Provide infrastructure automation and core capabilities shared across CF projects, including BOSH, identity management, credential management, and integrated data services.
- Operators have a multi-cloud deployment system that can deploy Cloud Foundry onto VMs with a strong set of day 2 operator features.
- Provide a flexible identity/authentication and credential management system for use within BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
- Maintain a set of databases, required for the self-contained deployment and operation of BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
- Maintain public roadmaps for BOSH, UAA, and Credhub
- Operate
- Provide the community with a multi-cloud reference deployment of the BOSH Director
- Package up all infrastructure related components as BOSH releases
- Provide generic operational databases for other use-cases
- Solve non-CF related identity and credential problems.
Components from the BOSH, BOSH Backup and Restore, CredHub, MySQL, Postgres, and UAA projects.
name: Foundational Infrastructure
- name: Ruben Koster
github: rkoster
- name: Ruben Koster
github: rkoster
- name: Beyhan Veli
github: beyhan
- name: Joseph Palermo
github: jpalermo
- name: bosh-admin-bot
github: bosh-admin-bot
- name: cf-gitbot
github: cf-gitbot
- name: runtime-bot
github: tas-runtime-bot
- name: cf-uaa-ci-bot
github: cf-identity
- name: cf-bosh-ci-bot
github: cf-bosh-ci-bot
- name: Cryogenics-CI
github: Cryogenics-CI
- name: bbr-ci
github: bbr-ci
- name: Docs
- name: Chloe Hollingsworth
github: cshollingsworth
- name: Max Hufnagel
github: animatedmax
- name: Anita Flegg
github: anita-flegg
- name: Samia Nneji
github: snneji
- name: Ben Klein
github: fifthposition
- name: Ajayan Borys
github: HenryBorys
- name: Bob Graczyk
github: bobbygeeze
- name: Kelly OHara
github: kohara88
- name: Jason Andrew
github: VMWare-JasonAndrew
- cloudfoundry/docs-bbr
- cloudfoundry/docs-credhub
- cloudfoundry/docs-uaa
- name: Credential Management (Credhub)
- name: Peter Chen
github: peterhaochen47
- name: Bruce Ricard
github: bruce-ricard
- name: Hongchol Sinn
github: hsinn0
- name: Danny Faught
github: swalchemist
- name: Alicia Yingling
github: Tallicia
- cloudfoundry-incubator/credhub-api-docs
- cloudfoundry/credhub
- cloudfoundry/credhub-acceptance-tests
- cloudfoundry/credhub-api-site
- cloudfoundry/credhub-cli
- cloudfoundry/credhub-ci-locks
- cloudfoundry/credhub-perf-release
- cloudfoundry/secure-credentials-broker
- name: Disaster Recovery (BBR)
- name: Diego Lemos
github: dlresende
- name: Fernando Naranjo
github: fejnartal
- name: Gareth Smith
github: totherme
- name: George Blue
github: blgm
- name: Iain Findlay
github: ifindlay-cci
- name: Konstantin Kiess
github: nouseforaname
- name: Konstantin Semenov
github: jhvhs
- cloudfoundry/backup-and-restore-sdk-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-backup-and-restore
- cloudfoundry/bosh-backup-and-restore-test-releases
- cloudfoundry/bosh-disaster-recovery-acceptance-tests
- cloudfoundry/disaster-recovery-acceptance-tests
- cloudfoundry/exemplar-backup-and-restore-release
- cloudfoundry/homebrew-tap
- name: Identity and Auth (UAA)
- name: Peter Chen
github: peterhaochen47
- name: Bruce Ricard
github: bruce-ricard
- name: Markus Strehle
github: strehle
- name: Hongchol Sinn
github: hsinn0
- name: Danny Faught
github: swalchemist
- name: Florian Tack
github: tack-sap
- name: Torsten Luh
github: torsten-sap
- name: Alicia Yingling
github: Tallicia
- name: Adrian Hoelzl
github: adrianhoelzl-sap
- cloudfoundry/cf-identity-acceptance-tests-release
- cloudfoundry/cf-uaa-lib
- cloudfoundry/cf-uaac
- cloudfoundry/identity-tools
- cloudfoundry/omniauth-uaa-oauth2
- cloudfoundry/uaa
- cloudfoundry/uaa-cli
- cloudfoundry/uaa-key-rotator
- cloudfoundry/uaa-release
- cloudfoundry/uaa-singular
- name: Integrated Databases (Mysql / Postgres)
- name: Andrew Garner
github: abg
- name: Colin Shield
github: colins
- name: Kyle Ong
github: ohkyle
- name: Kim Basset
github: kimago
- name: Ryan Wittrup
github: ryanwittrup
- name: Kevin Markwardt
github: kmarkwardt-vmware
- cloudfoundry/mysql-backup-release
- cloudfoundry/mysql-monitoring-release
- cloudfoundry/postgres-release
- cloudfoundry/pxc-release
- name: System Logging and Metrics (rsyslog / event-log)
- name: Ben Fuller
github: Benjamintf1
- name: Carson Long
github: ctlong
- name: Rebecca Roberts
github: rroberts2222
- cloudfoundry/blackbox
- cloudfoundry/bosh-system-metrics-server-release
- cloudfoundry/system-metrics-release
- cloudfoundry/syslog-release
- cloudfoundry/windows-syslog-release
- name: Stemcell Release Engineering (BOSH)
- name: Rajan Agaskar
github: ragaskar
- name: Brian Upton
github: ystros
- name: Matthias Vach
github: mvach
- name: Long Nguyen
github: lnguyen
- name: Brian Cunnie
github: cunnie
- name: Ramon Makkelie
github: ramonskie
- name: Maya Rosecrance
github: mrosecrance
- name: Daniel Felipe Ochoa
github: danielfor
- name: Kenneth Lakin
github: klakin-pivotal
- name: Konstantin Kiess
github: nouseforaname
- name: Max Soest
github: max-soe
- name: Aram Price
github: aramprice
- name: Shilpa Chandrashekara
github: ShilpaChandrashekara
- name: Joerg W
github: joergdw
- name: Ansh Rupani
github: anshrupani
- name: Chris Selzo
github: selzoc
- cloudfoundry/concourse-infra-for-gke
- cloudfoundry/bosh-stemcells-ci
- name: VM deployment lifecycle (BOSH)
- name: Long Nguyen
github: lnguyen
- name: Ramon Makkelie
github: ramonskie
- name: Benjamin Gandon
github: bgandon
- name: Brian Cunnie
github: cunnie
- name: Aram Price
github: aramprice
- name: Konstantin Kiess
github: nouseforaname
- name: Rajan Agaskar
github: ragaskar
- name: Kenneth Lakin
github: klakin-pivotal
- name: Daniel Felipe Ochoa
github: danielfor
- name: Brian Upton
github: ystros
- name: Chris Selzo
github: selzoc
- name: Matthias Vach
github: mvach
- name: Ahmed Hassanin
github: a-hassanin
- name: Ansh Rupani
github: anshrupani
- cloudfoundry/bbl-state-resource
- cloudfoundry/bosh
- cloudfoundry/bosh-acceptance-tests
- cloudfoundry/bosh-agent
- cloudfoundry/bosh-agent-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-alicloud-light-stemcell-builder
- cloudfoundry/bosh-aws-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-aws-light-stemcell-builder
- cloudfoundry/bosh-azure-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-azure-storage-cli
- cloudfoundry/bosh-bbl-ci-envs
- cloudfoundry/bosh-bootloader
- cloudfoundry/bosh-bootloader-ci-envs
- cloudfoundry/bosh-cli
- cloudfoundry/bosh-compiled-releases-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-cpi-certification
- cloudfoundry/bosh-cpi-environments
- cloudfoundry/bosh-cpi-go
- cloudfoundry/bosh-cpi-kb
- cloudfoundry/bosh-cpi-ruby
- cloudfoundry/bosh-davcli
- cloudfoundry/bosh-deployment
- cloudfoundry/bosh-deployment-resource
- cloudfoundry/bosh-dns-aliases-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-dns-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-docker-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-gcscli
- cloudfoundry/bosh-google-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-google-light-stemcell-builder
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-releases
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-releases-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-stemcells-core-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-stemcells-cpi-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-stemcells-legacy-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-stemcells-softlayer-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-stemcells-windows-index
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-web
- cloudfoundry/bosh-io-worker
- cloudfoundry/bosh-linux-stemcell-builder
- cloudfoundry/bosh-openstack-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-package-cf-cli-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-package-golang-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-package-java-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-package-nginx-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-package-python-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-package-ruby-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-psmodules
- cloudfoundry/bosh-s3cli
- cloudfoundry/bosh-softlayer-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-utils
- cloudfoundry/bosh-virtualbox-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-vsphere-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-warden-cpi-release
- cloudfoundry/bosh-windows-acceptance-tests
- cloudfoundry/bosh-windows-stemcell-builder
- cloudfoundry/bosh-workstation
- cloudfoundry/bpm-release
- cloudfoundry/bsdtar
- cloudfoundry/config-server
- cloudfoundry/config-server-release
- cloudfoundry/docs-bosh
- cloudfoundry/exemplar-release
- cloudfoundry/go-socks5
- cloudfoundry/gofileutils
- cloudfoundry/gosigar
- cloudfoundry/greenhouse-ci
- cloudfoundry/jumpbox-deployment
- cloudfoundry/os-conf-release
- cloudfoundry/sample-windows-bosh-release
- cloudfoundry/socks5-proxy
- cloudfoundry/stembuild
- cloudfoundry/stemcells-alicloud-index
- cloudfoundry/usn-resource
- cloudfoundry/windows-utilities-release
- cloudfoundry/windows-utilities-tests
- cloudfoundry/yagnats
cloudfoundry: 21