From 1c3ff12a2c25c9cd186fbca6dc913c5c6c3fc1a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Iwaniuk <>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 15:04:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] v1.0.0-alpha.rtc.4

--- | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 package.json |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d14fd6807c..5f12536b9c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,199 @@
 All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
+## [1.0.0-alpha.rtc.4]( (2021-09-16)
+### Features
+* add type for connection and host address ([a305db5](
+* **apptoolbar:** improve apptoolbar state and presence ([242ee95](
+* build proper tsx button component ([107d3dd](
+* **button:** add button variants ([2063569](
+* **db icon:** now support emoji and custom colors ([7755cef](
+* **dialog:** dialog should pass through modal props ([fa7f8ec](
+* integrate page level presence ([26d3259](
+* move presencedetails with settings from concept to base ([ce8f59e](
+* **rtc:** show connection status in presence toolbar area ([ee6399d](
+* **storybook:** add accessibility and color theme addons for devx ([05466eb](
+* **storybook:** add app overview stories ([e3c1ca4](
+* **storybook:** add avatar component ([bf6f341](
+* **storybook:** add avatar stack component ([d6fcf22](
+* **storybook:** add avatars to block story ([1ea93bd](
+* **storybook:** add avatars to block story ([b870251](
+* **storybook:** add basic breadcrumb component ([0f832a1](
+* **storybook:** add basic dialog component ([1a84673](
+* **storybook:** add button hover style ([6b9dd15](
+* **storybook:** add checkbox component ([c4ba5d8](
+* **storybook:** add db menu ([98f99b5](
+* **storybook:** add embed component ([42431fd](
+* **storybook:** add left sidebar story ([76566e8](
+* **storybook:** add meter component ([4037363](
+* **storybook:** add presence item to toolbar ([adfafdb](
+* **storybook:** add presence story to page ([d1d63e9](
+* **storybook:** add preview concept ([0984ac7](
+* **storybook:** add profile settings dialog ([7c87389](
+* **storybook:** add profile settings dialog ([3412763](
+* **storybook:** add references to pages ([54bc086](
+* **storybook:** add right sidebar component ([510a365](
+* **storybook:** add separate browser and app stories ([6426912](
+* **storybook:** add simple badge component ([fb32567](
+* **storybook:** added commandbar component ([3513669](
+* **storybook:** added left sidebar story ([ae6caf8](
+* **storybook:** allow buttons to have unset shape and style ([8b1e439](
+* **storybook:** allow buttons to have unset shape and style ([6837b42](
+* **storybook:** begin to implement blocks in typescript ([eb51890](
+* **storybook:** block in bidilink component and story ([5adecf8](
+* **storybook:** block in early text input component ([1a4147e](
+* **storybook:** block in email settings ([6f9ca11](
+* **storybook:** block in new dailynotes concept ([2c6bc26](
+* **storybook:** block in new dailynotes concept ([d4f09a7](
+* **storybook:** block in settings page ([894308e](
+* **storybook:** block in style guide page ([78ca286](
+* **storybook:** blocking in daily notes ([ea4fc47](
+* **storybook:** blocks don't become editable if not editable ([b2ac479](
+* **storybook:** clean up blocks and export subcomponents ([e778605](
+* **storybook:** compenents and stories for page content ([f887854](
+* **storybook:** create css vars in js instead of clj ([dca0688](
+* **storybook:** electron-like wrapper for desktop testing in storybook ([7ada2fd](
+* **storybook:** more working block aspects ([3984224](
+* **storybook:** previews can render limited block content ([fad186d](
+* **storybook:** themed story context ([5c90fe2](
+* **storybook:** update storybook build config ([0fd36fe](
+* **storybook:** use badges to indicate component status ([5e49e03](
+* **storybook:** use context provider for presence ([77f6643](
+* **storybook:** use presence context for page ([a477a84](
+* **style:** add serif font var ([184d56f](
+* **welcome, icons:** dbs support emoji and color ([207097c](
+* **welcome:** block in welcome component ([6da39a9](
+* **welcome:** block in welcome component ([3f3bb38](
+### Bug Fixes
+* add typeroots back ([9cc2457](
+* **breadcrumbs:** use proper attribute for svg stroke properties ([17ae5e6](
+* broadcast username update ([28111a2](
+* comment unused prop ([5ae417d](
+* concurrent resolution should not happen. ([698913e](
+* don't error out when changing name ([65ea223](
+* don't exclude root stories ([10dc517](
+* Don't send tx data with db-dump. ([8610251](
+* don't show babel warning durings storybook build ([cdb30ab](
+* further babel warning fixes ([7086789](
+* **overlay:** don't specify overlay flex direction ([f9c751c](
+* remove duplicate require ([f0ec1df](
+* remove duplicated button file ([ee20473](
+* silence postcss deprecation warning ([1900e10](, closes [/](
+* src paths for comps should match src/js depth ([fcb39ec](
+* **storybook:** add missing config ([c522c5d](
+* **storybook:** add missing mock data ([52fe409](
+* **storybook:** add missing rename changes ([1351e0c](
+* **storybook:** add missing shadows to block tools ([f5d42e9](
+* **storybook:** add missing spacing in cmd bar button ([0e1e832](
+* **storybook:** apply base styles to body ([7ed2d4a](
+* **storybook:** attempt fix for uneditable blocks ([3a8a6af](
+* **storybook:** avatars appear correctly ([f491c6d](
+* **storybook:** better example linked block text ([02524fc](
+* **storybook:** better story background ([896c1ee](
+* **storybook:** blocks open by default ([26d4f93](
+* **storybook:** buttons passthrough classname ([3737c33](
+* **storybook:** clean up button story ([5b29b1a](
+* **storybook:** commandbar heading appears above text ([96cf6d6](
+* **storybook:** correct minor issues with browser and standalone stories ([d8e27fc](
+* **storybook:** don't use broken story wrapper ([ae62c45](
+* **storybook:** finally solve theme context issue ([36a7cca](
+* **storybook:** fix a bunch of button bugs ([4c5eb62](
+* **storybook:** fix a bunch of button bugs ([94d09a9](
+* **storybook:** fix avatar positioning on blocks ([b9ac583](
+* **storybook:** fix block recurse limiter ([a4ffe47](
+* **storybook:** generated blocks toggle properly ([7af9c8c](
+* **storybook:** get proper mock data for toolbar ([9784052](
+* **storybook:** get proper mock data for toolbar ([ce4fb9f](
+* **storybook:** hide command bar on click behind ([d56c28b](
+* **storybook:** include missing shadow style ([9109914](
+* **storybook:** make os stories work again ([617bf5c](
+* **storybook:** make window buttons visible in linux ([b4d4c20](
+* **storybook:** minor cleanup ([f8f6f26](
+* **storybook:** minor fixes to style generation ([55dc649](
+* **storybook:** minor layout fix ([4c97d4b](
+* **storybook:** minor presence cleanup ([5d3a8b2](
+* **storybook:** page menu toggle should be round ([30a24ed](
+* **storybook:** permute opacities into style map ([9df8ce7](
+* **storybook:** presence works on standalone story ([a1ed4a9](
+* **storybook:** properly align left sidebar footer bits ([6fa1784](
+* **storybook:** properly capture focus on presence overlay ([059dfc7](
+* **storybook:** properly place page content ([8f1161d](
+* **storybook:** relink failing page story ([54d3612](
+* **storybook:** remove autocomplete and suggest from command bar ([226d449](
+* **storybook:** remove duplicate avatar element from block ([695e151](
+* **storybook:** selected block backgrounds no longer stack ([afb3b40](
+* **storybook:** solve issue with plain button ([aca8ba4](
+* **storybook:** use propber background for stories ([d66861d](
+* **storybook:** use updated link color in dark mode too ([cf6e468](
+* **storybook:** use user color for block side border ([c1c7163](
+* **storybook:** various issues with app layout and page spacing ([a9eeb36](
+* **style:** properly support nested theme colors ([c38fc23](
+### Refactors
+* **blocks:** use hooks for added block features ([3470e93](
+* **dbicon:** move icon into components root ([8aee7c7](
+* **docs:** use decorators for whole-app story wrappers ([f23718f](
+* move concept components to concept stories header ([f1827c4](
+* **page, blocks:** clearer component relations ([92afde2](
+* **storybook:** add mock data and app state ([2977b19](
+* **storybook:** another round of button fixes ([26b36c6](
+* **storybook:** better fn for block rendering ([1c4d243](
+* **storybook:** better mock data for database menu ([ffa4677](
+* **storybook:** better story organization ([5d5bf56](
+* **storybook:** blocks render from structured json ([6bcb7d4](
+* **storybook:** button now pure styled-component for easier overrides ([1c7cd4d](
+* **storybook:** button now pure styled-component for easier overrides ([c12c6d5](
+* **storybook:** improve block tree recursing ([f80f8c6](
+* **storybook:** lift db and presence components ([22caefd](
+* **storybook:** make recurseblocks function more available ([18d4e9d](
+* **storybook:** move block data to mockdata file ([1f03eda](
+* **storybook:** move maincontent into app components ([ffe254e](
+* **storybook:** move most components under concept dir ([5424b00](
+* **storybook:** move storybook state to app hook ([3f2ecd7](
+* **storybook:** rebuild avatars ([0fa1e29](
+* **storybook:** refactor block stories ([a0a35e5](
+* **storybook:** reimplement page menu with proper focus and portal ([83beef8](
+* **storybook:** reorganize link story component ([ecda273](
+* **storybook:** use hooks for block fns ([8f60c9e](
+* **storybook:** use simpler more consistent desktop story wrapper ([0c356e5](
+* use new button component ([c9e2ff5](
+* use root relative imports for components ([454c130](
+* add operating system type ([3d377de](
+* fix import semantics for components ([65cd0e4](
+* fix misc type issues ([fecd599](
+* fix spacing ([da4b75a](
+* formatting updates ([a2b006d](
+* merge from upstream changes ([1bcd729](
+* output babel compiled files in dist/js ([ddff507](
+* **storybook:** clean up block mock data ([3062065](
+* **storybook:** clean up misc warnings ([5d5240d](
+* **storybook:** clean up page story ([ad26746](
+* **storybook:** clean up preview component code ([935ce58](
+* **storybook:** mark components as in-use ([5eb4038](
+* **storybook:** minor block cleanup ([0072c34](
+* **storybook:** minor block mockdata cleanup ([5b82a19](
+* **storybook:** minor cleanup of app stories ([fa761c8](
+* **storybook:** minor utility cleanup ([af89497](
+* **storybook:** misc minor story fixes ([5255e98](
+* **storybook:** raise tsconfig root level ([6dc58f3](
+* **storybook:** remove manual checkbox style ([4890ce7](
+* **storybook:** remove unused files ([c9102e8](
+* **storybook:** remove unused import ([8caedb0](
+* **storybook:** resolve misc errors and issues ([4fb74d1](
+* **storybook:** upgrade storybook ([5480037](
+* support @ as root alias in js components ([403e86a](
+* support tsx components and storybook ([59c6629](
 ## [1.0.0-alpha.rtc.3]( (2021-09-09)
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 2db64dac81..cf82005f3d 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   "name": "Athens",
   "author": "athensresearch",
-  "version": "1.0.0-alpha.rtc.3",
+  "version": "1.0.0-alpha.rtc.4",
   "description": "An open-source knowledege graph for research and notetaking",
   "repository": {
     "type": "git",