if terraform plan fails due to error at acquiring the state lock,
go to azure, main storage account, states container, and there's a .tfstate file there. Break lease https://jackwesleyroper.medium.com/fixing-terraform-error-acquiring-state-lock-in-azure-ec1a5d9d5cbd
for variables, why sometimes
terraform state file terraform import to merge existing infrastructure with terraform without recreating
terraform init makes a .tfstate file, saying what's the current state of infrastructure
terraform import azurerm_resource_group.import /subscription/.../resourceGroups/example-resources
in main.tf resource "azure_resource_group" "import" { name = "example-resources" <-- resource has to already exist in Azure! location = "West Europe" }
terraform state list -> lists resources from the workspace to remove the imported resource: terraform state rm azurerm_resource_group.import
terraform validate
the storage account for the state must be created before the terraform. in pipeline, azure cli command to create these state files -> then start tf deployment
terraform backend means that the state is stored in a file
azure pipeline
trigger: what branch or in what cases this ppl should run. main -> whenever sth is commited to main branch, ppl runs automatically pool: runtime for pipeline steps: tasks to execute
creating service connection, manual azure resource manager, verify job: aggregation of steps step: smallest unit of multi-stage-pipeline (storage is shared between steps)
info is not shared between stages -> upload + download -> when downloading, permission issue (due to ubuntu runtime) -> chmod -R 700 terraform-live
in production, no need to chmod because they don't do upload-download. they upload-download from storage account, this doesn't preserve unix permissions -> no chmod necessary
without approvals or stops, one stage will run after the other automatically -> environment. in azure devops only "deployment jobs" can specify an environment, make sure you refer to your own environment.
keyvault store credentials set up content deployment pipeline 16:40 check last recording bzw. after 03:40:00
this pipeline produces the public web address of storacc as output, and it also created a secret with the storacc primary key in an existing kv. with libraries, we can link kvs to download secrets and confidential info from a kv in your pipeline.
storage account's primary key can be stored in a secure way using key vault as a secret. This kv can be linked to DevOps using a Library.
second pipeline will deploy to storage account. to authenticate, the primary key of the account will be used by the pipeline.