Version 1.x can be found at
- Pull 347 - Schedule tasks with negative delays immediately
General availability of RxAndroid 2.0 for use with RxJava 2.0!
The sections below contain the changes since 2.0.0-RC1.
API Enhancements
- Pull 338 - Evaluate
initialization viaCallable
RxAndroid 2.0 has been rewritten from scratch to support RxJava 2.0.
The library still offers the same APIs: a scheduler and stream cancelation callback that know about
the main thread, a means of creating a scheduler from any Looper
, and plugin support for the
main thread sheduler. They just reside in a new package,
, and may have
slightly different names.
For more information about RxJava 2.0 see its RC1 release notes