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Athena(athena-xcy) 主讲

Liliana、Athena 供稿


如意小熊猫🍒、精灵兔、郝亚南 Cris(Cr1s1)、颜木林(mulin)、Elvarez、Maggie、Kelu(kelzr)、L!nk ooooo、Sharonron、精灵兔、菠萝包流沙包椰蓉包🥞、Tina、nono 和胖香皂参与讨论,对本文亦有贡献

参考 翻译原则


But realize, too, that with such an amazing support structure with so many office hours and sections and materials and beyond, realize that what's ultimately important in this course is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates in week 10, our final week, but where you end up relative to yourself in week zero. And indeed, that is where we now are. And as it turns out, computer scientists start counting at zero.

该部分的语境是教授在第一节课开头,介绍 CS50,鼓励有无基础的同学都不用担心,CS50 给学生提供了很好的支持。


But realize, too, that with such an amazing support structure with so many office hours and sections and materials and beyond, realize that what's ultimately important in this course is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates in week 10, our final week, but where you end up relative to yourself in week zero.

先分析两个 realize

这句话的基本结构可以被理解为:But realize that (with such an amazing support structure with so many office hours and sections and materials and beyond,插入部分) realize that(接上前边 realize that) what's ultimately important。教授说到一半突然想加一点东西,就加上了 amazing support 这个插入语,然后重复了一一遍 realize that。

因此,这句话可以被梳理为:But with such an amazing support structure with so many office hours and sections and materials and beyond, realize that what's ultimately important in this course is xxx.

接下来分析 realize that 后面的部分

realize that what's ultimately important in this course is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates in week 10, our final week, but where you end up relative to yourself in week zero.

该句的基本结构为:realize that (what's 主语从句) is not so much (where 表语从句), but (where 表语从句)。


such an amazing support structure with so many office hours and sections and materials and beyond

support structure 译成“帮助”比较符合中文习惯,译成“支持系统”可以勉强理解为支持学生学习,但译为“支撑结构”就具有物理上的含义了,比较生硬。

office hours 在美国的大学教育体系中表示的是“答疑时间”。翻译成“办公时间” 或者 “办公室时间”并不合适。

sections 表示学生分组参与的辅导班。美国高校中,人数多的的大课,教授有时候会把学生分成几组(sections),每一组开一个辅导小班,助教来带领辅导小班,讲解作业,回答问题,扩充课外知识等等。

amazing 常见的翻译有:令人惊叹的、惊人的、强有力的、令人惊艳的、了不起的。在该语境中翻译为“非常棒的”、“出色的”比较合适。此外,在美语中,这是一个很口语的词。什么都可以是 amazing 的。

where you end up relative to your classmates in week 10

relative to classmatesrelatively 意思是相对地。这个短语的意思是和同学相比。一种错误的理解是“和同学建立联系”,如果教授要表达这个意思,那需要说成 connect with your classmates。connect 才是和某人建立联系,在领英上可以见到 sb. wants to connect with you 说某个人人脉很广 the has a lot of connections。


And indeed, that is where we now are. And as it turns out, computer scientists start counting at zero.

week zero 需要有计算机科学知识的背景才能更好的理解,教授后面也解释了计算机科学家是从 0 开始数数的。所以 CS50 也是 lecture 0,lecture 1,lecture 2 这样下去到 lecture 11,总共是 12 课时。

this is where we now are

这句话是有语境的。翻译时看到 this、that、it、they 等等这些代词,一定要先确定这些代词具体是指代什么?指代理解错了,句意理解肯定就有问题了。

这里要说的是我们就在 week 0 的课堂上。和上一句中的 “week 0” 相呼应。同时,也包含着计算机从 0 开始计数的双关含义。

And as it turns out, computer scientists start counting at zero.

as it turns out 在百度翻译和有道辞典中,翻译为 事实上。但,剑桥英文词典給出的英文翻译:(RESULT) to happen or become known to happen in a particular way: She assured him that everything would turn out all right. It turns out (that) Ray had borrowed the money from one of his students. 这也是字幕组绝对不允许机器翻译,也不鼓励用英中辞典的原因。

因此,turn out 的含义类似于 happen to,意思是“结果恰好是这样”。这个含义也和教授的意思比较符合,教授是先说,“我们现在是从 week 零开始”,然后说,“恰好,计算机也是从 0 开始计数的”。如果翻译为“事实上是”就隐含了转折的意味。




点评:语言流畅,含义准确,文字简练。每个逗号隔开的分句,都特别短,字幕上去看,也会很容易看懂。“你与别的同学拉开多少差距”,“相比你自己取得多少进步”,原文中相同的 relative,根据句意给出了不同的翻译,真是信雅达了。


Well, let me introduce a fancier word now known as abstraction. Abstraction is just a term generally used in computer science and we'll soon see in programming for taking some low level-- like literally low level--implementation details, like minutiae even, and understanding them at some point, but then deciding this is not a useful level conceptually to think about problems.


Well, let me introduce a fancier word now known as abstraction.

let me introduce 注意教授的语气非常的客气,很文雅,在字幕的翻译中应体现出教授的语言风格。

Well 常见的翻译方式有 “好” “好的” “好吧” “那么” ”嗯“ 或者不翻的。这几种处理方式都还可以接受。但是,不建议不翻,因为语气词在句中也是有含义的。不直译的话,也要在整个句子的翻译中反应出这个语气词的含义。在该课程中,教授特别喜欢用 well。一般是表示 “那么”,但具体情况还说是要看语境。(举出这里例子是为了表明翻译过程中,理解语境的重要性。)

fancy 这个词在试译答案中的翻译五花八门:复杂、有想象力、有趣、迷人、美丽、华丽、新颖、时髦、酷炫、浮夸、精妙,等等等等。在该语境中比较好的翻译是:花哨、时髦、高级。高级是意译 和后文的 low level 呼应。

abstraction 一词在计算机科学中被称为“抽象”。比如,人们在通过计算机计算开平方运算的时候,并不需要思考这个计算是如何实现的,对于使用者来说该运算被抽象了。


Abstraction is just a term generally used in computer science and we'll soon see in programming for taking some low level-- like literally low level--implementation details, like minutiae even, and understanding them at some point, but then deciding this is not a useful level conceptually to think about problems.

这句话的大意结构是:Abstraction is ... and we'll soon see in programming ..., and understanding..., but then deciding...。


we'll soon see in programming for taking some low level-- like literally low level--implementation details,

low levelimplementation details 需要有计算机背景的专业知识才能理解。底层(low level) 一般指的是相对远离用户操作(界面)的部分,比如说硬件(CPU、内存)、操作系统内核等等。上层(high level) 则是指更贴近用户、贴近应用软件的部分。

底层技术的具体原理、实现细节(implementation details) 并不需要被用户所了解。换句话说被 抽象(abstraction)

值得注意的是,low-high 是一个相对的概念,以手机为例,手机用户并不需要聊天程序是如何写的,聊天程序就算是底层;编写聊天程序的程序员也不需要知道手机操作系统是如何调度硬件资源的,手机操作系统就是底层。

like literally low level

literally 是字面意思上的。通俗的说,就是不看背后含义,只看字面。

乔布斯的名言:“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”。意思是:保持对成功的渴望,保持对知识的渴求。如果按字面来理解就是:当个吃货,做个蠢货。

教授这里这个 literally 也是一样的。low level 在英文中,本来就有低级的 低层次的,然后在计算机里 low level 又有“ 底层” 这个专业术语,所以教授才说,从字面上去理解为“低层次的”。

like minutiae even

minutiae 翻译成极其细节的、极其微小的、细微的、细枝末节的都可以,在本文中“细枝末节的”是一个比较好的翻译。

understanding them at some point, but then deciding this is not a useful level conceptually to think about problems

这句话大意是,我们可以先理解他们 (底层编程,细节等等),再来决定这么去思考问题是没有什么用的

deciding 表示逻辑上的推测,也就意味教授在课堂上是和学生一起来分析这一问题,得出结论。翻译为认定、推定是比较恰当的。

conceptually 常常会被翻译成“从概念上来说”。这是直接从 concept 这个中文意思上得来的翻译。但在查阅 conceptually 的英文解释后可以发现:

  • conceptually:in terms of a concept or abstract idea.

但是这个解释不太好理解,再查阅 conceptual thinking 的含义:

  • conceptual thinking: The ability to analyze hypothetical situations or abstract concepts to compile insight. Conceptual thinkers have an astute understanding of why something is being done. They can think at an abstract level and easily apply their insights to the situation.

通过上面的英文解释,就能很容易地发现 conceptual 就隐含着“抽象”的意思。conceptual thinking 可以理解为构思。

从计算机专业的角度来解释,就是人们用手机聊天时并不关心程序是如何编写的,就是说底层的实现细节并不有助于“conceptually to think”。





