This task consists of creating a Lambda function that makes a GET request to the CloudHealth API, obtains the accounts status, and saves them to an S3 bucket: green.txt, yellow.txt, unknown.txt
These are the steps to complete this task:
- Find how to get info from CloudHealth API
- Link to CloudHealth API
- With this GET request we get the first page and 100 accounts
- Obtain info from CloudHealth API with Postman, set CloudHealth API Key in the TokenBearer tab
- Get CloudHealth API Key: go to CloudHealth profile -> Settings -> API Access -> Get API Key
- Postman -> New request -> Write GET request from step 1 -> Authorization, Token Bearer -> Insert CloudHealth API Key
- Send request, and see that the response includes AWS account names and their status with level
- Write code in Python/Node.js to get this information with code. Example of GET
- Also can be done with serverless and SAM
- Python template
import json import urllib3 url = urllib3.PoolManager() try: res = url.request('GET','', retries=False) except: print('ERROR - Connection failed.') data = json.loads('utf8'))
- Data processing to get
from the response - Make an AWS Lambda function
- Learn how AWS Lambda works
- Create a new function -> select runtime -> write your code -> adapt to Lambda syntax with the
lambda_handler(event, context)
format - If you change the code, make sure to click the Deploy button to save the changes
- Write the cloudhealth api in Environment variables and access it in the code with
CH_API = os.environ['CH_API']
- Create a test event (at the top of the Lambda function page), configure the input (in this case irrelevant) and run test. The logs will show if it was successful or not
- Create S3 bucket
- Go to AWS S3 page -> create bucket -> give it a name, in my case account-status -> block all public access -> Create bucket
- Write info to S3
- How does AWS Lambda get permissions to write to S3? IAM -> new role -> use case: Lambda -> Attach permission policy AWSLambdaExecute (this policy provides Put, Get access to S3 and full access to CloudWatch Logs) -> Give it a name -> Create role
- Attach this role to the Lambda function: in the Lambda page, Permissions -> Execution role, edit -> attach the previous role, increase timeout to 10s (it takes some seconds to wite to s3), save
- Python template to write data to s3 bucket:
import boto3 s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.Object('account-status', 'green.txt').put(Body='text_to_write')
- Deploy changes in the Lambda code
- Run test
import os
import sys
import json
import boto3
import logging
import urllib3
# obtain data from CloudHealthAPI given API key. Iterate all pages until there is no more data
def data_from_cloudhealth(CH_API):
url = urllib3.PoolManager()
all_status = {}
page = 0
while True:
# make the query, exit if it fails
query = ''+CH_API+'&page='+str(page)+'&per_page=100'
res = url.request('GET', query, retries=False)
print("Error occurred in the GET request")
page_accounts = json.loads('utf8'))['aws_accounts']
if len(page_accounts) == 0:
# iterate the results and separate by status (green, yellow, unknown)
for account in page_accounts:
acc_info = str(account['owner_id']) + ' ' + account['name']
acc_status = account['status']['level']
# append to list if list already exists, otherwise create a new one
if acc_status in all_status:
all_status[acc_status] = [acc_info]
page += 1'''
status 'green': {len(all_status['green'])} accounts
status 'yellow': {len(all_status['yellow'])} accounts
status 'unknown': {len(all_status['unknown'])} accounts
return all_status
def write_to_s3(acc_data):
s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
s3.Object('account-status', 'green.txt').put(Body='\n'.join(acc_data['green']))
s3.Object('account-status', 'yellow.txt').put(Body='\n'.join(acc_data['yellow']))
s3.Object('account-status', 'unknown.txt').put(Body='\n'.join(acc_data['unknown']))
# main function
def lambda_handler(event, context):
CH_API = os.environ['CH_API']
all_status = data_from_cloudhealth(CH_API)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Data stored in S3 bucket')
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': json.dumps('Data couldn"t be stored in S3 bucket')