- random string to prevent CSRF attacks and used to
+ Random string to prevent CSRF attacks and used to
discard unexepcted results. By default its a
cryptographically secure random.
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
- random string to prevent replay attacks of
+ Random string to prevent replay attacks of
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
- identifier of Resource Server (RS) to be included
+ Identifier of Resource Server (RS) to be included
as audience (aud claim) of the issued access token
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
- scopes requested for the issued tokens. e.g.
+ Scopes requested for the issued tokens. e.g.
openid profile
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
options for ID token validation configuration.
Other configuration options.
@@ -472,6 +472,23 @@
+ Boolean
+ Disable Single-Sign-On (SSO). It only affects iOS
+ with versions 13 and above.
Then, you need to run the following command to install the ios app
- pods with Cocoapods. That will auto-link the iOS library.
+ pods with Cocoapods. That will auto-link the iOS library:
$ cd ios && pod install
@@ -372,17 +372,17 @@
- For more info please read
+ For more info please read the
react native docs
+ >React Native docs.
Inside the ios folder find the file
- AppDelegate.[swift|m] add the following to it
+ AppDelegate.[swift|m] add the following to it:
and then below it register a URL type entry using the value of
CFBundleIdentifier as the value for
- CFBundleURLSchemes
+ CFBundleURLSchemes:
- For more info please read
+ For more info please read the
react native docs
+ >React Native docs.
+ Use the ephemeralSession parameter to disable SSO on
+ iOS 13+. This way iOS will not display the consent popup that
+ otherwise shows up when SSO is enabled. It has no effect on older
+ versions of iOS or Android.
* To learn more about how to customize the authorize call, check the Universal Login Page
* article at https://auth0.com/docs/hosted-pages/login
- * @param {Object} parameters parameters to send on the AuthN/AuthZ request.
- * @param {String} [parameters.state] random string to prevent CSRF attacks and used to discard unexepcted results. By default its a cryptographically secure random.
- * @param {String} [parameters.nonce] random string to prevent replay attacks of id_tokens.
- * @param {String} [parameters.audience] identifier of Resource Server (RS) to be included as audience (aud claim) of the issued access token
- * @param {String} [parameters.scope] scopes requested for the issued tokens. e.g. `openid profile`
- * @param {String} [parameters.connection] The name of the identity provider to use, e.g. "google-oauth2" or "facebook". When not set, it will display Auth0's Universal Login Page.
- * @param {Number} [parameters.max_age] The allowable elapsed time in seconds since the last time the user was authenticated (optional).
- * @param {Object} options options for ID token validation configuration.
- * @param {Number} [options.leeway] The amount of leeway, in seconds, to accommodate potential clock skew when validating an ID token's claims. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
+ * @param {Object} parameters Parameters to send on the AuthN/AuthZ request.
+ * @param {String} [parameters.state] Random string to prevent CSRF attacks and used to discard unexepcted results. By default its a cryptographically secure random.
+ * @param {String} [parameters.nonce] Random string to prevent replay attacks of id_tokens.
+ * @param {String} [parameters.audience] Identifier of Resource Server (RS) to be included as audience (aud claim) of the issued access token
+ * @param {String} [parameters.scope] Scopes requested for the issued tokens. e.g. `openid profile`
+ * @param {String} [parameters.connection] The name of the identity provider to use, e.g. "google-oauth2" or "facebook". When not set, it will display Auth0's Universal Login Page.
+ * @param {Number} [parameters.max_age] The allowable elapsed time in seconds since the last time the user was authenticated (optional).
+ * @param {Object} options Other configuration options.
+ * @param {Number} [options.leeway] The amount of leeway, in seconds, to accommodate potential clock skew when validating an ID token's claims. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ephemeralSession] Disable Single-Sign-On (SSO). It only affects iOS with versions 13 and above.
* @returns {Promise}
* @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#authorize-client
@@ -256,44 +257,46 @@