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Viljami Salminen edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 9 revisions

The following terminology is used throughout Vue Design System. It’s a good idea to get familiar with these concepts before diving deeper.

  • Principles are a set of established design principles that are at the heart of the system. They should guide you when working with Tokens, Elements, Patterns and Templates listed below.
  • Tokens are the visual design atoms of the system. Specifically, they are named entities that store visual design attributes. SalesForce’s system has a great example.
  • Elements are the smallest basic structures of a UI. They can not be broken down any further. Buttons, links and inputs are good examples. Elements utilize Tokens mentioned above.
  • Patterns are UI patterns that fall on the more complex side of the spectrum. Patterns consist of both Elements and Tokens.
  • Templates exist to document the layout and structure of a section or the entirety of an interface. Templates can consist of all three things mentioned above: Patterns, Elements and Tokens.

Hierarchy, visualized:

 ├─ Pattern
 │   ├─ Element
 │   │   ├─ Token
 │   │   └─ Token
 │   └─ Element
 │       └─ Token
 └─ Pattern
     └─ Element
         ├─ Token
         └─ Token