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If the function fails, the users that failed to receive an email will be logged in console. + +**Response** + +Sample `200` Response: + +```json +{ + "ok": true +} +``` + +Sample `500` Response: + +```json +{ + "ok": false +} +``` + +## ⚙️ Configuration + +You can set CRON to control how often the function is executed. For example, `0 0 * * *` will run the function every day at midnight. + +| Setting | Value | +| ----------------- | ------------- | +| Runtime | Node (18.0) | +| Entrypoint | `src/main.js` | +| Build Commands | `npm install` | +| Permissions | `any` | +| CRON | `0 0 * * *` | +| Timeout (Seconds) | 15 | + +## 🔒 Environment Variables + +### APPWRITE_API_KEY + +The API Key to talk to Appwrite backend APIs. + +| Question | Answer | +| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| Required | Yes | +| Sample Value | `d1efb...aec35` | +| Documentation | [Appwrite: Getting Started for Server](https://appwrite.io/docs/getting-started-for-server#apiKey) | + +### APPWRITE_ENDPOINT + +The URL endpoint of the Appwrite server. If not provided, it defaults to the Appwrite Cloud server: `https://cloud.appwrite.io/v1`. + +| Question | Answer | +| ------------ | ------------------------------ | +| Required | No | +| Sample Value | `https://cloud.appwrite.io/v1` | + +### MAX_PASSWORD_AGE + +The maximum number of days a password can be used before the user is forced to change it. + +| Question | Answer | +| ------------- | --------------------- | +| Required | No | +| Default Value | `90` | +| Sample Value | `https://short.app/s` | diff --git a/node/password-expiry/env.d.ts b/node/password-expiry/env.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f1545b55 --- /dev/null +++ b/node/password-expiry/env.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +declare global { + namespace NodeJS { + interface ProcessEnv { + APPWRITE_ENDPOINT?: string; + APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID: string; + APPWRITE_API_KEY?: string; + STMP_DSN?: string; + RESET_PASSWORD_URL?: string; + MAX_PASSWORD_AGE?: string; + } + } +} + +export {}; diff --git 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"prettier --write ." + }, + "dependencies": { + "node-appwrite": "^9.0.0", + "nodemailer": "^6.9.7" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "prettier": "^3.0.0" + } +} diff --git a/node/password-expiry/src/main.js b/node/password-expiry/src/main.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bdbcbf07 --- /dev/null +++ b/node/password-expiry/src/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +import { throwIfMissing } from './utils.js'; +import { Client, Users, Query } from 'node-appwrite'; +import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; + +export default async ({ res, log, error }) => { + throwIfMissing(process.env, [ + 'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID', + 'APPWRITE_API_KEY', + 'MAX_PASSWORD_AGE', + 'RESET_PASSWORD_URL', + 'STMP_DSN', + ]); + + const client = new Client(); + client + .setEndpoint( + process.env.APPWRITE_ENDPOINT ?? 'https://cloud.appwrite.io/v1' + ) + .setProject(process.env.APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID) + .setKey(process.env.APPWRITE_API_KEY); + + const users = new Users(client); + + const expiryPeriodMs = 1000; + const beforeTimeMs = Date.now() - expiryPeriodMs; + const beforeDateTime = new Date(beforeTimeMs).toISOString(); + + const usersWithExpiredPasswords = await users.list([ + Query.lessThanEqual('passwordUpdate', beforeDateTime), + ]); + + const dsn = new URL(process.env.STMP_DSN); + + log(dsn.username); + + const transport = nodemailer.createTransport({ + host: dsn.hostname, + port: dsn.port || 587, + auth: { + user: dsn.username.replace(/%40/g, '@'), + pass: dsn.password, + }, + }); + + if (usersWithExpiredPasswords.length === 0) { + log('Exiting - no users to notify'); + return res.json({ + ok: true, + }); + } + + let count = 0; + for (const user of usersWithExpiredPasswords) { + try { + await transport.sendMail({ + from: dsn.searchParams.get('from'), + to: 'luke@appwrite.io', + subject: 'Your password needs to be updated', + text: `Hi ${ + user.name + },\n\nYour password needs to be updated. Please log in to ${ + process.env.RESET_PASSWORD_URL + } to update your password.\n\nThanks,\n${dsn.searchParams.get('from')}`, + }); + count += 1; + } catch (err) { + error(`Failed to send email to user with id ${user.$id}: ${err}`); + } + } + + log(`Sent ${count} email to users`); + + return res.json({ + ok: true, + }); +}; diff --git a/node/password-expiry/src/utils.js b/node/password-expiry/src/utils.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dcca7015 --- /dev/null +++ b/node/password-expiry/src/utils.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +/** + * Throws an error if any of the keys are missing from the object + * @param {*} obj + * @param {string[]} keys + * @throws {Error} + */ +export function throwIfMissing(obj, keys) { + const missing = []; + for (let key of keys) { + if (!(key in obj) || !obj[key]) { + missing.push(key); + } + } + if (missing.length > 0) { + throw new Error(`Missing required fields: ${missing.join(', ')}`); + } +}