const Youtube = require("youtube-api"), readJson = require("r-json"), Lien = require("lien"), fs = require('fs'), Logger = require("bug-killer"), opn = require("opn"), prettyBytes = require("pretty-bytes"), path = require("path"); const watch = require('node-watch'); // I downloaded the file from OAuth2 -> Download JSON const CREDENTIALS = readJson(`${__dirname}/credentials.json`); const descSample = fs.readFileSync('sampleDescription.txt', 'utf8'); // Init lien server var server = new Lien({ host: "localhost" , port: 5000 }); const outputsDir = "./Outputs/"; const uploadsDir = "./Uploads/"; if (!fs.existsSync(uploadsDir)){ fs.mkdirSync(uploadsDir); } authenticate(); watch(outputsDir, { filter: /\.mp4$/ }, function(evt, path) { if (evt == 'update') { upload(path); } }); function authenticate() { // Authenticate // You can access the Youtube resources via OAuth2 only. // var oauth = Youtube.authenticate({ type: "oauth" , client_id: CREDENTIALS.web.client_id , client_secret: CREDENTIALS.web.client_secret , redirect_url: CREDENTIALS.web.redirect_uris[0] }); opn(oauth.generateAuthUrl({ access_type: "offline" , scope: [""] })); // Handle oauth2 callback server.addPage("/oauth2callback", lien => { Logger.log("Getting token..."); oauth.getToken(lien.query.code, (err, tokens) => { if (err) { lien.lien(err, 400); return Logger.log(err); } Logger.log("Token received."); oauth.setCredentials(tokens); lien.end(`<script>document.location = ""</script>`); checkOutputFolder(); }); }); } function upload(videoPath) { const videoTitle = path.basename(videoPath).replace(".mp4", "").replace(".avi", ""); const video = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./Projects/' + videoTitle + '/video.json', 'utf8')); const videoDesc = descSample.replace("[@TITLE]", video.title).replace("[@SOUNDCLOUDLINK]", video.url) console.log("Uploading " + video.title); var req = Youtube.videos.insert({ resource: { // Video title and description snippet: { title: video.title, description: videoDesc }, // I don't want to spam my subscribers status: { privacyStatus: "public" } }, // This is for the callback function part: "snippet,status", // Create the readable stream to upload the video media: { body: fs.createReadStream(videoPath) } }, (err, data) => { console.log(video.title + " uploaded."); clearInterval(upOutput); fs.rename(outputsDir + path.basename(videoPath), uploadsDir + path.basename(videoPath), () => { console.log("Video was successfuly moved."); }); return; }); var upOutput = setInterval(function () { console.log(`${prettyBytes(req.req.connection._bytesDispatched)} bytes uploaded.`); }, 250); } function checkOutputFolder() { const files = fs.readdirSync(outputsDir); for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if(files[i].substr(-4) === '.mp4') { console.log(files[i]); upload(outputsDir + files[i]); } } }