Lookup is a Map that manage a key-value[] pairs: Storing multiple values for each keys.
const dependencyMap = new Map<string, string[]>();
export function *getDependencies(key: string): Iterable<string>{
const found = dependencyMap.get(key);
if(found) yield* found;
export function addDependencies(key: string, dependency: string): void {
const found = dependencyMap.get(key);
if(found) {
else {
dependencyMap.set(key, [dependency]);
const dependencyMap = new Lookup<string, string>();
export function getDependencies(key: string): Iterable<string>{
return dependencyMap.get(key);
export function addDependencies(key: string, dependency: string): void {
dependencyMap.add(key, dependency);
readonly size: number
: Gets the number of stored key-pair[] -
readonly itemSize: number
: Gets the total number of item. This number is not computed each time, a counter is kept. -
constructor(values?: Iterable<readonly [K, V[]]>, hashFactory?: HashFactory<K>)
: Creates a new instance from an existing collection of key-pair[] allowing easy clone of an otherLookup
. AHashFactory
can also be provided to enable the feature as HashMap does. -
has(key: K): boolean
: Indicates if a store for the provided key as been created / kept. No empty store are kept. -
hasValue(key: K, value: V): boolean
: Indicates if the provided value is stored for the provided key. -
get(key: K): IterableIterator<V>
: Returns an iterable iterator of values for the provided key. This method will never fail a returning an iterator even if the key has no entry. -
add(key: K, ...values: V[]): this
: Adds new entries for the provided key. -
delete(key: K): boolean
: Removes all entries for the provided key. Returns an entry has been removed. -
deleteValue(key: K, value: V): boolean
: Deletes a specific value for the provided key. Returns a value has been removed. -
clear(): void
: Removes all data. -
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, map: this) => void, thisArg?: any): void
: Iterates every values one by one (repeating the key) to execute the provided callback on them.
To avoid flatten iteration, use the
keys(): Iterable<K>
: Returns all keys.
-values(): Iterable<V>
Returns all flatten values.
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V[]]>
: Returns an iterator of all key-pair[].