# This file is used to configure your project. # Read more about the various options under: # https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/declarative_config.html # https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html [metadata] name = ansible-sign description = Ansible content validation library and CLI author = Rick Elrod author_email = relrod@redhat.com license = MIT license_files = LICENSE.txt long_description = file: README.md long_description_content_type = text/markdown; charset=UTF-8 url = https://github.com/ansible/ansible-sign/ # Add here related links, for example: project_urls = Documentation = https://ansible-sign.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Source = https://github.com/ansible/ansible-sign Tracker = https://github.com/ansible/ansible-sign/issues # Change if running only on Windows, Mac or Linux (comma-separated) platforms = any # Add here all kinds of additional classifiers as defined under # https://pypi.org/classifiers/ classifiers = Development Status :: 4 - Beta Programming Language :: Python [options] zip_safe = False packages = find_namespace: include_package_data = True package_dir = =src # Require a min/specific Python version (comma-separated conditions) # python_requires = >=3.8 # Add here dependencies of your project (line-separated), e.g. requests>=2.2,<3.0. # Version specifiers like >=2.2,<3.0 avoid problems due to API changes in # new major versions. This works if the required packages follow Semantic Versioning. # For more information, check out https://semver.org/. install_requires = importlib-metadata; python_version<"3.8" python-gnupg distlib [options.packages.find] where = src exclude = tests [options.extras_require] # Add here additional requirements for extra features, to install with: # `pip install ansible-sign[PDF]` like: # PDF = ReportLab; RXP # Add here test requirements (semicolon/line-separated) testing = setuptools pytest pytest-cov [options.entry_points] console_scripts = ansible-sign = ansible_sign.cli:run [tool:pytest] # Specify command line options as you would do when invoking pytest directly. # e.g. --cov-report html (or xml) for html/xml output or --junitxml junit.xml # in order to write a coverage file that can be read by Jenkins. # CAUTION: --cov flags may prohibit setting breakpoints while debugging. # Comment those flags to avoid this pytest issue. addopts = --cov ansible_sign --cov-report term-missing --verbose norecursedirs = dist build .tox testpaths = tests # Use pytest markers to select/deselect specific tests # markers = # slow: mark tests as slow (deselect with '-m "not slow"') # system: mark end-to-end system tests [devpi:upload] # Options for the devpi: PyPI server and packaging tool # VCS export must be deactivated since we are using setuptools-scm no_vcs = 1 formats = bdist_wheel [flake8] # Some sane defaults for the code style checker flake8 max_line_length = 160 extend_ignore = E203, W503 # ^ Black-compatible # E203 and W503 have edge cases handled by black exclude = .tox build dist .eggs docs/conf.py [pyscaffold] # PyScaffold's parameters when the project was created. # This will be used when updating. Do not change! version = 4.3 package = ansible_sign