b. Extreme Programming talks about customer input, which I feel can directly relate to stakeholder needs: "Visionary customers can be part of quarterly and weekly planning. They can have a budget, a percentage of the available development capacity, to do with as they please."
c. We talked about who could possibly be using the app and threw around the idea of making a campus-wide survey to get opinions from some stakeholders.
b. In Extreme Programming, stakeholder needs and requirements are defined using stories: "Early estimation is a key difference between stories and other requirements practices."
c. Identify and plan for the necessary enabling systems or services needed to support stakeholder needs and requirements definition.
b. I think XP doesn't talk too much about this, but it does talk about something called a 10-minute build, which might be helpful in finding the enabling systems you will need for a full build: "Automatically build the whole system and run all of the tests in ten minutes. A build that takes longer than ten minutes will be used much less often, missing the opportunity for feedback."
c. We talked to our client to figure out the most optimal services to use for the time being and have begun to think about when we need to upscale, and what services to swap/migrate to.
b. I don't think XP says too much about actually accessing these enabling systems, but it does talk a good bit about the usefulness of enabling systems such as CI: "Continuous integration should be complete enough that the eventual first deployment of the system is no big deal."
c. This was relatively simple for us, as all the services are free except for the AWS server. We just had to make accounts and sign up for API keys and whatever we needed.
b. XP says: "Plan work a week at a time. Have a meeting at the beginning of every week. During this meeting:
- Review progress to date, including how actual progress for the previous week matched expected progress.
- Have the customers pick a week’s worth of stories to implement this week.
- Break the stories into tasks. Team members sign up for tasks and estimate them."