Make a new folder in which all the required files will be present.
Copy your python script to this folder.
Open cmd/terminal and navigate to this folder.
To deploy to heroku we need to create python virtual environment. So make a virtual environment folder using the command :
Activate the virtual environment by :
For linux :
source YOUR_FOLDER_NAME/bin/activate
For windows:
Install the Gunicorn and Flask modules for deploying to heroku :
pip install gunicorn flask
You need to install other required modules which are used by your python script in the same way.
Now we need to create requirements.txt file from cmd/terminal :
pip freeze>requirements.txt
Create a procfile :
Windows :
echo web: gunicorn YOUR_PYTHON_SCRIPT_NAME : YOUR_FLASK_APP_NAME > Procfile
Linux :
To test on localhost run the python script and goto localhost
Above steps were to create all the necessary files required by heroku.
In order to deploy to heroku, first you need to create a heroku account Heroku and download Heroku CLI
After creating your heroku account and installing heroku CLI, create a new heroku app from their web UI.
Login to your account through cmd/terminal using :
heroku login
If you are not in your project folder then navigate to your project folder. Now create a new git repo using :
git init heroku git:remote -a YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME # Deploy your application git add . git commit -am "commiting a change" git push heroku master
Scaling dynos Read here :
heroku ps:scale web=1
To open the website :
heroku open
- Goto this link and change: heroku_web_app_url to your heroku web-app's url :
- You should see something like this in your web browser:
{"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"}
Ping me on Gmail for any query: ankurchaudhary627@gmail.com