diff --git a/docs/dev/python/datastream-api-users-guide/intro_to_datastream_api.md b/docs/dev/python/datastream-api-users-guide/intro_to_datastream_api.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b69cb61ff61a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/python/datastream-api-users-guide/intro_to_datastream_api.md
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+title: "Intro to the Python DataStream API"
+nav-parent_id: python_datastream_api
+nav-pos: 5
+DataStream programs in Flink are regular programs that implement transformations on data streams
+(e.g., filtering, updating state, defining windows, aggregating). The data streams are initially
+created from various sources (e.g., message queues, socket streams, files). Results are returned via
+sinks, which may for example write the data to files, or to standard output (for example the command
+line terminal).
+Python DataStream API is a Python version of DataStream API which allows Python users could write
+Python DatStream API jobs.
+* This will be replaced by the TOC
+Common Structure of Python DataStream API Programs
+The following code example shows the common structure of Python DataStream API programs.
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common import Row
+from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowDeserializationSchema, JsonRowSerializationSchema
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaConsumer, FlinkKafkaProducer
+def datastream_api_demo():
+ # 1. create a StreamExecutionEnvironment
+ env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+ # the sql connector for kafka is used here as it's a fat jar and could avoid dependency issues
+ env.add_jars("file:///path/to/flink-sql-connector-kafka.jar")
+ # 2. create source DataStream
+ deserialization_schema = JsonRowDeserializationSchema.builder() \
+ .type_info(type_info=Types.ROW([Types.LONG(), Types.LONG()])).build()
+ kafka_source = FlinkKafkaConsumer(
+ topics='test_source_topic',
+ deserialization_schema=deserialization_schema,
+ properties={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+ ds = env.add_source(kafka_source)
+ # 3. define the execution logic
+ ds = ds.map(lambda a: Row(a % 4, 1), output_type=Types.ROW([Types.LONG(), Types.LONG()])) \
+ .key_by(lambda a: a[0]) \
+ .reduce(lambda a, b: Row(a[0], a[1] + b[1]))
+ # 4. create sink and emit result to sink
+ serialization_schema = JsonRowSerializationSchema.builder().with_type_info(
+ type_info=Types.ROW([Types.LONG(), Types.LONG()])).build()
+ kafka_sink = FlinkKafkaProducer(
+ topic='test_sink_topic',
+ serialization_schema=serialization_schema,
+ producer_config={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+ ds.add_sink(kafka_sink)
+ # 5. execute the job
+ env.execute('datastream_api_demo')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ datastream_api_demo()
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% top %}
+Create a StreamExecutionEnvironment
+The `StreamExecutionEnvironment` is a central concept of the DataStream API program.
+The following code example shows how to create a `StreamExecutionEnvironment`:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% top %}
+Create a DataStream
+The DataStream API gets its name from the special `DataStream` class that is
+used to represent a collection of data in a Flink program. You can think of
+them as immutable collections of data that can contain duplicates. This data
+can either be finite or unbounded, the API that you use to work on them is the
+A `DataStream` is similar to a regular Python `Collection` in terms of usage but
+is quite different in some key ways. They are immutable, meaning that once they
+are created you cannot add or remove elements. You can also not simply inspect
+the elements inside but only work on them using the `DataStream` API
+operations, which are also called transformations.
+You can create an initial `DataStream` by adding a source in a Flink program.
+Then you can derive new streams from this and combine them by using API methods
+such as `map`, `filter`, and so on.
+### Create from a list object
+You can create a `DataStream` from a list object:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+ds = env.from_collection(
+ collection=[(1, 'aaa|bb'), (2, 'bb|a'), (3, 'aaa|a')],
+ type_info=Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+{% endhighlight %}
+The parameter `type_info` is optional, if not specified, the output type of the returned `DataStream`
+will be `Types.PICKLED_BYTE_ARRAY()`.
+### Create using DataStream connectors
+You can also create a `DataStream` using DataStream connectors with method `add_source` as following:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowDeserializationSchema
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaConsumer
+deserialization_schema = JsonRowDeserializationSchema.builder() \
+ .type_info(type_info=Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])).build()
+kafka_consumer = FlinkKafkaConsumer(
+ topics='test_source_topic',
+ deserialization_schema=deserialization_schema,
+ properties={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+# the sql connector for kafka is used here as it's a fat jar and could avoid dependency issues
+ds = env.add_source(kafka_consumer)
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note It currently only supports `FlinkKafkaConsumer` to be
+used as DataStream source connectors.
+### Create using Table & SQL connectors
+Table & SQL connectors could also be used to create a `DataStream`. You could firstly create a
+`Table` using Table & SQL connectors and then convert it to a `DataStream`.
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(stream_execution_environment=env)
+ CREATE TABLE my_source (
+ a INT,
+ ) WITH (
+ 'connector' = 'datagen',
+ 'number-of-rows' = '10'
+ )
+ """)
+ds = t_env.to_append_stream(
+ t_env.from_path('my_source'),
+ Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note The StreamExecutionEnvironment `env` should be specified
+when creating the TableEnvironment `t_env`.
+Note As all the Java Table & SQL connectors could be used in
+PyFlink Table API, this means that all of them could also be used in PyFlink DataStream API.
+{% top %}
+DataStream Transformations
+Operators transform one or more `DataStream` into a new `DataStream`. Programs can combine multiple
+transformations into sophisticated dataflow topologies.
+The following example shows a simple example about how to convert a `DataStream` into another
+`DataStream` using `map` transformation:
+{% highlight python %}
+ds = ds.map(lambda a: a + 1)
+{% endhighlight %}
+Please see [operators]({% link dev/stream/operators/index.md %}) for an overview of the
+available DataStream transformations.
+Conversion between DataStream and Table
+It also supports to convert a `DataStream` to a `Table` and vice verse.
+{% highlight python %}
+# convert a DataStream to a Table
+table = t_env.from_data_stream(ds, 'a, b, c')
+# convert a Table to a DataStream
+ds = table.to_append_stream(table, Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+# or
+ds = table.to_retract_stream(table, Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% top %}
+Emit Results
+### Print
+You can call the `print` method to print the data of a `DataStream` to the standard output:
+{% highlight python %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+### Emit results to a DataStream sink connector
+You can call the `add_sink` method to emit the data of a `DataStream` to a DataStream sink connector:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaProducer
+from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowSerializationSchema
+serialization_schema = JsonRowSerializationSchema.builder().with_type_info(
+ type_info=Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])).build()
+kafka_producer = FlinkKafkaProducer(
+ topic='test_sink_topic',
+ serialization_schema=serialization_schema,
+ producer_config={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note It currently only supports FlinkKafkaProducer,
+JdbcSink and StreamingFileSink to be used as DataStream sink connectors.
+### Emit results to a Table & SQL sink connector
+Table & SQL connectors could also be used to write out a `DataStream`. You need firstly convert a
+`DataStream` to a `Table` and then write it to a Table & SQL sink connector.
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common import Row
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(stream_execution_environment=env)
+# option 1:the result type of ds is Types.ROW
+def split(s):
+ splits = s[1].split("|")
+ for sp in splits:
+ yield Row(s[0], sp)
+ds = ds.map(lambda i: (i[0] + 1, i[1])) \
+ .flat_map(split, Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])) \
+ .key_by(lambda i: i[1]) \
+ .reduce(lambda i, j: Row(i[0] + j[0], i[1]))
+# option 1:the result type of ds is Types.TUPLE
+def split(s):
+ splits = s[1].split("|")
+ for sp in splits:
+ yield s[0], sp
+ds = ds.map(lambda i: (i[0] + 1, i[1])) \
+ .flat_map(split, Types.TUPLE([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])) \
+ .key_by(lambda i: i[1]) \
+ .reduce(lambda i, j: (i[0] + j[0], i[1]))
+# emit ds to print sink
+ CREATE TABLE my_sink (
+ a INT,
+ ) WITH (
+ 'connector' = 'print'
+ )
+ """)
+table = t_env.from_data_stream(ds)
+table_result = table.execute_insert("my_sink")
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note The output type of DataStream `ds` must be composite type.
+Submit Job
+Finally, you should call the `StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute` method to submit the DataStream
+API job for execution:
+{% highlight python %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+If you convert the `DataStream` to a `Table` and then write it to a Table API & SQL sink connector,
+it may happen that you need to submit the job using `TableEnvironment.execute` method.
+{% highlight python %}
+{% endhighlight %}
diff --git a/docs/dev/python/datastream-api-users-guide/intro_to_datastream_api.zh.md b/docs/dev/python/datastream-api-users-guide/intro_to_datastream_api.zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..06e1b2909f277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/python/datastream-api-users-guide/intro_to_datastream_api.zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+title: "Python DataStream API 简介"
+nav-parent_id: python_datastream_api
+nav-pos: 5
+DataStream programs in Flink are regular programs that implement transformations on data streams
+(e.g., filtering, updating state, defining windows, aggregating). The data streams are initially
+created from various sources (e.g., message queues, socket streams, files). Results are returned via
+sinks, which may for example write the data to files, or to standard output (for example the command
+line terminal).
+Python DataStream API is a Python version of DataStream API which allows Python users could write
+Python DatStream API jobs.
+* This will be replaced by the TOC
+Common Structure of Python DataStream API Programs
+The following code example shows the common structure of Python DataStream API programs.
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common import Row
+from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowDeserializationSchema, JsonRowSerializationSchema
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaConsumer, FlinkKafkaProducer
+def datastream_api_demo():
+ # 1. create a StreamExecutionEnvironment
+ env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+ # the sql connector for kafka is used here as it's a fat jar and could avoid dependency issues
+ env.add_jars("file:///path/to/flink-sql-connector-kafka.jar")
+ # 2. create source DataStream
+ deserialization_schema = JsonRowDeserializationSchema.builder() \
+ .type_info(type_info=Types.ROW([Types.LONG(), Types.LONG()])).build()
+ kafka_source = FlinkKafkaConsumer(
+ topics='test_source_topic',
+ deserialization_schema=deserialization_schema,
+ properties={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+ ds = env.add_source(kafka_source)
+ # 3. define the execution logic
+ ds = ds.map(lambda a: Row(a % 4, 1), output_type=Types.ROW([Types.LONG(), Types.LONG()])) \
+ .key_by(lambda a: a[0]) \
+ .reduce(lambda a, b: Row(a[0], a[1] + b[1]))
+ # 4. create sink and emit result to sink
+ serialization_schema = JsonRowSerializationSchema.builder().with_type_info(
+ type_info=Types.ROW([Types.LONG(), Types.LONG()])).build()
+ kafka_sink = FlinkKafkaProducer(
+ topic='test_sink_topic',
+ serialization_schema=serialization_schema,
+ producer_config={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+ ds.add_sink(kafka_sink)
+ # 5. execute the job
+ env.execute('datastream_api_demo')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ datastream_api_demo()
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% top %}
+Create a StreamExecutionEnvironment
+The `StreamExecutionEnvironment` is a central concept of the DataStream API program.
+The following code example shows how to create a `StreamExecutionEnvironment`:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% top %}
+Create a DataStream
+The DataStream API gets its name from the special `DataStream` class that is
+used to represent a collection of data in a Flink program. You can think of
+them as immutable collections of data that can contain duplicates. This data
+can either be finite or unbounded, the API that you use to work on them is the
+A `DataStream` is similar to a regular Python `Collection` in terms of usage but
+is quite different in some key ways. They are immutable, meaning that once they
+are created you cannot add or remove elements. You can also not simply inspect
+the elements inside but only work on them using the `DataStream` API
+operations, which are also called transformations.
+You can create an initial `DataStream` by adding a source in a Flink program.
+Then you can derive new streams from this and combine them by using API methods
+such as `map`, `filter`, and so on.
+### Create from a list object
+You can create a `DataStream` from a list object:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+ds = env.from_collection(
+ collection=[(1, 'aaa|bb'), (2, 'bb|a'), (3, 'aaa|a')],
+ type_info=Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+{% endhighlight %}
+The parameter `type_info` is optional, if not specified, the output type of the returned `DataStream`
+will be `Types.PICKLED_BYTE_ARRAY()`.
+### Create using DataStream connectors
+You can also create a `DataStream` using DataStream connectors with method `add_source` as following:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowDeserializationSchema
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaConsumer
+deserialization_schema = JsonRowDeserializationSchema.builder() \
+ .type_info(type_info=Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])).build()
+kafka_consumer = FlinkKafkaConsumer(
+ topics='test_source_topic',
+ deserialization_schema=deserialization_schema,
+ properties={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+# the sql connector for kafka is used here as it's a fat jar and could avoid dependency issues
+ds = env.add_source(kafka_consumer)
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note It currently only supports `FlinkKafkaConsumer` to be
+used as DataStream source connectors.
+### Create using Table & SQL connectors
+Table & SQL connectors could also be used to create a `DataStream`. You could firstly create a
+`Table` using Table & SQL connectors and then convert it to a `DataStream`.
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(stream_execution_environment=env)
+ CREATE TABLE my_source (
+ a INT,
+ ) WITH (
+ 'connector' = 'datagen',
+ 'number-of-rows' = '10'
+ )
+ """)
+ds = t_env.to_append_stream(
+ t_env.from_path('my_source'),
+ Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note The StreamExecutionEnvironment `env` should be specified
+when creating the TableEnvironment `t_env`.
+Note As all the Java Table & SQL connectors could be used in
+PyFlink Table API, this means that all of them could also be used in PyFlink DataStream API.
+{% top %}
+DataStream Transformations
+Operators transform one or more `DataStream` into a new `DataStream`. Programs can combine multiple
+transformations into sophisticated dataflow topologies.
+The following example shows a simple example about how to convert a `DataStream` into another
+`DataStream` using `map` transformation:
+{% highlight python %}
+ds = ds.map(lambda a: a + 1)
+{% endhighlight %}
+Please see [operators]({% link dev/stream/operators/index.zh.md %}) for an overview of the
+available DataStream transformations.
+Conversion between DataStream and Table
+It also supports to convert a `DataStream` to a `Table` and vice verse.
+{% highlight python %}
+# convert a DataStream to a Table
+table = t_env.from_data_stream(ds, 'a, b, c')
+# convert a Table to a DataStream
+ds = table.to_append_stream(table, Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+# or
+ds = table.to_retract_stream(table, Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()]))
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% top %}
+Emit Results
+### Print
+You can call the `print` method to print the data of a `DataStream` to the standard output:
+{% highlight python %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+### Emit results to a DataStream sink connector
+You can call the `add_sink` method to emit the data of a `DataStream` to a DataStream sink connector:
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaProducer
+from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowSerializationSchema
+serialization_schema = JsonRowSerializationSchema.builder().with_type_info(
+ type_info=Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])).build()
+kafka_producer = FlinkKafkaProducer(
+ topic='test_sink_topic',
+ serialization_schema=serialization_schema,
+ producer_config={'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', 'group.id': 'test_group'})
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note It currently only supports FlinkKafkaProducer,
+JdbcSink and StreamingFileSink to be used as DataStream sink connectors.
+### Emit results to a Table & SQL sink connector
+Table & SQL connectors could also be used to write out a `DataStream`. You need firstly convert a
+`DataStream` to a `Table` and then write it to a Table & SQL sink connector.
+{% highlight python %}
+from pyflink.common import Row
+from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
+from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
+from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(stream_execution_environment=env)
+# option 1:the result type of ds is Types.ROW
+def split(s):
+ splits = s[1].split("|")
+ for sp in splits:
+ yield Row(s[0], sp)
+ds = ds.map(lambda i: (i[0] + 1, i[1])) \
+ .flat_map(split, Types.ROW([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])) \
+ .key_by(lambda i: i[1]) \
+ .reduce(lambda i, j: Row(i[0] + j[0], i[1]))
+# option 1:the result type of ds is Types.TUPLE
+def split(s):
+ splits = s[1].split("|")
+ for sp in splits:
+ yield s[0], sp
+ds = ds.map(lambda i: (i[0] + 1, i[1])) \
+ .flat_map(split, Types.TUPLE([Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])) \
+ .key_by(lambda i: i[1]) \
+ .reduce(lambda i, j: (i[0] + j[0], i[1]))
+# emit ds to print sink
+ CREATE TABLE my_sink (
+ a INT,
+ ) WITH (
+ 'connector' = 'print'
+ )
+ """)
+table = t_env.from_data_stream(ds)
+table_result = table.execute_insert("my_sink")
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note The output type of DataStream `ds` must be composite type.
+Submit Job
+Finally, you should call the `StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute` method to submit the DataStream
+API job for execution:
+{% highlight python %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+If you convert the `DataStream` to a `Table` and then write it to a Table API & SQL sink connector,
+it may happen that you need to submit the job using `TableEnvironment.execute` method.
+{% highlight python %}
+{% endhighlight %}