Controller (login, filter data)
- login page and admin area for admins
- hide answers
- timeout feature for answering questions
- anonymous authetication for users
- claim account feature
- login page and admin area for users
- change user response
- receive win notification option
- display previously answered questions (the question, answer, right or wrong)
- display previously shared wins
View (display data, user interface)
- display welcome message
- display results screen (with various kinds of graphs and diagrams)
- display admin pages for admin and user
Model (insert, update, and save data)
- create admin accounts
- username
- e-mail address
- update account information
- insert/update questions and their answers into an account
- type
- T/F
- text (with character limit?)
- text with question (with character limit?)
- possible answers
- T/F
- text
- type
- create user accounts
- username
- e-mail address
- question
- answer
- right or wrong
- shared or not shared
- update account information