sixth, Values: [f]');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso access control config',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-access-control')]),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso-perm-set-without-managed-policy',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-without-managed-policy')]),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso-perm-set-with-managed-policy',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-perm-set-with-managed-policy')]),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security diff for sso-assignment',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName('sso-assignment')]),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'cdk diff --security-only --fail exits when security changes are present',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const stackName = 'iam-test';
+    await expect(fixture.cdk(['diff', '--security-only', '--fail', fixture.fullStackName(stackName)])).rejects.toThrow(
+      'exited with error',
+    );
+  }),
-  const output = await fixture.aws.lambda('invoke', {
-    FunctionName: lambdaArn,
-  });
+  "cdk diff --quiet does not print 'There were no differences' message for stacks which have no differences",
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('test-1');
-  expect(JSON.stringify(output.Payload)).toContain('dear asset');
-integTest('cdk ls', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const listing = await fixture.cdk(['ls'], { captureStderr: false });
-  const expectedStacks = [
-    'conditional-resource',
-    'docker',
-    'docker-with-custom-file',
-    'failed',
-    'iam-test',
-    'lambda',
-    'missing-ssm-parameter',
-    'order-providing',
-    'outputs-test-1',
-    'outputs-test-2',
-    'param-test-1',
-    'param-test-2',
-    'param-test-3',
-    'termination-protection',
-    'test-1',
-    'test-2',
-    'with-nested-stack',
-    'with-nested-stack-using-parameters',
-    'order-consuming',
-  ];
-  for (const stack of expectedStacks) {
-    expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(stack));
-  }
+    // WHEN
+    const diff = await fixture.cdk(['diff', '--quiet', fixture.fullStackName('test-1')]);
+    // THEN
+    expect(diff).not.toContain('Stack test-1');
+    expect(diff).not.toContain('There were no differences');
+  }),
+  'deploy stack with docker asset',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('docker');
+  }),
+  'deploy and test stack with lambda asset',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda', { captureStderr: false });
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    const lambdaArn = response.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.[0].OutputValue;
+    if (lambdaArn === undefined) {
+      throw new Error('Stack did not have expected Lambda ARN output');
+    }
+    const output = await fixture.aws.lambda('invoke', {
+      FunctionName: lambdaArn,
+    });
+    expect(JSON.stringify(output.Payload)).toContain('dear asset');
+  }),
+  'cdk ls',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const listing = await fixture.cdk(['ls'], { captureStderr: false });
+    const expectedStacks = [
+      'conditional-resource',
+      'docker',
+      'docker-with-custom-file',
+      'failed',
+      'iam-test',
+      'lambda',
+      'missing-ssm-parameter',
+      'order-providing',
+      'outputs-test-1',
+      'outputs-test-2',
+      'param-test-1',
+      'param-test-2',
+      'param-test-3',
+      'termination-protection',
+      'test-1',
+      'test-2',
+      'with-nested-stack',
+      'with-nested-stack-using-parameters',
+      'order-consuming',
+    ];
+    for (const stack of expectedStacks) {
+      expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(stack));
+    }
+  }),
  * Type to store stack dependencies recursively
@@ -1015,710 +1188,731 @@ type StackDetails = {
   dependencies: DependencyDetails[];
-integTest('cdk ls --show-dependencies --json', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const listing = await fixture.cdk(['ls --show-dependencies --json'], { captureStderr: false });
-  const expectedStacks = [
-    {
-      id: 'test-1',
-      dependencies: [],
-    },
-    {
-      id: 'order-providing',
-      dependencies: [],
-    },
-    {
-      id: 'order-consuming',
-      dependencies: [
-        {
-          id: 'order-providing',
-          dependencies: [],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      id: 'with-nested-stack',
-      dependencies: [],
-    },
-    {
-      id: 'list-stacks',
-      dependencies: [
-        {
-          id: 'list-stacks/DependentStack',
-          dependencies: [
-            {
-              id: 'list-stacks/DependentStack/InnerDependentStack',
-              dependencies: [],
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      id: 'list-multiple-dependent-stacks',
-      dependencies: [
-        {
-          id: 'list-multiple-dependent-stacks/DependentStack1',
-          dependencies: [],
-        },
-        {
-          id: 'list-multiple-dependent-stacks/DependentStack2',
-          dependencies: [],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-  ];
+  'cdk ls --show-dependencies --json',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const listing = await fixture.cdk(['ls --show-dependencies --json'], { captureStderr: false });
-  function validateStackDependencies(stack: StackDetails) {
-    expect(listing).toContain(stack.id);
+    const expectedStacks = [
+      {
+        id: 'test-1',
+        dependencies: [],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'order-providing',
+        dependencies: [],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'order-consuming',
+        dependencies: [
+          {
+            id: 'order-providing',
+            dependencies: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'with-nested-stack',
+        dependencies: [],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'list-stacks',
+        dependencies: [
+          {
+            id: 'list-stacks/DependentStack',
+            dependencies: [
+              {
+                id: 'list-stacks/DependentStack/InnerDependentStack',
+                dependencies: [],
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'list-multiple-dependent-stacks',
+        dependencies: [
+          {
+            id: 'list-multiple-dependent-stacks/DependentStack1',
+            dependencies: [],
+          },
+          {
+            id: 'list-multiple-dependent-stacks/DependentStack2',
+            dependencies: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ];
+    function validateStackDependencies(stack: StackDetails) {
+      expect(listing).toContain(stack.id);
-    function validateDependencies(dependencies: DependencyDetails[]) {
-      for (const dependency of dependencies) {
-        expect(listing).toContain(dependency.id);
-        if (dependency.dependencies.length > 0) {
-          validateDependencies(dependency.dependencies);
+      function validateDependencies(dependencies: DependencyDetails[]) {
+        for (const dependency of dependencies) {
+          expect(listing).toContain(dependency.id);
+          if (dependency.dependencies.length > 0) {
+            validateDependencies(dependency.dependencies);
+          }
+      if (stack.dependencies.length > 0) {
+        validateDependencies(stack.dependencies);
+      }
-    if (stack.dependencies.length > 0) {
-      validateDependencies(stack.dependencies);
+    for (const stack of expectedStacks) {
+      validateStackDependencies(stack);
-  }
+  }),
+  'cdk ls --show-dependencies --json --long',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const listing = await fixture.cdk(['ls --show-dependencies --json --long'], { captureStderr: false });
+    const expectedStacks = [
+      {
+        id: 'order-providing',
+        name: 'order-providing',
+        enviroment: {
+          account: 'unknown-account',
+          region: 'unknown-region',
+          name: 'aws://unknown-account/unknown-region',
+        },
+        dependencies: [],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'order-consuming',
+        name: 'order-consuming',
+        enviroment: {
+          account: 'unknown-account',
+          region: 'unknown-region',
+          name: 'aws://unknown-account/unknown-region',
+        },
+        dependencies: [
+          {
+            id: 'order-providing',
+            dependencies: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ];
+    for (const stack of expectedStacks) {
+      expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(stack.id));
+      expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(stack.name));
+      expect(listing).toContain(stack.enviroment.account);
+      expect(listing).toContain(stack.enviroment.name);
+      expect(listing).toContain(stack.enviroment.region);
+      for (const dependency of stack.dependencies) {
+        expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(dependency.id));
+      }
+    }
+  }),
+  'synthing a stage with errors leads to failure',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const output = await fixture.cdk(['synth'], {
+      allowErrExit: true,
+      modEnv: {
+        INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-errors',
+      },
+    });
-  for (const stack of expectedStacks) {
-    validateStackDependencies(stack);
-  }
-integTest('cdk ls --show-dependencies --json --long', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const listing = await fixture.cdk(['ls --show-dependencies --json --long'], { captureStderr: false });
-  const expectedStacks = [
-    {
-      id: 'order-providing',
-      name: 'order-providing',
-      enviroment: {
-        account: 'unknown-account',
-        region: 'unknown-region',
-        name: 'aws://unknown-account/unknown-region',
+    expect(output).toContain('This is an error');
+  }),
+  'synthing a stage with errors can be suppressed',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    await fixture.cdk(['synth', '--no-validation'], {
+      modEnv: {
+        INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-errors',
-      dependencies: [],
-    },
-    {
-      id: 'order-consuming',
-      name: 'order-consuming',
-      enviroment: {
-        account: 'unknown-account',
-        region: 'unknown-region',
-        name: 'aws://unknown-account/unknown-region',
+    });
+  }),
+  'synth --quiet can be specified in cdk.json',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    let cdkJson = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), 'utf8'));
+    cdkJson = {
+      ...cdkJson,
+      quiet: true,
+    };
+    await fs.writeFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), JSON.stringify(cdkJson));
+    const synthOutput = await fixture.cdk(['synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
+    expect(synthOutput).not.toContain('topic152D84A37');
+  }),
+  'deploy stack without resource',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Deploy the stack without resources
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('conditional-resource', { modEnv: { NO_RESOURCE: 'TRUE' } });
+    // This should have succeeded but not deployed the stack.
+    await expect(
+      fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: fixture.fullStackName('conditional-resource') }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('conditional-resource does not exist');
+    // Deploy the stack with resources
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('conditional-resource');
+    // Then again WITHOUT resources (this should destroy the stack)
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('conditional-resource', { modEnv: { NO_RESOURCE: 'TRUE' } });
+    await expect(
+      fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: fixture.fullStackName('conditional-resource') }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('conditional-resource does not exist');
+  }),
+  'deploy no stacks with --ignore-no-stacks',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // empty array for stack names
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy([], {
+      options: ['--ignore-no-stacks'],
+      modEnv: {
+        INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-no-stacks',
-      dependencies: [
-        {
-          id: 'order-providing',
-          dependencies: [],
+    });
+  }),
+  'deploy no stacks error',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // empty array for stack names
+    await expect(
+      fixture.cdkDeploy([], {
+        modEnv: {
+          INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-no-stacks',
-      ],
-    },
-  ];
-  for (const stack of expectedStacks) {
-    expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(stack.id));
-    expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(stack.name));
-    expect(listing).toContain(stack.enviroment.account);
-    expect(listing).toContain(stack.enviroment.name);
-    expect(listing).toContain(stack.enviroment.region);
-    for (const dependency of stack.dependencies) {
-      expect(listing).toContain(fixture.fullStackName(dependency.id));
+      }),
+    ).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'IAM diff',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const output = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('iam-test')]);
+    // Roughly check for a table like this:
+    //
+    // ┌───┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────────────┬────────────────────────────-──┬───────────┐
+    // │   │ Resource        │ Effect │ Action         │ Principal                     │ Condition │
+    // ├───┼─────────────────┼────────┼────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼───────────┤
+    // │ + │ ${SomeRole.Arn} │ Allow  │ sts:AssumeRole │ Service:ec2.amazonaws.com     │           │
+    // └───┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┴───────────┘
+    expect(output).toContain('${SomeRole.Arn}');
+    expect(output).toContain('sts:AssumeRole');
+    expect(output).toContain('ec2.amazonaws.com');
+  }),
+  'fast deploy',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // we are using a stack with a nested stack because CFN will always attempt to
+    // update a nested stack, which will allow us to verify that updates are actually
+    // skipped unless --force is specified.
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack', { captureStderr: false });
+    const changeSet1 = await getLatestChangeSet();
+    // Deploy the same stack again, there should be no new change set created
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack');
+    const changeSet2 = await getLatestChangeSet();
+    expect(changeSet2.ChangeSetId).toEqual(changeSet1.ChangeSetId);
+    // Deploy the stack again with --force, now we should create a changeset
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack', { options: ['--force'] });
+    const changeSet3 = await getLatestChangeSet();
+    expect(changeSet3.ChangeSetId).not.toEqual(changeSet2.ChangeSetId);
+    // Deploy the stack again with tags, expected to create a new changeset
+    // even though the resources didn't change.
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack', { options: ['--tags', 'key=value'] });
+    const changeSet4 = await getLatestChangeSet();
+    expect(changeSet4.ChangeSetId).not.toEqual(changeSet3.ChangeSetId);
+    async function getLatestChangeSet() {
+      const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: stackArn });
+      if (!response.Stacks?.[0]) {
+        throw new Error('Did not get a ChangeSet at all');
+      }
+      fixture.log(`Found Change Set ${response.Stacks?.[0].ChangeSetId}`);
+      return response.Stacks?.[0];
-  }
+  }),
+  'failed deploy does not hang',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // this will hang if we introduce https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/6403 again.
+    await expect(fixture.cdkDeploy('failed')).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
+  }),
+  'can still load old assemblies',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const cxAsmDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'cdk-integ-cx');
+    const testAssembliesDirectory = path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, 'cloud-assemblies');
+    for (const asmdir of await listChildDirs(testAssembliesDirectory)) {
+      fixture.log(`ASSEMBLY ${asmdir}`);
+      await cloneDirectory(asmdir, cxAsmDir);
+      // Some files in the asm directory that have a .js extension are
+      // actually treated as templates. Evaluate them using NodeJS.
+      const templates = await listChildren(cxAsmDir, (fullPath) => Promise.resolve(fullPath.endsWith('.js')));
+      for (const template of templates) {
+        const targetName = template.replace(/.js$/, '');
+        await shell([process.execPath, template, '>', targetName], {
+          cwd: cxAsmDir,
+          output: fixture.output,
+          modEnv: {
+            TEST_ACCOUNT: await fixture.aws.account(),
+            TEST_REGION: fixture.aws.region,
+          },
+        });
+      }
+      // Use this directory as a Cloud Assembly
+      const output = await fixture.cdk(['--app', cxAsmDir, '-v', 'synth']);
-integTest('synthing a stage with errors leads to failure', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const output = await fixture.cdk(['synth'], {
-    allowErrExit: true,
-    modEnv: {
-      INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-errors',
-    },
-  });
+      // Assert that there was no providerError in CDK's stderr
+      // Because we rely on the app/framework to actually error in case the
+      // provider fails, we inspect the logs here.
+      expect(output).not.toContain('$providerError');
+    }
+  }),
+  'generating and loading assembly',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const asmOutputDir = `${fixture.integTestDir}-cdk-integ-asm`;
+    await fixture.shell(['rm', '-rf', asmOutputDir]);
+    // Synthesize a Cloud Assembly tothe default directory (cdk.out) and a specific directory.
+    await fixture.cdk(['synth']);
+    await fixture.cdk(['synth', '--output', asmOutputDir]);
+    // cdk.out in the current directory and the indicated --output should be the same
+    await fixture.shell(['diff', 'cdk.out', asmOutputDir]);
+    // Check that we can 'ls' the synthesized asm.
+    // Change to some random directory to make sure we're not accidentally loading cdk.json
+    const list = await fixture.cdk(['--app', asmOutputDir, 'ls'], { cwd: os.tmpdir() });
+    // Same stacks we know are in the app
+    expect(list).toContain(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-lambda`);
+    expect(list).toContain(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-1`);
+    expect(list).toContain(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-2`);
+    // Check that we can use '.' and just synth ,the generated asm
+    const stackTemplate = await fixture.cdk(['--app', '.', 'synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], {
+      cwd: asmOutputDir,
+    });
+    expect(stackTemplate).toContain('topic152D84A37');
-  expect(output).toContain('This is an error');
+    // Deploy a Lambda from the copied asm
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda', { options: ['-a', '.'], cwd: asmOutputDir });
-integTest('synthing a stage with errors can be suppressed', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  await fixture.cdk(['synth', '--no-validation'], {
-    modEnv: {
-      INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-errors',
-    },
-  });
-integTest('synth --quiet can be specified in cdk.json', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  let cdkJson = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), 'utf8'));
-  cdkJson = {
-    ...cdkJson,
-    quiet: true,
-  };
-  await fs.writeFile(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.json'), JSON.stringify(cdkJson));
-  const synthOutput = await fixture.cdk(['synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')]);
-  expect(synthOutput).not.toContain('topic152D84A37');
-integTest('deploy stack without resource', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Deploy the stack without resources
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('conditional-resource', { modEnv: { NO_RESOURCE: 'TRUE' } });
-  // This should have succeeded but not deployed the stack.
-  await expect(fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: fixture.fullStackName('conditional-resource') }))
-    .rejects.toThrow('conditional-resource does not exist');
-  // Deploy the stack with resources
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('conditional-resource');
-  // Then again WITHOUT resources (this should destroy the stack)
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('conditional-resource', { modEnv: { NO_RESOURCE: 'TRUE' } });
-  await expect(fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: fixture.fullStackName('conditional-resource') }))
-    .rejects.toThrow('conditional-resource does not exist');
-integTest('deploy no stacks with --ignore-no-stacks', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // empty array for stack names
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy([], {
-    options: ['--ignore-no-stacks'],
-    modEnv: {
-      INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-no-stacks',
-    },
-  });
-integTest('deploy no stacks error', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // empty array for stack names
-  await expect(fixture.cdkDeploy([], {
-    modEnv: {
-      INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-with-no-stacks',
-    },
-  })).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('IAM diff', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const output = await fixture.cdk(['diff', fixture.fullStackName('iam-test')]);
-  // Roughly check for a table like this:
-  //
-  // ┌───┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────────────┬────────────────────────────-──┬───────────┐
-  // │   │ Resource        │ Effect │ Action         │ Principal                     │ Condition │
-  // ├───┼─────────────────┼────────┼────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼───────────┤
-  // │ + │ ${SomeRole.Arn} │ Allow  │ sts:AssumeRole │ Service:ec2.amazonaws.com     │           │
-  // └───┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┴───────────┘
-  expect(output).toContain('${SomeRole.Arn}');
-  expect(output).toContain('sts:AssumeRole');
-  expect(output).toContain('ec2.amazonaws.com');
-integTest('fast deploy', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // we are using a stack with a nested stack because CFN will always attempt to
-  // update a nested stack, which will allow us to verify that updates are actually
-  // skipped unless --force is specified.
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack', { captureStderr: false });
-  const changeSet1 = await getLatestChangeSet();
-  // Deploy the same stack again, there should be no new change set created
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack');
-  const changeSet2 = await getLatestChangeSet();
-  expect(changeSet2.ChangeSetId).toEqual(changeSet1.ChangeSetId);
-  // Deploy the stack again with --force, now we should create a changeset
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack', { options: ['--force'] });
-  const changeSet3 = await getLatestChangeSet();
-  expect(changeSet3.ChangeSetId).not.toEqual(changeSet2.ChangeSetId);
-  // Deploy the stack again with tags, expected to create a new changeset
-  // even though the resources didn't change.
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('with-nested-stack', { options: ['--tags', 'key=value'] });
-  const changeSet4 = await getLatestChangeSet();
-  expect(changeSet4.ChangeSetId).not.toEqual(changeSet3.ChangeSetId);
-  async function getLatestChangeSet() {
-    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: stackArn });
-    if (!response.Stacks?.[0]) { throw new Error('Did not get a ChangeSet at all'); }
-    fixture.log(`Found Change Set ${response.Stacks?.[0].ChangeSetId}`);
-    return response.Stacks?.[0];
-  }
-integTest('failed deploy does not hang', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // this will hang if we introduce https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/6403 again.
-  await expect(fixture.cdkDeploy('failed')).rejects.toThrow('exited with error');
-integTest('can still load old assemblies', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const cxAsmDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'cdk-integ-cx');
-  const testAssembliesDirectory = path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, 'cloud-assemblies');
-  for (const asmdir of await listChildDirs(testAssembliesDirectory)) {
-    fixture.log(`ASSEMBLY ${asmdir}`);
-    await cloneDirectory(asmdir, cxAsmDir);
-    // Some files in the asm directory that have a .js extension are
-    // actually treated as templates. Evaluate them using NodeJS.
-    const templates = await listChildren(cxAsmDir, fullPath => Promise.resolve(fullPath.endsWith('.js')));
-    for (const template of templates) {
-      const targetName = template.replace(/.js$/, '');
-      await shell([process.execPath, template, '>', targetName], {
-        cwd: cxAsmDir,
-        output: fixture.output,
-        modEnv: {
-          TEST_ACCOUNT: await fixture.aws.account(),
-          TEST_REGION: fixture.aws.region,
-        },
-      });
+    // Remove (rename) the original custom docker file that was used during synth.
+    // this verifies that the assemly has a copy of it and that the manifest uses
+    // relative paths to reference to it.
+    const customDockerFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'docker', 'Dockerfile.Custom');
+    await fs.rename(customDockerFile, `${customDockerFile}~`);
+    try {
+      // deploy a docker image with custom file without synth (uses assets)
+      await fixture.cdkDeploy('docker-with-custom-file', { options: ['-a', '.'], cwd: asmOutputDir });
+    } finally {
+      // Rename back to restore fixture to original state
+      await fs.rename(`${customDockerFile}~`, customDockerFile);
+  }),
-    // Use this directory as a Cloud Assembly
-    const output = await fixture.cdk([
-      '--app', cxAsmDir,
-      '-v',
-      'synth',
-    ]);
+  'templates on disk contain metadata resource, also in nested assemblies',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Synth first, and switch on version reporting because cdk.json is disabling it
+    await fixture.cdk(['synth', '--version-reporting=true']);
-    // Assert that there was no providerError in CDK's stderr
-    // Because we rely on the app/framework to actually error in case the
-    // provider fails, we inspect the logs here.
-    expect(output).not.toContain('$providerError');
-  }
-integTest('generating and loading assembly', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const asmOutputDir = `${fixture.integTestDir}-cdk-integ-asm`;
-  await fixture.shell(['rm', '-rf', asmOutputDir]);
-  // Synthesize a Cloud Assembly tothe default directory (cdk.out) and a specific directory.
-  await fixture.cdk(['synth']);
-  await fixture.cdk(['synth', '--output', asmOutputDir]);
-  // cdk.out in the current directory and the indicated --output should be the same
-  await fixture.shell(['diff', 'cdk.out', asmOutputDir]);
-  // Check that we can 'ls' the synthesized asm.
-  // Change to some random directory to make sure we're not accidentally loading cdk.json
-  const list = await fixture.cdk(['--app', asmOutputDir, 'ls'], { cwd: os.tmpdir() });
-  // Same stacks we know are in the app
-  expect(list).toContain(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-lambda`);
-  expect(list).toContain(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-1`);
-  expect(list).toContain(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-test-2`);
-  // Check that we can use '.' and just synth ,the generated asm
-  const stackTemplate = await fixture.cdk(['--app', '.', 'synth', fixture.fullStackName('test-2')], {
-    cwd: asmOutputDir,
-  });
-  expect(stackTemplate).toContain('topic152D84A37');
+    // Load template from disk from root assembly
+    const templateContents = await fixture.shell(['cat', 'cdk.out/*-lambda.template.json']);
-  // Deploy a Lambda from the copied asm
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda', { options: ['-a', '.'], cwd: asmOutputDir });
+    expect(JSON.parse(templateContents).Resources.CDKMetadata).toBeTruthy();
-  // Remove (rename) the original custom docker file that was used during synth.
-  // this verifies that the assemly has a copy of it and that the manifest uses
-  // relative paths to reference to it.
-  const customDockerFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'docker', 'Dockerfile.Custom');
-  await fs.rename(customDockerFile, `${customDockerFile}~`);
-  try {
+    // Load template from nested assembly
+    const nestedTemplateContents = await fixture.shell([
+      'cat',
+      'cdk.out/assembly-*-stage/*StackInStage*.template.json',
+    ]);
-    // deploy a docker image with custom file without synth (uses assets)
-    await fixture.cdkDeploy('docker-with-custom-file', { options: ['-a', '.'], cwd: asmOutputDir });
+    expect(JSON.parse(nestedTemplateContents).Resources.CDKMetadata).toBeTruthy();
+  }),
+  'CDK synth add the metadata properties expected by sam',
+  withSamIntegrationFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Synth first
+    await fixture.cdkSynth();
+    const template = fixture.template('TestStack');
+    const expectedResources = [
+      {
+        // Python Layer Version
+        id: 'PythonLayerVersion39495CEF',
+        cdkId: 'PythonLayerVersion',
+        isBundled: true,
+        property: 'Content',
+      },
+      {
+        // Layer Version
+        id: 'LayerVersion3878DA3A',
+        cdkId: 'LayerVersion',
+        isBundled: false,
+        property: 'Content',
+      },
+      {
+        // Bundled layer version
+        id: 'BundledLayerVersionPythonRuntime6BADBD6E',
+        cdkId: 'BundledLayerVersionPythonRuntime',
+        isBundled: true,
+        property: 'Content',
+      },
+      {
+        // Python Function
+        id: 'PythonFunction0BCF77FD',
+        cdkId: 'PythonFunction',
+        isBundled: true,
+        property: 'Code',
+      },
+      {
+        // Log Retention Function
+        id: 'LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8aFD4BFC8A',
+        cdkId: 'LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8a',
+        isBundled: false,
+        property: 'Code',
+      },
+      {
+        // Function
+        id: 'FunctionPythonRuntime28CBDA05',
+        cdkId: 'FunctionPythonRuntime',
+        isBundled: false,
+        property: 'Code',
+      },
+      {
+        // Bundled Function
+        id: 'BundledFunctionPythonRuntime4D9A0918',
+        cdkId: 'BundledFunctionPythonRuntime',
+        isBundled: true,
+        property: 'Code',
+      },
+      {
+        // NodeJs Function
+        id: 'NodejsFunction09C1F20F',
+        cdkId: 'NodejsFunction',
+        isBundled: true,
+        property: 'Code',
+      },
+      {
+        // Go Function
+        id: 'GoFunctionCA95FBAA',
+        cdkId: 'GoFunction',
+        isBundled: true,
+        property: 'Code',
+      },
+      {
+        // Docker Image Function
+        id: 'DockerImageFunction28B773E6',
+        cdkId: 'DockerImageFunction',
+        dockerFilePath: 'Dockerfile',
+        property: 'Code.ImageUri',
+      },
+      {
+        // Spec Rest Api
+        id: 'SpecRestAPI7D4B3A34',
+        cdkId: 'SpecRestAPI',
+        property: 'BodyS3Location',
+      },
+    ];
+    for (const resource of expectedResources) {
+      fixture.output.write(`validate assets metadata for resource ${resource}`);
+      expect(resource.id in template.Resources).toBeTruthy();
+      expect(template.Resources[resource.id]).toEqual(
+        expect.objectContaining({
+          Metadata: {
+            'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.fullStackName('TestStack')}/${resource.cdkId}/Resource`,
+            'aws:asset:path': expect.stringMatching(/asset\.[0-9a-zA-Z]{64}/),
+            'aws:asset:is-bundled': resource.isBundled,
+            'aws:asset:dockerfile-path': resource.dockerFilePath,
+            'aws:asset:property': resource.property,
+          },
+        }),
+      );
+    }
-  } finally {
-    // Rename back to restore fixture to original state
-    await fs.rename(`${customDockerFile}~`, customDockerFile);
-  }
-integTest('templates on disk contain metadata resource, also in nested assemblies', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Synth first, and switch on version reporting because cdk.json is disabling it
-  await fixture.cdk(['synth', '--version-reporting=true']);
-  // Load template from disk from root assembly
-  const templateContents = await fixture.shell(['cat', 'cdk.out/*-lambda.template.json']);
-  expect(JSON.parse(templateContents).Resources.CDKMetadata).toBeTruthy();
-  // Load template from nested assembly
-  const nestedTemplateContents = await fixture.shell(['cat', 'cdk.out/assembly-*-stage/*StackInStage*.template.json']);
-  expect(JSON.parse(nestedTemplateContents).Resources.CDKMetadata).toBeTruthy();
-integTest('CDK synth add the metadata properties expected by sam', withSamIntegrationFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Synth first
-  await fixture.cdkSynth();
-  const template = fixture.template('TestStack');
-  const expectedResources = [
-    {
-      // Python Layer Version
-      id: 'PythonLayerVersion39495CEF',
-      cdkId: 'PythonLayerVersion',
-      isBundled: true,
-      property: 'Content',
-    },
-    {
-      // Layer Version
-      id: 'LayerVersion3878DA3A',
-      cdkId: 'LayerVersion',
-      isBundled: false,
-      property: 'Content',
-    },
-    {
-      // Bundled layer version
-      id: 'BundledLayerVersionPythonRuntime6BADBD6E',
-      cdkId: 'BundledLayerVersionPythonRuntime',
-      isBundled: true,
-      property: 'Content',
-    },
-    {
-      // Python Function
-      id: 'PythonFunction0BCF77FD',
-      cdkId: 'PythonFunction',
-      isBundled: true,
-      property: 'Code',
-    },
-    {
-      // Log Retention Function
-      id: 'LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8aFD4BFC8A',
-      cdkId: 'LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8a',
-      isBundled: false,
-      property: 'Code',
-    },
-    {
-      // Function
-      id: 'FunctionPythonRuntime28CBDA05',
-      cdkId: 'FunctionPythonRuntime',
-      isBundled: false,
-      property: 'Code',
-    },
-    {
-      // Bundled Function
-      id: 'BundledFunctionPythonRuntime4D9A0918',
-      cdkId: 'BundledFunctionPythonRuntime',
-      isBundled: true,
-      property: 'Code',
-    },
-    {
-      // NodeJs Function
-      id: 'NodejsFunction09C1F20F',
-      cdkId: 'NodejsFunction',
-      isBundled: true,
-      property: 'Code',
-    },
-    {
-      // Go Function
-      id: 'GoFunctionCA95FBAA',
-      cdkId: 'GoFunction',
-      isBundled: true,
-      property: 'Code',
-    },
-    {
-      // Docker Image Function
-      id: 'DockerImageFunction28B773E6',
-      cdkId: 'DockerImageFunction',
-      dockerFilePath: 'Dockerfile',
-      property: 'Code.ImageUri',
-    },
-    {
-      // Spec Rest Api
-      id: 'SpecRestAPI7D4B3A34',
-      cdkId: 'SpecRestAPI',
-      property: 'BodyS3Location',
-    },
-  ];
-  for (const resource of expectedResources) {
-    fixture.output.write(`validate assets metadata for resource ${resource}`);
-    expect(resource.id in template.Resources).toBeTruthy();
-    expect(template.Resources[resource.id]).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
-      Metadata: {
-        'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.fullStackName('TestStack')}/${resource.cdkId}/Resource`,
-        'aws:asset:path': expect.stringMatching(/asset\.[0-9a-zA-Z]{64}/),
-        'aws:asset:is-bundled': resource.isBundled,
-        'aws:asset:dockerfile-path': resource.dockerFilePath,
-        'aws:asset:property': resource.property,
+    // Nested Stack
+    fixture.output.write('validate assets metadata for nested stack resource');
+    expect('NestedStackNestedStackNestedStackNestedStackResourceB70834FD' in template.Resources).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(template.Resources.NestedStackNestedStackNestedStackNestedStackResourceB70834FD).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        Metadata: {
+          'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.fullStackName('TestStack')}/NestedStack.NestedStack/NestedStack.NestedStackResource`,
+          'aws:asset:path': expect.stringMatching(
+            `${fixture.stackNamePrefix.replace(/-/, '')}TestStackNestedStack[0-9A-Z]{8}\.nested\.template\.json`,
+          ),
+          'aws:asset:property': 'TemplateURL',
+        },
+      }),
+    );
+  }),
+  'CDK synth bundled functions as expected',
+  withSamIntegrationFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Synth first
+    await fixture.cdkSynth();
+    const template = fixture.template('TestStack');
+    const expectedBundledAssets = [
+      {
+        // Python Layer Version
+        id: 'PythonLayerVersion39495CEF',
+        files: [
+          'python/layer_version_dependency.py',
+          'python/geonamescache/__init__.py',
+          'python/geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info',
+        ],
-    }));
-  }
+      {
+        // Layer Version
+        id: 'LayerVersion3878DA3A',
+        files: ['layer_version_dependency.py', 'requirements.txt'],
+      },
+      {
+        // Bundled layer version
+        id: 'BundledLayerVersionPythonRuntime6BADBD6E',
+        files: [
+          'python/layer_version_dependency.py',
+          'python/geonamescache/__init__.py',
+          'python/geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info',
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        // Python Function
+        id: 'PythonFunction0BCF77FD',
+        files: ['app.py', 'geonamescache/__init__.py', 'geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info'],
+      },
+      {
+        // Function
+        id: 'FunctionPythonRuntime28CBDA05',
+        files: ['app.py', 'requirements.txt'],
+      },
+      {
+        // Bundled Function
+        id: 'BundledFunctionPythonRuntime4D9A0918',
+        files: ['app.py', 'geonamescache/__init__.py', 'geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info'],
+      },
+      {
+        // NodeJs Function
+        id: 'NodejsFunction09C1F20F',
+        files: ['index.js'],
+      },
+      {
+        // Go Function
+        id: 'GoFunctionCA95FBAA',
+        files: ['bootstrap'],
+      },
+      {
+        // Docker Image Function
+        id: 'DockerImageFunction28B773E6',
+        files: ['app.js', 'Dockerfile', 'package.json'],
+      },
+    ];
-  // Nested Stack
-  fixture.output.write('validate assets metadata for nested stack resource');
-  expect('NestedStackNestedStackNestedStackNestedStackResourceB70834FD' in template.Resources).toBeTruthy();
-  expect(template.Resources.NestedStackNestedStackNestedStackNestedStackResourceB70834FD).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
-    Metadata: {
-      'aws:cdk:path': `${fixture.fullStackName('TestStack')}/NestedStack.NestedStack/NestedStack.NestedStackResource`,
-      'aws:asset:path': expect.stringMatching(`${fixture.stackNamePrefix.replace(/-/, '')}TestStackNestedStack[0-9A-Z]{8}\.nested\.template\.json`),
-      'aws:asset:property': 'TemplateURL',
-    },
-  }));
-integTest('CDK synth bundled functions as expected', withSamIntegrationFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Synth first
-  await fixture.cdkSynth();
-  const template = fixture.template('TestStack');
-  const expectedBundledAssets = [
-    {
-      // Python Layer Version
-      id: 'PythonLayerVersion39495CEF',
-      files: [
-        'python/layer_version_dependency.py',
-        'python/geonamescache/__init__.py',
-        'python/geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Layer Version
-      id: 'LayerVersion3878DA3A',
-      files: [
-        'layer_version_dependency.py',
-        'requirements.txt',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Bundled layer version
-      id: 'BundledLayerVersionPythonRuntime6BADBD6E',
-      files: [
-        'python/layer_version_dependency.py',
-        'python/geonamescache/__init__.py',
-        'python/geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Python Function
-      id: 'PythonFunction0BCF77FD',
-      files: [
-        'app.py',
-        'geonamescache/__init__.py',
-        'geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Function
-      id: 'FunctionPythonRuntime28CBDA05',
-      files: [
-        'app.py',
-        'requirements.txt',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Bundled Function
-      id: 'BundledFunctionPythonRuntime4D9A0918',
-      files: [
-        'app.py',
-        'geonamescache/__init__.py',
-        'geonamescache-1.3.0.dist-info',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // NodeJs Function
-      id: 'NodejsFunction09C1F20F',
-      files: [
-        'index.js',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Go Function
-      id: 'GoFunctionCA95FBAA',
-      files: [
-        'bootstrap',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      // Docker Image Function
-      id: 'DockerImageFunction28B773E6',
-      files: [
-        'app.js',
-        'Dockerfile',
-        'package.json',
-      ],
-    },
-  ];
-  for (const resource of expectedBundledAssets) {
-    const assetPath = template.Resources[resource.id].Metadata['aws:asset:path'];
-    for (const file of resource.files) {
-      fixture.output.write(`validate Path ${file} for resource ${resource}`);
-      expect(existsSync(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.out', assetPath, file))).toBeTruthy();
+    for (const resource of expectedBundledAssets) {
+      const assetPath = template.Resources[resource.id].Metadata['aws:asset:path'];
+      for (const file of resource.files) {
+        fixture.output.write(`validate Path ${file} for resource ${resource}`);
+        expect(existsSync(path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'cdk.out', assetPath, file))).toBeTruthy();
+      }
-  }
-integTest('sam can locally test the synthesized cdk application', withSamIntegrationFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // Synth first
-  await fixture.cdkSynth();
-  const result = await fixture.samLocalStartApi(
-    'TestStack', false, randomInteger(30000, 40000), '/restapis/spec/pythonFunction');
-  expect(result.actionSucceeded).toBeTruthy();
-  expect(result.actionOutput).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
-    message: 'Hello World',
-  }));
-integTest('skips notice refresh', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const output = await fixture.cdkSynth({
-    options: ['--no-notices'],
-    modEnv: {
-      INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-using-context',
-    },
-    allowErrExit: true,
-  });
+  }),
+  'sam can locally test the synthesized cdk application',
+  withSamIntegrationFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // Synth first
+    await fixture.cdkSynth();
+    const result = await fixture.samLocalStartApi(
+      'TestStack',
+      false,
+      randomInteger(30000, 40000),
+      '/restapis/spec/pythonFunction',
+    );
+    expect(result.actionSucceeded).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(result.actionOutput).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        message: 'Hello World',
+      }),
+    );
+  }),
+  'skips notice refresh',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const output = await fixture.cdkSynth({
+      options: ['--no-notices'],
+      modEnv: {
+        INTEG_STACK_SET: 'stage-using-context',
+      },
+      allowErrExit: true,
+    });
-  // Neither succeeds nor fails, but skips the refresh
-  await expect(output).not.toContain('Notices refreshed');
-  await expect(output).not.toContain('Notices refresh failed');
+    // Neither succeeds nor fails, but skips the refresh
+    await expect(output).not.toContain('Notices refreshed');
+    await expect(output).not.toContain('Notices refresh failed');
+  }),
  * Create a queue, orphan that queue, then import the queue.
  * We want to test with a large template to make sure large templates can work with import.
-integTest('test resource import', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  const randomPrefix = randomString();
-  const uniqueOutputsFileName = `${randomPrefix}Outputs.json`; // other tests use the outputs file. Make sure we don't collide.
-  const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', uniqueOutputsFileName);
-  await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
-  // First, create a stack that includes many queues, and one queue that will be removed from the stack but NOT deleted from AWS.
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('importable-stack', {
-    options: ['--outputs-file', outputsFile],
-  });
-  try {
-    // Second, now the queue we will remove is in the stack and has a logicalId. We can now make the resource mapping file.
-    // This resource mapping file will be used to tell the import operation what queue to bring into the stack.
-    const fullStackName = fixture.fullStackName('importable-stack');
-    const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
-    const queueLogicalId = outputs[fullStackName].QueueLogicalId;
-    const queueResourceMap = {
-      [queueLogicalId]: { QueueUrl: outputs[fullStackName].QueueUrl },
-    };
-    const mappingFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', `${randomPrefix}Mapping.json`);
-    await fs.writeFile(
-      mappingFile,
-      JSON.stringify(queueResourceMap),
-      { encoding: 'utf-8' },
-    );
-    // Third, remove the queue from the stack, but don't delete the queue from AWS.
+  'test resource import',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    const randomPrefix = randomString();
+    const uniqueOutputsFileName = `${randomPrefix}Outputs.json`; // other tests use the outputs file. Make sure we don't collide.
+    const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', uniqueOutputsFileName);
+    await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
+    // First, create a stack that includes many queues, and one queue that will be removed from the stack but NOT deleted from AWS.
     await fixture.cdkDeploy('importable-stack', {
+      options: ['--outputs-file', outputsFile],
-    const cfnTemplateBeforeImport = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('getTemplate', { StackName: fullStackName });
-    expect(cfnTemplateBeforeImport.TemplateBody).not.toContain(queueLogicalId);
-    // WHEN
-    await fixture.cdk(
-      ['import', '--resource-mapping', mappingFile, fixture.fullStackName('importable-stack')],
-    );
-    // THEN
-    const describeStacksResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: fullStackName });
-    const cfnTemplateAfterImport = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('getTemplate', { StackName: fullStackName });
-    expect(describeStacksResponse.Stacks![0].StackStatus).toEqual('IMPORT_COMPLETE');
-    expect(cfnTemplateAfterImport.TemplateBody).toContain(queueLogicalId);
-  } finally {
-    // Clean up
-    await fixture.cdkDestroy('importable-stack');
-  }
+    try {
+      // Second, now the queue we will remove is in the stack and has a logicalId. We can now make the resource mapping file.
+      // This resource mapping file will be used to tell the import operation what queue to bring into the stack.
+      const fullStackName = fixture.fullStackName('importable-stack');
+      const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
+      const queueLogicalId = outputs[fullStackName].QueueLogicalId;
+      const queueResourceMap = {
+        [queueLogicalId]: { QueueUrl: outputs[fullStackName].QueueUrl },
+      };
+      const mappingFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', `${randomPrefix}Mapping.json`);
+      await fs.writeFile(mappingFile, JSON.stringify(queueResourceMap), { encoding: 'utf-8' });
-integTest('test migrate deployment for app with localfile source in migrate.json', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', 'outputs.json');
-  await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
+      // Third, remove the queue from the stack, but don't delete the queue from AWS.
+      await fixture.cdkDeploy('importable-stack', {
+      });
+      const cfnTemplateBeforeImport = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('getTemplate', { StackName: fullStackName });
+      expect(cfnTemplateBeforeImport.TemplateBody).not.toContain(queueLogicalId);
-  // Initial deploy
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('migrate-stack', {
-    modEnv: { ORPHAN_TOPIC: '1' },
-    options: ['--outputs-file', outputsFile],
-  });
+      // WHEN
+      await fixture.cdk(['import', '--resource-mapping', mappingFile, fixture.fullStackName('importable-stack')], {
+      });
-  const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
-  const stackName = fixture.fullStackName('migrate-stack');
-  const queueName = outputs[stackName].QueueName;
-  const queueUrl = outputs[stackName].QueueUrl;
-  const queueLogicalId = outputs[stackName].QueueLogicalId;
-  fixture.log(`Created queue ${queueUrl} in stack ${fixture.fullStackName}`);
-  // Write the migrate file based on the ID from step one, then deploy the app with migrate
-  const migrateFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'migrate.json');
-  await fs.writeFile(
-    migrateFile, JSON.stringify(
-      { Source: 'localfile', Resources: [{ ResourceType: 'AWS::SQS::Queue', LogicalResourceId: queueLogicalId, ResourceIdentifier: { QueueUrl: queueUrl } }] },
-    ),
-    { encoding: 'utf-8' },
-  );
+      // THEN
+      const describeStacksResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', { StackName: fullStackName });
+      const cfnTemplateAfterImport = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('getTemplate', { StackName: fullStackName });
+      expect(describeStacksResponse.Stacks![0].StackStatus).toEqual('IMPORT_COMPLETE');
+      expect(cfnTemplateAfterImport.TemplateBody).toContain(queueLogicalId);
+    } finally {
+      // Clean up
+      await fixture.cdkDestroy('importable-stack');
+    }
+  }),
+  'test migrate deployment for app with localfile source in migrate.json',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    const outputsFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'outputs', 'outputs.json');
+    await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputsFile), { recursive: true });
+    // Initial deploy
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('migrate-stack', {
+      modEnv: { ORPHAN_TOPIC: '1' },
+      options: ['--outputs-file', outputsFile],
+    });
-  await fixture.cdkDestroy('migrate-stack');
-  fixture.log(`Deleted stack ${fixture.fullStackName}, orphaning ${queueName}`);
+    const outputs = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(outputsFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' })).toString());
+    const stackName = fixture.fullStackName('migrate-stack');
+    const queueName = outputs[stackName].QueueName;
+    const queueUrl = outputs[stackName].QueueUrl;
+    const queueLogicalId = outputs[stackName].QueueLogicalId;
+    fixture.log(`Created queue ${queueUrl} in stack ${fixture.fullStackName}`);
+    // Write the migrate file based on the ID from step one, then deploy the app with migrate
+    const migrateFile = path.join(fixture.integTestDir, 'migrate.json');
+    await fs.writeFile(
+      migrateFile,
+      JSON.stringify({
+        Source: 'localfile',
+        Resources: [
+          {
+            ResourceType: 'AWS::SQS::Queue',
+            LogicalResourceId: queueLogicalId,
+            ResourceIdentifier: { QueueUrl: queueUrl },
+          },
+        ],
+      }),
+      { encoding: 'utf-8' },
+    );
-  // Create new stack from existing queue
-  try {
-    fixture.log(`Deploying new stack ${fixture.fullStackName}, migrating ${queueName} into stack`);
-    await fixture.cdkDeploy('migrate-stack');
-  } finally {
-    // Cleanup
     await fixture.cdkDestroy('migrate-stack');
-  }
-integTest('hotswap deployment supports Lambda function\'s description and environment variables', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda-hotswap', {
-    captureStderr: false,
-    modEnv: {
-      DYNAMIC_LAMBDA_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'original value',
-    },
-  });
-  // WHEN
-  const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda-hotswap', {
-    options: ['--hotswap'],
-    captureStderr: true,
-    onlyStderr: true,
-    modEnv: {
-    },
-  });
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  const functionName = response.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.[0].OutputValue;
-  // THEN
+    fixture.log(`Deleted stack ${fixture.fullStackName}, orphaning ${queueName}`);
-  // The deployment should not trigger a full deployment, thus the stack's status must remains
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
-  expect(deployOutput).toContain(`Lambda Function '${functionName}' hotswapped!`);
+    // Create new stack from existing queue
+    try {
+      fixture.log(`Deploying new stack ${fixture.fullStackName}, migrating ${queueName} into stack`);
+      await fixture.cdkDeploy('migrate-stack');
+    } finally {
+      // Cleanup
+      await fixture.cdkDestroy('migrate-stack');
+    }
+  }),
-integTest('hotswap deployment supports Fn::ImportValue intrinsic', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  try {
-    await fixture.cdkDeploy('export-value-stack');
+  "hotswap deployment supports Lambda function's description and environment variables",
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
     const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda-hotswap', {
       captureStderr: false,
       modEnv: {
         DYNAMIC_LAMBDA_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'original value',
@@ -1729,7 +1923,6 @@ integTest('hotswap deployment supports Fn::ImportValue intrinsic', withDefaultFi
       onlyStderr: true,
       modEnv: {
         DYNAMIC_LAMBDA_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'new value',
@@ -1744,90 +1937,166 @@ integTest('hotswap deployment supports Fn::ImportValue intrinsic', withDefaultFi
     expect(deployOutput).toContain(`Lambda Function '${functionName}' hotswapped!`);
+  }),
-  } finally {
-    // Ensure cleanup in reverse order due to use of import/export
-    await fixture.cdkDestroy('lambda-hotswap');
-    await fixture.cdkDestroy('export-value-stack');
-  }
+  'hotswap deployment supports Fn::ImportValue intrinsic',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    try {
+      await fixture.cdkDeploy('export-value-stack');
+      const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda-hotswap', {
+        captureStderr: false,
+        modEnv: {
+          DYNAMIC_LAMBDA_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'original value',
+        },
+      });
-integTest('hotswap deployment supports ecs service', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+      // WHEN
+      const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('lambda-hotswap', {
+        options: ['--hotswap'],
+        captureStderr: true,
+        onlyStderr: true,
+        modEnv: {
+          DYNAMIC_LAMBDA_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'new value',
+        },
+      });
-  // WHEN
-  const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
-    options: ['--hotswap'],
-    captureStderr: true,
-    onlyStderr: true,
-    modEnv: {
-      DYNAMIC_ECS_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'new value',
-    },
-  });
+      const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+        StackName: stackArn,
+      });
+      const functionName = response.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.[0].OutputValue;
-  const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  const serviceName = response.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.find(output => output.OutputKey == 'ServiceName')?.OutputValue;
+      // THEN
-  // THEN
+      // The deployment should not trigger a full deployment, thus the stack's status must remains
+      expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
+      expect(deployOutput).toContain(`Lambda Function '${functionName}' hotswapped!`);
+    } finally {
+      // Ensure cleanup in reverse order due to use of import/export
+      await fixture.cdkDestroy('lambda-hotswap');
+      await fixture.cdkDestroy('export-value-stack');
+    }
+  }),
+  'hotswap deployment supports ecs service',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-  // The deployment should not trigger a full deployment, thus the stack's status must remains
-  expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
-  expect(deployOutput).toContain(`ECS Service '${serviceName}' hotswapped!`);
+    // WHEN
+    const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
+      options: ['--hotswap'],
+      captureStderr: true,
+      onlyStderr: true,
+      modEnv: {
+        DYNAMIC_ECS_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'new value',
+      },
+    });
-integTest('hotswap deployment for ecs service waits for deployment to complete', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
-    captureStderr: false,
-  });
+    const response = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    const serviceName = response.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.find((output) => output.OutputKey == 'ServiceName')?.OutputValue;
-  // WHEN
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
-    options: ['--hotswap'],
-    modEnv: {
-      DYNAMIC_ECS_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'new value',
-    },
-  });
+    // THEN
-  const describeStacksResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
-    StackName: stackArn,
-  });
-  const clusterName = describeStacksResponse.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.find(output => output.OutputKey == 'ClusterName')?.OutputValue!;
-  const serviceName = describeStacksResponse.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.find(output => output.OutputKey == 'ServiceName')?.OutputValue!;
+    // The deployment should not trigger a full deployment, thus the stack's status must remains
+    expect(response.Stacks?.[0].StackStatus).toEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE');
+    expect(deployOutput).toContain(`ECS Service '${serviceName}' hotswapped!`);
+  }),
+  'hotswap deployment for ecs service waits for deployment to complete',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    const stackArn = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
+      captureStderr: false,
+    });
-  // THEN
+    // WHEN
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
+      options: ['--hotswap'],
+      modEnv: {
+        DYNAMIC_ECS_PROPERTY_VALUE: 'new value',
+      },
+    });
-  const describeServicesResponse = await fixture.aws.ecs('describeServices', {
-    cluster: clusterName,
-    services: [serviceName],
-  });
-  expect(describeServicesResponse.services?.[0].deployments).toHaveLength(1); // only one deployment present
+    const describeStacksResponse = await fixture.aws.cloudFormation('describeStacks', {
+      StackName: stackArn,
+    });
+    const clusterName = describeStacksResponse.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.find(
+      (output) => output.OutputKey == 'ClusterName',
+    )?.OutputValue!;
+    const serviceName = describeStacksResponse.Stacks?.[0].Outputs?.find(
+      (output) => output.OutputKey == 'ServiceName',
+    )?.OutputValue!;
+    // THEN
-integTest('hotswap deployment for ecs service detects failed deployment and errors', withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
-  // GIVEN
-  await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap');
+    const describeServicesResponse = await fixture.aws.ecs('describeServices', {
+      cluster: clusterName,
+      services: [serviceName],
+    });
+    expect(describeServicesResponse.services?.[0].deployments).toHaveLength(1); // only one deployment present
+  }),
-  // WHEN
-  const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
-    options: ['--hotswap'],
-    modEnv: {
-    },
-    allowErrExit: true,
-  });
+  'hotswap deployment for ecs service detects failed deployment and errors',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap');
+    // WHEN
+    const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
+      options: ['--hotswap'],
+      modEnv: {
+      },
+      allowErrExit: true,
+    });
+    // THEN
+    expect(deployOutput).toContain(
+      `❌  ${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-ecs-hotswap failed: ResourceNotReady: Resource is not in the state deploymentCompleted`,
+    );
+    expect(deployOutput).not.toContain('hotswapped!');
+  }),
+  'hotswap deployment for ecs service detects failed deployment and errors',
+  withDefaultFixture(async (fixture) => {
+    // GIVEN
+    await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap');
+    // WHEN
+    const deployOutput = await fixture.cdkDeploy('ecs-hotswap', {
+      options: ['--hotswap'],
+      modEnv: {
+      },
+      allowErrExit: true,
+    });
+    const stackName = `${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-ecs-hotswap`;
+    const expectedSubstring = `❌  ${chalk.bold(stackName)} failed: ResourceNotReady: Resource is not in the state deploymentCompleted`;
-  // THEN
-  expect(deployOutput).toContain(`❌  ${fixture.stackNamePrefix}-ecs-hotswap failed: ResourceNotReady: Resource is not in the state deploymentCompleted`);
-  expect(deployOutput).not.toContain('hotswapped!');
+    expect(deployOutput).toContain(expectedSubstring);
+    expect(deployOutput).not.toContain('hotswapped!');
+  }),
 async function listChildren(parent: string, pred: (x: string) => Promise<boolean>) {
   const ret = new Array<string>();