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Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Release Process

The client versioning is independent of the Airflow versioning.

The Python client is generated using Airflow's openapi spec. To update the client for new APIs do the following steps:

- Checkout the v2-*-test branch of Airflow where you generate the client from

# If you have not done so yet
git clone
cd airflow
# Checkout the right branch
git checkout v2-8-test
export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd -P)
export TEST_BRANCH=v2-8-test
export STABLE_BRANCH=v2-8-stable
cd ..
  • Checkout the right branch (usually main) of the Airflow Python client where you generate the source code to
# If you have not done so yet
git clone
cd airflow-client-python
# Checkout the right branch
git checkout main
export CLIENT_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd -P)
cd ..
  • Set your version in clients/python/version.txt in the Airflow repository. Set the VERSION and VERSION_SUFFIX environment variables. Note that version.txt should contain the target version - without the suffix.
export VERSION="2.8.0"
export VERSION_SUFFIX="rc1"
echo "${VERSION}" > clients/python/version.txt
  • Get a diff between the last airflow version and the current airflow version which this release is based on:
git log 2.8.0..HEAD --pretty=oneline -- clients/python/openapi_v1.yaml
  • Update with the details.

  • Create PR where you add the changelog in main branch and cherry-pick it to the v2-test branch - same as in case of Airflow changelog.

  • Merge it to the v2-*-stable branch with the command below. You will release API client from the latest v2-*-stable branch of Airflow repository - same branch that is used to release Airflow:

    git checkout ${STABLE_BRANCH}
    # make sure you are up to date
    git fetch origin ${STABLE_BRANCH}
    git reset --hard origin/${STABLE_BRANCH}
    # merge the changes from the test branch
    git merge --ff-only ${TEST_BRANCH}
    # push the changes to the stable branch
    git push origin ${STABLE_BRANCH}
  • Build the sdist and wheel packages to be added to SVN and copy generated client sources to the Python Client repository.

rm dist/*
breeze release-management prepare-python-client --package-format both --python-client-repo "${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}"
  • This should generate both sdist and .whl package in dist folder of the Airflow repository. It should also override the client sources in the Python Client repository.

  • Commit generated code to the main branch of the Python Client repository. No need to have code reviews for that code if it is automatically generated. However make sure that git diff HEAD shows expected changes only.

git diff HEAD
git checkout -b release-${VERSION}
git add .
git commit -m "Update Python Client to ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"
git push apache release-${VERSION}

Then open a PR and merge it into main.

  • Tag your release with RC candidate tag (note that this is the RC tag even if version of the packages is the same as the final version. This is because when the packages get approved and released they will turn into official release and must be binary identical to the RC packages in SVN). The tags should be set in both Airflow and Airflow Client repositories (with python-client prefix in Airflow repo and without the prefix in the Python Client repo).
git tag -s python-client-${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX} -m "Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"
git push apache python-client-${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
git tag -s ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX} -m "Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"
git push apache tag ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
pushd dist
../dev/ *
  • Commit the artifacts to ASF dev dist SVN repository
# First clone the repo somewhere if you have not done it yet
svn checkout airflow-dev

# Create new folder for the release
cd airflow-dev/clients/python

# Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit
mv ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist/apache_airflow_client-* ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/
svn add *
svn commit -m "Add artifacts for Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"

# Remove old version
cd ..
svn commit -m "Remove old Apache Airflow Python Client ${PREVIOUS_VERSION_WITH_SUFFIX}"

Prepare PyPI convenience "RC" packages

At this point we have the artefact that we vote on, but as a convenience to developers we also want to publish "snapshots" of the RC builds to pypi for installing via pip. Note that these packages must be generated with RC version.

To do this we need to:

  • Build the package with the RC version. Note that we are not copying the generated sources, we just build the package from the sources in the Airflow repository and generate packages from those sources.
rm dist/*
breeze release-management prepare-python-client --package-format both --version-suffix-for-pypi "${VERSION_SUFFIX}"
  • Verify the artifacts that would be uploaded:
twine check dist/*
  • Upload the package to PyPi's production environment:
twine upload -r pypi dist/*

Prepare Vote email on the Airflow Client release candidate


cat <<EOF
[VOTE] Release Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} from ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}


cat <<EOF
Hey fellow Airflowers,

I have cut the first release candidate for the Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}.
This email is calling for a vote on the release,
which will last for 72 hours. Consider this my (binding) +1.

Airflow Client ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX} is available at:${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/

The apache_airflow_client-${VERSION}.tar.gz is an sdist release that contains INSTALL instructions, and also
is the official source release.

The apache_airflow_client-${VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl is a binary wheel release that pip can install.

Those packages do not contain .rc* version as, when approved, they will be released as the final version.

The rc packages are also available at PyPI (with rc suffix) and you can install it with pip as usual:${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/

Public keys are available at:

Only votes from PMC members are binding, but all members of the community
are encouraged to test the release and vote with "(non-binding)".

The test procedure for PMC members is described in:

The test procedure for contributors and members of the community who would like to test this RC is described in:


*Major changes:*

*Major fixes:*

*New API supported:*

<your name>

Verify the release candidate by PMC members

PMC members should verify the releases in order to make sure the release is following the Apache Legal Release Policy.

At least 3 (+1) votes should be recorded in accordance to Votes on Package Releases

The legal checks include:

  • verifying if packages can be reproducibly built from sources
  • checking if the packages are present in the right dist folder on svn
  • verifying if release manager signed the releases with the right key
  • verifying if all the checksums are valid for the release
  • verifying if all the sources have correct licences

SVN check

The files should be present in the sub-folder of Airflow dist

The following files should be present (6 files):

  • .tar.gz + .asc + .sha512
  • -py3-none-any.whl + .asc + .sha512

As a PMC member, you should be able to clone the SVN repository

svn co

Or update it if you already checked it out:

svn update .

Reproducible package check

Airflow Python client supports reproducible builds, which means that the packages prepared from the same sources should produce binary identical packages in reproducible way. You should check if the packages can be binary-reproduced when built from the sources.

Checkout airflow sources and build packages in dist folder (replace X.Y.Zrc1 with the version + rc candidate) you are checking):

git checkout python-client-${VERSION}
export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)
rm -rf dist/*
breeze release-management prepare-python-client --package-format both

The last - build step - by default will use Dockerized build and building of Python client packages will be done in a docker container. However, if you have hatch installed locally you can use --use-local-hatch flag and it will build and use docker image that has hatch installed.

breeze release-management prepare-python-client --package-format both --use-local-hatch

This is generally faster and requires less resources/network bandwidth.

Both commands should produce reproducible .whl, .tar.gz packages in dist folder.

Change to the directory where you have the packages from svn:

# First clone the repo if you do not have it
cd ..
[ -d asf-dist ] || svn checkout --depth=immediates asf-dist
svn update --set-depth=infinity asf-dist/dev/airflow/clients/python

# Then compare the packages
cd asf-dist/dev/airflow/clients/python/${VERSION}
for i in ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist/*
  echo "Checking if $(basename $i) is the same as $i"
  diff "$(basename $i)" "$i" && echo "OK"

The output should be empty (files are identical). In case the files are different, you should see:

Binary files apache_airflow-client-2.9.0.tar.gz and .../apache_airflow-2.9.0.tar.gz differ

Signature check

Make sure you have imported into your GPG the PGP key of the person signing the release. You can find the valid keys in KEYS.

You can import the whole KEYS file:

gpg --import KEYS

You can also import the keys individually from a keyserver. The below one uses Kaxil's key and retrieves it from the default GPG keyserver

gpg --keyserver --receive-keys CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F

You should choose to import the key when asked.

Note that by being default, the OpenPGP server tends to be overloaded often and might respond with errors or timeouts. Many of the release managers also uploaded their keys to the keyserver, and you can retrieve it from there.

gpg --keyserver --receive-keys CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F

Once you have the keys, the signatures can be verified by running this:

for i in *.asc
   echo -e "Checking $i\n"; gpg --verify $i

This should produce results similar to the below. The "Good signature from ..." is indication that the signatures are correct. Do not worry about the "not certified with a trusted signature" warning. Most of the certificates used by release managers are self-signed, and that's why you get this warning. By importing the key either from the server in the previous step or from the KEYS page, you know that this is a valid key already. To suppress the warning you may edit the key's trust level by running gpg --edit-key <key id> trust and entering 5 to assign trust level ultimate.

Checking apache-airflow-2.0.2rc4.tar.gz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'apache-airflow-2.0.2rc4.tar.gz'
gpg: Signature made sob, 22 sie 2020, 20:28:28 CEST
gpg:                using RSA key 12717556040EEF2EEAF1B9C275FCCD0A25FA0E4B
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 1271 7556 040E EF2E EAF1  B9C2 75FC CD0A 25FA 0E4B

Checking apache_airflow-2.0.2rc4-py2.py3-none-any.whl.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'apache_airflow-2.0.2rc4-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
gpg: Signature made sob, 22 sie 2020, 20:28:31 CEST
gpg:                using RSA key 12717556040EEF2EEAF1B9C275FCCD0A25FA0E4B
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 1271 7556 040E EF2E EAF1  B9C2 75FC CD0A 25FA 0E4B

SHA512 checksum check

Run this:

for i in *.sha512
    echo "Checking $i"; shasum -a 512 `basename $i .sha512 ` | diff - $i

You should get output similar to:

Checking apache-airflow-client-2.0.2rc4.tar.gz.sha512
Checking apache_airflow-client-2.0.2rc4-py2.py3-none-any.whl.sha512

Verify the release candidate by Contributors

This can be done (and we encourage to) by any of the Contributors. In fact, it's best if the actual users of Airflow Client test it in their own staging/test installations. Each release candidate is available on PyPI apart from SVN packages, so everyone should be able to install the release candidate version of Airflow Client via simply ( is 2.0.0 for example, and is release candidate number 1,2,3,....).

Once you install and run Airflow Client, you should perform any verification you see as necessary to check that the client works as you expected.

Testing with Breeze's start-airflow

You can test the client by running the start-airflow command from Breeze. This will start Airflow and allows you to test the client in a real environment.

  1. Enable basic authentication configuration for breeze. This can be done by setting the right environment variable in files/airflow-breeze-config/
export AIRFLOW__API__AUTH_BACKENDS=airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.api.auth.backend.session,airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.api.auth.backend.basic_auth

When you enter Breeze the webserver will be available at http://localhost:8080 (from inside the container) or http://localhost:28080 from the host) and you should be able to access the API with admin/admin credentials. The http://localhost:8080 and admin/admin credentials are default in the clients/python/ test.

The AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__EXPOSE_CONFIG is optional - the script will also succeed when (default setting) exposing configuration is disabled.

  1. Start Airflow in Breeze with example dags enabled:
breeze start-airflow --load-example-dags

Give the server 20-30 seconds to serialize the example DAGs to DB

  1. In the meantime install the python client you want to test - in the terminal window in the container. It can be installed from PyPI via pip install apache-airflow-client==X.Y.Zrc1 or installed from a file (for example if you nust built the client with breeze release-management prepare-python-client, there will be /dist/apache_airflow_client-py*.whl file in in your /dist folder (mapped from dist folder in your checked out airflow repository and you can install it with: pip install /dist/apache_airflow_client-py*.whl.

  2. The client script is available in /opt/airflow/clients/python/ and you can run it from inside the container with:

python /opt/airflow/clients/python/

Publish the final Apache Airflow client release

Summarize the voting for the Apache Airflow client release


Apache Airflow Python Client 2.5.0 (based on RC1) has been accepted.

3 "+1" binding votes received:
- Ephraim Anierobi
- Jarek Potiuk
- Jed Cunningham

1 "+1" non-binding votes received:

- Pierre Jeambrun

Vote thread:

I'll continue with the release process, and the release announcement will follow shortly.

<your name>

Publish release to SVN

# Go to Airflow sources first
export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT="$(pwd)"
# Go to Airflow python client sources first
export CLIENT_REPO_ROOT="$(pwd)"
cd ..
# Clone the AS
[ -d asf-dist ] || svn checkout --depth=immediates asf-dist
svn update --set-depth=infinity asf-dist/{release,dev}/airflow

export VERSION="2.8.1"
# Update the approved RC version here
export VERSION_SUFFIX="rc1"
# Update the previous version that have been released here
# There should be only one version in
# Policy here:

# Create new folder for the release
svn mkdir ${VERSION}

# Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit
  svn cp $f . ;
# Remove old release
cd ..
svn commit -m "Release Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} from ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"

Verify that the packages appear in airflow

Prepare PyPI "release" packages

We need to upload the packages to PyPI. Note that we are not copying the generated sources, we just

twine check *.tar.gz *.whl
  • Upload the package to PyPi's production environment:
twine upload -r pypi *.tar.gz *.whl
git checkout python-client-${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
git tag -s python-client-${VERSION} -m "Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}"
git push apache tag python-client-${VERSION}
git checkout ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
git tag -s ${VERSION} -m ${VERSION}
git push origin tag ${VERSION}

Create release on GitHub

Create a new release on GitHub "airflow-python-client" repo with the release notes and assets from the release svn.

Notify developers of release

Notify (cc'ing that the artifacts have been published:


cat <<EOF
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} Released


cat <<EOF
Dear Airflow community,

I'm happy to announce that Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} was just released.

We made this version available on PyPI for convenience:
\`pip install apache-airflow-client\`${VERSION}/

The documentation is available at:

Find the changelog here for more details:

<your name>

Add release data to Apache Committee Report Helper

Add the release data (version and date) at: