A template has several variables:
- title - that appears on several places
- properties - right hand bar, see below
- bread - breadcumb hierarchy, i.e. [ ('name', 'url'), ... ]
- sidebar - additional sidebar entries, datastructure is [ ('topic', [ ('text', 'url'), ...]), ... ] ** info.downloads, info.friends, info.learnmore have the same strucutre, names might change sometimes.
- credit - small credits note at the bottom
- support - either a default or a line that says who has supported this.
For more details read templates/homepage.html
The idea is to extend "homepage.html" and replace the content block: {% block content %} ... your stuff ... {% endblock %}
Each part of the website should be a Python module [1] and a proper flask Blueprint [2]. Look at how /knowledge/ is done, especially knowledge/init.py and knowledge/main.py. Also, templates and static files specific to the module should be in their respective "templates" and "static" folders, e.g. /knowledge/templates/.
[1] http://docs.python.org/tutorial/modules.html [2] http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/blueprints/
Behind the Scenes:
- Backend: Harald Schilly
- Server: Jonathan Bober
- Data Management: Ralf Furmaniak
- Hilbert MF: John Voight
- Elliptic Curves: John Cremona
- L-functions: Stefan Lemurell
- Siegeld MF: Nils Skoruppa
- Elliptic MFs: Nathan Ryan
- Maass Fs: Fredrik Stromberg
- Number Fields / Galois Groups: John Jones
- Artin Repos: Paul-Olivier Dehaye
- Dirichlet Characters: Pascal Molin
- Zeroes: Jonathan Bober
Each file should begin with a short copyright information, mentioning the people who are mainly involved in coding this particular python file.
Just add
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
somewhere (e.g. protected inside a sensible if) this magic line and you will end up inside the interactive python debugger. there, you can check for the local variables with dir() you can execute python code (e.g. to introspect objects) and use "pp " to pretty print variables and to continue executing code use the "n" command. When you get lost, the command "bt" shows you exactly where you are and "up" helps you to get on step up on the stack. Of course, "help []" will tell you more...
...... |
... |
... |
... |
... we might also switch to CSS3's nth-element selector and forget about this.
the table on the right renders Strings formatted in the following datastructure: prop = [ ( '', [ '<value 1>', '<value 2>', ...] ), ... ] or prop = [ ( '', ''), ('', ''), ... ] you can mix list or non-list.
The following extra macros may be used in LaTeX on the site:
\Z for the rational integers
\Q for the rational numbers
\R for the real numbers
\C for the complex numbers
\F for finite fields, as in
One should use the following macros for names of algebraic groups: \GL, \SL, \PGL, \PSL, \Sp, \GSp Each produces the group name in upright font.
The convention for indicating the size is
You can tell Mercurial about your password and nickname other repositories. Open .hg/hgrc and edit it like this:
[paths] default = !!! ENTER YOUR URL, https://... !!! master = http://lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg beta = https://code.google.com/r/jwbober-lmfdb-beta
jonathan = http://jwbober-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg harald = http://haraldschilly-content.googlecode.com/hg
stefan = http://sj-lmfdb2.googlecode.com/hg gagan = http://gagandsekhon-lmdb.googlecode.com/hg
fredrik = http://fredrik314-classicalandmaassforms.googlecode.com/hg
dk = http://dkhuynhms-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg cremona = http://johncremona-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg voight = http://jvoight-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg nils = http://nilsskoruppa-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg rishi = http://rishikes-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg nathan = http://nathancryan-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg sally = http://koutslts-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg michael = http://michaelorubinstein-lmfdb.googlecode.com/hg
[auth] default.username = !!! ENTER YOUR GOOGLE ID EMAIL !!! default.password = !!! YOUR SPECIAL GOOGLE CODE/PROFILE/SETTINGS PASSWORD !!!