Filter.js is client-side JSON objects filter to show/hide html elements. Multiple filter criteria can be specified and used in conjunction with each other.
Capture the JSON data (maybe using @people.to_json)
var people = [{person: {name: 'Jiren', age:26, country: 'India', country_id: 1,
states : [{ state : 'MH', state_id : 3 }, {state : 'HN', state_id : 4}] } },
{person: {name: 'Joe', age:25, country: 'USA', country_id: 2,
states : [{ state : 'MH', state_id : 3 }, {state : 'HN', state_id : 4}] } }
View function call for every object of the people array. It will render the HTML template.
var view = function(person){
name = this.span({'class': 'name'},;
age = this.span({'class': 'age'}, person.age);
country = this.div({'class': 'country'},;
return'/demo/' + ,{'title':}, [name,age,country]);
Suppose you require some HTML element which is not currently supported in filter.js, you can simply use the registerHtmlElement method to add this to your HTML views.
//Use arguments attributes, content
this.article({class: 'new'}, 'demo')
Filter criteria is defined in the follwing ways:
var settings = {
filter_criteria: {
country: ['#country_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'country_id'],
age: ['#age_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked .TYPE.range', 'age'],
states: ['#state_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'states.ARRAY.state_id'],
and_filter_on: false
The detailed explaination is here: For category selections:
country: ['#country_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'country_id'],
Selector: '#country_list input:checkbox': All the checkboxes in the div with id="country_list"
Event : : This is the event on the selector that will trigger the filter.
Selection Criteria: .SELECT.:checked : The criteria for filtering. (In this case, all selected checkboxes)
JSON attribute: country_id : This is a JSON attribute defined in JSON objects for which filtering is done.
For Range selections,
age: ['#age_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked .TYPE.range', 'age'],
The only thing that changes here is the additional field
Range: .TYPE.range : It is expected to set ranges as values like '20-30', 'below-30', '30-above'.
<input checked="checked" value="20-30" type="checkbox">
For Array selections,
states: ['#state_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'states.ARRAY.state_id'],
If we need to look into a JSON array for the search criteria, we can use the .ARRAY. selector. This would look into the states array and filter on the state_id
Categroy 'AND', 'OR' selection criteria.If any categroy selection result is zero and 'and_filter_on' => 'true' then no elements are shown.For 'and_filter_on' => 'false' zero result category ignored.
and_filter_on: true //AND opration
and_filter_on: false //OR Opration
var fJS = FilterJS(people, "#people_list", view, settings);
This will render each JSON object to html and append to '#people_list' div. Second arg is object render function which can be customized as show above.
Define mustache.js template in html page.
<script id="person_template" type="text/mustache">
<a href="/demo/{{id}}" title="{{name}}">
<span class="name">{{name}}</span>
<span class="age">{{age}}</span>
<div class="country">{{country}}</div>
View function:
var mustache_template = $("#person_template").html(); //Find template data.
var mustacheView = function(person){
return Mustache.to_html(mustache_template, person);
To see the sample demo, clone this repo and open demo/filterjs.html in your browser
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This is released under the MIT license.