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Apollo Helm Chart

Apollo is a reliable configuration management system.

1. Introduction

The apollo-service and apollo-portal charts create deployments for apollo-configservice, apollo-adminservice and apollo-portal, which utilize the kubernetes native service discovery.

2. Prerequisites

  • Kubernetes 1.10+
  • Helm 3

3. Add Apollo Helm Chart Repository

$ helm repo add apollo
$ helm search repo apollo

4. Deployments of apollo-configservice and apollo-adminservice

4.1 Install

apollo-configservice and apollo-adminservice should be installed per environment, so it is suggested to indicate environment in the release name, e.g. apollo-service-dev

$ helm install apollo-service-dev \
    --set \
    --set configdb.userName=apollo \
    --set configdb.password=apollo \
    --set configdb.service.enabled=true \
    --set configService.replicaCount=1 \
    --set adminService.replicaCount=1 \
    -n your-namespace \

Or customize it with values.yaml

$ helm install apollo-service-dev -f values.yaml -n your-namespace apollo/apollo-service 

4.2 Uninstall

To uninstall/delete the apollo-service-dev deployment:

$ helm uninstall -n your-namespace apollo-service-dev

4.3 Configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the apollo-service chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default The host for apollo config db nil
configdb.port The port for apollo config db 3306
configdb.dbName The database name for apollo config db ApolloConfigDB
configdb.userName The user name for apollo config db nil
configdb.password The password for apollo config db nil
configdb.connectionStringProperties The connection string properties for apollo config db characterEncoding=utf8
configdb.service.enabled Whether to create a Kubernetes Service for or not. Set it to true if is an endpoint outside of the kubernetes cluster false
configdb.service.fullNameOverride Override the service name for apollo config db nil
configdb.service.port The port for the service of apollo config db 3306
configdb.service.type The service type of apollo config db: ClusterIP or ExternalName. If the host is a DNS name, please specify ExternalName as the service type, e.g. ClusterIP
configService.fullNameOverride Override the deployment name for apollo-configservice nil
configService.replicaCount Replica count of apollo-configservice 2
configService.containerPort Container port of apollo-configservice 8080
configService.image.repository Image repository of apollo-configservice apolloconfig/apollo-configservice
configService.image.tag Image tag of apollo-configservice, e.g. 1.8.0, leave it to nil to use the default version nil
configService.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of apollo-configservice IfNotPresent
configService.imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets of apollo-configservice []
configService.service.fullNameOverride Override the service name for apollo-configservice nil
configService.service.port The port for the service of apollo-configservice 8080
configService.service.targetPort The target port for the service of apollo-configservice 8080
configService.service.type The service type of apollo-configservice ClusterIP
configService.ingress.enabled Whether to enable the ingress for config-service or not false
configService.ingress.annotations The annotations of the ingress for config-service {} The host of the ingress for config-service nil
configService.ingress.hosts.paths The paths of the ingress for config-service []
configService.ingress.tls The tls definition of the ingress for config-service []
configService.liveness.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay seconds of liveness probe 100
configService.liveness.periodSeconds The period seconds of liveness probe 10
configService.readiness.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay seconds of readiness probe 30
configService.readiness.periodSeconds The period seconds of readiness probe 5
configService.config.profiles specify the spring profiles to activate github,kubernetes
configService.config.configServiceUrlOverride Override apollo.config-service.url: config service url to be accessed by apollo-client nil
configService.config.adminServiceUrlOverride Override apollo.admin-service.url: admin service url to be accessed by apollo-portal nil
configService.config.contextPath specify the context path, e.g. /apollo, then users could access config service via http://{config_service_address}/apollo nil
configService.env Environment variables passed to the container, e.g.
JAVA_OPTS: -Xss256k
configService.strategy The deployment strategy of apollo-configservice {}
configService.resources The resources definition of apollo-configservice {}
configService.nodeSelector The node selector definition of apollo-configservice {}
configService.tolerations The tolerations definition of apollo-configservice []
configService.affinity The affinity definition of apollo-configservice {}
adminService.fullNameOverride Override the deployment name for apollo-adminservice nil
adminService.replicaCount Replica count of apollo-adminservice 2
adminService.containerPort Container port of apollo-adminservice 8090
adminService.image.repository Image repository of apollo-adminservice apolloconfig/apollo-adminservice
adminService.image.tag Image tag of apollo-adminservice, e.g. 1.8.0, leave it to nil to use the default version nil
adminService.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of apollo-adminservice IfNotPresent
adminService.imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets of apollo-adminservice []
adminService.service.fullNameOverride Override the service name for apollo-adminservice nil
adminService.service.port The port for the service of apollo-adminservice 8090
adminService.service.targetPort The target port for the service of apollo-adminservice 8090
adminService.service.type The service type of apollo-adminservice ClusterIP
adminService.ingress.enabled Whether to enable the ingress for admin-service or not false
adminService.ingress.annotations The annotations of the ingress for admin-service {} The host of the ingress for admin-service nil
adminService.ingress.hosts.paths The paths of the ingress for admin-service []
adminService.ingress.tls The tls definition of the ingress for admin-service []
adminService.liveness.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay seconds of liveness probe 100
adminService.liveness.periodSeconds The period seconds of liveness probe 10
adminService.readiness.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay seconds of readiness probe 30
adminService.readiness.periodSeconds The period seconds of readiness probe 5
adminService.config.profiles specify the spring profiles to activate github,kubernetes
adminService.config.contextPath specify the context path, e.g. /apollo, then users could access admin service via http://{admin_service_address}/apollo nil
adminService.env Environment variables passed to the container, e.g.
JAVA_OPTS: -Xss256k
adminService.strategy The deployment strategy of apollo-adminservice {}
adminService.resources The resources definition of apollo-adminservice {}
adminService.nodeSelector The node selector definition of apollo-adminservice {}
adminService.tolerations The tolerations definition of apollo-adminservice []
adminService.affinity The affinity definition of apollo-adminservice {}

4.4 Sample

  1. ConfigDB host is an IP outside of kubernetes cluster
  dbName: ApolloConfigDBName
  userName: someUserName
  password: somePassword
  connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
    enabled: true
  1. ConfigDB host is a dns name outside of kubernetes cluster
  dbName: ApolloConfigDBName
  userName: someUserName
  password: somePassword
  connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
    enabled: true
    type: ExternalName
  1. ConfigDB host is a kubernetes service
  host: apollodb-mysql.mysql
  dbName: ApolloConfigDBName
  userName: someUserName
  password: somePassword
  connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
  1. Expose config service as Ingress with custom path /config
# use /config as root, should specify configService.config.contextPath as /config
    contextPath: /config
    enabled: true
      - paths:
          - /config
  1. Expose admin service as Ingress with custom path /admin
# use /admin as root, should specify adminService.config.contextPath as /admin
    contextPath: /admin
    enabled: true
      - paths:
          - /admin

5. Deployments of apollo-portal

5.1 Install

To install the apollo-portal chart with the release name apollo-portal:

$ helm install apollo-portal \
    --set \
    --set portaldb.userName=apollo \
    --set portaldb.password=apollo \
    --set portaldb.service.enabled=true \
    --set config.envs="dev\,pro" \
    --set \
    --set \
    --set replicaCount=1 \
    -n your-namespace \

Or customize it with values.yaml

$ helm install apollo-portal -f values.yaml -n your-namespace apollo/apollo-portal 

5.2 Uninstallation

To uninstall/delete the apollo-portal deployment:

$ helm uninstall -n your-namespace apollo-portal

5.3 Configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the apollo-portal chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
fullNameOverride Override the deployment name for apollo-portal nil
replicaCount Replica count of apollo-portal 2
containerPort Container port of apollo-portal 8070
image.repository Image repository of apollo-portal apolloconfig/apollo-portal
image.tag Image tag of apollo-portal, e.g. 1.8.0, leave it to nil to use the default version nil
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of apollo-portal IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets of apollo-portal []
service.fullNameOverride Override the service name for apollo-portal nil
service.port The port for the service of apollo-portal 8070
service.targetPort The target port for the service of apollo-portal 8070
service.type The service type of apollo-portal ClusterIP
service.sessionAffinity The session affinity for the service of apollo-portal ClientIP
ingress.enabled Whether to enable the ingress or not false
ingress.annotations The annotations of the ingress {} The host of the ingress nil
ingress.hosts.paths The paths of the ingress []
ingress.tls The tls definition of the ingress []
liveness.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay seconds of liveness probe 100
liveness.periodSeconds The period seconds of liveness probe 10
readiness.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay seconds of readiness probe 30
readiness.periodSeconds The period seconds of readiness probe 5
env Environment variables passed to the container, e.g.
JAVA_OPTS: -Xss256k
strategy The deployment strategy of apollo-portal {}
resources The resources definition of apollo-portal {}
nodeSelector The node selector definition of apollo-portal {}
tolerations The tolerations definition of apollo-portal []
affinity The affinity definition of apollo-portal {}
config.profiles specify the spring profiles to activate github,auth
config.envs specify the env names, e.g. dev,pro nil
config.contextPath specify the context path, e.g. /apollo, then users could access portal via http://{portal_address}/apollo nil
config.metaServers specify the meta servers, e.g.
dev: http://apollo-configservice-dev:8080
pro: http://apollo-configservice-pro:8080
config.files specify the extra config files for apollo-portal, e.g. application-ldap.yml {} The host for apollo portal db nil
portaldb.port The port for apollo portal db 3306
portaldb.dbName The database name for apollo portal db ApolloPortalDB
portaldb.userName The user name for apollo portal db nil
portaldb.password The password for apollo portal db nil
portaldb.connectionStringProperties The connection string properties for apollo portal db characterEncoding=utf8
portaldb.service.enabled Whether to create a Kubernetes Service for or not. Set it to true if is an endpoint outside of the kubernetes cluster false
portaldb.service.fullNameOverride Override the service name for apollo portal db nil
portaldb.service.port The port for the service of apollo portal db 3306
portaldb.service.type The service type of apollo portal db: ClusterIP or ExternalName. If the host is a DNS name, please specify ExternalName as the service type, e.g. ClusterIP

5.4 Sample

  1. PortalDB host is an IP outside of kubernetes cluster
  dbName: ApolloPortalDBName
  userName: someUserName
  password: somePassword
  connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
    enabled: true
  1. PortalDB host is a dns name outside of kubernetes cluster
  dbName: ApolloPortalDBName
  userName: someUserName
  password: somePassword
  connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
    enabled: true
    type: ExternalName
  1. PortalDB host is a kubernetes service
  host: apollodb-mysql.mysql
  dbName: ApolloPortalDBName
  userName: someUserName
  password: somePassword
  connectionStringProperties: characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
  1. Specify environments
  envs: dev,pro
    dev: http://apollo-service-dev-apollo-configservice:8080
    pro: http://apollo-service-pro-apollo-configservice:8080
  1. Expose service as Load Balancer
  type: LoadBalancer
  1. Expose service as Ingress
  enabled: true
    - paths:
        - /
  1. Expose service as Ingress with custom path /apollo
# use /apollo as root, should specify config.contextPath as /apollo
  enabled: true
    - paths:
        - /apollo

  contextPath: /apollo
  1. Expose service as Ingress with session affinity
  enabled: true
  annotations: nginx "cookie" "persistent" "true" "172800" "172800"
    - host: # host is required to make session affinity work
        - /
  1. Enable LDAP support
  profiles: github,ldap
    application-ldap.yml: |
          base: "dc=example,dc=org"
          username: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
          password: "password"
          searchFilter: "(uid={0})"
          - "ldap://"

          objectClass: "inetOrgPerson"
          loginId: "uid"
          userDisplayName: "cn"
          email: "mail"