diff --git a/Tests/ApolloTests/SelectionSetTests.swift b/Tests/ApolloTests/SelectionSetTests.swift
index 058771472..c9e988c4b 100644
--- a/Tests/ApolloTests/SelectionSetTests.swift
+++ b/Tests/ApolloTests/SelectionSetTests.swift
@@ -1715,4 +1715,281 @@ class SelectionSetTests: XCTestCase {
+  // MARK Selection dict intializer
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_givenNonOptionalEntityField_givenValue__setsFieldDataCorrectly() {
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("name", String?.self)
+      ]}
+      var name: String? { __data["name"] }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+      "name": "Johnny Tsunami"
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.name).to(equal("Johnny Tsunami"))
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_givenOptionalEntityField_givenNilValue__returnsNil() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("friend", Hero?.self)
+      ]}
+      var friend: Hero? { __data["friend"] }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human"
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.friend).to(beNil())
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveDictionaryEntityFiled_givenNonOptionalValue__setsFieldDataCorrectly() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("friend", Friend.self)
+      ]}
+      var friend: Friend { __data["friend"] }
+      class Friend: MockSelectionSet {
+        typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+        override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+          .field("__typename", String.self),
+        ]}
+      }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+      "friend": ["__typename": "Human"]
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.friend.__typename).to(equal("Human"))
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveOptionalDictionaryEntityFiled_givenNilValue__returnsNil() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("friend", Friend?.self)
+      ]}
+      var friend: Friend? { __data["friend"] }
+      class Friend: MockSelectionSet {
+        typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+        override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+          .field("__typename", String.self),
+        ]}
+      }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.friend).to(beNil())
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveDictionaryArrayEntityField_givenNonOptionalValue__setsFieldDataCorrectly() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("friends", [Friend].self)
+      ]}
+      var friends: [Friend] { __data["friends"] }
+      class Friend: MockSelectionSet {
+        typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+        override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+          .field("__typename", String.self),
+        ]}
+      }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+      "friends": [
+        ["__typename": "Human"],
+        ["__typename": "Human"],
+        ["__typename": "Human"]
+      ]
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.friends.count).to(equal(3))
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveOptionalDictionaryArrayEntityField_givenNilValue__returnsNil() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("friends", [Friend]?.self)
+      ]}
+      var friends: [Friend]? { __data["friends"] }
+      class Friend: MockSelectionSet {
+        typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+        override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+          .field("__typename", String.self),
+        ]}
+      }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human"
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.friends).to(beNil())
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveDictionaryArrayEntityField_givenEmptyValue__returnsEmpty() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("friends", [Friend].self)
+      ]}
+      var friends: [Friend] { __data["friends"] }
+      class Friend: MockSelectionSet {
+        typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+        override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+          .field("__typename", String.self),
+        ]}
+      }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+      "friends": []
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.friends).to(beEmpty())
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveNestedListEntityField_givenNonOptionalValue__setsFieldDataCorrectly() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("nestedList", [[Hero]].self)
+      ]}
+      var nestedList: [[Hero]] { __data["nestedList"] }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+      "nestedList": [[
+        [
+          "__typename": "Human",
+          "nestedList": [[]]
+        ]
+      ]]
+    ]
+    let expected = try! Hero(
+      data: [
+        "__typename": "Human",
+        "nestedList": [[]]
+      ],
+      variables: nil
+    )
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.nestedList).to(equal([[expected]]))
+  }
+  func test__selectionDictInitializer_giveOptionalNestedListEntityField_givenNilValue__returnsNil() {
+    // given
+    class Hero: MockSelectionSet {
+      typealias Schema = MockSchemaMetadata
+      override class var __selections: [Selection] {[
+        .field("__typename", String.self),
+        .field("nestedList", [[Hero]]?.self)
+      ]}
+      var nestedList: [[Hero]]? { __data["nestedList"] }
+    }
+    let object: [String: Any] = [
+      "__typename": "Human",
+    ]
+    // when
+    let actual = try! Hero(data: object)
+    // then
+    expect(actual.nestedList).to(beNil())
+  }
diff --git a/apollo-ios/Sources/Apollo/SelectionSet+DictionaryIntializer.swift b/apollo-ios/Sources/Apollo/SelectionSet+DictionaryIntializer.swift
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd9b90c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apollo-ios/Sources/Apollo/SelectionSet+DictionaryIntializer.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import ApolloAPI
+public enum RootSelectionSetInitializeError: Error {
+  case hasNonHashableValue
+extension RootSelectionSet {
+  /// Initializes a `SelectionSet` with a raw JSON response object.
+  ///
+  /// The process of converting a JSON response into `SelectionSetData` is done by using a
+  /// `GraphQLExecutor` with a`GraphQLSelectionSetMapper` to parse, validate, and transform
+  /// the JSON response data into the format expected by `SelectionSet`.
+  ///
+  /// - Parameters:
+  ///   - data: A dictionary representing a JSON response object for a GraphQL object.
+  ///   - variables: [Optional] The operation variables that would be used to obtain
+  ///                the given JSON response data.
+  @_disfavoredOverload
+  public init(
+    data: [String: Any],
+    variables: GraphQLOperation.Variables? = nil
+  ) throws {
+    let jsonObject = try Self.convertToAnyHashableValueDict(dict: data)
+    try self.init(data: jsonObject, variables: variables)
+  }
+  /// Convert dictionary type [String: Any] to [String: AnyHashable]
+  /// - Parameter dict: [String: Any] type dictionary
+  /// - Returns: converted [String: AnyHashable] type dictionary
+  private static func convertToAnyHashableValueDict(dict: [String: Any]) throws -> [String: AnyHashable] {
+    var result = [String: AnyHashable]()
+    for (key, value) in dict {
+      if let arrayValue = value as? [Any] {
+        result[key] = try convertToAnyHashableArray(array: arrayValue)
+      } else  {
+        if let dictValue = value as? [String: Any] {
+          result[key] = try convertToAnyHashableValueDict(dict: dictValue)
+        } else if let hashableValue = value as? AnyHashable {
+          result[key] = hashableValue
+        } else {
+          throw RootSelectionSetInitializeError.hasNonHashableValue
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return result
+  }
+  /// Convert Any type Array type to AnyHashable type Array
+  /// - Parameter array: Any type Array
+  /// - Returns: AnyHashable type Array
+  private static func convertToAnyHashableArray(array: [Any]) throws -> [AnyHashable] {
+    var result: [AnyHashable] = []
+    for value in array {
+      if let array = value as? [Any] {
+        result.append(try convertToAnyHashableArray(array: array))
+      } else if let dict = value as? [String: Any] {
+        result.append(try convertToAnyHashableValueDict(dict: dict))
+      } else if let hashable = value as? AnyHashable {
+        result.append(hashable)
+      } else {
+        throw RootSelectionSetInitializeError.hasNonHashableValue
+      }
+    }
+    return result
+  }
diff --git a/docs/source/testing/test-mocks.mdx b/docs/source/testing/test-mocks.mdx
index fff612336..500dae743 100644
--- a/docs/source/testing/test-mocks.mdx
+++ b/docs/source/testing/test-mocks.mdx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Generated test mocks provide a type-safe way to mock your response models. Rathe
 Because the generated response models are backed by a JSON dictionary, initializing them with mock data without generated test mocks is verbose and error-prone. You need to create stringly-typed JSON dictionaries that are structured exactly like the expected network response to ensure the your models parse properly.
-let data: [String: AnyHashable] = [
+let data: [String: Any] = [
     "data": [
         "__typename": "Query",
         "hero": [
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ let data: [String: AnyHashable] = [
-let model = HeroAndFriendsQuery.Data(data: DataDict(data))
+let model = try HeroAndFriendsQuery.Data(data: data)
 XCTAssertEqual(model.hero.friends[1].name, "C-3PO")