Project goals and features
WS / WSS : WebSocket - CLIENT / SERVER.
Compress : GZIP / BZIP2 / ZSTD / LZ4 / LZMA / DEFLATE / BROTLI - compression support.
Authentication : BASIC / DIGEST - authentication support.
Supported protocols HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 (RFC9113)
To build and launch the project
$ git clone --recursive
Activate SCTP only (FreeBSD / Linux)
$ sudo apt install libsctp-dev
$ sudo modprobe sctp
$ sudo sysctl -w net.sctp.auth_enable=1
$ cd ./certs
$ ./
Build third party for MacOS X, Linux and FreeBSD
$ ./ --idn
Build on MacOS X, Linux and FreeBSD
$ mkdir ./build
$ cd ./build
$ cmake \
$ make
Build on Windows [MSYS2 MinGW]
Development environment configuration
Assembly is done in MSYS2 - MINGW64 terminal
$ pacman -Syuu
$ pacman -Ss cmake
$ pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
$ pacman -S make
$ pacman -S curl
$ pacman -S wget
$ pacman -S mc
$ pacman -S gdb
$ pacman -S bash
$ pacman -S clang
$ pacman -S git
$ pacman -S autoconf
$ pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-dlfcn
Build third party for MS Windows
$ mkdir ./build
$ cd ./build
$ cmake \
-G " MSYS Makefiles" \
$ cmake --build .
Example WEB-client multirequests
#include < client/awh.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class WebClient {
uint8_t _count;
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void message (const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t rid, const uint32_t code, const string & message){
if (code >= 300 )
this ->_log ->print (" Request failed: %u %s stream=%i" , log_t ::flag_t ::WARNING, code, message.c_str (), sid);
void active (const client::web_t ::mode_t mode, client::awh_t * awh){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
uri_t uri (this ->_fmk , this ->_log );
client::web_t ::request_t req1, req2;
req1.method = web_t ::method_t ::GET;
req2.method = web_t ::method_t ::GET;
req1.url = uri.parse (" /mac/" );
req2.url = uri.parse (" /iphone/" );
awh->send (std::move (req1));
awh->send (std::move (req2));
void entity ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t rid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t code, [[maybe_unused]] const string & message, const vector <char > & entity, client::awh_t * awh){
this ->_count ++;
cout << " RESPONSE: " << string (entity.begin (), entity.end ()) << endl;
if (this ->_count == 2 )
awh->stop ();
void headers ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t rid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t code, [[maybe_unused]] const string & message, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers){
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
cout << endl;
void complete ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t rid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t code, [[maybe_unused]] const string & message, const vector <char > & entity, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers, client::awh_t * awh){
this ->_count ++;
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " RESPONSE: " << string (entity.begin (), entity.end ()) << endl;
if (this ->_count == 2 )
awh->stop ();
WebClient (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk{};
log_t log (&fmk);
client::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
client::awh_t awh (&core, &fmk, &log );
WebClient executor (&fmk, &log );
core.proto (awh::engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2);
// core.proto(awh::engine_t::proto_t::HTTP1_1);
log .name (" WEB Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
awh.mode ({
client::web_t ::flag_t ::NOT_INFO,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::REDIRECTS,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::CONNECT_METHOD_ENABLE
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = true ; = " ./certs/ca.pem" ;
// ssl.key = "./certs/certificates/client-key.pem";
// ssl.cert = "./certs/certificates/client-cert.pem";
core.ssl (ssl);
// awh.user("user", "password");
// awh.authType(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
// awh.authType(auth_t::type_t::DIGEST, auth_t::hash_t::MD5);
// awh.proxy("");
// awh.proxy("");
// awh.proxy("socks5://");
// awh.proxy(client::scheme_t::work_t::ALLOW);
// awh.proxy(client::scheme_t::work_t::DISALLOW);
// awh.authTypeProxy(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
// awh.authTypeProxy(auth_t::type_t::DIGEST, auth_t::hash_t::MD5);
awh.callback <void (const client::web_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&WebClient::active, &executor, _1, &awh));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const uint32_t , const string &)> (" response" , std::bind (&WebClient::message, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4));
// awh.callback <void (const int32_t, const uint64_t, const uint32_t, const string &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> ("headers", std::bind(&WebClient::headers, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
// awh.callback <void (const int32_t, const uint64_t, const uint32_t, const string &, const vector <char> &)> ("entity", std::bind(&WebClient::entity, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, &awh));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const uint32_t , const string &, const vector <char > &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> (" complete" , std::bind (&WebClient::complete, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, &awh));
awh.init ("" );
awh.start ();
#include < client/awh.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk{};
log_t log (&fmk);
uri_t uri (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
client::awh_t awh (&core, &fmk, &log );
core.proto (awh::engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2);
// core.proto(awh::engine_t::proto_t::HTTP1_1);
log .name (" WEB Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
awh.mode ({
client::web_t ::flag_t ::NOT_INFO,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::REDIRECTS,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::CONNECT_METHOD_ENABLE
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = true ; = " ./certs/ca.pem" ;
// ssl.key = "./certs/certificates/client-key.pem";
// ssl.cert = "./certs/certificates/client-cert.pem";
core.ssl (ssl);
// awh.user("user", "password");
// awh.authType(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
// awh.authType(auth_t::type_t::DIGEST, auth_t::hash_t::MD5);
// awh.proxy("");
// awh.proxy("");
// awh.proxy("socks5://");
// awh.proxy(client::scheme_t::work_t::ALLOW);
// awh.proxy(client::scheme_t::work_t::DISALLOW);
// awh.authTypeProxy(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
// awh.authTypeProxy(auth_t::type_t::DIGEST, auth_t::hash_t::MD5);
uri_t ::url_t url = uri.parse ("" );
const auto & body = awh.GET (url);
if (!body.empty ())
cout << " RESPONSE: " << string (body.begin (), body.end ()) << endl;
#include < server/awh.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class WebServer {
hash_t _hash;
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
awh::web_t ::method_t _method;
string password (const uint64_t bid, const string & login){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), " password" , bid);
return " password" ;
bool auth (const uint64_t bid, const string & login, const string & password){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), password.c_str (), bid);
return true ;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: IP=%s, MAC=%s, PORT=%d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::web_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void handshake (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, const server::web_t ::agent_t agent, server::awh_t * awh){
if ((this ->_method == awh::web_t ::method_t ::GET) && (agent == server::web_t ::agent_t ::HTTP)){
cout << " URL: " << awh->parser (sid, bid)->request ().url << endl << endl;
const string body = " <html>\n <head>\n <title>Hello World!</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n "
" <h1>\" Hello, World!\" program</h1>\n "
" <div>\n From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<br>\n "
" (Redirected from Hello, world!)<br>\n "
" Jump to navigationJump to search<br>\n "
" <strong>\" Hello World\" </strong> redirects here. For other uses, see Hello World (disambiguation).<br>\n "
" A <strong>\" Hello, World!\" </strong> program generally is a computer program that outputs or displays the message \" Hello, World!\" .<br>\n "
" Such a program is very simple in most programming languages, and is often used to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language. It is often the first program written by people learning to code. It can also be used as a sanity test to make sure that computer software intended to compile or run source code is correctly installed, and that the operator understands how to use it.\n "
" </div>\n </body>\n </html>\n " ;
if (awh->proto (bid) == engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2){
vector <pair <string, string>> headers = {
{" :method" , " GET" },
{" :scheme" , " https" },
{" :path" , " /stylesheets/screen.css" },
{" :authority" , "" },
{" accept-encoding" , " gzip, deflate" }
if (awh->push2 (sid, bid, headers, awh::http2_t ::flag_t ::NONE) < 0 )
this ->_log ->print (" Push message is not send" , log_t ::flag_t ::WARNING);
if (awh->trailers (sid, bid)){
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Goga" , " Hello" );
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Hello" , " World" );
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Anyks" , " Best of the best" );
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Checksum" , this ->_hash .hashing <string> (body, hash_t ::type_t ::MD5));
awh->send (sid, bid, 200 , " OK" , vector <char > (body.begin (), body.end ()));
void request (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, server::awh_t * awh){
this ->_method = method;
if (!url.empty () && (!url.path .empty () && url.path .back ().compare (" favicon.ico" ) == 0 ))
awh->send (sid, bid, 404 );
void headers ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, [[maybe_unused]] const uri_t ::url_t & url, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers){
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
void entity (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, const vector <char > & entity, server::awh_t * awh){
cout << " URL: " << url << endl << endl;
cout << " BODY: " << string (entity.begin (), entity.end ()) << endl;
awh->send (sid, bid, 200 , " OK" , entity, {{" Connection" , " close" }});
void complete (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, const vector <char > & entity, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers, server::awh_t * awh){
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
cout << " URL: " << url << endl << endl;
if (!entity.empty ()){
cout << " BODY: " << string (entity.begin (), entity.end ()) << endl;
awh->send (sid, bid, 200 , " OK" , entity, {{" Connection" , " close" }});
WebServer (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _hash(log), _fmk(fmk), _log(log), _method(awh::web_t ::method_t ::NONE) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
server::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
server::awh_t awh (&core, &fmk, &log );
WebServer executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" WEB Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TLS);
core.proto (awh::engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2);
// core.proto(awh::engine_t::proto_t::HTTP1_1);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
// awh.authType(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
awh.authType (auth_t ::type_t ::DIGEST, auth_t ::hash_t ::MD5);
awh.init (2222 , "" , {
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::ZSTD,
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::BROTLI,
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::GZIP,
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::DEFLATE,
awh.init("anyks", {
// awh.addOrigin("");
// awh.addAltSvc("", "h2=\":2222\"");
// awh.addAltSvc("", "h2=\":8000\"");
awh.callback <string (const uint64_t , const string &)> (" extractPassword" , std::bind (&WebServer::password, &executor, _1, _2));
awh.callback <bool (const uint64_t , const string &, const string &)> (" checkPassword" , std::bind (&WebServer::auth, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
awh.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::web_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&WebServer::active, &executor, _1, _2));
awh.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&WebServer::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const server::web_t ::agent_t )> (" handshake" , std::bind (&WebServer::handshake, &executor, _1, _2, _3, &awh));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const awh::web_t ::method_t , const uri_t ::url_t &)> (" request" , std::bind (&WebServer::request, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, &awh));
// awh.callback <void (const int32_t, const uint64_t, const awh::web_t::method_t, const uri_t::url_t &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> ("headers", std::bind(&WebServer::headers, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
// awh.callback <void (const int32_t, const uint64_t, const awh::web_t::method_t, const uri_t::url_t &, const vector <char> &)> ("entity", std::bind(&WebServer::entity, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, &awh));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const awh::web_t ::method_t , const uri_t ::url_t &, const vector <char > &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> (" complete" , std::bind (&WebServer::complete, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, &awh));
awh.start ();
#include < client/ws.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Executor {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void status (const awh::core_t ::status_t status){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (status)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (awh::core_t ::status_t ::START):
this ->_log ->print (" START" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO);
break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (awh::core_t ::status_t ::STOP):
this ->_log ->print (" STOP" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO);
break ;
void handshake ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t rid, const client::web_t ::agent_t agent, client::websocket_t * ws){
if (agent == client::web_t ::agent_t ::WEBSOCKET){
this ->_log ->print (" Handshake" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO);
const string query = " Hello World!!!" ;
ws->sendMessage (vector <char > (query.begin (), query.end ()));
void error (const uint32_t code, const string & mess){
this ->_log ->print (" %s [%u]" , log_t ::flag_t ::CRITICAL, mess.c_str (), code);
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, const bool utf8, client::websocket_t * ws){
string subprotocol = " " ;
const auto subprotocols = ws->subprotocols ();
if (!subprotocols.empty ())
subprotocol = (* subprotocols.begin ());
if (utf8){
cout << " MESSAGE: " << string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()) << endl;
cout << " SUB PROTOCOL: " << subprotocol << endl;
Executor (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
client::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
client::websocket_t ws (&core, &fmk, &log );
Executor executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" WebSocket Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
ws.mode ({
client::web_t ::flag_t ::ALIVE,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::REDIRECTS,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::TAKEOVER_CLIENT,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::TAKEOVER_SERVER,
client::web_t ::flag_t ::CONNECT_METHOD_ENABLE
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TLS);
core.proto (awh::engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2);
// core.proto(awh::engine_t::proto_t::HTTP1_1);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/client-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/client-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
// ws.proxy("");
// ws.proxy("");
// ws.proxy("socks5://");
// ws.proxy(client::scheme_t::work_t::ALLOW);
// ws.proxy(client::scheme_t::work_t::DISALLOW);
// ws.authTypeProxy(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
// ws.authTypeProxy(auth_t::type_t::DIGEST, auth_t::hash_t::MD5);
ws.user (" user" , " password" );
// ws.authType(awh::auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
ws.authType (awh::auth_t ::type_t ::DIGEST, awh::auth_t ::hash_t ::MD5);
ws.init (" wss://" , {awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::DEFLATE});
ws.subprotocols ({" test2" , " test8" , " test9" });
// ws.extensions({{"test1", "test2", "test3"},{"good1", "good2", "good3"}});
ws.callback <void (const awh::core_t ::status_t )> (" status" , std::bind (&Executor::status, &executor, _1));
ws.callback <void (const uint32_t , const string &)> (" errorWebsocket" , std::bind (&Executor::error, &executor, _1, _2));
ws.callback <void (const vector <char > &, const bool )> (" messageWebsocket" , std::bind (&Executor::message, &executor, _1, _2, &ws));
ws.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const client::web_t ::agent_t )> (" handshake" , std::bind (&Executor::handshake, &executor, _1, _2, _3, &ws));
ws.start ();
#include < server/ws.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Executor {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
string password (const uint64_t bid, const string & login){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), " password" , bid);
return " password" ;
bool auth (const uint64_t bid, const string & login, const string & password){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), password.c_str (), bid);
return true ;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: IP=%s, MAC=%s, PORT=%d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::web_t ::mode_t mode){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (mode)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (server::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT):
this ->_log ->print (" CONNECT" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO);
break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (server::web_t ::mode_t ::DISCONNECT):
this ->_log ->print (" DISCONNECT" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO);
break ;
void error ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const uint32_t code, const string & mess){
this ->_log ->print (" %s [%u]" , log_t ::flag_t ::CRITICAL, mess.c_str (), code);
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, const bool text, server::websocket_t * ws){
if (!buffer.empty ()){
string subprotocol = " " ;
const auto subprotocols = ws->subprotocols (bid);
if (!subprotocols.empty ())
subprotocol = (* subprotocols.begin ());
this ->_log ->print (" Message: %s [%s]" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str (), subprotocol.c_str ());
ws->sendMessage (bid, buffer, text);
void headers ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers){
uri_t uri (this ->_fmk , this ->_log );
this ->_log ->print (" REQUEST ID=%zu URL=%s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, bid, uri.url (url).c_str ());
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
Executor (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
server::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
server::websocket_t ws (&core, &fmk, &log );
Executor executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" WebSocket Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
ws.mode ({
server::web_t ::flag_t ::TAKEOVER_CLIENT,
server::web_t ::flag_t ::TAKEOVER_SERVER
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TLS);
core.proto (awh::engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2);
// core.proto(awh::engine_t::proto_t::HTTP1_1);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
ws.subprotocols ({" test1" , " test2" , " test3" });
// ws.authType(awh::auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
ws.authType (awh::auth_t ::type_t ::DIGEST, awh::auth_t ::hash_t ::MD5);
// ws.init("anyks", {awh::http_t::compressor_t::DEFLATE});
// ws.init(2222, "", {awh::http_t::compressor_t::DEFLATE});
ws.init (2222 , "" , {awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::DEFLATE});
ws.callback <string (const uint64_t , const string &)> (" extractPassword" , std::bind (&Executor::password, &executor, _1, _2));
ws.callback <bool (const uint64_t , const string &, const string &)> (" checkPassword" , std::bind (&Executor::auth, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
ws.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Executor::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
ws.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::web_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Executor::active, &executor, _1, _2));
ws.callback <void (const uint64_t , const uint32_t , const string &)> (" errorWebsocket" , std::bind (&Executor::error, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
ws.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &, const bool )> (" messageWebsocket" , std::bind (&Executor::message, &executor, _1, _2, _3, &ws));
ws.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const awh::web_t ::method_t , const uri_t ::url_t &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> (" headers" , std::bind (&Executor::headers, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
ws.start ();
Example multiprotocol HTTPS-server
#include < server/awh.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class WebServer {
hash_t _hash;
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
awh::web_t ::method_t _method;
string password (const uint64_t bid, const string & login){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), " password" , bid);
return " password" ;
bool auth (const uint64_t bid, const string & login, const string & password){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), password.c_str (), bid);
return true ;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: IP=%s, MAC=%s, PORT=%d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::web_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void error ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const uint32_t code, const string & mess){
this ->_log ->print (" %s [%u]" , log_t ::flag_t ::CRITICAL, mess.c_str (), code);
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, const bool text, server::awh_t * awh){
if (!buffer.empty ()){
string subprotocol = " " ;
const auto subprotocols = awh->subprotocols (bid);
if (!subprotocols.empty ())
subprotocol = (* subprotocols.begin ());
this ->_log ->print (" Message: %s [%s]" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str (), subprotocol.c_str ());
awh->sendMessage (bid, buffer, text);
void handshake (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, const server::web_t ::agent_t agent, server::awh_t * awh){
if ((this ->_method == awh::web_t ::method_t ::GET) && (agent == server::web_t ::agent_t ::HTTP)){
cout << " URL: " << awh->parser (sid, bid)->request ().url << endl;
const string body = " <html>\n <head>\n <title>Hello World!</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n "
" <h1>\" Hello, World!\" program</h1>\n "
" <div>\n From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<br>\n "
" (Redirected from Hello, world!)<br>\n "
" Jump to navigationJump to search<br>\n "
" <strong>\" Hello World\" </strong> redirects here. For other uses, see Hello World (disambiguation).<br>\n "
" A <strong>\" Hello, World!\" </strong> program generally is a computer program that outputs or displays the message \" Hello, World!\" .<br>\n "
" Such a program is very simple in most programming languages, and is often used to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language. It is often the first program written by people learning to code. It can also be used as a sanity test to make sure that computer software intended to compile or run source code is correctly installed, and that the operator understands how to use it.\n "
" </div>\n </body>\n </html>\n " ;
if (awh->trailers (sid, bid)){
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Goga" , " Hello" );
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Hello" , " World" );
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Anyks" , " Best of the best" );
awh->trailer (sid, bid, " Checksum" , this ->_hash .hashing <string> (body, hash_t ::type_t ::MD5));
awh->send (sid, bid, 200 , " OK" , vector <char > (body.begin (), body.end ()));
void request (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, server::awh_t * awh){
this ->_method = method;
if (!url.empty () && (!url.path .empty () && url.path .back ().compare (" favicon.ico" ) == 0 ))
awh->send (sid, bid, 404 );
void headers ([[maybe_unused]] const int32_t sid, [[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, [[maybe_unused]] const uri_t ::url_t & url, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers){
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
void entity (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, const vector <char > & entity, server::awh_t * awh){
cout << " URL: " << url << endl << endl;
cout << " BODY: " << string (entity.begin (), entity.end ()) << endl;
awh->send (sid, bid, 200 , " OK" , entity, {{" Connection" , " close" }});
void complete (const int32_t sid, const uint64_t bid, [[maybe_unused]] const awh::web_t ::method_t method, const uri_t ::url_t & url, const vector <char > & entity, const unordered_multimap <string, string> & headers, server::awh_t * awh){
for (auto & header : headers)
cout << " HEADER: " << header.first << " : " << header.second << endl;
cout << " URL: " << url << endl << endl;
if (!entity.empty ()){
cout << " BODY: " << string (entity.begin (), entity.end ()) << endl;
awh->send (sid, bid, 200 , " OK" , entity, {{" Connection" , " close" }});
WebServer (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _hash(log), _fmk(fmk), _log(log), _method(awh::web_t ::method_t ::NONE) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
server::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
server::awh_t awh (&core, &fmk, &log );
WebServer executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" WEB Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
awh.mode ({
server::web_t ::flag_t ::TAKEOVER_CLIENT,
server::web_t ::flag_t ::TAKEOVER_SERVER,
server::web_t ::flag_t ::WEBSOCKET_ENABLE,
server::web_t ::flag_t ::CONNECT_METHOD_ENABLE
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TLS);
core.proto (awh::engine_t ::proto_t ::HTTP2);
// core.proto(awh::engine_t::proto_t::HTTP1_1);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
// awh.authType(auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
awh.authType (auth_t ::type_t ::DIGEST, auth_t ::hash_t ::MD5);
awh.init (2222 , "" , {
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::ZSTD,
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::BROTLI,
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::GZIP,
awh::http_t ::compressor_t ::DEFLATE,
awh.init("anyks", {
awh.addOrigin ("" );
awh.addAltSvc ("" , " h2=\" :2222\" " );
awh.addAltSvc ("" , " h2=\" :8000\" " );
awh.subprotocols ({" test1" , " test2" , " test3" });
awh.callback <string (const uint64_t , const string &)> (" extractPassword" , std::bind (&WebServer::password, &executor, _1, _2));
awh.callback <bool (const uint64_t , const string &, const string &)> (" checkPassword" , std::bind (&WebServer::auth, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
awh.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::web_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&WebServer::active, &executor, _1, _2));
awh.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&WebServer::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
awh.callback <void (const uint64_t , const uint32_t , const string &)> (" errorWebsocket" , std::bind (&WebServer::error, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
awh.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &, const bool )> (" messageWebsocket" , std::bind (&WebServer::message, &executor, _1, _2, _3, &awh));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const server::web_t ::agent_t )> (" handshake" , std::bind (&WebServer::handshake, &executor, _1, _2, _3, &awh));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const awh::web_t ::method_t , const uri_t ::url_t &)> (" request" , std::bind (&WebServer::request, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, &awh));
// awh.callback <void (const int32_t, const uint64_t, const awh::web_t::method_t, const uri_t::url_t &, const vector <char> &)> ("entity", std::bind(&WebServer::entity, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, &awh));
// awh.callback <void (const int32_t, const uint64_t, const awh::web_t::method_t, const uri_t::url_t &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> ("headers", std::bind(&WebServer::headers, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
awh.callback <void (const int32_t , const uint64_t , const awh::web_t ::method_t , const uri_t ::url_t &, const vector <char > &, const unordered_multimap <string, string> &)> (" complete" , std::bind (&WebServer::complete, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, &awh));
awh.start ();
Example HTTPS PROXY-server
#include < server/proxy.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Proxy {
log_t * _log;
string password ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const string & login){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), " password" );
return " password" ;
bool auth ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const string & login, const string & password){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), password.c_str ());
return true ;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::proxy_t ::broker_t broker, const server::web_t ::mode_t mode){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (broker)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (server::proxy_t ::broker_t ::CLIENT):
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (server::proxy_t ::broker_t ::SERVER):
this ->_log ->print (" %s server" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::web_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
break ;
Proxy (log_t * log) : _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
Proxy executor (&log );
server::proxy_t proxy (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" Proxy Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
proxy.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ; = " ./certs/ca.pem" ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
proxy.ssl (ssl);
proxy.mode ({
server::proxy_t ::flag_t ::SYNCPROTO,
server::proxy_t ::flag_t ::REDIRECTS,
server::proxy_t ::flag_t ::CONNECT_METHOD_SERVER_ENABLE
proxy.hosts (server::proxy_t ::broker_t ::CLIENT, " /etc/hosts" );
// proxy.authType(server::proxy_t::broker_t::SERVER, auth_t::type_t::BASIC);
// proxy.authType(server::proxy_t::broker_t::SERVER, auth_t::type_t::DIGEST, auth_t::hash_t::SHA512);
proxy.authType (server::proxy_t ::broker_t ::SERVER, auth_t ::type_t ::DIGEST, auth_t ::hash_t ::MD5);
// proxy.init("anyks", http_t::compressor_t::GZIP);
// proxy.init(2222, "", http_t::compressor_t::GZIP);
proxy.init (2222 , "" , http_t ::compressor_t ::GZIP);
proxy.callback <string (const uint64_t , const string &)> (" extractPassword" , std::bind (&Proxy::password, &executor, _1, _2));
proxy.callback <bool (const uint64_t , const string &, const string &)> (" checkPassword" , std::bind (&Proxy::auth, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
proxy.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Proxy::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
proxy.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::proxy_t ::broker_t , const server::web_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Proxy::active, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
proxy.start ();
Example Socks5 PROXY-server
#include < server/socks5.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace server ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Proxy {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool auth (const uint64_t bid, const string & login, const string & password){
this ->_log ->print (" USER: %s, PASS: %s, ID: %zu" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, login.c_str (), password.c_str (), bid);
return true ;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const proxy_socks5_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == proxy_socks5_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
Proxy (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
proxy_socks5_t proxy (&fmk, &log );
Proxy executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" Proxy Socks5 Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = true ; = " ./certs/ca.pem" ;
proxy.ssl (ssl);
proxy.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TCP);
proxy.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
// proxy.init("anyks");
// proxy.init(2222);
proxy.init (2222 , "" );
proxy.callback <void (const size_t , const proxy_socks5_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Proxy::active, &executor, _1, _2));
proxy.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Proxy::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
// proxy.callback <bool (const uint64_t, const string &, const string &)> ("checkPassword", std::bind(&Proxy::auth, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
proxy.start ();
#include < chrono>
#include < core/timer.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Executor {
chrono::time_point <chrono::system_clock> _ts;
chrono::time_point <chrono::system_clock> _is;
uint16_t _count;
log_t * _log;
void interval (const uint16_t tid, awh::timer_t * timer){
auto shift = chrono::system_clock::now ();
this ->_log ->print (" Interval: %u seconds" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, chrono::duration_cast <chrono::seconds> (shift - this ->_is ).count ());
this ->_is = shift;
if ((this ->_count ++) >= 10 ){
timer->clear (tid);
timer->stop ();
void timeout ([[maybe_unused]] const uint16_t id){
this ->_log ->print (" Timeout: %u seconds" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, chrono::duration_cast <chrono::seconds> (chrono::system_clock::now () - this ->_ts ).count ());
void launched (const awh::core_t ::status_t status, awh::timer_t * timer){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (status)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (awh::core_t ::status_t ::START): {
this ->_ts = chrono::system_clock::now ();
this ->_is = this ->_ts ;
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, " Start timer" );
uint16_t tid = timer->timeout (10000 );
timer->set <void (const uint16_t )> (tid, std::bind (&Executor::timeout, this , tid));
tid = timer->interval (5000 );
timer->set <void (const uint16_t , awh::timer_t *)> (tid, std::bind (&Executor::interval, this , tid, timer));
} break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (awh::core_t ::status_t ::STOP):
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, " Stop timer" );
break ;
Executor (log_t * log) : _ts(chrono::system_clock::now()), _is(chrono::system_clock::now()), _count(0 ), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
Executor executor (&log );
awh::timer_t timer (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" Timer" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
timer.callback <void (const awh::core_t ::status_t )> (" status" , std::bind (&Executor::launched, &executor, _1, &timer));
timer.start ();
#include < net/dns.hpp>
#include < core/core.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
core_t core (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" DNS" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
dns.prefix (" AWH" );
dns.servers ({"" , "" });
log .print (" IP1: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, dns.resolve (" localhost" ).c_str ());
log .print (" IP2: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, dns.resolve ("" ).c_str ());
log .print (" IP3: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, dns.resolve ("" ).c_str ());
log .print (" IP4: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, dns.resolve ("" ).c_str ());
const auto & yandex = ("" );
if (!yandex.empty ()){
for (auto & domain : yandex)
log .print (" Domain: %s => %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, domain.c_str (), "" );
log .print (" Encode domain \" ремпрофи.рф\" == \" %s\" " , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, dns.encode (" ремпрофи.рф" ).c_str ());
log .print (" Decode domain \" xn--e1agliedd7a.xn--p1ai\" == \" %s\" " , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, dns.decode (" xn--e1agliedd7a.xn--p1ai" ).c_str ());
#include < net/ntp.hpp>
#include < core/core.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
chrono_t chrono (&fmk);
ntp_t ntp (&fmk, &log );
core_t core (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" NTP" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
ntp.ns ({"" , "" });
ntp.servers ({"" , "" , "" , "" });
log .print (" Time: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, chrono.format (ntp.request (), " %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" ).c_str ());
Example ICMP-client PINGER
#include < net/ping.hpp>
#include < core/core.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
core_t core (&fmk, &log );
ping_t ping (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" PING" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
const double result = ("" , 10 );
log .print (" PING result=%.1f" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result);
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" TCP Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TCP);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" SAMPLE Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TCP);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" TLS Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TLS);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/client-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/client-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" TLS Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TLS);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" UDP Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::UDP);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" UDP Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::UDP);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" SCTP Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::SCTP);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/client-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/client-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" SCTP Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::SCTP);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" DTLS Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::DTLS);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/client-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/client-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" DTLS Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::DTLS);
node_t ::ssl_t ssl;
ssl.verify = false ;
ssl.key = " ./certs/certificates/server-key.pem" ;
ssl.cert = " ./certs/certificates/server-cert.pem" ;
core.ssl (ssl);
sample.init (2222 , "" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
Example UnixSocket TCP-client
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" UnixSocket Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TCP); (awh::scheme_t ::family_t ::NIX);
sample.init (" anyks" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
Example UnixSocket TCP-server
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" UnixSocket Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::TCP); (awh::scheme_t ::family_t ::NIX);
core.cluster (awh::scheme_t ::mode_t ::ENABLED);
sample.init (" anyks" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
Example UnixSocket UDP-client
#include < client/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Client {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
void active (const client::sample_t ::mode_t mode, client::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
if (mode == client::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT){
const string message = " Hello World!!!" ;
sample->send ( (), message.size ());
void message (const vector <char > & buffer, client::sample_t * sample){
const string message (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ());
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, message.c_str ());
sample->stop ();
Client (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
client::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
client::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Client executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" UDP UnixSocket Client" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
// sample.mode({client::sample_t::flag_t::NOT_INFO});
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::UDP); (awh::scheme_t ::family_t ::NIX);
sample.init (" anyks" );
sample.callback <void (const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Client::message, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.callback <void (const client::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Client::active, &executor, _1, &sample));
sample.start ();
Example UnixSocket UDP-server
#include < server/sample.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Server {
const fmk_t * _fmk;
const log_t * _log;
bool accept (const string & ip, const string & mac, const uint32_t port){
this ->_log ->print (" ACCEPT: ip = %s, mac = %s, port = %d" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, ip.c_str (), mac.c_str (), port);
return true ;
void active ([[maybe_unused]] const uint64_t bid, const server::sample_t ::mode_t mode){
this ->_log ->print (" %s client" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, (mode == server::sample_t ::mode_t ::CONNECT ? " Connect" : " Disconnect" ));
void message (const uint64_t bid, const vector <char > & buffer, server::sample_t * sample){
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer.begin (), buffer.end ()).c_str ());
sample->send (bid, (), buffer.size ());
Server (const fmk_t * fmk, const log_t * log) : _fmk(fmk), _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
dns_t dns (&fmk, &log );
server::core_t core (&dns, &fmk, &log );
server::sample_t sample (&core, &fmk, &log );
Server executor (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" UDP UnixSocket Server" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.sonet (awh::scheme_t ::sonet_t ::UDP); (awh::scheme_t ::family_t ::NIX);
sample.init (" anyks" );
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const server::sample_t ::mode_t )> (" active" , std::bind (&Server::active, &executor, _1, _2));
sample.callback <bool (const string &, const string &, const uint32_t )> (" accept" , std::bind (&Server::accept, &executor, _1, _2, _3));
sample.callback <void (const uint64_t , const vector <char > &)> (" message" , std::bind (&Server::message, &executor, _1, _2, &sample));
sample.start ();
#include < core/cluster.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
using namespace placeholders ;
class Executor {
log_t * _log;
void events (const cluster_t ::family_t worker, [[maybe_unused]] const pid_t pid, const cluster_t ::event_t event, cluster::core_t * core){
if (event == cluster_t ::event_t ::START){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (worker)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (cluster_t ::family_t ::MASTER): {
const char * message = " Hi!" ;
core->broadcast (message, strlen (message));
} break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (cluster_t ::family_t ::CHILDREN): {
const char * message = " Hello" ;
core->send (message, strlen (message));
} break ;
void message (const cluster_t ::family_t worker, const pid_t pid, const char * buffer, const size_t size){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (worker)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (cluster_t ::family_t ::MASTER):
this ->_log ->print (" Message from children [%u]: %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, pid, string (buffer, size).c_str ());
break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (cluster_t ::family_t ::CHILDREN):
this ->_log ->print (" Message from master: %s [%u]" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, string (buffer, size).c_str (), ::getpid ());
break ;
void launched (const awh::core_t ::status_t status){
switch (static_cast <uint8_t > (status)){
case static_cast <uint8_t > (awh::core_t ::status_t ::START):
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, " Start cluster" );
break ;
case static_cast <uint8_t > (awh::core_t ::status_t ::STOP):
this ->_log ->print (" %s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, " Stop cluster" );
break ;
Executor (log_t * log) : _log(log) {}
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
Executor executor (&log );
cluster::core_t core (&fmk, &log );
log .name (" Cluster" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
core.size ();
core.autoRestart (true );
core.callback <void (const awh::core_t ::status_t )> (" status" , std::bind (&Executor::launched, &executor, _1));
core.callback <void (const cluster_t ::family_t , const pid_t , const cluster_t ::event_t )> (" events" , std::bind (&Executor::events, &executor, _1, _2, _3, &core));
core.callback <void (const cluster_t ::family_t , const pid_t , const char *, const size_t )> (" message" , std::bind (&Executor::message, &executor, _1, _2, _3, _4));
core.start ();
#include < net/net.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
net_t net (&log );
net = " [2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d]" ;
cout << " [2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d] || " << net << " === " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG_IPV4) << " === " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::MIDDLE_IPV4) << " === " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::SHORT_IPV4) << endl;
net = " 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:ae21:ad12" ;
cout << " 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:ae21:ad12 || " << net << endl;
net = " 2001:db8::ae21:ad12" ;
cout << " 2001:db8::ae21:ad12 || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG) << " and " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::MIDDLE) << endl;
net = " 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ae21:ad12" ;
cout << " 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ae21:ad12 || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::SHORT) << endl;
net = " ::ae21:ad12" ;
cout << " ::ae21:ad12 || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::MIDDLE) << endl;
net = " 2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34::" ;
cout << " 2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:: || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG) << endl;
net = " ::ffff:" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " ::ffff: || " << net << " ==== " << net.broadcastIPv6ToIPv4 () << endl;
net = " ::1" ;
cout << " ::1 || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG) << endl;
net = " [::]" ;
cout << " [::] || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << " || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG) << " ==== " << net.broadcastIPv6ToIPv4 () << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << " || " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG) << " === " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::LONG_IPV6) << " === " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::SHORT_IPV6) << " === " << net.get (net_t ::format_t ::MIDDLE_IPV6) << endl;
net = " 2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d" ;
cout << " Part of the address: 2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d || " << net.v6 ()[0 ] << " and " << net.v6 ()[1 ] << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << " Part of the address: || " << net.v4 () << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
net.impose (53 , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK);
cout << " Prefix set: 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb/53 || " << net << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
net.impose (" FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::" , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK);
cout << " Mask set: 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb/FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800:: || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose (9 , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK);
cout << " Prefix set: || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose ("" , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK);
cout << " Mask set: || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose ("" , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK);
cout << " Mask set: || " << net << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
net.impose (53 , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST);
cout << " Get host from IP-address: 53/2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb || " << net << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
net.impose (" FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::" , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST);
cout << " Get host from IP-address: FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::/2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose (9 , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST);
cout << " Get host from IP-address: 9/ || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose ("" , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST);
cout << " Get host from IP-address: || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose (24 , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST);
cout << " Get host from IP-address: 24/ || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
net.impose ("" , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST);
cout << " Get host from IP-address: || " << net << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << " Get address mask from network prefix = 9 || " << net.prefix2Mask (9 ) << endl;
cout << " Get address prefix from network mask = || " << static_cast <uint16_t > (net.mask2Prefix ("" )) << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
cout << " Get address mask from network prefix = 53 || " << net.prefix2Mask (53 ) << endl;
cout << " Get address prefix from network mask = FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800:: || " << static_cast <uint16_t > (net.mask2Prefix (" FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::" )) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance by network || " << net.mapping ("" ) << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb by network 2001:1234:abcd:5678:: || " << net.mapping (" 2001:1234:abcd:5678::" ) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance by network || " << net.mapping ("" , 9 , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK) << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb by network 2001:1234:abcd:5000::/53 || " << net.mapping (" 2001:1234:abcd:5000::" , 53 , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance by network || " << net.mapping ("" , "" , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK) << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb by network 2001:1234:abcd:5000::/FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800:: || " << net.mapping (" 2001:1234:abcd:5000::" , " FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::" , net_t ::addr_t ::NETWORK) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance by host 9/ || " << net.mapping ("" , 9 , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST) << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb by host 53/::678:9877:3322:5541:AABB || " << net.mapping (" ::678:9877:3322:5541:AABB" , 53 , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance by host || " << net.mapping ("" , "" , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST) << endl;
net = " 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check the address compliance 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb by host FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::/::678:9877:3322:5541:AABB || " << net.mapping (" ::678:9877:3322:5541:AABB" , " FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:F800::" , net_t ::addr_t ::HOST) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Check whether the address is in range [ -] || " << net.range ("" , "" , 24 ) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Checking whether IP-address is global || " << (net.mode () == net_t ::mode_t ::WAN) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Checking whether IP-address is local || " << (net.mode () == net_t ::mode_t ::LAN) << endl;
net = "" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Checking whether IP-address is system || " << (net.mode () == net_t ::mode_t ::SYS) << endl;
net = " [2a00:1450:4010:c0a::8b]" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Checking whether IP-address is global [2a00:1450:4010:c0a::8b] || " << (net.mode () == net_t ::mode_t ::WAN) << endl;
net = " ::1" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Checking whether IP-address is local [::1] || " << (net.mode () == net_t ::mode_t ::LAN) << endl;
net = " ::" ;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << " Checking whether IP-address is system [::] || " << (net.mode () == net_t ::mode_t ::SYS) << endl;
string ip = " 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:ae21:ad12" ;
cout << " Long record address || " << ip << endl;
ip = net = ip;
cout << " Short record address || " << ip << endl;
net = " 73:0b:04:0d:db:79" ;
cout << " MAC: 73:0b:04:0d:db:79 || " << net << endl; ("" );
cout << " ARPA: || " << net << endl;
cout << " ARPA IPv4: " << () << endl; ("" );
cout << " ARPA: || " << net << endl;
cout << " ARPA IPv6: " << () << endl;
#include < sys/investigator.hpp>
#include < sys/fmk.hpp>
#include < sys/log.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
igtr_t igtr;
log_t log (&fmk);
log .name (" Investigator" );
log .format (" %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y" );
if (argc > 1 ){
const pid_t pid = static_cast <pid_t > (::stoi (argv[1 ]));
log .print (" Investigator: NAME=%s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, igtr.inquiry (pid).c_str ());
} else log .print (" Investigator: NAME=%s" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, igtr.inquiry ().c_str ());
Date and Time Formatting Rules
Format Date and Time
Abbreviated year entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 25 .
Full year entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 2025 .
Abbreviated month name entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to Mar .
Full month name entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to Mar .
Full month entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 03 .
Full date entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 02 .
Abbreviated date entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 2 .
Abbreviated day name entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to Sun .
Full day name entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to Sunday .
Count of days from the beginning of the week, starting from Monday. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 7 .
Count of days from the beginning of the week, starting from Sunday. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 0 .
Week count since the beginning of the year. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 09 .
Count of days since the beginning of the year. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 061 .
Equivalent to %m/%d/%y . For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 03/02/25 .
Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d . For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 2025-03-02 .
Full hour entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 15 .
Parses the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 03 .
Full minutes entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 44 .
Full seconds entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 32 .
Full milliseconds entry. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32.032 GMT+0300 will correspond to 032 .
Parses the locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to PM .
Equivalent to %H:%M . For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 15:44 .
Equivalent to %H:%M:%S . For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 15:44:32 .
Parses the locale's 12-hour clock time. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to 03:44:32 PM .
Standard date and time representation. For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+0300 will correspond to Sun Mar 2 15:44:32 2025 .
Format [+|-]h[h][:mm] (i.e., requiring a (: ) between the hours and minutes and making the leading zero for hour optional). For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 GMT+03:00 will correspond to +03:00 .
For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC and 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.
Parses the time zone abbreviation or name, taken as the longest sequence of characters that only contains the characters A through Z , a through z . For example date: 2025-03-02 15:44:32 MSK will correspond to MSK .
#include < sys/log.hpp>
#include < sys/chrono.hpp>
using namespace awh ;
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char * argv[]){
fmk_t fmk;
log_t log (&fmk);
chrono_t chrono (&fmk);
uint64_t date = chrono.parse (" 2023-03-05T12:55:58.0490925Z" , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%s%Z" );
string result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2024-08-06T11:08:55.101Z" , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%s%Z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2024-08-06T14:47:34.741876+03:00" , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%s%o" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2024-08-06T14:47:34.728093306+03:0" , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%s%o" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 7/26/2023 2:39:42 PM" , " %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2023-07-26T14:39:4" , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 7/26/2023 2:39:42 PM (2934007)" , " %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p (%s)" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2024-11-15 17:14:03,331" , " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%s" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Jun 11 09:56:56" , " %h %d %H:%M:%S" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Tue Jul 16 10:45:40.020399 2024" , " %a %h %d %H:%M:%S.%s %Y" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 05/Apr/2023:12:45:12.345678901 +0300" , " %d/%h/%Y:%H:%M:%S.%s %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Aug 13 17:43:12" , " %h %d %H:%M:%S" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2024-10-16 10:30:45.789" , " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" [18/Jul/2024:13:34:00 +0300]" , " %d/%h/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 2024/07/18 13:33:17" , " %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 17.07.2023 13:25:53" , " %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" [04-22 13:54:55.343240]" , " %m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 17:54:49" , " %H:%M:%S" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 19 2025 15:51:10 GMT+0300" , " %a %h %e %Y %H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 19 2025 15:51:10" , " %a %h %e %Y %H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 19 15:51:10 GMT+0300" , " %a %h %e %H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 20 19:56:10 GMT+0300" , " %a %h %e %H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 20 19:56:10" , " %a %h %e %H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 20 19:56:10 GMT+0430" , " %a %h %e %H:%M:%S %z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 30 2025 15:51:10 GMT+0300" , " %a %h %e %Y %H:%M:%S %Z%z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Dec 03 12:00 MSK+0332" , " %h %d %H:%M %Z%z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" Wed Mar 31 00:51:10 11 GMT+0300 080" , " %a %h %e %H:%M:%S %W %z %j" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);
date = chrono.parse (" 20050809T183142+0330" , " %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z" );
result = chrono.format (date, " %A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%s %Z AND %a %e %h %y %I:%M:%S.%s %p %o" );
log .print (" Date: %s (%llu)" , log_t ::flag_t ::INFO, result.c_str (), date);