- fix(form):fixed an issue where queryFilter controls were abnormally hidden (#8564). #8564 @Lemonnnnnnnnnnn
- fix(form): 修复刷新之后 label 丢失的情况 (#8982). #8982 @LovePlayCode
- fix(table): resolve EditableProTable Form.Item shouldUpdate conflict with dependencies (#8986). #8986 @drizzlesconsin
- 修复 layout 收起 menu 的文字还存在的问题。
- feat(layout): Add drawerProps for SettingDrawer (#8953). #8953 @junyiz
- fix(field): add preserveOriginalLabel prop to SearchSelect (#8919). #8919 @DBvc
- fix(components):修复 ts 定义导致列名获取不到的问题 (#8795). #8795 @qnnp-me
- fix(form): field 为 checkbox 时设置了 fieldNames 后控制器报错的问题 React does not recognize the
prop on a DOM element (#8785). #8785 @echoyl
- fix(layout): downgrade path-to-regexp to version 8.0.0 (#8732)
- fix(layout): missing appListRender props (#8731) @Beeant
- refactor(layout): update path-to-regexp to version 8.1.0 (#8725)
- feat(layout): add menuTextRender props. 1d65e22
- fix(form): props title is not assignable to type ReactNode (#8682). #8682 @jiAng
- feat(Form): FormRef support forward nativeElement (#8632). #8632 @红
- fix(field): keyboard events of search input in LightSelect (#8629). #8629 @Anzimu
- fix(form): pass the OptionType type of ProFormSelect to the inner Select (#8568). #8568 @dreammaker7
- fix(form): correct line height in list action (#8584). #8584 @drizzlesconsin
- feat(form): export ProFormTreeSelectProps (#8589). #8589 @fnoopv
- fix(table): don't spread key to children (#8588). #8588 @fnoopv
- feat(field): add localizedFormat plugin to dayjs (#8582). #8582 @lynette-li
- fix(form): Digit support stringMode. 5075113
- fix(form): fix FormList size=small, icon is default size error. d797fa7
- fix(table): fix canel editort no work error. 2b60fe5
- fix(table): 解决 ProTable.editable.actionRender 无法获取最新 state 快照的问题(第二种改法) (#8549). #8549 @ShuangxingYang
- fix(layout): PageHeader style and breadcrumb.routes prop (#8491). #8491 @ChuChencheng
- fix(form): formItem help render type (#8482). #8482 @yunho1017
- feat(form): add form item help render type (#8462). #8462 @Yuno
- feat(form): the second field supports negative numbers (#8449). #8449 @Geng
- fix(form):ProFormTimePicker.RangePicker 获取时间区间,当 name 超过两层时,值为日期+时间格式. 0ce8bcd
- fix(form): 修复 openChange 打开时不触发问题 (#8403). #8403 @beautiful-boyyy
- fix(form): DrawerForm ssr 错误 : window is not defined (#8244). #8244 @edram
- fix(table): densityLarger 中文简体和繁体国际化,文案问题修改 (#8241). #8241 @lk0606
- feat(card): ProCard support colStyle. bfcf8aa
- feat(form): ProFormFieldSet support funtion. efbdab6
- feat(form): ProFormFieldSet support funtion. efbdab6
- fix(components): remove deprecated tip props. 85de8a2
- fix(components): compatible 5.13.0 border. ddf0c82
- fix(form): PasswordStrength support morse options. 3ab9f11
- fix(list): support add string line. 9ec366d
- feat(table): add click event for icon element (#8167). #8167 @Been101
- fix(layout): fix bgLayout no work error. 4a21fdf
- fix(field): fieldProps.options not effective in ProFormSegmented (#8129). #8129 @ChuChencheng
- fix(layout): fix bgLayout no work error. 4a21fdf
- fix(form): fix DrawerForm and ModalForm button error. 7bf4b30
- fix(form): 修复默认情况下 sumbitter render 和 render 时候 dom 位置不一致的问题 (#8096). #8096 @Shinji-Li
- feat(table): column SettingTitle 内容太长时显示省略&弹出 tooltip (#8070). #8070 @xlboy
- fix(layout): if bgImgStyleList is null ,no render bg-list dom. 0b26161
- feat(form): 添加 FormItemRender 组件 (#8012). #8012 @hans000
- fix(form): fix ProFormDateRangePicker readonly no warp error. b2276c3
- fix(form): 修复 dateFormatter 使用 string 类型提示错误 (#8029). #8029 @yjhtry
- fix(form): add playsInline props. e1233d1
- fix(form): 修复特殊情况(不使用 ProFormMoney 使用 FieldMoney)下格式化错误的问题 (#8024). #8024 @ONLY-yours
- fix(form): 修复特殊情况下多出 moneySymbol 的问题 (#8004). #8004 @ONLY-yours
- chore(form): adjust
dom order (#7988). #7988 @kungege - fix(form): remove extra
(#7987). #7987 @kungege - fix(form): no set maxHeight. 64dc9f7
- fix(list): 修复 ProFormList 透传部分属性到 FormItem 中导致的 react 警告 (#8051). #8051 @SANmq
- fix(table): Record Creator re-render when props change (#8018). #8018 @bartelemi
- fix(table): 修复同时使用 defalutValue 和 Storage 存储的情况下,defalutValue 失效的问题 (#7979). #7979 @ONLY-yours
- fix(layout): pass SiderProps to avatar render function (#7963). #7963 @jaulz
- fix(layout): slove DensityIcon setting not work (#7942). #7942 @ONLY-yours
- fix(form): fix cjs require statement (#7952). #7952 @shijistar
- fix(table): remove unless code (#7954). #7954 @linxianxi
- fix(table): DragSortTable --- Reorder columns by dragging and dropping columns will have issues when the table has fixed columns first (#7936). #7936 @tanjianyong
- fix(Descriptions): fix emptytext alway set error. 85f1366
- feat(form): ProFormCaptcha onTiming callback (#7908). #7908 @ModestFun
- fix(table): slove editable wrapper by null initvalue (#7900). #7900 @ONLY-yours
- fix(form): fix statusRender no work error. a94f13e
- fix(form): PasssWordStrength remove progressDom. 77099e4
- fix(form): PassWord getPercent support status. 7c1bf34
- fix(form): PasssWord statusRender support value. 5abe403
- fix(form): PasssWord use Progress step. ee6beb6
- fix(form): Password support strengthText. fcade9f
- fix(form): Password support popoverProps. 39aa69b
- feat (utils): FieldLabel 的 VALUE_MAX_LENGTH 可以通过参数传入 (#7845) (#7846). #7845 @Rabbit
- fix(layout): fix popupBg no work error. ea20878
- fix(layout): [antd: Drawer]
is deprecated waring (#7864). #7864 @OXXD - fix(layout): fix ProLayout did not match error. cb330f9
- fix(form): fix ProFormMoney customSymbol no work error. d0f30b8
- fix (form): 修复 FieldOptions 中子元素换行问题 (#7856). #7856 @zavven
- style (list): 样式修复 (#7855). #7855 @xliez
- fix(table): less render function. b314a37
- fix(field): remove useDeepCompareMemo which causing renderFormItem not updated (#7887). #7887 @mjss
- fix (descriptions): fix ProTable 和 ProDescriptions render 行为不一样的问题. 227d302
- fix(descriptions): fix save and cancel are not aligned when using Form rules. ebd1898
- fix (layout): 修复 Layout 菜单 submenu 和 grounp 混用的时候收起错误. d99a14d
- fix(form): fix addonWarpStyle no work error. e5374b7
- fix (table): 修复不能单独展示 filter 的问题. b77b5d4
- revert (layout): 回滚 Layout Menu 的获取逻辑 (#7819). #7819 @ONLY-yours
- feat(form):addonBefore warp support style. 5dd732e
- fix(layout): fix layout menu align error. 24cf799
- feat(table): expose
(#7803). #7803 @kungege - fix (card): 移除 stopPropagation,让事件继续冒泡 (#7785). #7785 @xliez
- fix(layout): add
property toProHelp
component (#7795). #7795 @yuetyeelo2855 - fix (layout): Page Contianer 无 Header 边界情况调整 (#7779). #7779 @ONLY-yours
- fix (table): 修复 EditableProTable 实时编辑表格存在 name 属性且有分页的时候,渲染的数据总是为第一页 (#7794). #7794 @xliez
- fix (layout): 修复 layout 组件在销毁时,删除了其他不相关的 SWR 缓存 (#7737). #7737 @febear
- fix(form): fix loginPage style error. 80ace22
- fix (form): 增加透传给 FormItem 的 style 和 className (#7769). #7769 @ONLY-yours
- feat (form): 优化密码只读模式展现形式 (#7736). #7736 @gamemock
- fix (form): 首次同步到 url 参数时也执行 syncToUrl (#7741). #7741 @ldc-37
- feat(form): LoginFormPage support backgroundVideoUrl. 6dc50b0
- fix(form): fix Captcha style no work error. f31381d
- feat(form): support more style config. b8c3954
- fix(form): the
event inProFormUploadButton
has been triggered multiple times (#7732). #7732 @kungege - feat(form): new LoginFormPage style (#7734). #7734 @chenshuai2144
- fix(table): unuse Tab.TabPanel (#7731). #7731 @leshalv
- fix(layout): fix colorBgMenuElevated no extends colorBgHeader error. d915ed1
- fix (layout): 统一 PageContainer 计算到 styles.ts 中 (#7699). #7699 @ONLY-yours
- fix (Table): 修改 search transform 类型 (#7708). #7708 @linxianxi
- fix (table): 修复 editableFormRef hooks 未正确传递 deps 依赖导致 value 取值不是最新 (#7707). #7707 @xliez
- fix(layout): WaterMark support dark theme. 0898061
- fix (table): 修复 ColumnSetting Tree 组件 title 过长导致强制换行的问题. 08ded31
- fix (layout): 默认宽度更改为 1152. 84cc927
- fix(layout): deprecated warning (#7693). #7693 @kungege
- fix(table): less render function. b3ef405
- fix(layout): default set contentWidth=Fixed. 065524d
- fix (form): 修复 treeSelect 组件 bordered 属性无法生效 (#7687). #7687 @badrylin
- fix(form): form list support readonly. 6407072
- fix(table): EditableProTable reset FormItem grid. c53ecce
- fix(card): check card extra tag token fixed (#7669). #7669 @ONLY-yours
- fix (layout): 默认宽度更改为 1152. 8fd2665
- feat (layout): 更新 PageContainer Token 样式和计算规则 (#7645). #7645 @ONLY-yours
- fix (form): 优化 PassWord 展现形式 (#7657). #7657 @leshalv
- fix(card): check card extra tag token fixed (#7669). #7669 @ONLY-yours
- fix(layout): fix click url no work error. 9252b14
- fix (form): 修复 DrawerForm width 控制权重失效的问题 (#7642). #7642 @ONLY-yours
- Prevented default and propagation of click events on appList items in the layout. Commit: 9b3cd65
- Fixed an error in the layout where the menu title was not centered. Commit: 904a89f
- Fixed the datepicker format in the form. Pull Request: #7622 by @SummyGitHub
- Updated the default value and documentation of the
parameter in DrawerForm. Pull Request: #7621 by @LengYXin - Added support for
in form dependencies. Pull Request: #7611 by @yiyi17 - Fixed an error where
was not applyingmarginLG
. Commit: 6e5f384 - Fixed an error where
were not working in formList. Commit: 7a2c9e0 - Fixed a typo and made a modification in
to prevent triggering request again on pagination. Pull Request: #7616 by @caronchen
- Resolved an issue with a potential infinite loop caused by
. Pull Request: #7599 by @kiner-tang. Unfortunately, the commit message or details of the fix are not provided. - Added a new feature to the table component where columns can now have a
configuration. Pull Request: #7586 by @LeoZeda. No further details about the feature are provided.
- Fixed an error in the layout where the menuItem icon was not aligned correctly. Commit: 62f1bb5
- Fixed a styling issue with the sider token in the layout. Pull Request: #7574 by @daifuyang
- Updated the usage of
utility in the layout. Commits: af522ee, 3a174d1 - Fixed an inconsistency in the textarea's read-only state styling. Pull Request: #7579 by @HoPGoldy
- Fixed an error in the form where
had a null name but still had data. Pull Request: #7583 by @chenshuai2144 - Fixed an issue where the generic parameter
was not working correctly. Pull Request: #7582 by @ldc-37 - Added support for
in the descriptions component. Commit: d5ccc34 - Fixed an error where the label was not working when the
was null in the descriptions component. Commit: 8779112
- fix(layout): pageContainer token not work (#7524). #7524 @ONLY-yours
- fix(layout): fix ProFormSelect unsupport title error. d41b1a7
- fix(layout): if src=null, un render avatar. c721e07
- fix(layout): collapsed use vertical mode. e82170f
- feat (form): 修复 field color style width:100% 导致的样式不美观问题 & ts 定义 (#7510). #7510 @LengYXin
- feat(table): custom
icon (#7521). #7521 @kungege - fix(Descriptions): fix use key props error. c8987bb
- fix (form): 修复 compact warning (#7496). #7496 @xliez
- feat (form): transform 支持深合并 (#7494). #7494 @xliez
- fix (form): 修复 transform 方法与预期不符 (#7486). #7486 @xliez
- fix (form): 表单项配置 request 并且自定义 renderFormItem 时,没有透传 options 和 loading (#7457). #7457 @Yang-yibu
- fix (table): DragSortTable 每次 render 执行时 Table DOM 会销毁重建新的 DOM (#7490). #7490 @xliez
- feat (field): 调整 field color 为 antd 新的 ColorPicker (#7403). #7403 @LengYXin
- fix(layout): fix menu item no align error. 450a823
- fix(form): form field support mobile width best. 56ccc63
- fix(form): update
(#7462). #7462 @q1uxu - fix(table): restrict movement to only the vertical axis.. 5a8f9fb
- fix(layout): fix col size error. 749a303
- feat(components): hebrew support (#7435). #7435 @edenHechtArbox
- fix(layout): fix pop menu style error. 36bfccf
- fix(layout): fix colorBgMenuItemHover no work error. 3efdd46
- fix(layout): fix footer links hover no work error. a2bdb21
- feat(form): StepForm added layoutRender props (#7431). #7431 @xXAvoraXx
- fix(layout): fix submenu popup text is center error. 7191501
- fix(form): StepForm support moblie width. 6eee22f
- fix(form): ProFormSet support lightProps. 0593fe1
- fix(form): ProForm support readonly. e466f4e
- fix(form): fix transform no set false error. f547ed0
- fix(layout): fix sider collpse no work error. e17dee6
- fix(layout): disable SiderContext when Sider other dom. 4d53446
- fix(layout): fix FooterToolBar width error. 54d9afe
- fix(layout): Layout siderMenu delete getContainer = false. ed0c88b
- fix(layout): menuItem support disableTooltip. 84b79c8
- fix (form): 修复当 LightFilter 折叠模式 icon 样式问题 (#7388). #7388 @datoou
- feat(form): drawer support resizable (#7288). #7288 @natashaamin
- fix(form): fix jsonCode bgColor no work in dart mode. 03927db
- fix(form): use 'Space.Compact' instead 'Input.Group'. 89e1fb4
- fix(form): LightFilter default set popupMatchSelectWidth=false. 27667aa
- fix(form): select use options. 59d5e72
- feat(form): StepsForm support multifile StepForm. ccc35f5
- fix(form): Fix the issue of the ProFormMoney component causing duplicate currency symbols when using trigger=onBlur. bc94215
- fix(form): ModalForm and DrawerForm support params type. 76470d8
- fix(form): support OptionType types. 189f933
- fix(form): CheckBox readonly mode support warp. 646f4a7
- fix(list): ProList card support on checked. 2a0257e
- fix(table): params change awaly reload fetch. b147a16
- feat(table): ProTable support optionsRender. 8b56b6a
- fix(table): fix renderFormItem render twice render time. c3b8ffd
- fix(table): Protable support EXPAND_COLUMN and SELECTION_COLUMN. 3454347
- fix(table): when checkable=false, no render all select boxs. 5421e41
- fix(table): Fix the columnsSetting styling issue in controlling column state when the table header is too long. 5b746b3
- fix(table): Fix the issue where align="center" is not working. db6fc65
- fix(table): Fix the issue of actionref not being synchronized. 2160fb8
- fix(table): dataSource support string list. 7b81b4c
- fix(descriptions): contentStyle add minwidth=0. 9087253
- fix(layout): Fix the issue of excessively long titles not being truncated.. 0e67775
- fix(layout): fix abnormal animation playback.. 854ce2b
- fix(form): Fix the display style of the switch. 8cdeda4
- fix(form): InlineErrorFormItemPopover support radio and checkbox. 8c6ede6
- fix(table): export editor pro table props (#7330). #7330 @ONLY-yours
- fix(card): change checkCard checked token (#7352). #7352 @ONLY-yours
- fix(card): remove onChange stopPropagation. 5f4bb48
- fix(layout): support antd@5.6.4. a6ee785
- feat (layout): 添加 appListRender api (#7286). #7286 @sansheng741
- feat (form): ProForm 支持第二个泛型参数 (#7318). #7318 @q1uxu
- fix (form): 修复当 value 为搜索条件 option 显示不出来的问题 (#7283). #7283 @ldwonday
- feat(table): add support of custom render serch form (#7307). #7307 @mashirozx
- fix(layout): submenu close tooltip. a550039
- fix(form): fix block when QueryFilter set grid. 393fbe8
- fix(form): fix className is undefined error. a27d453
- fix(form): fix DigitRange un support theme error. 70ad3bc
- fix(form): formRef.current change will update formitem list. 5e977db
- fix(table): fix filter and sort is null no trigger change error. 8c444d7
- fix(card): close onClick and onchange Propagation. c86532f
- fix(form): fix inline form reset value for destoy. dc9420a
- fix(form): alway use shouldUpdate for json. 7933961
- fix(form): onInit use ProFormInstance. ad537a5
- fix(table): add Form.Item shouldUpdate function. db3224b
- feat (field): LightFilter 中使用 ProFormSelect 的两个 bug 修复 (#7225) (#7233). #7225 @Rabbit
- fix(layout): fix ErrorBoundary types error. 5bb5be1
- fix(table): fix editableFormRef no work error. 0cd2e4d
- fix(form): fix table render less error. dcd3888
- fix(form): fix shouldUpdate no work error. ff8bbef
- fix (components): fix useToken no supoort antd@4 的问题. 58b96e9
- fix(components): remove hashid empty. b46bb80
- fix(layout): support antd@5.6 token. 28291fe
- fix (form): 修复 ProTable 的 columns.proFieldProps 不生效 (#7205). #7205 @fanck0605
- fix(form): ColorPicker use antd style-n. 8d3cd04
- fix(form): ProFormColorPicker support disable. 973ac28
- fix(form): fix set addonAfter valuePropName will no work error. 8072666
- fix (form): 修复 fn [curK] 为函数时,参数 undefined 导致的报错 (#7163). #7163 @Soulwail
- fix (table): 修复 Editable 的 record.id 使用 index,且 index 为 0 时,导致无法添加新行 (#7176). #7176 @Soulwail
- fix(card): fix ProCard small header style error. 17ccf69
- fix(form): fix Cascader light mode no work error. 4ce56dc
- chore: 修复 ts 定义缺失的问题。
- fix(form): fix _transformArray is null will throw error. ba1d9e9
- fix (layout): 修复 collapsedShowTitle 样式错误问题 (#7098). #7098 @ONLY-yours
- fix (form): 解决 ProFormList 多重嵌套 ProFormList 下的表单组件未调用 transform 方法问题 (#7138). #7138 @kaneruan
- fix(form): use oninit reset formRef. 1deedf2
- fix(form): close icon style (#7091). #7091 @kungege
- fix(list): Extend ProListMeta<T> type with
(#7136). #7136 @bartelemi - fix (list): 修复 ProFormList 使用 className 无效问题 (#7128). #7128 @leshalv
- fix(list):
prop don't work (#7129). #7129 @kungege - fix(table): Edit to make defaultValue become higher priority to reset column setting (#7113). #7113 @ianccy
- feat(table): use @dnd-kit (#7131). #7131 @chenshuai2144
- fix(table): component EditableProTable actionDeleteRef function Single row status Locked (#7124). #7124 @varown
- fix(layout): support fix header scroll use new color (#7071). #7071 @chenshuai2144
- fix(layout): set layout headermenu height to 40. f50cfd2
- fix (form): 修复 form 自定义组件过多卡顿的问题 (#7018). #7018 @ldwonday
- fix (form):ProFormList 支持更多类型 (#7051). #7051 @leshalv
- feat(form): rewirte light date form (#7052). #7052 @chenshuai2144
- fix (form): 当设置了 digit 的 stringMode 为 true,但是组件没有返回 string (#7031). #7031 @ldwonday
- fix(layout): fix menu classname no work error. c64e81c
- fix(layout): use best className slove token error. 8090248
- fix(form): fix ModalForm ref less error. 06721c3
- fix(table): table should support dependencies (#7019). #7019 @chenshuai2144
- fix(layout): paddingBlockStart set value=8. 6eac5b6
- feat(layout): help add extraRender api (#6982). #6982 @ONLY-yours
- fix (table): 修复 useLocaleFilter 方法未判断存在 children 的情况 (#6987). #6987 @zhou0322-lab
- fix(layout): up layout mix css level. 18e8157
- fix(components): Optimize theme type (#6895). #6895 @thinkasany
- fix (components): 修复在浏览器环境下 hashed 必为 false 的 bug (#6900). #6900 @clf17222592
- feat(layout): ProHelp support navigationSwitch. 2406457
- feat(layout): ProHelp support more feature (#6970). #6970 @chenshuai2144
- feat(form): add some DateRangePicker components (#6850). #6850 @lzm0x219
- fix(form): fix parsed NaN value not display in readonly mode (#6932). #6932 @xliez
- fix (form): 修复 SchemaFormRef 的问题 (#6943). #6943 @ldwonday
- fix(form): chage step form first button judge (#6915). #6915 @ONLY-yours
- 🐛 fix(form): Optimize render type assertion (#6886). #6886 @thinkasany
- fix (form): 兼容 antd@4 ProFormTimePicker format 异常问题 (#6863). #6863 @powerfulyang
- fix (form): 修复 form 重复渲染的 bug (#6874). #6874 @ldwonday
- fix(list): add pro-utils to package.json deps (#6894). #6894 @Andreybest
- fix (table): 修复当 loading 为对象时,pro-table 无法接管 loading 状态,必须手动控制的问题 (#6962). #6962 @clf17222592
- fix(table): new fetch function (#6923). #6923 @chenshuai2144
- fix (card): 修复 title 为数字 0 时不展示的问题 (#6884). #6884 @fliu2476
- feat(components): Add translation for Slovak and Czech (#6802). #6802 @craftedsro
- fix(layout):fix drawer bgColor error. 907bead
- fix(layout): remove ProLayout defaultProps. 7d1891f
- fix(layout): slove menu content inlineflex & child not 100% problem (#6819). #6819 @ONLY-yours
- fix(layout): Provide a hack method to bypass the breadcrumb error check of antd and remove the error message.. bcb32b9
- feat(form): introduce proFieldProps in BaseFormProps and pass it to all Fields with the lowest priority (#6847). #6847 @shijistar
- feat (table): ProTable 的 toolbar.tabs 和 toolbar.menu 配置下增加 defaultActiveKey 选项 (#6818). #6818 @hans000
- fix(card): remove reset fontFamily. b33dfef
- fix(card): fix StatisticCard value style error. 5de24b7
- fix(descriptions): fix Descriptions action no center error. 11c1166
- feat(form): QueryFilter support submitterColSpanProps. 11dbc0c
- fix(form): fix AdvancedSearch demo no work error. 226fbac
- fix(form): fix collapse button unuse colorPrimary txt. 55b8aab
- fix(list): fix usePaginationArgs and useSelection args error. fe331b9
- fix(layout): fix sider menu height. e8963cc
- fix(layout): remove procard use antd card. 02e1830
- fix(form): Select request not trigger twice when keywords not change … (#6717). #6717 @zd5043039119
- fix(layout): fix menu item icon style error (#6745). #6745 @chenshuai2144
- fix(layout): fix colorBgPageContainerFixed no use colorBgElevated error. 712bc82
- fix(layout): fix sider menu Drawer onCollapse no work error. 7d638f4
- fix(form): Select request not trigger twice when keywords not change … (#6717). #6717 @zd5043039119
- feat(components): support antd@5.4.0 (#6730). #6730 @chenshuai2144
- chore(layout):change == to === (#6735). #6735 @dingxyang
- fix (layout): siderMenu 中的 subMenu 在 dark 模式下显示不正常 (#6721). #6721 @crazyurus
- fix(layout): avatarProps not work when actionsRender is falsy (#6695). #6695 @xliez
- feat(layout): add ProHelp components (#6654). #6654 @chenshuai2144
- fix (form): 修复 label 属性没有传值的问题 (#6728). #6728 @hans000
- fix (form): lightSelect 默认转小写 #6692 (#6696). #6696 @XueMeijing
- fix (table): 修复 maxLength 选项配置为 0 时逻辑不符合预期的问题 (#6719). #6719 @hans000
- fix (layout): 修复因为 menu 不存在 icon 时候,收起的 tooltip 会多展示一个字的问题 (#7083). #7083 @ONLY-yours
- feat (layout): ProSchemaValueEnumMap 类型 key 增加对 boolean 的支持 (#7081). #7081 @hans000
- fix(form): LightFilter icon add color transition. becd94e
- fix(form): fix LightFilter close icon style error. 38e5cd1
- fix(layout): menuHeaderRender not work (#6676). #6676 @elrrrrrrr
- fix(layout): if layout's avatarProps doesn't exist, the actionsRender props should also take effect (#6642). #6642 @BooYeu
- 💥 feat (layout): layout 提供在菜单为空时隐藏 Sider 的功能 (#6643). #6643 @wtchaos
- feat(form): ProFormTreeSelect support fetchDataOnSearch (#6638). #6638 @Eliot00
- fix(form): textarea read-mode error (#6632). #6632 @jaluik
- fix (table): selectedRows 拿不到最新的值 (#6671). #6671 @hans000
- fix (table): ProTable 组件 toolbar menu 属性为 tab 时抖动问题 (#6584) (#6641). #6584 @chencc
- fix(layout): fix rightContentRender alway work error. 796ab12
- fix(components): src alway use es path. 4a13142
- fix(components): fix lib has es path error. 157f1f1
- fix(components): remove useLayoutEffect to useEffect. 19ccf1c
- fix(layout): use logical properties and values instead margin. a3c1b31
- fix (layout): 修复因为 Sider 折叠导致菜单展开状态丢失的 bug (#6472). #6472 @wtchaos
- feat (layout): pro-layout top 模式下支持 headerTitleRender (#6560). #6560 @Hahet
- fix(layout): Group-list demo fix (#6512). #6512 @chengaway
- fix (layout): ItemClick 自定义点击事件,回传触发 Popover 元素 ref (#6504). #6504 @chengaway
- fix(form): FieldLabel support i18n #6578(#6578). #6578 @kungege
- fix(form): dataindex should take precedence over key. 8249ccd
- fix(form): slove form list label defalut mode show problem (#6549). #6549 @ONLY-yours
- fix (form): 修复了 textarea 在只读模式下的对齐和换行的问题 (#6524). #6524 @WilenChen
- fix (form): debounceTime 在 SchemaForm 上配置不生效的问题 (#6557). #6557 @ldwonday
- fix(table): fix keyframes style no work error. 122484e
- fix (table): 列设置里面拖动列改变顺序会导致重新发布按钮出现多次 (#6565). #6565 @nocodeempire
- fix (table): 删除 EditableTable 的 console.log (#6526). #6526 @sushi-su
- fix(descriptions): fix fetch error no retry fetch error. 9158e71
- fix(layout): replace marginTop to marigin-block-start. 5d0f58f
- fix(layout): fix ProLayout pageTitleRender not overriding document title (#6492). #6492 @whyour
- fix(layout): open sider from right on rtl direction (#6491). #6491 @3hson
- fix (layout): 修复分组逻辑部分代码 (#6488). #6488 @chengaway
- fix(layout): support click mask close. 06a8920
- fix (layout): 调整菜单收缩时 margin 与展开时 一致 (#6481). #6481 @hihuangwei
- fix(form): fix formref no work error in BetaSchemaForm. 7b9bbdd
- fix (Table): 列配置子项 disable 时,无法拖动调整顺序 (#6476). #6476 @chiaweilee
- fix (Table): 列配置子项 disable 时,“固定” 按钮点击无效 (#6475). #6475 @chiaweilee
- fix (Table): 列配置点击 “列展示” 全选操作时,顺序排列和 disable 状态异常 (#6477). #6477 @chiaweilee
- fix(table): fix cancelEditable will reset value error. 40fba50
- feat (layout): 修复 prolayout 传入自定义 prefixCls 时样式异常 (#6464). #6464 @Hahet
- feat(layout): remove unuse deps. 9cac437
- fix(form): fix ProFormDigitRange label formart style. 6250094
- fix(layout): fix colorBgMenuItemCollapsedElevated no work error. 6aa0d2c
- fix (layout): 调整 margin ,与 Table 组件分页 margin 一致 (#6438). #6438 @hihuangwei
- fix (layout): Layout 分组逻辑调整 (#6451). #6451 @chengaway
- fix (layout): 修复 AppsLogoComponents 样式警告 (#6440). #6440 @leshalv
- fix (form): Light FilterightWrapper 当中清除功能的默认行为,使得 LightFilter 当中的 Checkbox 可以正常地被清除功能重置 (#6450). #6450 @Leo-captain
- fix(table): fix columnsState.defaultValue no work error. 2b9a283
- feat (layout): Layout 新增 跨站点导航 分组形式 (#6431). #6431 @chengaway
- fix (layout): 修复 extraContent 在 md 尺寸不位于 content 右侧的 bug (#6389). #6389 @edram
- feat (layout): sider token 增加 colorBgElevated (#6384). #6384 @sushi-su
- fix(form): treeSelect do not default reset to empty string. 387d2d7
- fix(form): do not remove collapsed dom. 769177f
- fix(form):
style does not work (#6398). #6398 @kungege - fix (form): 优化 checkbox 在 hashPriority=high 不生效问题 (#6400). #6400 @leshalv
- fix(list): fix card list style error (#6436). #6436 @chenshuai2144
- fix(table): no render onSearch will SearchProps has onSearch. a1383e2
- fix(table): use flex replace Space (#6426). #6426 @chenshuai2144
- fix(table): fix childrenColumnName is null error. 0fb584c
- fix (table): 轻量筛选替换查询表单,将 padding 调为 8px 更为统一美观 (#6423). #6423 @hihuangwei
- fix(card): slove nested table background color was cover by pro-card (#6410). #6410 @ONLY-yours
- fix(card): disable & checked style fixed (#6414). #6414 @ONLY-yours
- fix(layout): no set default colorPrimary. f85103e
- fix(layout): support configprovide darkAlgorithm. dabf05e
- fix (form): 修复 ProFormSelect 在 LightFilter 中自定义过滤无效 (#6341). #6341 @SeaHaiWorld
- fix(table): fix table extra classname break (#6334). #6334 @ONLY-yours
- fix (layout): 修复 PageContainer 设置为 fixedHeader,内容滚动的时候 Title 抖动问题 (#6330). #6330 @lhzhou180606
- fix(layout): fix bgColor token no work error. bad0f2f
- fix (form): 修复 SearchSelect 组件在设置了 showSearch 和 多选模式下,当搜索并选中后,搜索的文字没有清空的问题 (#6302). #6302 @catmiao8
- fix (table): 修复 table 使用后端分页时(频繁变化 dataSource 场景)多选功能 selectedRow 缓存丢失 (#6314). #6314 @YingJiangHui
- fix(card): fix card style error. 60ac49c
- fix(table): fix table style error. 3fbfddd
- fix(layout): fix collapsedshowtitle style error. e4dc580
- fix (layout): 修复 Footer
标签单独使用时带有下划线问题 (#6300). #6300 @leshalv - feat(layout): support stylish. 60c0b54
- fix(layout): better theme gen style. fcbc182
- fix(layout): update drawer style. eb7ace8
- feat(layout): fix dark style no work error. 3e06527
- fix(form): new antd version use items props. 9f520bf
- fix(form): formRef repeats the assignment (#6278). #6278 @caijf
- fix (table): Sortable 组件提取到外部防止不必要的页面重建 (#6246). #6246 @yqz0203
- fix (descriptions): 修复 ProDescriptions 编辑带有校验情况下,样式排版问题 (#6254). #6254 @leshalv
- chore(form): update @ant-design/pro-form peer dependency "@types/lodash.merge" to be optional (#6220). #6220 @lzm0x219
- fix (form): 只读模式下的 ProFormSelect 应该支持 wrap (#6235). #6235 @kiner-tang
- fix(table): fix nested table style (#6228). #6228 @ONLY-yours
- fix (form): 修复 checkbox 在 ant design 5 vertical 布局失效问题 (#6214). #6214 @leshalv
- fix(table): change css cache error. a5bc4cb
- fix(Descriptions): fix ellipsis type error. d051be5
- fix (layout): 在内容定宽下,TopNavHeader 的样式问题 (#6182). #6182 @hqwlkj
- fix(form): reset ProFormList when new form. b9ba5d0
- fix (table): 修复 DragSortTable 的 dataSource 值变更后未生效 (#6207). #6207 @acg-developer
- fix (table): 修复拖拽排序表格使用数据源时数据源改变后未更新数据问题 (#6211). #6211 @kiner-tang
- fix(table): column not working correctly after reset (#6159). #6159 @Zeng-J
- fix(utils): do not use process?.env?.ANTD_VERSION. a295b3d
- fix (table): 兼容 ellipsis 不想显示 Tooltip #6158 (#6160). #6160 @DerrickTel
- fix(layout): PageContainer support childrenContentStyle. 2a487cf
- fix(layout): fix sub menu padding style. 324e083
- feat(table): add new api actionRef.saveEditable (#6081). #6081 @shijistar
- fix(table): column drag order error when move upward (#6113). #6113 @xiawenqi
- fix(layout): auto open hashid (#6114). #6114 @chenshuai2144
- fix(layout): support dynamic token set (#6106). #6106 @chenshuai2144
- fix(layout): fix listtool bar style error. 820a5b7
- fix (layout): 默认开启 hash. 47f30c9
- fix(form): ProFormDigit value will fixed when not set precision(#6101). #6101 @ONLY-yours
- fix (table): 修复 inline 类型样式丢失问题 (#6092). #6092 @sushi-su
- fix(table): use ellipsis type exported from antd/rc-table (#6105). #6105 @Jungzl
- fix(table): fix table select rows style error. dff31f3
- fix(card): static style fixed (#6100). #6100 @ONLY-yours
- fix (Layout): 修复 PageContainer 设置 fixedHeader 属性后,样式 ant-pro-page-container-warp 未生效问题 (#6078). #6078 @hqwlkj
- fix(layout): add ghost classname. 7df07ba
- fix(layout): alway set pageheader is ghost. e06d908
- fix (form): 金额格式化支持负数形式展示 (#6080). #6080 @kiner-tang
- fix(form): fix intl no work error. ecfc9d6
- fix(card): fix card hover error style. 7ab8e7e
- fix(utils): remove act import. fc76519
- fix(layout): AppsLogo stopPropagation. 2235842
- fix(layout): Support for multiple PageContainers to be used together. 7a9aad7
- fix(layout): use img height. 224b573
- fix(layout): support hover token. 8eb4545
- fix (form): ProFormList 组件 required 时需要提供加星号样式 (#5995). #5995 @Zeng-J
- fix(form): Fixed a bug with nested FormList. 2100074
- fix(table): support tooltip=false, close ellipsis tooltip. 1c6c7ef
- fix(table): table search style fixed (#6069). #6069 @ONLY-yours
- fix (layout): 优化页面滑动的问题. 367c667
- fix(layout): use inline style. 827349d
- fix(form): fix filter dropdown not close (#6067). #6067 @ONLY-yours
- fix(table): fix no has key when maxsize call error. 657e971
- fix(table): card add hashid. b98c387
- fix(layout): fix PageContainer token no rerender error. 5611a16
- fix(form): ProFormDependency support T. 7b0c85d
- fix(form): fix key and visible use. 0ebd3db
- fix(field): use open replace visible. 8dcf66a
- fix(layout): support pageContainer.token. 0abcbd4
- fix(layout): support pageContainer.token. bd6e110
- fix(layout): fix pageheader style overwrite. 5b1a774
- fix(layout): fix layout margin style error. 3f9e8b5
- fix(layout): fix back icon style error. 1ecdad4
- fix(form): fix showSearch title no work error. 96da32d
- fix(form): remove redundant code (#6030). #6030 @kiner-tang
- fix (form): 修复 ListItem 自定义样式和样式名称不生效的 BUG (#5982). #5982 @hqwlkj
- fix (form): 解决 moneySymbol 设置为 false 时金额格式化异常问题 (#6012). #6012 @kiner-tang
- fix (form): 修复 ModalForm 和 DrawerForm 关闭过程中表单内容闪现初始值的问题 (#6009). #6009 @kiner-tang
- fix (table):DragSortTable - 拖动排序表格设置 rowClassName 无效问题 (#6038). #6038 @hqwlkj
- fix(components): provide support getPrefixCls. b3da61f
- fix(form): fix visible props warning (#5937). #5937 @zzcbnz
- fix (table): 解决 CheckCard 与 Table 联用时 CheckCard 样式丢失问题 (#5980). #5980 @kiner-tang
- fix(layout): awlay use route.children. 44b6fe1
- fix(form): export FormListContext (#5968). #5968 @houkunlin
- fix (list): 修复类型问题:未将 RecordType 的泛型传入 meta 中 (#5962). #5962 @SoraYama
- fix(table): option button alignment problem (#5959). #5959 @GoodbyeNJN
- fix (table): useEditableArray 修复无法正确添加深度大于 1 的子记录 (#5949). #5949 @zd5043039119
- fix(field): fix ProFormSegmented style (#5969). #5969 @DBvc
- fix(card): card key props warning (#5941). #5941 @zzcbnz
- fix(layout): fix colorPrimary change no rerender style error. be6ab65
- feat(layout): remove routers types. 6c54c7e
- fix(table): use better style import funtion. 8ce8d5a
- fix(card): fixed col width digit lost (#5958). #5958 @ONLY-yours
- fix(table): fix dateformat no work error. c30c107
- fix(components): fix ref error. c9e1e98
- fix(utils): remove unuse code. bcbdbf6
- fix(layout): fix colorBgPageContainer (#5911). #5911 @drizzlesconsin
- fix(layout): custom header padding (#5912). #5912 @drizzlesconsin
- fix(form): fix select keyword lose. 797f853
- feat(form): add ProFormSegmented (#5913). #5913 @leoooy
- fix (form): 修复 ProFormRadio.Group layout 作用反了 (#5918). #5918 @leshalv
- fix(table): fix configuration issues with nested columns. c2c9d9d
- fix(table): fix ColumnSetting style error. ec39ccc
- fix(card): Card.Tabs.Pane Render null (#5926). #5926 @ONLY-yours
- fix(components): fix compareVersions error. 9751208
- fix(components): fix open props warning. 77703c8
- fix(components): fix css var error. bd5d3bf
- fix(components): unuse theme import. bcac384
- fix(components): add antd version dependencies. aa5fd10
- feat(components): add @ant-design/pro-component (#5258). #5258 @chenshuai2144
- fix(components): add antd version dependencies. aa5fd10
- feat(components): add @ant-design/pro-component (#5258). #5258 @chenshuai2144