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820 lines (554 loc) · 29.1 KB


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This gem provides the tools for building Data Models (ActiveModel compliant objects that only receive attributes on initialisation), with their DAOs (Data Access Objects, the ones responsible for loading them up), the EsCollection objects (collection of objects, paginatable and with extra features), and tools that allow them to work.

Its goal is to provide a set of Read Only model objects that receive their data from some sort of Data API.

It's designed to work assuming JSON APIs and ElasticSearch responses.

note: for making a model compatible with ActiveModelSerializers, use artirix_data_models-ams



In previous versions, ADM required the use of SimpleConfig to configure itself. Now you have the alternative of using Rails.configuration with the config.x support for custom configurations.

The configuration loaded will be Rails.configuration.x.artirix_data_models if present, or if not it will try to load SimpleConfig.for(:site). important: it will not merge configs, it will load one or the other

note: see

You can also specify a different config by passing a config loader to ArtirixDataModels.configuration_loader = -> { myconfig }.

Using Rails config

module SomeApplication
  class Application < Rails::Application

    # normal Rails config...
    config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false

    config.x.artirix_data_models.data_gateway =
    config.x.artirix_data_models.data_gateway.url = ''

Using SimpleConfig

# config using SimpleConfig
SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_gateway do
    set :url, ''


You have to specify the location of data-layer. It can be done in the config like this:

# config using Rails.configuration
config.x.artirix_data_models.data_gateway.url = ''

# config using SimpleConfig
SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_gateway do
    set :url, ''

If the connection is covered by basic authentication it can be set by adding login and password settings.


SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_gateway do
    set :url, ''
    set :login, 'WhiteCat'
    set :password, 'B@dPassword!'



class MyModel
  include ArtirixDataModels::Model::OnlyData

  attribute :id, :name

  attribute :public_title, writer_visibility: :public
  attribute :private_title, reader_visibility: :private

  attribute :remember_me, :and_me, skip: :predicate
  attribute :remember_me2, :and_me2, skip: :presence








The Registry

Your app should extend the ArtirixDataModels::ADMRegistry. We can override the setup_config method to add extra loaders.

important: do not forget to call super on setup_config.

Also, the Registry class that you want to use in your app should have in its definition a call to self.mark_as_main_registry. This call must be after the override of setup_config.

You can add loaders that will be called only and memoized with set_persistent_loader and loaders that will cbe called every time with set_transient_loader. se_loader is an alias of set_persistent_loader.

class ADMRegistry < ArtirixDataModels::ADMRegistry
  def setup_config

    set_persistent_loader(:aggregations_factory) { }

    set_transient_loader(:yacht) { gateway: get(:gateway) }
    set_transient_loader(:article) { gateway: get(:gateway) }
    set_transient_loader(:broker) { gateway: get(:gateway) }

    set_loader(:artirix_hub_api_gateway) { connection: ArtirixHubApiService::ConnectionLoader.connection }
    set_transient_loader(:lead) { gateway: get(:artirix_hub_api_gateway) }

  # AFTER defining setup_config


You can use the ADMRegistry by invoking it directly (or calling its instance) ADMRegistry.get(:name) or ADMRegistry.instance.get(:name).

You can also use an identity map mode (see bellow)

Identity Map

You can use adm_registry = ADMRegistry.with_identity_map. Then, the DAO's default methods get, find and get_some will register the loaded models into the DAO, acting as an identity map, and will also use that identity map to check for the existence of models with those PKs, returning them if they are found.

The Identity Map does not have a TTL, so use it only with transient DAOs -> you don't want the identity map to live between requests, since that will mean that the models will never be forgotten, not being able to see new fresh versions, with the extra problem of memory leak.


An initializer should be added for extra configuration.

We can enable pagination with either will_paginate or kaminari.

We can also disable cache at a lib level.

require 'artirix_data_models'

# pagination
# or ArtirixDataModels::EsCollection.work_with_will_paginate

ArtirixDataModels.disable_cache unless Rails.configuration.dao_cache_enabled


By default all get, get_full and get_some calls to on a normal DAO will be cached. The response body and status of the Gateway is cached (if it is successful or a 404 error).

The cache key and the options will be determined by the cache adaptor, set by the DAO. The options are loaded from SimpleConfig, merging default_options with the first most specific option hash.

For example, a DAO get call will try to load the first options hash defined from the following list:

  • "dao_#{dao_name}_get_options"
  • "dao_#{dao_name}_options"
  • 'dao_get_options'

example of config options (using SimpleConfig)

SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  set :cache_app_prefix, 'ui'

  group :cache_options do
    group :default_options do
      set :expires_in, 15.minutes

    group :dao_get_full_options do
      set :expires_in, 1.hour

    group :dao_get_full_no_time_options do
      set :expires_in, 5.minutes

    group :dao_yacht_get_full_options do
      set :expires_in, 15.minutes

Cache can be disabled at lib level with ArtirixDataModels.disable_cache

Rails integration

if Rails is defined when the lib is first used, then the logger will be assigned to Rails.logger by default, and cache will be Rails.cache by default.

Fake Mode


fake mode will be enabled if:

SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_fake_mode do
    set :article, false # NO FAKE MODE
    set :broker, false # WITH FAKE MODE

Use with RSpec

Custom DAO Registry

For the use of a custom DAO Registry, it is recomended to actually require it on the test helper:

in spec/rails_helper.rb:

# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install'
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require 'rspec/given'
require 'spec_helper'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
# Add additional requires below this line. Rails is not loaded until this point!

# force the use of the custom ADMRegistry
require 'adm_registry'

Spec Support

add the spec support in your support files or rails_helper file:

require 'artirix_data_models/spec_support'

This depends on SimpleConfig!

SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_gateway do
    set :url, c


In order to use FactoryGirl with these Models, we need to specify:

  1. the objects cannot be saved, so we need to specify skip_create to avoid it.
  2. the setting of the data is only to be done on the model's initialisation, not with public setters. For that, we need to specify: initialize_with { new(attributes) }
FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :article do
    # no save call

    # in our models we have private setters -> we need the attributes to be
    # passed on object initialisation
    initialize_with { new(attributes) }

    title { Faker::Lorem.sentence }


  1. Documentation
  2. clean basic_dao (probably not backwards compatible, so we'll do it in a new major release)
  3. config flags to modify the composition of Model (ie: include/exclude partial mode behaviour, default attributes...)



  • CachedActionAdapter#force_fresh_fetch method


  • remove deprecated codeclimate gem
  • allow for basic dao perform methods to pass extra options to gateway methods:
    • authorization_bearer
    • authorization_token_hash
    • json_body


  • allow non json responses in gateway #perform, by passing json_parse_response: false.

Example: path_to_be_bad_json, json_parse_response: false
# => gives the response.body to the response_adaptor with no json parsing
  • adds support in DAOs to pass that option to the Gateway.

1.0.0.beta7 (YANKED)


  • prevent crash if the parsed_data is nil when building a new model from the single response.


  • remove hashie dependency. Important: EsCollection breaks with hashie 3.5.x before this change


  • Partial Mode: the default mode status is inherited from the parent class. If you have
class A
  include ArtirixDataModels::Model

class B < A

class C
  include ArtirixDataModels::Model

A.default_full_mode? # => true
B.default_full_mode? # => true (it would be false before this version)
C.default_full_mode? # => false
  • Default Mode: you can override the default mode (if not overridden it will be :partial)
# make it full mode by default
config.x.artirix_data_models.default_mode = :full
  • Default Attributes: you can override the list of default attributes
# add no default attributes
config.x.artirix_data_models.default_attributes = []

 # only _timestamp
config.x.artirix_data_models.default_attributes = [:_timestamp]

# if nothing is specified in the config, the default attributes are:
  • Default Attributes always in Partial Mode: you can override the list of attributes always in partial mode
# add no default attributes
config.x.artirix_data_models.attributes_always_in_partial_mode = []

 # _timestamp and _score
config.x.artirix_data_models.attributes_always_in_partial_mode = [:_timestamp, :_score]

# if nothing is specified in the config, the default attributes are:


  • added methods set_properties_for_init and set_properties_for_reload to Models so it can be extended if needed


  • add patch besides put.

Breaking Changes!!: version 1.0.0.beta1

  • rename DAORegistry to ADMRegistry, and dao_registry to adm_registry. Passed the rename to all places (adm_registry_loader, etc.)

  • Registry changes:

    • instance is thread safe controlled by a class level mutex, shared across all subclasses
    • instance level mutexes to control changes in persistent (setting new persistent loader or saving in local registry a persisted value) and transient (setting new transient loader).


  • minor changes to allow backwards compatibility. Better mocking of gateway.


  • CacheAdaptor has a delete method now, which calls cache.delete cache_key.
  • Gateway tries to call cache_adaptor.delete if any exception is raised during a request (including parsing the response), before re-raising the exception.


  • expose as config in connection the faraday_adapter. If falsey it will default to Faraday.default_adapter.


  • in DAO, extracted the creation of the @basic_model_dao into a create_basic_model_dao method. This method can be now overridden. It accepts other params that will be passed in the object creation.

  • in both DAO and BasicModelDAO, in methods get_full, get, find and get_some, we can now pass arguments path and fake_response. If the values are not passed or if they are falsey then the default generation will be used.


  • receive faraday_build_proc argument in ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::ConnectionLoader.connection. If present, it will be passed the faraday connection before adding any configuration url, request: { params_encoder: Faraday::FlatParamsEncoder }) do |faraday|
  if faraday_build_proc.present? && faraday_build_proc.respond_to?(:call) faraday

  faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter


  • Add settings to log requests and responses bodies: log_body_request and log_body_response. Added to the DataGateway::ConectionLoader#connection method, and to the same config that stores login and password settings.


  • Expose cache configuration in case the app has config specific for artirix_cache_service that we want to use with ArtirixDataModels.use_cache_service(artirix_cache_service) where the argument is a ArtirixCacheService::Service object.


  • IMPORTANT FIX: prevent infinite loop in Model's cache_key method, where if _timestamp is nil, it will try to load updated_at. If that's not part of the partial mode, it will force a reload, which will get a cache_key, which will ask for updated_at, which will force a reload...


  • add headers to Gateway, to Connection and to DAO methods. It expect a hash of key-value that will be passed to the Faraday call after the body of the request.


  • DAORegistry now DI'ed into the DAOs and models, by adding dao_registry_loader or a direct dao_registry.
  • DAORegistry with support for Identity Map
  • deprecated the use of Aggregation.from_json, please use the factory.


added message support for DataGateway exceptions


added support for aggregations that look like

  "aggregations": {
    "global_published_states": {
      "doc_count": 15,
      "published_states": {
        "doc_count": 15,
        "live_soon": {
          "doc_count": 0
        "draft": {
          "doc_count": 3
        "expired": {
          "doc_count": 0
        "live": {
          "doc_count": 12

which will be added as an aggregation like: # => :published_states
  # => [
  #      {name: 'live_soon', count: 0},
  #      {name: 'draft', count: 3},
  #      {name: 'expired', count: 0},
  #      {name: 'live', count: 12},
  #    ]


Fix bug in Inspectable, on Arrays.


Changed cache to use ArtirixCacheService (gem artirix_cache_service).

Deprecated the use of method_missing on cache in favour of the .key method:

# this is deprecated
ArtirixDataModels::CacheService.dao_get_some_key dao_name, model_pks

# in favour of this
ArtirixDataModels::CacheService.key :dao_get_some, dao_name, model_pks

Deprecated the key return_if_none on first_options in favour of return_if_missing:

# this is deprecated
ArtirixDataModels::CacheService.first_options 'some', 'other', return_if_none: :default

# in favour of this
ArtirixDataModels::CacheService.first_options 'some', 'other', return_if_missing: :default


Added ensure_relative boolean option to the creation of a DataGateway (disable by default). With it enabled, it will ensure that any given path is relative by removing the leading /. This is necessary if the Gateway should call a nested endpoint and not just a host.

Example: If we have "" as connection's URL, and path "/people/1", with this:

  • ensure_relative = true => it will connect to ""
  • ensure_relative = false (default) => it will connect to ""


Added array support to inspect.


Added data_hash_for_inspect method, that will use data_hash by default, and have inspect use it.


Added configuration_loader and support for Rails.configuration.x.artirix_data_models.


DataGateway connection loader now moved to DataGateway::ConnectionLoader, with 3 public methods:

  • default_connection which will give us the connection based on config in data_gateway group in SimpleConfig.for(:site)
  • connection_by_config_key(config_key) which will give us the connection based on config in the given group key in SimpleConfig.for(:site)
  • connection(config: {}, url: nil, login: nil, password: nil, bearer_token: nil, token_hash: nil): It will use the elements from the given config if they are not present on the params.


DataGateway now has authorization_bearer and authorization_token_hash options:

  • they can be passed on the gateway creation and they will be used on all elements
  • they can be overridden on a given gateway call: -- if passed nil it will use the value on object creation, if present. -- if passed false it will not use it (can override a value on object creation).

The values can also be added on config to the connection (but then the false override won't work). The authorization will be set on the connection level instead on the request level.

SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_gateway do
    set :token_hash, { email: 'something', token: 'whatever }
SimpleConfig.for(:site) do
  group :data_gateway do
    set :bearer_token, 'SomeBearerToken'


ArtirixDataModels::Model::CacheKey now does not assume that you are in a complete model. It tries to use model_dao_name, primary_key, id, _timestamp and updated_at, but it has default for each section. Change to be able to make a model with OnlyData compatible with AMS using artirix_data_models-ams gem


updating dependencies: KeywordInit (to support passing nil)


  • Gateway perform and connect now accept the extra arguments as keyword arguments:
  gateway.perform :get, path: '/this/is/required' body: nil, json_body: true, timeout: 10

The internals are adapted but if a client app was mocking Gateway's perform directly, this could be a breaking change.

  • added the timeout option to perform gateway (and DAO methods). It will add timeout to the Faraday request
def connect(method, path:, body: nil, json_body: true, timeout: nil)
  connection.send(method, path) do |req|
     req.options.timeout = timeout if timeout.present?
     # ...


  • Cache service: expire_cache now can receive options add_wildcard and add_prefix (both true by default), that will control the modifications on the given pattern


  • Exceptions now with data_hash and ability to be raised with message, options, or both.
  • Cache Adaptors now store the data hash of the NotFound exception, and a new one is built and raised when reading a cached NotFound.
raise ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::NotFound, 'blah blah'
raise ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::NotFound, path: 'something', message: 'blah blah'
raise 'x')
raise'Something', path: 'x')


  • Model: added static mark_full_mode_by_default: if called in the model definition it will make all new models full mode by default
class MyModel
  include ArtirixDataModels::Model


x = some: :params
x.full_mode? # => true


  • DAO: fake responses lazy loaded
  • DAO: response adaptor methods of basic dao moved to a module, included in BasicDAO and as part of the module DAO. Also added response_adaptor_for_identity, which returns the same.
  • Model: added new_full_mode method, that will build a new model and mark it as full mode


  • attribute call now can accept a hash of options as the last argument. This options include: skip (what to skip), writer_visibility and reader_visibility.


  • ArtirixDataModels::ActiveNull better acting like a model.


  • ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::GatewayError subclass now for status 400: BadRequest


  • introducing ArtirixDataModels::ActiveNull with a port of active_null gem to work with our models.


  • DAO spec helpers were broken since Gateway refactor of v0.8. This fixes them.


  • Gateways: -- added gateway_factory besides gateway as a creation argument for a DAO and BasicModelDAO. Now, when using a gateway in BasicModelDAO, it will use the given gateway if present, or it will call and use it. It won't save the result of the gateway factory, so the factory will be called every time a gateway is used. -- BasicModelDAO methods can receive a gateway option to be used instead of the normal gateway for the particular request. Used in _get, _post, _put and _delete methods. If no override is passed, then it will use the preloaded gateway (using either gateway or gateway_factory creation arguments, see above). -- DAO creation accepts an option ignore_default_gateway (false by default). If it is false, and no gateway or gateway_factory is passed, the gateway used will be DAORegistry.gateway (same as before). This allows to create DAOs without any gateway configured, making it necessary to instantiate it and pass it to BasicModelDAO on each request.

  • Response Adaptors -- DAO's get_full method now can pass to BasicModelDAO a response_adaptor option. BasicModelDAO will use BasicModelDAO's response_adaptor_for_reload if no response adaptor is passed. -- DAO's find and get methods now can pass to BasicModelDAO a response_adaptor option. BasicModelDAO will use BasicModelDAO's response_adaptor_for_single if no response adaptor is passed. -- DAO's find and get_some methods now can pass to BasicModelDAO a response_adaptor option. BasicModelDAO will use BasicModelDAO's response_adaptor_for_some if no response adaptor is passed.

  • DAOs now delegate model_adaptor_factory to BasicModelDAO

  • created IllegalActionError error class inside of ArtirixDataModels module

  • ArtirixDataModels::Model with another module WithoutDefaultAttributes, same as CompleteModel but without default attributes.

  • ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::Error subclass now for status 409: Conflict

  • in ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway, methods treat_response and exception_for_status are now static. They can still be used in an instance level (it delegates to class methods)


  • Fake Responses now can be a callable object (if it responds to call it will invoke it)
  • refactor in ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway to add more info into the exceptions
  • ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::Error and subclasses have now path, method, response_status, response_body (when applicable) and also json_response_body method which will try to parse response_body as if it were json (nil if it is not present or if it is not a valid json)
  • ArtirixDataModels::DataGateway::Error subclasses now for specific response status: -- NotFound -- NotAcceptable -- UnprocessableEntity -- Unauthorized -- Forbidden -- RequestTimeout -- TooManyRequests -- ServerError

note: ParseError will not have the response_status


  • DataGateway refactor, plus adding put and delete support.
  • BasicModelDAO with _put and _delete support.
  • adding gateway mock helpers for post, put and delete, and adapting them to the new behaviour
  • including ArtirixDataModels::Model::PublicWriters after ArtirixDataModels::Model::Attributes (or after ArtirixDataModels::Model or ArtirixDataModels::Model::OnlyData) and before calling attribute method to make attribute writers public.

0.8.0, 0.8.1, 0.8.2 (YANKED)

Yanked because of the gateway mock helpers were missing an option, which made them not mocking properly. (moved all to 0.8.3)


  • FakeResponseFactory using given _score if > 0.


  • added ~> 3.4 to the hashie gem dependency


  • ArtirixDataModels::FakeResponseFactory when building a response, will try to use hit[:_index] and hit[:_type], and use the params index and document_type if not found.


  • EsCollection now delegates empty? to the results.


  • added MetricAggregation. Normal AggregationBuilder will build an aggregation with that class if instead of buckets it finds value in the JSON.
  • normalize raw aggregations now does not ignore metric aggregations (see above)
  • added calculate_filtered(filtered_values) to aggregations (noop in Metric aggregations). In a bucket aggregation, will mark with filtered? each bucket (aka Aggregation Value) if the is present in the given filtered_values.
  • added to Aggregation the methods: -- filtered_buckets that will return only buckets marked as filtered? -- unfiltered_buckets that will return only buckets not marked as filtered? -- filtered_first_buckets that will concatenate filtered_buckets and unfiltered_buckets
  • changed classes to stop inheriting from Struct, had some problems with inheritance.
  • Aggregation, Aggregation::Value and MetricAggregation now using the same inspection as models.

0.7.0 (YANKED)

Yanked because of bug on Aggregations. Released 0.7.1 with the fix. Changeset moved too to 0.7.1


  • aggregations use key_as_string as name of the bucket value if it exists, if not then it uses key and if that also does not exist then it uses name


  • Aggregation::Value.pretty_name memoized and the code moved to load_pretty_name.


  • Specify activemodel as a dependency and require it in the lib
  • EsCollection delegates [], first, last, take and drop to the results.


  • Add ability to create connection to data source using HTTP Basic Authentication.

  • Fix in EsCollection's aggregation parsing (nested + single from RAW now work ok)
  • SortedBucketAggregationBase introduced. now ArtirixDataModels::AggregationsFactory.sorted_aggregation_class_based_on_index_on(index_array) available to create a class for Aggregations which will sort the buckets based on the position of the elements on a given array.

0.6.3 (YANKED)

Yanked because of typo bug on SortedBucketAggregationBase. Released with the fix.

  • Fix in EsCollection's aggregation parsing (nested + single from RAW now work ok)
  • SortedBucketAggregationBase introduced. now ArtirixDataModels::AggregationsFactory.sorted_aggregation_class_based_on_index_on(index_array) available to create a class for Aggregations which will sort the buckets based on the position of the elements on a given array.


Fixed Breaking Change: removal of Aggregation.from_json static method. Now back but delegating to default factory method is aggregation_factory.aggregation_from_json in the Aggregation Factory instance.

  • EsCollection's aggregations can now be build based on raw ElasticSearch responses, including nested aggregations. It ignores any aggregation that does not have "buckets", so that nested aggs for global or filtered are skipped and only the ones with real data are used. (TODO: write docs. In the mean time, have a look at the specs).
  • added aggregation method to Aggregation::Value class, and also the aggs to the data_hash if they are present.

0.6.1 (YANKED)

Yanked because of breaking change introduction: removal of Aggregation.from_json method

  • added aggregation method to Aggregation::Value class, and also the aggs to the data_hash if they are present.

v0.6.0 (YANKED)

Yanked because of breaking change introduction: removal of Aggregation.from_json method

  • EsCollection's aggregations can now be build based on raw ElasticSearch responses, including nested aggregations. It ignores any aggregation that does not have "buckets", so that nested aggs for global or filtered are skipped and only the ones with real data are used. (TODO: write docs. In the mean time, have a look at the specs).


  • opening gem as is to the public.
  • still a lot of TODOs in the documentation