This branch mainly focuses on performance. For transparency use picom from master branch.
├── bashrc
├── config
│ ├── alacritty
│ ├── alias_and_keybinds
│ ├── browser_extensions_backup
│ ├── bspwm
│ ├── cpupower_gui
│ ├── dunst
│ ├── gdb
│ ├── git
│ ├── gtk-2.0
│ ├── gtk-3.0
│ ├── gtk-4.0
│ ├── htop
│ ├── Kvantum
│ ├── mimeapps.list
│ ├── mpv
│ ├── mutt
│ ├── newsboat
│ ├── paru
│ ├── picom
│ ├── polybar
│ ├── qt5ct
│ ├── ranger
│ ├── scripts
│ ├── slock
│ ├── starship.toml
│ ├── sxhkd
│ ├── sxiv
│ ├── X11
│ ├── yay
│ └── zathura
├── Desktop
│ └── xtra
├── local
│ └── share
└── zshrc
- dotdrop
- place wallpapers in
for selecting wallpapers using sxiv and during startup
* git clone --single-branch --branch performance ~/.config/dotfiles_bspwm
* cd ~/.config/dotfiles_bspwm
* config.yaml is for user specific configs and global-config.yaml for system wide configs. Edit the yaml files with the hostname and the required configs
* dotdrop install
* Other installation
* nvim
* git clone --single-branch --branch performance ~/.config/nvim
* dmenu
* git clone ~/.config/dmenu
* build dmenu
* cd ~/.config/dmenu
* sudo make install
* slock
* cd ~/.config/slock
* sudo make install
* set qt theme to Adapta Nokto(kvantum, qt5ct).
* for changing theme, change in alacritty, nvim, ~/.config/X11/xresources, dmenu, dunst, polybar(reads Xresources), cursor, mpv. Scrot custom region screenclip and bspwm focused window border have same width and color.
* Terminal font nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono, ttf-fira-code for remaining apps and otf-font-awesome for polybar glyphs.
7zip abook adapta-gtk-theme alacritty alsa-firmware alsa-utils amd-ucode aspell aspell-en autopep8 base base-devel bc brave-bin bspwm-git cpupower-gui-git cronie dmidecode dnsmasq dosfstools dotdrop-git dunst efibootmgr entr exiv2 eza ffmpegthumbnailer gimp git git-lfs gnome-calculator-gtk3 gnome-keyring gnu-free-fonts grub gtk-engine-murrine hsetroot htop-vim-git imagemagick inetutils iptables-nft jdk-openjdk kvantum less libomxil-bellagio libreoffice-fresh libxft libxinerama linux-firmware linux-zen linux-zen-headers lsof ltrace lua53 lynx man-db megasync-bin mpv mutt-wizard-git neovim networkmanager newsboat noto-fonts npm ntfs-3g numlockx nvidia-open-dkms nvidia-utils openresolv otf-font-awesome pacman-contrib pandoc-bin papirus-icon-theme paru-bin paru-bin-debug perl-image-exiftool pfetch-git polybar-git pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa python-click-option-group python-docopt python-gdal python-lxml python-numpy python-owslib python-pip python-pipx python-psycopg2 python-pynvim python-yaml qemu-desktop qgis qt5ct ranger-git redshift-minimal rmtrash rustup scrot simple-mtpfs sshpass starship strace subliminal-git sudo sxhkd-git sxiv telegram-desktop texlive-fontsrecommended texlive-latex texlive-latexrecommended thunar timeshift tk torbrowser-launcher transmission-cli trash-cli ttf-dejavu ttf-fira-code ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-roboto ueberzugpp unclutter unrar unzip virt-manager visual-studio-code-bin weechat wget xclip xdg-user-dirs xdotool xorg-server xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xev xorg-xinit xorg-xrandr xorg-xsetroot yt-dlp-git z-git zathura zathura-pdf-poppler zip zsh zsh-autosuggestions-git zsh-syntax-highlighting-git