- 13/02/2020
- Adding this CHANGELOG file
- clean_out_data.sh: error correction for ab-inition data directories generation.
- code/tutorials/synth_sumb/pre/gen_microsomes.py: error correction when the number of microsomes is greater than the number of processes.
- Corrections in organizations analysis to fit synapse scripts.
- 25/02/2020
- Adding statistical analysis for filaments
- 10/03/2020
- Updating synapses colocalization routines
- Adding /code/tutorials/exp_sumb/tracing
- Bugs correction in /code/tutorials/synth_sumb/tracing/rec_particles.py
- 16/03/2020
- Adding AG and Kmeans (with PCA) to /code/tutorials/synth_sumb/class/plane_align_class.py
- Creating /code/pyorg/diff_geom module
- 17/03/2020
- Git Nightly branch created
- 20/03/2020
- Adding filament and segmentations analysis in PyOrg
- 21/03/2020
- Bug correction in /code/tutorials/exp_sumb/pre/pre_tomo_seg.py
- Improvement of clean_out_data.sh
- Adding nighly branch to README.md
- 26/03/2020
- Adding file code/tutorials/synth_sumb/class/mbz_cly_mask.m
- 30/03/2020
- Correcting bug in code/tutorials/exp_sumb/pre/pre_tomo_seg.m
- 08/04/2020
- Updates in rec_particles.py script
- Synthetic model (ModelFilsRSR) for filaments
- 30/04/2020
- Adding /code/tutorials/exp_somb tutorial for processing single oriented membranes.
- Commenting mask imsave in code/tutorials/synth_sumb/class/plane_align_class.py
- 06/05/2020
- Adding membrane signal suppression code/tutorials/exp_somb/post_rec_particles.py
- Bug fixed for code/tutorials/exp_somb/post_rec_particles.py for non-splitting mode
- 26/05/2020
- Adding tutorial exp_domb (/{code,data}/tutorials/exp_domb)
- 17/07/2020
- Adding filament analysis scrits in code/pyorg/scripts/filaments
- 03/09/2020
- Correction bug in script /code/tutorials/exp_somb/pre_tomos_seg.py
- 11/09/2020
- Corrections for test in module /code/pyorg/surf
- 08/10/2020
- Corrections for the statistical analysis of filaments organization
- 26/12/2020
- Adding comments to explain XML files
- 27/12/2020
- Segmentation pre-processing scripts in tutorial using global_analysis function
- 08/01/2020
- Eliminating 'WARNING: filament with less than 3 points!' messages
- Preparing scripts to build an independant repository for filaments quantitative analysis
- 02/09/2020
- Adding Gaussian low-pass filtering to script
- Adding Gaussian low-pass filtering to script
- 26/12/2020
- Adding comments to explain XML file
- 27/12/2020
- Using global_analysis within pre-procesing segmentation scripts in PySeg tutorials
- 26/01/2021
- Adding particle surface overlapping fraction option
- 06/02/2021
- Using numpy histogram funtion to increase the speed for computational units in PyOrg.
- 01/03/2021
- Adding computation level option (out_level) to plane_align_class.py
- 15/04/2021
- Modifications to reduce memory occupancy for PyOrg.
- 30/08/2021
- Updating pyto to deal with scipy 1.6.
- 12/09/2021
- Updating script for pre-processing tomograms for single un-oriented membranes.
- 15/09/2021
- Bug correction: input parsing for Booleans introduced during integration with SCIPION.
- 02/10/2021
- Adding MRC I/O TOM-Toolbox functions
- 21/07/2022
- Adding system installers for Python3 on Ubuntu 20.04
- 27/07/2022
- Adding models in MRC format for generating synthetic tomogras in /data/tutorials/synth_sumb/modes
- 30/01/2023
- Since numpy_1.24 types like np.int, np.float and np.bool are no longer used, they have been substituted Python native types int, float and bool respectively.
- Dockefile with container for Ubuntu 20.04 was added by DimitriosBellos