diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 4529258..24b799c 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# Change Log
-## [1.0.2] 2024-03-05
+## [1.0.5] 2024-11-24
+### Changes
+- Update RM Links
+ - [Django Argon Dashboard PRO](https://app-generator.dev/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/) - Product Page
+ - [Django Argon Dashboard PRO](https://app-generator.dev/docs/products/django/argon-dashboard-pro/index.html) - Documentation
+## [1.0.4] 2024-03-04
### Changes
- Update README (docs)
@@ -13,18 +21,25 @@
- dark mode
- i18n (internationalization)
-## [1.0.1] 2023-02-13
+## [1.0.3] 2023-06-19
+### Changes
+- Bump UI Version: `v1.0.8`
+## [1.0.2] 2023-06-19
+### Changes
+- Bump UI Version: `v1.0.5`
+## [1.0.1] 2023-06-13
### Changes
-- DOCS Update (readme). New sections:
- - `How to customize the theme`
- - Render deployment
-- Configure the project to use `home/templates`
-- Added `custom-footer` sample
+- Update `requirements.txt`
+ - Specify the version for the private package
-## [1.0.0] 2023-01-25
+## [1.0.0] 2023-01-07
### Changes
- Stable Version
-- Integrate [Django Argon PRO](https://github.com/app-generator/django-admin-argon-pro)
+- Integrate [Django Argon2 PRO](https://github.com/app-generator/django-admin-argon2-pro)
- CI/CD included via `Render`
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 59bbbd0..acb6772 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,241 +1,33 @@
-# [Django Argon PRO](https://appseed.us/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/)
+# [Django Argon Dashboard PRO](https://app-generator.dev/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/)
-**Django** starter styled with **[Argon Dashboard PRO](https://appseed.us/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/)**, a premium `Bootstrap` Design from [Creative-Tim](https://bit.ly/3fKQZaL).
+Premium **Django** starter built with `Database, DB Tools, API, OAuth, Celery, and React Integration` with **Argon Dashboard Design** (Premium Version).
The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
-- 🛒 [Django Argon PRO](https://appseed.us/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/) - `Product page` (contains payment links)
-- 👉 [Django Argon PRO](https://django-argon-dash-pro.onrender.com) - `LIVE Demo`
+> NOTE: **A premium version provides more features, priority on support, and is more often updated**
-## Features
-- `Up-to-date dependencies`
-- Database: `SQLite`, PgSQL, MySql
-- **Authentication**
- - `Session-Based authentication`
- - `Social Login`: **Github** & **Google**
-- **User Extended profile**
-- **API** via DRF
-- DataTables
-- Charts
-- Celery
-- File Manager
-- i18n (internationalization)
-- `Docker`
-![Django Argon PRO - Premium Seed project powered by Flask.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51070104/213974264-fe9250ff-7035-427b-b63f-bf69790f5a73.png)
-## Start in `Docker`
-> **Step 1** - Download the [code](https://appseed.us/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/) and unzip the sources (requires a `purchase`).
-$ unzip django-argon-dashboard-pro.zip
-$ cd django-argon-dashboard-pro
-> **Step 2** - Start the APP in `Docker`
-# Optional (kill all existing containers)
-$ docker container kill $(docker ps -q) ; docker container rm $(docker ps -a -q) ; docker network prune -f
-# Start the APP
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Visit `http://localhost:5085` in your browser. The app should be up & running.
-## Create new `.env` from `env.sample`
-The meaning of each variable can be found below:
-- `DEBUG`: if `True` the app runs in develoment mode
- - For production value `False` should be used
-- `MYSQL` credentials
- - `DB_ENGINE`, default value = `mysql`
- - `DB_NAME`, default value = `appseed_db`
- - `DB_HOST`, default value = `localhost`
- - `DB_PORT`, default value = `3306`
- - `DB_USERNAME`, default value = `appseed_db_usr`
- - `DB_PASS`, default value = `pass`
-- `OAuth` via Github
- - `GITHUB_ID`=
-- `OAuth` via Google
-## Manual Build
-> - Download the [code](https://appseed.us/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/) and unzip the sources (requires a `purchase`).
-$ unzip django-argon-dashboard-pro.zip
-$ cd django-argon-dashboard-pro
-### 👉 Set Up for `Unix`, `MacOS`
-> Install modules via `VENV`
-$ virtualenv env
-$ source env/bin/activate
-$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
-> Set Up Database
-$ python manage.py makemigrations
-$ python manage.py migrate
-> Create Superuser
-$ python manage.py createsuperuser
+- 👉 [Django Argon Dashboard PRO](https://app-generator.dev/docs/products/django/argon-dashboard-pro/index.html) - **Complete Documentation**
+- 👉 [Django Argon Dashboard PRO](https://django-argon-dash2-pro.onrender.com/charts/) - LIVE Demo
+- 👉 [Get Support](https://app-generator.dev/ticket/create/) via Email and Discord
-> Start the app
-$ python manage.py runserver
-At this point, the app runs at ``.
-### 👉 Set Up for `Windows`
-> Install modules via `VENV` (windows)
-$ virtualenv env
-$ .\env\Scripts\activate
-$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
-> Set Up Database
-$ python manage.py makemigrations
-$ python manage.py migrate
-> Start the app
-$ python manage.py runserver
-At this point, the app runs at ``.
-### 👉 Create Users
-By default, the app redirects guest users to authenticate. In order to access the private pages, follow this set up:
-- Start the app
-- Access the `registration` page and create a new user:
- - ``
-- Access the `sign in` page and authenticate
- - ``
-## Start Celery (async task)
-- Make sure you have a Redis Server running: `redis://localhost:6379`
- - `$ redis-cli` and type `ping`
-- In the base directory inside `tasks_scripts` folder you need to write your scripts file.
-- Run the celery command from the CLI.
-$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="core.settings"
-$ celery -A apps.tasks worker -l info -B
-- You will see a new route `Apps -> Tasks` in the sidebar.
-- You can start and cancel any task from the UI.
-## Enable Social Login
-> 👉 **Github Setup** - [Create an OAuth App](https://docs.github.com/en/developers/apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app)
-- SignIN to `Github`
-- Access `Settings` -> `Developer Settings` -> `OAuth Apps`
-- Edit your OAuth App
- - `App Name`
- - `App Description`
- - (mandatory) `HomePage`: `https://localhost:8000`
- - (mandatory) `Authorization callback URL`: `https://localhost:8000/`
- - Generate a new `secret key`
-## Codebase
+## Features
-The project is coded using a simple and intuitive structure presented below:
+* **Simple, Easy-to-Extend** Codebase
+* **Argon Dashboard** Design (premium version)
+* **OAuth** - Github
+* **Extended User Profiles**
+* **[API](https://django-argon-dash2-pro.onrender.com/api/sales/)** via DRF
+* **[Charts](https://django-argon-dash2-pro.onrender.com/charts/)** via ApexJS
+* **[Dynamic DataTables](https://django-argon-dash2-pro.onrender.com/tables/)**
+* **Celery** (async tasks)
+* **Deployment-Ready** for Render
- |
- |-- core/ # Implements app configuration
- | |-- settings.py # Defines Global Settings
- | |-- wsgi.py # Start the app in production
- | |-- urls.py # Define URLs served by all apps/nodes
- |
- |-- home/ # Serves all pages from the UI Kit
- |
- |-- apps/
- | |
- | |-- common/ # Assets used by all APPS (models, helpers)
- | |-- users/ # Handles Auth Flow
- | |-- api/ # DRF API
- | |-- charts/ # Charts APP
- | |-- tables/ # DataTables APP
- | |-- tasks/ # Celery App
- |
- |-- templates/ # Pages & Templates
- |-- assets/ # Static Assets [ JS, CSS, images ]
- |
- |-- requirements.txt # Development modules - SQLite storage
- |
- |-- .env # Environment
- |-- env.sample # Environment Sample
- |
- |-- manage.py # Django Manager File
- |
- |-- ************************************************************************
+![Django Argon Dashboard PRO - Premium Starter built on top of Argon Dashboard](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e2bca541-ed94-4369-8ab7-361a7f112e69)
-[Django Argon PRO](https://appseed.us/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/) - Starter crafted by **[AppSeed](https://appseed.us/)**.
+[Django Argon Dashboard PRO](https://app-generator.dev/product/argon-dashboard-pro/django/) - Premium **Django** Starter provided by [App Generator](https://app-generator.dev)