Table of contents
- Prepare the Apache Airflow Upgrade Check Package RC
- Verify the release candidate by PMCs
- Verify release candidates by Contributors
- Publish the final release
You can find the prerequisites to release Apache Airflow in This document details the steps for releasing apache-airflow-upgrade-check package.
by running:pip install setuptools-build-subpackage
The Release Candidate artifacts we vote upon should be the exact ones we vote against, without any modification than renaming – i.e. the contents of the files must be the same between voted release candidate and final release. Because of this the version in the built artifacts that will become the official Apache releases must not include the rcN suffix.
Set environment variables
# Set Version export VERSION=1.3.0rc1 # Set AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT to the path of your git repo export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd) # Example after cloning git clone airflow cd airflow export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)
branch:git checkout v1-10-stable
Set your version to 1.3.0 in
(without the RC tag) -
Commit the version change.
Tag your release
git tag -s upgrade-check/${VERSION}
Clean the checkout: the sdist step below will
git clean -fxd
Tarball the repo
git archive upgrade-check/${VERSION} --prefix=apache-airflow-upgrade-check-${VERSION%rc?}/ \ -o apache-airflow-upgrade-check-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz \ airflow/upgrade NOTICE LICENSE licenses/ .rat-excludes
Generate sdist
NOTE: Make sure your checkout is clean at this stage - any untracked or changed files will otherwise be included in the file produced.
python -m setuptools_build_subpackage --subpackage-folder airflow/upgrade \ sdist --license-template ./LICENSE bdist_wheel
Rename the sdist
mv dist/apache-airflow-upgrade-check-${VERSION%rc?}.tar.gz apache-airflow-upgrade-check-${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz mv dist/apache_airflow_upgrade_check-${VERSION%rc?}-py2.py3-none-any.whl apache_airflow_upgrade_check-${VERSION}-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Generate SHA512/ASC (If you have not generated a key yet, generate it by following instructions on
${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dev/ apache-airflow-upgrade-check-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dev/ apache-airflow-upgrade-check-${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dev/ apache_airflow_upgrade_check-${VERSION}-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Push the artifacts to ASF dev dist repo
# First clone the repo svn checkout airflow-dev # Create new folder for the release cd airflow-dev/upgrade-check svn mkdir ${VERSION} # Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit mv ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/apache{-,_}airflow*-${VERSION}* ${VERSION}/ cd ${VERSION} svn add * svn commit -m "Add artifacts for Upgrade Check ${VERSION}"
At this point we have the artefact that we vote on, but as a convenience to developers we also want to publish "snapshots" of the RC builds to pypi for installing via pip. Also those packages are used to build the production docker image in DockerHub, so we need to upload the packages before we push the tag to GitHub. Pushing the tag to GitHub automatically triggers image building in DockerHub.
To do this we need to
Build the package:
cd ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT} python -m setuptools_build_subpackage --subpackage-folder airflow/upgrade \ egg_info --tag-build "$(sed -e "s/^[0-9.]*//" <<<"$VERSION")" sdist \ --license-template ./LICENSE bdist_wheel
Verify the artifacts that would be uploaded:
twine check dist/*
Upload the package to PyPi's test environment:
twine upload -r pypitest dist/*
Verify that the test package looks good by downloading it and installing it into a virtual environment. The package download link is available at:
Upload the package to PyPi's production environment:
twine upload -r pypi dist/*
Again, confirm that the package is available here:
It is important to stress that this snapshot should not be named "release", and it is not supposed to be used by and advertised to the end-users who do not read the devlist.
Push Tag for the release candidate
git push origin upgrade-check/${VERSION}
- Send out a vote to the mailing list:
[VOTE] Release apache-airflow-upgrade-check 1.3.0 from 1.3.0rc1
Hey all,
This calls for the release of a new dist: apache-airflow-upgrade-check,
version 1.3.0. This represents the contents of the airflow/upgrade/
tree (plus a few supporting files) as a separate dist.
This code is based on the v1-10-stable branch, the git tag is
This email is calling a vote on the release, which will last until Friday 12th February 23:40 UTC
Consider this my (binding) +1.
The files can be downloaded from
- apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-source.tar.gz is a source
release containing the files that made up the binary and wheel
- apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-bin.tar.gz is the binary
Python "sdist" release.
- apache_airflow_upgrade_check-1.3.0rc1-py2.py3-none-any.whl is the
binary Python pre-compiled wheel file.
Public keys are available at:
This dist is also available on PyPI
Only votes from PMC members are binding, but members of the community
to test the release and vote with "(non-binding)".
The test procedure for PMCs and Contributors who would like to test
this RC are described in
but again, this time it is a little bit different.
To actually use this command you will need apache-airflow 1.10.15
Please note that the version number inside the archives exclude the
`rcX` string, so it's now simply 1.3.0. This will allow us to rename
the artifact without modifying the artifact checksums when we actually
<your name>
The PMCs should verify the releases in order to make sure the release is following the Apache Legal Release Policy.
At least 3 (+1) votes should be recorded in accordance to Votes on Package Releases
The legal checks include:
- checking if the packages are present in the right dist folder on svn
- verifying if all the sources have correct licences
- verifying if release manager signed the releases with the right key
- verifying if all the checksums are valid for the release
The files should be present in the sub-folder of Airflow dist
The following files should be present (9 files):
- -bin-tar.gz + .asc + .sha512
- -source.tar.gz + .asc + .sha512
- -.whl + .asc + .sha512
As a PMC you should be able to clone the SVN repository:
svn co
Or update it if you already checked it out:
svn update .
This can be done with the Apache RAT tool.
- Download the latest jar from (unpack the binary, the jar is inside)
- Unpack the binary (
) to a folder - Enter the folder and run the check (point to the place where you extracted the .jar)
java -jar ../../apache-rat-0.13/apache-rat-0.13.jar -E .rat-excludes -d .
where .rat-excludes
is the file in the root of Airflow source code.
Make sure you have the key of person signed imported in your GPG. You can find the valid keys in KEYS.
You can import the whole KEYS file:
gpg --import KEYS
You can also import the keys individually from a keyserver. The below one uses Kaxil's key and retrieves it from the default GPG keyserver
gpg --receive-keys 12717556040EEF2EEAF1B9C275FCCD0A25FA0E4B
You should choose to import the key when asked.
Note that by being default, the OpenPGP server tends to be overloaded often and might respond with errors or timeouts. Many of the release managers also uploaded their keys to the keyserver, and you can retrieve it from there.
gpg --keyserver --receive-keys 12717556040EEF2EEAF1B9C275FCCD0A25FA0E4B
Once you have the keys, the signatures can be verified by running this:
for i in *.asc
echo "Checking $i"; gpg --verify $i
This should produce results similar to the below. The "Good signature from ..." is indication that the signatures are correct. Do not worry about the "not certified with a trusted signature" warning. Most of the certificates used by release managers are self signed, that's why you get this warning. By importing the server in the previous step and importing it via ID from KEYS page, you know that this is a valid Key already.
Checking apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-bin.tar.gz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-bin.tar.gz'
gpg: Signature made Tue 9 Mar 23:22:24 2021 GMT
gpg: using RSA key CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [ultimate]
gpg: aka "Kaxil Naik <>" [ultimate]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Checking apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-source.tar.gz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-source.tar.gz'
gpg: Signature made Tue 9 Mar 23:22:21 2021 GMT
gpg: using RSA key CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [ultimate]
gpg: aka "Kaxil Naik <>" [ultimate]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Checking apache_airflow_upgrade_check-1.3.0rc1-py2.py3-none-any.whl.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'apache_airflow_upgrade_check-1.3.0rc1-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
gpg: Signature made Tue 9 Mar 23:22:27 2021 GMT
gpg: using RSA key CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [ultimate]
gpg: aka "Kaxil Naik <>" [ultimate]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Run this:
for i in *.sha512
echo "Checking $i"; shasum -a 512 `basename $i .sha512 ` | diff - $i
You should get output similar to:
Checking apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-bin.tar.gz.sha512
Checking apache_airflow_upgrade_check-1.3.0rc1-py2.py3-none-any.whl.sha512
Checking apache-airflow-upgrade-check-1.3.0rc1-source.tar.gz.sha512
This can be done (and we encourage to) by any of the Contributors. In fact, it's best if the actual users of Apache Airflow test it in their own staging/test installations. Each release candidate is available on PyPI apart from SVN packages, so everyone should be able to install the release candidate version of Airflow Upgrade Check via simply ( is 1.3.0 for example, and is release candidate number 1,2,3,....).
pip install apache-airflow-upgrade-check==<VERSION>rc<X>
Once this is installed, please run the upgrade check script.
airflow upgrade_check
You should see an output like the following:
========================================= STATUS =========================================
Check for latest versions of apache-airflow and checker...........................SUCCESS
Remove airflow.AirflowMacroPlugin class...........................................SUCCESS
Ensure users are not using custom metaclasses in custom operators.................SUCCESS
Chain between DAG and operator not allowed........................................SUCCESS
Connection.conn_type is not nullable..............................................SUCCESS
Custom Executors now require full path............................................SUCCESS
Check versions of PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite to ease upgrade to Airflow 2.0....SUCCESS
Hooks that run DB functions must inherit from DBApiHook...........................SUCCESS
Fernet is enabled by default......................................................SUCCESS
GCP service account key deprecation...............................................SUCCESS
Unify hostname_callable option in core section....................................SUCCESS
Changes in import paths of hooks, operators, sensors and others...................SUCCESS
Legacy UI is deprecated by default................................................SUCCESS
Logging configuration has been moved to new section...............................SUCCESS
Removal of Mesos Executor.........................................................SUCCESS
No additional argument allowed in BaseOperator....................................SUCCESS
Users must set a kubernetes.pod_template_file value...............................SKIPPED
SendGrid email uses old airflow.contrib module....................................SUCCESS
Check Spark JDBC Operator default connection name.................................SUCCESS
Changes in import path of remote task handlers....................................SUCCESS
Connection.conn_id is not unique..................................................SUCCESS
Use CustomSQLAInterface instead of SQLAInterface for custom data models...........SUCCESS
Found 1 problem.
Users must set a kubernetes.pod_template_file value
Skipped because this rule applies only to environment using KubernetesExecutor.
You can then perform any other verifications to check that the it works as you expected.
Once the vote has been passed, you will need to send a result vote to
[RESULT][VOTE] Release apache-airflow-upgrade-check 1.3.0 from 1.3.0rc1
Hello Airflow Community,
The vote to release Apache Airflow Upgrade Check 1.3.0 based on 1.3.0rc1 is now closed.
The vote PASSED with 3 binding "+1", 3 non-binding "+1" and 0 "-1" votes:
"+1" binding votes received:
- Kaxil Naik
- Jarek Potiuk
- Xiaodong Deng
"+1" non-Binding votes:
- Dennis Akpenyi
- Ephraim Anierobi
- Vikram Koka
Vote thread:
I'll continue with the release process, and the release announcement will follow shortly.
<your name>
You need to migrate the RC artifacts that passed to this repository: (The migration should include renaming the files so that they no longer have the RC number in their filenames.)
The best way of doing this is to svn cp between the two repos (this avoids having to upload the binaries again, and gives a clearer history in the svn commit logs):
# First clone the repo
export RC=1.3.0rc1
export VERSION=${RC/rc?/}
svn checkout airflow-release
# Create new folder for the release
cd airflow-release/upgrade-check
svn mkdir ${VERSION}
# Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit
for f in ../../../airflow-dev/upgrade-check/$RC/*; do svn cp $f ${$(basename $f)/rc?/}; done
svn commit -m "Release Airflow Upgrade Check ${VERSION} from ${RC}"
# Remove old release
cd ..
svn commit -m "Remove old Upgrade Check release: ${PREVIOUS_VERSION}"
Verify that the packages appear in airflow upgrade check
At this point we release an official package:
Checkout the tag:
git checkout upgrade-check/${RC}
Build the package:
cd ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT} git clean -fxd python -m setuptools_build_subpackage --subpackage-folder airflow/upgrade \ sdist --license-template ./LICENSE bdist_wheel
Verify the artifacts that would be uploaded:
twine check dist/*
Upload the package to PyPi's test environment:
twine upload -r pypitest dist/*
Verify that the package looks good by downloading it and installing it into a virtual environment. The package download link is available at:
Upload the package to PyPi's production environment:
twine upload -r pypi dist/*
Again, confirm that the package is available here:
Push Tag for the final version
git tag -s "upgrade-check/${VERSION}" git push origin "upgrade-check/${VERSION}"
- Notify (cc'ing and that the artifacts have been published:
cat <<EOF
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Airflow Upgrade Check 1.3.0 released
cat <<EOF
Dear Airflow community,
I'm happy to announce that apache-airflow-upgrade-check ${VERSION} has just been released.
This powers the `airflow upgrade_check` to make upgrading to 2.0 easier.
The source release, as well as the binary "sdist" release, are available
-${VERSION}/ (eventually)
We also made this version available on PyPI for convenience (`pip install apache-airflow-upgrade-check`):${VERSION}/
Find the CHANGELOG here for more details:${VERSION}/airflow/upgrade#changelog
<your name>
Update "Announcements" page at the Official Airflow website