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Version Numbering Scheme

François Beaune edited this page Jan 11, 2014 · 4 revisions

The version numbering scheme used in appleseed might differ slightly from what other software use.

appleseed's version strings always follow the pattern generation.release.patch-maturity-tag where:

  • generation is the generation number, starting at 1. It is likely to stay at 1 for a while, until major architectural changes are introduced.
  • release is the release number, starting at 1.
  • patch is the patch level, starting at 0. It is only non-zero for stable releases for which the concept of patch makes sense. All alpha and beta releases are at patch level 0.
  • maturity is the maturity level, for instnace "alpha-16", "beta-1", or "stable". It describes the level of maturity of the current version.
  • tag is the Git tag, for instance "37-ge138384". It is obtained by executing git describe --long in the source tree.

The first stable release of appleseed will be version 1.1.0-stable. Then there will probably be some minor patches (1.1.1-stable, 1.1.2-stable, etc.), followed by a new release cycle (1.2.0-alpha-1) etc.

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