Memory Total: 512 KiB (power of 2)
Usable Memory: 320 KiB (power of 2)
Flash Total: 8 MiB (power of 2)
Unique Manufacturer Serial Number: 806599A243DC
Mac Address: 80:65:99:A2:43:DC
Model | Accuracy (ONLINE) | Precision (ONLINE) | Execution Speed (μs) | Model Arena Size (KB) | Model Size (KB) | Memory Used (KB) (Total) | Flash Size (KB) (Total) | Power consumption | Frequency (DFS OFF) |
MLP | 90% | 90% | 86 (avg) | 4.700 | 6.308 | 23.332 | 314.449 | 138 mW (avg) | 240 MHz (avg) |
Note: While calculating memory and flash we used power of 10 instead of power of 2.
Operation FULLY_CONNECTED (number 0) executed in 33 microseconds.
Going to sleep for a half Second
Operation FULLY_CONNECTED (number 1) executed in 31 microseconds.
Going to sleep for a half Second
Operation FULLY_CONNECTED (number 2) executed in 8 microseconds.
Going to sleep for a half Second
Operation SOFTMAX (number 3) executed in 14 microseconds.
Going to sleep for a half Second