diff --git a/docs/userGuide/syntax/thumbnails.mbdf b/docs/userGuide/syntax/thumbnails.mbdf
index f26cf5df46..987833e994 100644
--- a/docs/userGuide/syntax/thumbnails.mbdf
+++ b/docs/userGuide/syntax/thumbnails.mbdf
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ font-color | `string` | | The color of the text, affects normal text and icons (
font-size | `string` | | Text size, defaults to half of `size`, affects text, icons and emojis
size | `string` | 100 | The size of the thumbnail in pixels
src | `string` | | The URL of the image.
The URL can be specified as absolute or relative references. More info in: _[Intra-Site Links]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/formattingContents.html#intraSiteLinks)_
-text | `string` | | The text to use in the thumbnail, [icons]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/formattingContents#icons), [emojis]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/formattingContents#emoji) and markdown are supported here
+text | `string` | | The text to use in the thumbnail, [icons]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/formattingContents.html#icons), [emojis]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/formattingContents.html#emoji) and markdown are supported here
diff --git a/docs/userGuide/syntax/variables.mbdf b/docs/userGuide/syntax/variables.mbdf
index 3e3f73f6f4..11971ca83d 100644
--- a/docs/userGuide/syntax/variables.mbdf
+++ b/docs/userGuide/syntax/variables.mbdf
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ MarkBind also provides a number of built-in variables.
Variable | Notes | {{ icon_example }} | Output
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`baseUrl` | Represents the root directory of the site on the server, as configured in your [site configuration]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/siteConfiguration.html#baseurl) file.
Used for specifying [intra-site links](links.mbdf#intraSiteLinks"). | If `baseUrl` is specified as `userGuide/`:
` | `
-`timestamp` | The time stamp that indicates when the page was generated.
The [default]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/siteConfiguration.html#timezone) values of `"timeZone"` and `"locale"` are `"UTC"` and `"en-GB"` respectively. | The following example showcases the use of the `"Asia/Singapore"` time zone.
`Page generated at: {% raw %}{{timestamp}}{% endraw %}` | `Page generated at: {{ timestamp }}`
+`baseUrl` | Represents the root directory of the site on the server, as configured in your [site configuration]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/siteJsonFile.html#baseurl) file.
Used for specifying [intra-site links](../formattingContents.html#intra-site-links). | If `baseUrl` is specified as `userGuide/`:
` | `
+`timestamp` | The time stamp that indicates when the page was generated.
The [default]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/siteJsonFile.html#timezone) values of `"timeZone"` and `"locale"` are `"UTC"` and `"en-GB"` respectively. | The following example showcases the use of the `"Asia/Singapore"` time zone.
`Page generated at: {% raw %}{{timestamp}}{% endraw %}` | `Page generated at: {{ timestamp }}`
`MarkBind` | The MarkBind version in use, linked to the MarkBind website. | `Page generated by: {% raw %}{{MarkBind}}{% endraw %}` | `Page generated by:` {{ MarkBind | safe }}