These instructions are based on kernel version 35.3.1 and Jetpack 5.1.1
If you have not already installed the OS with the custom device tree. Please see Installing the OS from binaries.
Install Jetpack:
sudo apt update sudo apt install nvidia-jetpack
Restart the Docker service and add your user to the docker group:
sudo systemctl restart docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER newgrp docker
Add default runtime in /etc/docker/daemon.json:
sudo apt install nano sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
Insert the following:
{ "runtimes": { "nvidia": { "path": "nvidia-container-runtime", "runtimeArgs": [] } - } + }, + "default-runtime": "nvidia" }
Restart docker:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker
Install Git LFS in order to pull down all large files:
sudo apt-get install git-lfs git lfs install --skip-repo
First ensure your github user credentials are set and your ssh public key has been added to your github account.
Clone the workspace:
mkdir -p ~/workspaces/ git clone --recurse-submodules ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/
Update your ~/.bashrc:
echo "export ISAAC_ROS_WS=${HOME}/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Start the docker container for the first time. This will download a lot of images so be prepared to wait:
If all goes well, you should now find yourself inside of a docker container configured for development.
You are now ready to build all of the packages in this workspace. This will take a long time the first time you do it:
colcon build --symlink-install
Once the build is complete exit the docker container, sync the filesystem, and reboot the jetson.
sudo reboot
These are instructions for setting up the RealSense D455i to use as a full solution for VSLAM integrated with PX4
Clone the
repo setup udev rules. Remove any connected RealSense cameras when prompted:cd /tmp && \ git clone && \ cd librealsense && \ ./scripts/
Ensure Realsense 455i firmware is
. You can update the firmware by following the Realsense documentation. You must use USB3 to update the realsense firmware. USB3 is also reccomended for operation due to the increased data rate. -
Copy the ros-nodes.service into systemd. This service will launch the isaac_ros_visual_slam realsense node, the foxglove bridge, a gstreamer pipeline, and a node to convert the VSLAM solution into the PX4
sudo cp ros-nodes.service /etc/systemd/system/ && sudo systemctl enable ros-nodes.service
- Enable the service and reboot
sudo systemctl enable ros-nodes.service && sudo reboot